Moving can be exciting and scary for everyone involved, including your little ones. Yes, moving with children means more work of us parents, but it can also cause a lot of uneasy feelings for our kiddies. The idea of moving house, especially if this means moving schools, sports teams or suburbs, can be a hard concept for kids to grasp.
The fact that your kids have a connection to their home is proof you are making their childhood a happy one. You have created a home that is comfortable, secure and fun and leaving this home can be very worrisome for children.
While a move can at first sound like the end of the world, it’s our job as parents to show them that moving is actually a positive thing and a chance to start a new adventure as a family.
I’ve put together my top tips for helping children of all ages and stages move house in hopes of making moving with children as stress-free and fun as possible. Whether moving across town or across the country, I hope these moving tips can help with your next big journey.
Moving with Kids: How to Prepare Children for a Move
Managing the Sense of Loss
One of the hardest things for kids of all ages is that moving means a change and a transition out of their comfort zone. It can also signal loss – a loss of friends, teachers and activities. It’s so important to explain that, yes, this change can be sad and scary, but it can also lead to so many positive changes. New friends, new activities, new parks to explore, a new room to decorate.
Focus on the exciting things that come with moving interstate but also let them know you’re always there to have a chat and let them cry.
Tip #1: When moving with children, create a scrapbook or a yearbook with your children so that they can keep their memories of their old house with them. Get your children’s friends, teachers and other important people to write them a little message to take with them.
An Exciting Journey Ahead
Explain to your kids why you are moving, whether it’s to be closer to family, for a job or simply for a change of pace.
TIP #2: Involve them as much as you can, from bringing them with you to open inspections, assisting with packing, writing an inventory list of their room, or even just playing with the bubble wrap while you pack (if they are too young to help pack).

Call in Reinforcements
When moving with children, you want to include your little ones as much as you can, there will be times when their constant requests for snacks or announcements that they are “bored” will get in the way of the packing and prepping.
TIP #3: Set up playdates or ask family to watch the kids for a day or two so you can do those pesky tasks that kids make harder, such as cleaning, packing and moving furniture.
Moving Boxes are your (and their) Best Friends

Whether you’re packing or unpacking, one surefire way to keep children entertained is with a cardboard box! A cardboard box can literally be anything and a stack of moving boxes can make some pretty epic castles, forts and cubbies.

Cardboard boxes can also quickly become a dollhouse or playhouse, a toy car garage, a rocket ship, a train, a pirate ship or a marble racer. For pretend play, think outside the box and craft a stove, oven, fridge, fruit stall or market stall. Other imaginary play ideas include a washing machine, musical instruments, a puppet show and even a mailbox.

TIP#4: Time-poor and looking for a quick wi? Throw toys or coloured pens into the box and let the kids craft whatever they want. Ideas include: roads or railways for toy cars, farm or zoo for animals, high tea for stuffed animals, or let however they like.

Turn the Trip into a Mini Holiday
If you are driving to your new destination, make the drive part of the adventure and plan a few fun stops along the way. Who can resist a road trip? Ask your children to choose an activity/theme park/attraction they’d like to visit.
TIP #5: Ask each child to put together a must-have box of their favourite things that come with them in the car. This should include comfort items like clothing, special teddies, a night light and anything they want with them. And don’t forget the snacks!
The Unpacking Process
Moving with children doesn’t end when you pack your final box. There’s still the unpacking process to sort out.
Once you’re at your new home, it’s easy to want to unpack ALL THE THINGS as soon as possible. Push this thought away and instead, take your time and take plenty of breaks.

TIP #6: Prioritise their room when unpacking so that they can start to feel a sense of comfort, belonging and connection to their new home right away. Even if that means eating takeaway on the dining room floor for the first few nights. The first step is to ensure the kids feel secure. The rest of the house will get there, eventually.
If you are looking to move house, start your search for the best removalist or self-pack option with Best Rated Transport. This is a free comparison site that allows you to compare trusted furniture removalists and self–pack moving options in one place, completely free of charge.
Written by Katie G.
Katie is a leading expert in the removals and transport industry in Australia. She is the owner of Best Rated Transport, an online platform that allows customers to compare house movers using a unique online 7-Point comparison system.