Childrens Health

School’s Back… and So Are Nits! Stop Head Lice in Their Tracks with the V-COMB!


School’s back, and while that means fresh uniforms, new lunchboxes, and getting back into the routine, it also means one dreaded thing… head lice season is here! The moment kids return to classrooms, playgrounds, and after-school activities, those pesky nits start spreading like wildfire. But don’t worry, mums—we’ve got the ultimate solution to keep your kids lice-free this school term!

Why Are Head Lice More Common When School Starts?

Nits love schools! With kids sitting close together, sharing hats, swapping hairbrushes, and playing in groups, head-to-head contact is unavoidable. That’s exactly how these little critters spread from one child to another. And once they’re in, they’re hard to get rid of—unless you act fast!

Stop Lice Before They Start with the Licetec V-COMB

The Licetec V-COMB isn’t just for getting rid of lice—it’s your best defence against infestations before they even start! This chemical-free, mess-free, stress-free device removes nits and lice before they multiply, keeping your child’s scalp clean and clear all term long.

Family with V-Comb Head Lice Comb
Source: Supplied

What Exactly Are Head Lice (and Why Are They in Your Kid’s Hair)?

Head lice (or nits as we know it) are tiny parasites that love nothing more than a warm, cosy scalp to call home. They don’t fly or jump, but they crawl at the speed of light (okay, not really, but it sure feels like it). And how do they get into your child’s hair? Simple—head-to-head contact. Schools, daycare, playgrounds, sleepovers… basically, anywhere kids gather, lice are having a party.

How the V-COMB Makes Lice Prevention Easy:

✔️ Use it weekly for early detection – Catch nits before they spread and stop an outbreak before it starts.
✔️ No Chemicals, No Nasties – Safe for kids and gentle on sensitive scalps.
✔️ Hygienic & Hands-Free – The capture filter traps lice and eggs, so there’s no icky cleanup.
✔️ Immediate Results – See the proof as lice and eggs are sucked into the LED-lit chamber.
✔️ Lice Prevention = Less Stress – No last-minute panicking when an outbreak hits the school!

head lice close up
Source: Adobe Stock

Head Lice Myths Busted

Let’s set the record straight, because head lice come with more myths than a mummy blogger’s wellness page:

❌  MYTH: Lice only infest dirty hair.
TRUTH: Lice don’t discriminate—they love all hair types, clean or dirty. In fact, they may even prefer clean hair because it’s easier to cling to.

MYTH: Lice can jump from head to head.
TRUTH: Nope, these little guys only crawl, which means they need direct contact to move between heads.

MYTH: You can drown lice by washing your child’s hair.
TRUTH: Lice are basically tiny submariners. They can hold their breath for up to 8 hours—so water alone won’t cut it.

V-Comb Head Lice Comb
Source: Supplied

So, How Do You Get Rid of Nits (Without the Drama)?

Enter Licetec V-COMB, the chemical-free, mess-free, stress-free way to send head lice packing. This genius little device combines a fine-toothed stainless-steel comb with suction power, meaning it doesn’t just remove lice and eggs—it sucks them straight into a disposable capture filter (so you never have to touch the nasty little things).

V-Comb Head Lice Comb in action
Source: Supplied

Why Mums Love the Licetec V-COMB Head Lice Comb:

✔️ Use it weekly for early detection – Catch nits before they spread and stop an outbreak before it starts.
✔️ No Chemicals, No Nasties – Safe for kids and no more chemical warfare on tiny scalps.
✔️ Easy to Use – It’s literally as simple as combing your child’s hair.
✔️ Hygienic & Hands-Free – The capture filter traps lice and eggs, so there’s no icky cleanup.
✔️ Immediate Results – Lice and eggs are sucked into the LED-lit chamber, so you know it’s working.
✔️ Lice Prevention = Less Stress – No last-minute panicking when an outbreak hits the school!✔️ No More Guesswork – See the proof as you go, unlike chemical treatments that leave you wondering.

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How to Prevent a Repeat Head Lice Infestation

Getting rid of lice is only half the battle—keeping them from coming back is the real challenge. Here’s how to lice-proof your home and kids:

🧢 Avoid Head-to-Head Contact – Easier said than done with kids, but remind them no hair-hugging at school.
🛏️ Wash Bedding & Stuffed Toys – Lice can’t survive long off a human scalp, but a hot wash and dry will finish off any stragglers.
💇 Keep Hair Tied Up – Braids, buns, and ponytails make it harder for lice to latch on.
🧴 Use a Repellent Spray – Tea tree oil-based sprays can help deter lice from setting up shop again.

Where to buy the V-Comb head lice comb

Don’t Wait for the Itch – Get Your V-COMB Today!

Lice outbreaks happen fast, but you don’t have to wait until your child starts scratching! Be prepared, stay ahead, and stop head lice in their tracks before they become a problem.

🚨 BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL: SAVE 10% OFF on Chemist Warehouse Marketplace! Offer ends February 19, 2025. Shop now and be lice-ready for life!


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This is a sponsored post for V-Comb


Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.

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