
What all Mums Need to Remember During the Christmas Day Craziness


Christmas morning. The screeching, the squealing, the ripping, the tearing, the “I haven’t even made a coffee yet.” It’s all happening, folks.

And there is no way in hell the kids are going to wait for you to grab your camera, make a coffee, brush your teeth or even pee before the craziness starts. I mean, we’ve been through this before. We KNOW what our kids are like on Christmas morning.

So much Christmas Day preparation!

You probably feel like you’ve been preparing for Christmas Day for months. Okay, weeks. Scouring the toy sales. Placing your LayBuys. Ensuring you have the same amount of gifts for every child.

Buying “just one” *cough 10* new Christmas ornaments, plus a tree collar because how can you resist a tree collar? Not waiting until the 1st of December to put up the decorations. Re-putting up the decorations 85 times because your toddler cannot help herself and MUST. TOUCH. BAUBLES.

Hiding the presents around the house. Attempting to wrap most of the gifts and remembering how much you HATE wrapping presents.

Carefully placing the presents around the tree. Taking a photo because you know that ain’t gonna last until morning.

And now it’s here. The big visit from the big man in Red.

So, to all the mums who make this day so incredibly special for their families, take the time to congratulate yourself and keep these three very important things in mind when you’re knee-deep in wrapping paper.

Christmas Day doesn’t have to be perfect

You know what makes Christmas perfect for them? It’s not your perfect table set up. Nor your insta-worthy decorations (the tree collar is still 110% worth it though). It’s not your ability to whip up an amazing Christmas platter.

Sure, all of these things make Christmas look good, but what makes Christmas feel good is the people. The memories you make with them.

The stupid hat your cousin always rocks up in, the ridiculous speech your dad always makes before Christmas lunch, the board game you attempt to play that always goes wrong, the corny jokes, the laughter, the super full feeling, the inability to say no to mum’s dessert even though you know it’s gonna be a bad idea tomorrow.

This is what I remember about Christmas. Not the table setting, the gift wrap, or even the presents under the tree. Hell, we could have eaten from paper plates for all I remember.

Yes, having a pretty Christmas adds to the magic, but don’t beat yourself up over trying to stage the perfect day. You’ll be surprised at how perfect the day already is for your kids, with or without the perfect Christmas centrepiece.

Be present for it all 

Let them rip, tear, screech, yell, leave plastic bits all over the floor. But instead of being in the kitchen, attempting to make breakfast, let them do it all with you right beside them.

Be there for these incredibly fleeting moments. It may only take them 30 minutes to get through their gifts but for those 30 minutes, you deserve to be right there for it all.

Absorbing the surprised looks, the unwavering smiles, the exciting realisation that Santa came and that his magic is real.

You, mum, you did this. You made this magic.

Every single detail, from the advent calendars you bought to the Christmas cookies you baked, from the stockings you stuffed to the tree you trimmed. It’s all you.

There will be plenty of downtime to feed them, clean the wrapping paper, and even get a few Insta-perfect pictures.

But, during the chaotic mess that is Christmas morning, the only thing you need to do is soak it up. Soak up every single smile, giggle, squeal and Christmas cuddle. Enjoy what you’ve created – a magical morning for your family. It took months to save, plan and prepare for, but, it’s worth every single piece of wrapping paper in the end, isn’t it?

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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