Product Review

Goodbye Chemicals, Hello Bliss. Converting to a Mineral Pool Has Been a Game Changer


As a parent, I’m always acutely aware of ways I can protect and promote the health of my boys just by making simple lifestyle changes.  As a BUSY parent, the easier the lifestyle change, the better!

Summer in Australia is HOT. Dry, long heatwaves are typical and we are so fortunate to have a pool at home, which the boys spend much of every day in when the temperature rises.

Recently I was given an incredible opportunity to convert my regular saltwater swimming pool into a magnesium pool thanks to Maytronics and review their Mineral Swim pool system.

My youngest son, who is now twelve, has always had issues with eczema and it flares up painfully during the warmer months. Many visits to the dermatologist have helped pinpoint the reason for his eczema. It’s the drying effects of the pool that he loves spending so much time in. So rather than keep him out of it, we have a bit of a daily treatment regime (that we do our best to stick to!) to manage it. It’s not much fun for an active tween boy (or his mum!) and so I was looking forward to seeing how the mineralised water with Ozone Swim water purification system would affect us.

I wasn’t disappointed!

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The magnesium and Ozone difference

Mineral pools use natural minerals, magnesium specifically, and a water purification system using Ozone to keep your pool clean significantly reducing the pool’s need for harsh chemicals which cause itchy skin and stinging eyes.

Magnesium is known to reduce stress and anxiety, can relax muscles, stimulate hydration, help with sleep and assist with skin problems. Combined with Ozone Swim, a water purification system, that’s increasingly used in Australia’s leading Aquatic Centres and Learn to Swim schools, Ozone destroys the nasty by-products of chlorine responsible for most irritations associated with swimming and allows you to reduce the amount of chlorine and chemicals needed to maintain your pool.  Interesting fact, all bottled water goes through an ozone process before hitting the shelves.  Pretty amazing, right? But does it really live up to these expectations? That’s what I was about to find out.

Just getting in the pool is a different experience. I feel strange saying it but the water feels ‘softer’ and the ‘softness’ kind of helps you glide through the water. The boys love the feeling when they’re in, even though they don’t really talk about it. They’re boys after all. But when I pester/nag them they begrudgingly concede ‘yeah Mum, it feels good’

‘But what about it feels good?’

‘I dunno, it’s just water’

‘What about your skin? And your eyes? Can’t you notice a difference??’ [like seriously, why did I bother if they don’t even notice a difference!]

‘huh… yeah actually. Our skin doesn’t smell and our eyes aren’t sore. That’s pretty cool Mum. What’s the stuff called again?’

‘Oh my god, it’s DEAD SEA MINERALS! Actually from the Dead Sea – it’s amazing! It’s full of magnesium and these incredible minerals … boys?’

Yep. That’s a standard attention span for my sons. They don’t know it yet, but they will end up caring about this stuff. Just not at 12yo and 14yo.

But as for Stefan’s skin? So much better. Has it cured his eczema? Of course not. He still has to manage it and there are still OTHER factors that contribute to a flare-up including drying air-conditioning, reactions to new sunblock etc. But we have been able to ease up on the daily management routine of dermatologically prescribed lotions and potions. And that did not involve any change whatsoever to our lifestyle. One morning to convert the pool and that’s it!

mum centralJoin us as Tania shares her personal experience, and tells why the Mineral Swim Pool Conversion has been an absolute game-changer in her household!


Go magnesium with Mineral Swim

As a company, Mineral Swim is excellent to work with. Honestly, the whole process was so simple and easy.

Once we had decided to move forward with the conversion, the local team came out. Two lovely guys introduced themselves and then headed out to the pool.

Within an hour it was fully installed, and we had the equivalent of the Dead Sea in our backyard! Yep, really!

No draining of the pool, complicated installation process, there was no noise and zero bother to me. The only thing I had to do was keep the dog out of their way and make them a couple of cups of coffee!

Of course, my husband was home for the conversion because the pool is in his household portfolio. Over the years he has taken it upon himself to learn all he could about how to maintain a pool with particular attention to the integrity of the water. He takes it all VERY seriously. So he watched on and commented, several times, on how easy the installation was. And since then the maintenance has been super easy too. No more than what he was doing with our original chlorinating system but with such a great result. We’ve had a couple of health checks from the pool maintenance company and the water itself is stunning! Crystal clear and all sparkly. We are ticking all the boxes here people!

