
Mum’s Warning After Daughter Chokes to Death on Easter Mini Egg


They are one of the most popular Easter chocolates on the market. But they are also a serious choking hazard for tots, as one mum has tragically warned. 

Before you buy and serve up a bowl of these popular Easter treats, have a read of Sophie’s story and be mindful of just how dangerous small items can be.

Choking is a serious concern for all parents. Recently a little boy lost his life after choking on a bouncy ball.

You can never be too careful and this is exactly what a mum in the UK, who goes by XGemX, discovered when she found her five year old daughter, gasping for air and choking on a mini egg.

choking warning small eggs

Easter egg choking warning

“You’ve all seen the warnings about cutting up grapes before giving them to your children,” XGemX begins. “[But] with Easter coming up I want to warn you all about another deadly choking hazard, one that tragically took away my child.

“It has been just short of three years since my precious little girl Sophie passed away. She had choked on a mini egg and I was unable to dislodged it, even with back slaps and pushing up and under her ribs.”

Despite doing a first aid course only six months prior to the tragedy, the mum was still unable to save her daughter.

“I watched the light slip away from my baby’s eyes, I tried in vain to save her.”

‘This seemingly harmless treat took my angel away’

The heartbreak of losing a little one is something no parent deserves to feel. And it is one that will forever remain in the mind of Sophie’s mum. However, by sharing Sophie’s story, she hopes to help other parents understand the hazards that mini eggs pose and to ensure this never happens to another child or family.

easter egg choking warning death
Image via Instagram

“If your children enjoy these chocolate treats please watch them extra close and remind them to sit down whilst eating them or avoid them altogether,” she warns.

“Please, parents be careful.  I would hate to know another child had been harmed by these Easter treats. If just one person reads this and watches their toddler, child or teen extra close when eating these my daughter’s death will not be in vain.”

Cadbury warned, in a statement to The Independent, that the sweet treats are not suitable for toddlers.

“We were saddened by this tragic event as the safety of our customers is of the upmost importance to us,” the statement said

“We ensure that all of our Cadbury Mini Eggs packaging very clearly carries the following warning: Choking Hazard: This product is Not suitable for children under four.”

 Please watch your children 

A good rule of thumb is to cut small foods – like this mini eggs or grapes and cherry tomatoes – in half lengthwise to limit the choking risk. But what can you do if your child is choking? provides a helpful guide for managing choking incidents in both babies and children.

mum central

mum centralIf your children are infants, please make sure to check this important video about how to save a choking baby.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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