Labour & Delivery

Ladies, If You’re Having a C-Section, Ask for a Clear Drape. Here’s Why


In 2019, 36% of all women giving birth in Australia had a caesarean section. Typically, what a c-section entails is a decent amount of drugs, a long recovery and a blue curtain blocking mum from watching her baby being born.

That moment – when your little one is lifted out of you and takes his first look around at his new world, well, it’s pretty beautiful. And every mum deserves to see it.

Thanks to a clear drape c-section, mums can.

clear drape c-section
Source: @Pure Motherhood Co

Hello world. Hello mum! 

A clear drape c-section, or a c-section with transparent curtains is one of the defining factors of a gentle c-section. Mums are able to watch their baby gently being removed from their uterus.

In addition to the clear drapes, gentle c-sections also promote immediate skin-to-skin contact between mum and bub, another thing that c-sections typically didn’t allow for.

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Source: @Wild Oak Birth

Note: Not all hospitals in Australia offer transparent curtains but it doesn’t hurt to have a conversation with your midwife to find out. 

Midwife and nurse, Diana Spalding shares with Motherly,

Gentle Cesareans are a huge step in the right direction. We need to bring birth back to women. Women need options and choices, autonomy and respect. Becoming a mother is one of the most momentous events in a woman’s lifetime—she deserves to have it be her best birth. 

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Source: @Dana Jacobs Photography

When it’s time for the baby to be born, the doctors help ease the baby out slowly—head, shoulder, abdomen, and then legs—much like what happens in a vaginal birth. Skin-to-skin bonding is often done right away, and sometimes breastfeeding can even be initiated there.” 

That first look, that first touch 

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Source: @Kathryn J Birth Stories

Clear drapes started to pick up momentum around 2017 and we love how this trend has now taken off.

We are in absolute awe of these stunning clear drapes c-section photos and are so happy to see this is becoming more and more popular in Australia and around the world.

The shift to clear drapes is just one step in the right direction to making a cesarean feel more personal and less like a cold medical procedure. It’s all about giving parents a chance to bond with their baby and enjoy a positive birthing experience, regardless of how bub gets earthside.

Full Circle Jax shared an image of the clear drape c-section on her Instagram, explaining,

It’s been eight years since my last c-section and this time with Nevaeh, it was nothing short of amazing. My husband and I both felt the atmosphere was SO different than my previous surgeries. It did not feel like an operation but a birthing experience.”

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Source: @Fullcirclejax

With gentle c-sections, it’s not just a surgery – it’s a birth. This needs to be seen, especially by the mum. After all, she’s kind of an important part of the whole birthing experience!

A massive shout-out to the amazing birth photographers who are raising awareness for gentle c-sections. Regardless of how you deliver your baby, you have options.

Even more amazing birth photos

We love documenting birth stories here at Mum Central and have collected quite a few stunning images over the years. Check out these amazing en caul births captured by very talented photographers and videographers!

en caul births instagram
Source:  @katecarltonphotography

While the majority of babies will come out head first, this isn’t always the case! Have a look at this stunning breach birth – the photographer manages to capture the entire birthing experience as baby Silas comes out bum first.

It’s quite incredible!

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

For even more amazing birth photography, check out the previous winners of the annual birth photography competitions:

birth photo winner 2021 - delivery


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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