What makes Mineral Swim different to others is the fact its a 100% natural swimming system. It uses salts and minerals, sourced directly from the Dead Sea in Israel (not even joking!). The minerals are combined with an ozone-to-oxygen water purification system (a process that’s more powerful than traditional purification systems) to create a crystal-clear, healthy, safe, and rejuvenating swimming experience.

And speaking of boxes… I got my very own gift with purchase on the day of install! An absolutely gorgeous pamper box full of AHAVA skincare including one specifically for the man of our house. Top tip:  If you time your install properly, you’ll get something to put under the tree just in time for Christmas.

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Immediate changes, noticeably different

We researched quite a bit before settling on this one and for us one of the most compelling arguments was the fact that it is the only system that uses 100% Dead Sea minerals and even the Ozone is 100% naturally made using a technology that converts oxygen to ozone – the same way in which a lightening storm is created . Nothing synthetic here!

From my personal perspective, I love the feel of my skin after I’ve been in the water. It’s not dry or tight but instead smooth and mostly silky [if I’ve remembered to shave my legs!]. There’s no smell after we’ve been in the water so we don’t have that urge to ‘rinse off’ once we’re out and the kids don’t need to wear their goggles! They can jump and bomb and pin drop and dive to their heart’s content without those tell-tale red eyes that they get when they’re in chlorinated pools. Even my hair feels softer – though, full disclosure, it’s VERY rare that I do a full submersion in the pool. I prefer an elegant breaststroke with my hair in a bun and my sunnies on – but when I HAVE gone full mermaid my hair feels great and there’s no green tinge on my pretend blonde hair.

The magnesium factor

The water is magnesium-rich which probably explains why I feel so relaxed after bobbing about in it. I’m sure it doesn’t have much to do with the holiday vibe and poolside drinks. My eldest 14-year-old son, has also noticed an improvement in his muscle rehab after playing sport so he doesn’t groan so much every time he has to bend down to stack the dishwasher. (Ok, that’s not true. He groans if I even mention stacking the dishwasher but at least now I know it has nothing to do with muscle fatigue!)

Honestly, I can’t see why you wouldn’t at least consider transforming your pool to a Mineral Swim system. If you are fortunate enough to already own a pool, then the cost for conversion is well worth the investment. I’m torn between telling everyone we know to do it and keeping it a secret so no-one knows why they feel so good after swimming at our joint. Then we could become the neighbourhood spa… #notevenjoking

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Mineral Swim

Affordabiliity 8.0
Easy Setup 10.0
Effectiveness of Skin Conditions 9.0
Clearness of Water 10.0
Ease of Maintenance 9.0

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Switch your pool now

Whether you’re looking to convert your pool like I did or are wanting to start the process with a newly built pool, I highly recommend using Mineral Swim.

Installation costs start at $2,490 depending on the size and type of your pool, and the ongoing mineral costs are around $250 per year.

The staff at Mineral Swim are super friendly and helpful and are more than happy to answer any questions you have. Book a consultation or check out their website to find out more about the process and the benefits of converting to a magnesium pool.

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This is a sponsored post for Mineral Swim. All opinions are those of Tania our reviewer.

Avatar of Tania Pradun

Autobiographical blogger, enthusiastic dancer and karaoke singer Tania Pradun brings her own brand of reality as a mum and entrepreneur to MumCentral. Well and truly in the ‘sandwich generation’ between teenage boys and ageing parents, Tania’s writing style is searingly authentic, making her readers laugh, cry and rage at the universal challenges today’s generation of parents face. Tania runs her booming Adelaide-based catering business Amazing Grazers from home, and in her ‘spare time’ attracts millions of views on TikTok for her grazing platter how-to’s. You can find her on Instagram @amazing_grazers and TikTok @amazinggrazers

1 Comment

  1. Avatar of Martina Freeman
    Martina Freeman Reply

    Why would you put a pictuare with al the AHAVA handceam, face lotion and bath salts
    If you are just a mum sharing your expierience?
    Looks to me rather con artist and like advertisement.

    • Avatar of Mum Central

      She’s highlighting in her review the products that she got as a gift with her pool installation. They contain the same minerals as the pool system. x

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