Teaching your children bus safety isn’t just a good thing for school but a lifelong learning experience.
Ridesharing has become the main way to get around the city, and although Uber has tried to introduce safety features, many of us have still felt unsafe travelling alone in an Uber or taxi. Play this video next time you get the ‘icks’ to keep safe.
Hearing hurtful comments like “I hate you” and “You’re ruining my life” from your child can be painful. Here’s what to do when they say hurtful things.
Know your emojis! The AFP and ACCCE have shared several meanings of emojis and acronyms used by online predators.
Keep your hungry teen full and fuelled while at school with these awesome school lunches for teens. Teen-tested and approved!
To clean your teen’s room or leave it messy? A mum’s confession has caused quite a debate. Which side are you on?
Parentshop founder Michael Hawton shares some incredibly helpful tips on school refusal. This 7-step plan is a mega game-changer for any one with kids who are going through school refusal or school anxiety.
Your teen boy may not want hugs anymore but that he still need them! Here are 12 ways to give your teen affection outside the standard hug.
Is your house the teen hangout house? This mum explains why this is actually a really good thing, despite the extra pairs of smelly shoes at the door.
If you have a 14-year-old boy, then this may help explain some of your son’s confusing behaviour including his laziness, recklessness and impulsiveness. Who can relate?
With the crazy costs of living, more and more adult children are living with their parents for longer. But should we be charging them rent?
Tick those tricky tweens and teens off your shopping list with our top 7 gift ideas for tweens and teens, including tech, experiences, skincare & more.