Experts Recommend Early Christmas Shopping or Risk Missing Out!


Australians are being urged to start early Christmas shopping to avoid any disappointment this December. Eeeep.

I know it’s August and generally speaking, the word Christmas is a dirty one at this time of year. BUT there’s a warning that needs to be heeded as retailers urge us not to sit on our wish lists this year and to get them into Santa, STAT. Christmas shopping, here we come.

Expect delays in December…

It’s been reported that retailers have warned that serious congestion in global supply chains is causing massive delays in shipping goods into the country during the pandemic. So the message is – if you see it on the shelf NOW, it’s best to secure it now. Don’t risk the chance of buying it in a few months time because, well, it might not be there.

As always, TVs and electronic gaming platforms are set to be in demand for Christmas – but be warned. Electronics along with home and leisure goods are expected to be the most affected by the ongoing issues, which are very unlikely to be sorted in time for the Christmas rush.

Super Retail Group chief executive Anthony Heraghty, whose company has stores including Supercheap Auto, Rebel and BCF under their umbrella, says shoppers should really be “starting early Christmas shopping” in organising and buying gifts to ensure they arrive in time.

“If it’s not in the shed or on the shelf today, for Christmas this year I think the chances of it being in stock come that peak time – is incredibly remote”.

Because no one wants a box of disappointment for Christmas (or all that stupid stress wondering if it’s going to turn up in time!).

christmas shopping
Your green light for Christmas shopping starts NOW. Source: Bigstock

Start your early Christmas shopping… now

So if you haven’t given Christmas one minute of thought, now is the time. Shopping online is a super-easy way to start your Christmas gift shopping prep, after all, it doesn’t require a mask and you can do it at home with a wine in hand. If that’s not a perfect shopping situation then I don’t know what is.

SHOPPING GAMECHANGER: Check out some of our specially curated and all awesome gift guides, brimming with cool finds and easy to shop buttons here:

PLUS, keep an eye out for our upcoming Christmas Gift Guides. In the meantime, make your list and check it twice, we don’t have time to differentiate between the naughty and nice!

mum central
There’s never been a better time to shop from home, be sure to check out our pressie suggestions! Source: Bigstock

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South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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