Is there anything more frustrating than a baby who loves nothing more than pulling their socks off as soon as you painstakingly put them on? You’re not alone, mama! Thankfully, we have a pretty clever SOLUTION for you, with this ultimate sock-saving hack!
Mum shares a clever baby sock saving daycare hack
Going viral on TikTok, one mum has shared the funny surprise she got when she picked up her little one from daycare. In a case of working smarter not harder, the TikTok video shows her baby’s legs and feet – complete with socks still on – thanks to lengths of masking tape running from her little cotton socks and up the legs of her pink fleece pants.
“When the ladies at daycare are tired of putting socks on your baby because she won’t leave them on.”

Let’s be honest, whoever thought to simply tape the socks onto the pants of babies who insist on removing them, is the real MVP at this daycare. GENIUS.
The internet agrees this is a solid idea
“I’m just mad after four kids I didn’t think of this. The best!”
“I think I’d be mad at myself for not thinking of it and then go back in there and be like TEACH ME THE TRICKS.”
Why didn’t I think of this? R.I.P to the socks we’ve already lost.”
“I’ve considered super gluing the cushions to the couch so i really like this!”

In a nod of appreciation, mums share parenting and daycare hacks
Of course, impressed by this genius sock-saving hack, mums chimed in with a handful of other fantastic, albeit mildly unconventional hacks.
For those with Houdini babies who love to remove their own nappy and the parents waking up and being able to SMELL the artwork before seeing their sweet, poo-smearing baby in their cot, these are for you:
“I put painter’s tape across the front of my son’s diapers at night because he figured out how to undo the tabs”.
“Onesie jammies that zip, put on backwards so they can’t unzip at night!” (cut the fitted feet off first!)
“Put the diaper on backwards!”
And for the toddlers who shed their cool-weather outdoor gear whenever your back is turned:
“Wait til they put the jacket on backwards and zip it to get the kids to keep them on when it’s cold outside”.
“I would tape the toddlers mittens to their winter jackets when outside”
“Sew the gloves to the arms of the coat!”
And because the internet is an open forum of opinions…
Viewed more than 9.2 million times, the comment section of the viral TikTok video was unsurprisingly a buzz of activity. Peppered between the positive and appreciative comments were plenty of concerns being voiced along with a whole lot of unsolicited advice. Ahhhhh, the internet. Good times.
People came from far and wide with warnings of allergic reactions to choking hazards, cancer-causing tape and many, many car seat concerns. This mum took it all in her stride though, reassuring the public that her baby was just fine, the tape made no contact with her skin and she was glad her baby’s toes were kept toasty warm.
So if this tape hack of keeping socks on isn’t for you, perhaps you might just want to try putting a pair of tights on underneath your baby’s pants. Too easy – AND toes kept warm all day long. The added bonus? You never ever lose those tiny, escape artist socks.

Do you have a clever hack of your own that you would love to share? Drop it in the comments below so we can share it too!
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