This year you can nail Easter treats without having to even bake a thing! A brilliant plate to bring to a gathering or fun activity with the kids over the Easter long weekend is these super cute Easter bunny biscuits – just as cute as Easter Bunny himself. Hop to it!
These Easter Bunny Biscuits are easier than you think!
If you’re looking for a way to entertain the kids this weekend, this kitchen activity is a good one to keep them busy with minimal mess. Don’t leave them in charge of slicing the Clinkers though – that’s a job for adults only!
Decorating biscuits doesn’t get much easier than this and while these bunny biscuits DO feature chocolate, its not a real lot in comparison to the biscuit. It certainly will make a nice break from the four-day chocolate binge across the Easter weekend.
Clinkers cutting tips…
I’m not going to lie, there’s going to be some Clinkers carnage … it’s just the nature of the Clinkers beast. The best method I found was to slice them in half using a large, sharp kitchen/chef knife and use the back of the blade (near the handle end) to slice through them. Be sure to rest the tip of the blade on the chopping board. For a smooth finish, a quick ‘sand’ with a zester does the trick.
Have a bowl ready for some shattered Clinkers pieces and use them up later. You could tip them into a rocky road, eat them on ice cream or just nibble away. And WHY are there never lots of pink Clinkers in a packet? #WHY

Recipe – Easter Bunny Biscuits
- 250g Arnott’s Milk Arrowroot biscuits
- 130g while chocolate Melts
- 130g milk chocolate Melts
- ½ cup colourful sprinkles
- 200g Cadbury Clinkers
1. Start with slicing the Clinkers in half. Slow and steady, you’ve got this!

2. One at a time, melt the white and milk chocolate melts in separate bowls using a microwave. Heat in short bursts, stir and repeat until completely melted and smooth. Line baking trays with baking paper and set out the biscuits, bottoms facing up.

3. Spread the biscuits with a thin layer of melted white or milk chocolate. I didn’t go right to the edge, trying to save myself from little people’s chocolate-covered fingers!
4. Dip the biscuit, chocolate spread side facing down, into the bowl of sprinkles so that they can stick on. Return the biscuit to the tray to set.
5. Dip the bottom back half of the half Clinkers piece into chocolate and rest it on top of the sprinkle-covered biscuit to form an ear. Repeat with another Clinkers half to for a pair of bunny ears on the biscuit.
TIP: Your ears might need support to stay in place while they set, a wooden spoon handle is great for this purpose!
6. You can let the biscuits sit at room temperature for a couple of hours for the chocolate to completely set or alternatively, put them into the fridge for half an hour. Pop them on a plate and let the kids devour them. Happy Easter!
A tweaked Taste recipe, these no-bake bunny biscuits are sure to be an absolute crowd-pleaser with the younger set this Easter.

What do you think? Will you be giving this no-bake biscuit decorating ideas a try over the weekend or do you have a tried and true Easter recipe idea you’d love to share? Drop it in the comments below, I’d love to hear it!