“Three years ago, I went into my Pappaw’s room to ask to borrow a fishing pole. I walked to his bed to wake him up, only to find him passed on. I was 9 years old. I never talked to anybody about how I was feeling, just that I missed him, but not how I felt deep inside. The depression.”
Don’t just go with the flow, here are our best period underwear brands catching our eye for 2022! From tweens, teens and beyond, find briefs for everyone here!
Teenagers and sleep – it’s a tricky balance! Here’s the low down on how much sleep a teenager needs, why they sleep like they do AND how to help them get more!
A dire vaping warning for teens as more young Australians take up the habit with no idea what they’re inhaling or the lasting damage it does to their body.
It’s taking what I can get. Even if it’s just 15 minutes of watching a TV show I hate, just to sit with him. Or listening to him hammer on about some weird jungle game on PS4, just to hear the passion in his voice.” This is what parenting a preteen looks like.
The frighteningly sophisticated and grown-up TikTok teens of today don’t have anything on us cool cats who were teenagers in the 90s.
Discover the EASIEST and most MAGICAL way for kids to sleep under the stars from…
If you’ve got a negative teen at home who thinks the world is out to get them then this is a must-read!
The humble Post-It® Note is front and centre of these incredibly clever ideas! How do you use Post-It® Notes?
If your teen is awaiting their ATAR result, then they are probably feeling the butterflies right about now! We spoke to educator Kim Whitty about how to help your teen through this anxious time.
Bring on the beach vibes with our ultimate guide to summer and the best gifts for Christmas for your water tribe at Surf Dive ‘n Ski
Could your teen have NDD? Teen therapist Dan Hardie weighs in on what this is and how to prevent it happening to your teen.