To use a leash on your kid or to risk them getting lost? That is the question.
For Jordan Driskell, a father of FIVE toddlers, the answer is a no-brainer. Use the toddler leash. Actually, use five leashes, all tied together to make a massive mega-leash. Sort of like what dog walkers use when they take on several dogs at once. Except for kids.
Leashes at the ready
Jordan, who lives in America with his wife, Briana, and his five children – Zoey, Dakota, Hollyn, Asher and Gavin, decided that he would take his children to the aquarium. It’s a nice day out, the kids are excited, why not? He dressed his quints, put their little leash chest straps on, and attached them to his mega lead.
And people were NOT pleased about it!
Jordan posted a video on his Instagram page featuring what, I suppose could be described as the “wall of shame” as his five children make the trek to the aquarium. Sure, Jordan sort of looks like a rugged tanned Santa leading his five reindeer. And his choice of music is quite questionable, with Dojo Cat’s “Vegas” playing in the background.
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Humans, not dogs
People brought their claws to the party over it, clearly very consumed in this family’s social life and how Jordan chooses to walk with his children.
“Don’t have that many kids if you can’t handle the pressure,” one person told Driskell.
“They are humans not dogs,” another wrote.
“Can’t you just train your children well? Explain to them why it’s dangerous to run away,” a third commented.

Side note: I feel like these commenters don’t have children… or at least can’t remember the toddler phase.
The right choice for them
Since posting the video, he’s received plenty of backlash over it, but also heaps of views on his Instagram page, which he’s gladly accepted.
Driskell has remained cool about the whole shaming thing, standing by their choice to use toddler leashes.
Kids are so curious — they want to run off and explore,” the dad told Today Parents.
“For our own peace of mind and sanity, we use a leash. It also allows us to leave the house and do fun stuff as a family without being stressed.”
Jordan also explained that they sometimes use a six-seater pram but on this occasion, it was simply too bulky to take.
The other thing is, they want to walk when we go somewhere crowded. A leash gives them the opportunity to do that — but we’re still in control. They love it,” the dad said.
While plenty of haters hated on Jordan, there was a ton of praise for the dad’s decision to use toddler leashes, which was clearly done as a way to keep his kids safe.

The ongoing toddler leash debate
For me, I never used toddler leashes with my kids but I don’t give a rat’s arsehole if other people choose to use them on their kids or not. Their kids, their choice.
I never did simply because I am a super speed demon and can easily outrun my little devils anytime they made a beeline for the exit. But I’ve seen some toddlers who are like little Houdini babies and can escape a fenced park without blinking an eye.
And, truth be told, if I had five toddlers I was responsible for at the same time, I probably would use a leash or some sort of device to keep them contained. Possibly a sheep pen. Or have a Kelpie follow us, rounding the kids up when they went astray. Maybe two Kelpies actually.
Joking. Sort of.
The bottom line here: The Driskell kids are going to the aquarium – a crowded place with lots of potential hazards.
They’re with their dad. They’re happy. They’re safe. They’re clearly loved. Sure, they’re on a leash, but they’re also not missing, kidnapped or urinating on the whale enclosure.
I take my hat off to Dad. Because I sure as heck know if I had five toddlers, at least one of them would have peed on a fish tank by now. Guaranteed.
What about you? Did you ever use a toddler leash?
1 Comment
None of the children can suddenly run ahead and thus get hurt in some way.
5 children cannot hold your hands, especially if they are with only one parent. They can get hurt if they let go of your hand for virtually a split second. I know a young kid who did that and ran into the side of a car that fortunately was stationary in front of him. I know a parent who used one that included a kid’s backpack. Perfect idea when flying.