
Hooray Chocolate Lovers, South Australia’s FruChocs Now Available Australia Wide!


For anyone who might have thought the pride of South Australia was a football team, you’d be wrong. It’s FruChocs.

And South Australia’s best-kept secret, the mighty FruChocs, is now set to go gangbusters all over the country. Run, don’t walk to get your fill from your closest Big W. Huzzah!

From the makers of the much loved Violet Crumble and more recently, the people behind the Polly Waffle comeback, Robern Menz is keen to spread the FruChocs love far and wide!

A chocolate treat like no other

As a South Aussie, I don’t want anyone who doesn’t live my side of the border to pass the Menz FruChoc delight off as anything not worth trying, chalking it up to just another simple chocolate treat. Because it’s not. The FruChoc is the unsung hero of the confectionery aisle. Delightfully unexpected, just like their packaging says.

A bag of balls they might be, but FruChocs are the ultimate cinema treat and something you’ll want to hide in the back of the pantry from the kids. FruChocs contain delicious, real apricot and peach fruit centres and are encased in either milk or dark chocolate.

I mean, they DO contain fruit so they’re THIS close to being a health food. Kind of. Not really.

FruChocs Snack food

Sharing the love

Phil Sims, CEO of Robern Menz says “FruChocs are the highest selling choc bites product in South Australia, yet haven’t been widely available on a national scale until now. We can’t wait for chocolate lovers across Australia to have the chance to try FruChocs and see what they’ve been missing out on all this time”.

We South Aussies know exactly what you’ve been missing out on and we’ve been smug as all get out, up until this point.

While we might not be able to lure you over the border with the promise of fruity chocolate treats, we’re really overjoyed that you’ll FINALLY all know what we’re talking about now and stop asking us “Fru..what?”.

FruChocs snack food

You can find Milk Chocolate FruChocs 350g ($5.95) and Dark Chocolate FruChocs 150g ($4.50) bags in the confectionery aisle at Big W from today! Go fast and tell us what you think of them!


South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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