General Health

Family Healthcare the Natural Way – Top Tips and Remedies


I have to admit, I felt enormous satisfaction when I looked back and realised that all three of my kids had made it through childhood without ever having a drug – not even paracetamol. I don’t mean that in a smug way either, and honestly it wasn’t all that hard!

I put it down to my own childhood, growing up in the country where my Mum was more likely to open the pantry and give my me and my brother a food-based remedy – a dose of cod-liver oil or some vitamin c rather than anything from the chemist. (Partly because there wasn’t a chemist for 100 miles!)

Healthcare in our family was chiropractors, herbalists, massage therapists and naturopaths. I can’t remember seeing a doctor more than a couple of times at all as a child – and so it was for my own kids too. Even more aggressively so for my son…

A few years ago I took over the reigns at Natural Parenting Tips, a website brimming with tips and information for parents on all things natural. The Facebook page had been frequented by thousands of women – some of them practitioners, some midwives, naturopaths and some of them experienced mothers who are – often – just as qualified to recommend a remedy when it’s midnight and you need to soothe a miserable baby! And time and time again, the same questions kept popping up and the same answers followed.

So I decided to compile a list of tips:


Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is redness and inflammation of the membranes (conjunctiva) covering the whites of the eyes and the membranes on the inner part of the eyelids. ~

The first signs of pink eye may be redness or it may be a sticky, yellowish discharge from the eyes. Either way, it is very contagious and can be painful too.

Top Tips:

• Drop breastmilk into the eye, a couple of drops 3 x day or more
• If you’re not breastfeeding, maybe you know someone who does that wouldn’t mind donating a little?
• Wipe with warm salty water
• Colloidal silver – wiped over the eye regularly
• You can also wipe over eye with chamomile tea.
• Regardless of what some may say it’s important to always wipe from the outside of the eye in, otherwise you drag the muck through the eye
• Use a clean cotton pad to wipe each eye one at a time. Do not use the cotton pad on both eyes or you may spread the infection
• Also, remember to clean your hands before and after touching the infected eye.


Eczema (or dermatitis) is an inflammation of the skin causing the skin to become red, dry and itchy. Eczema can develop on any part of the body. In children it is most common on the face and scalp and in the skin folds where the skin is more prone to being warm and moist.

Causes of eczema

Internal factors: A family history of eczema, asthma or hay fever; particular food ie. dairy and wheat products, citrus fruits, eggs, nuts, seafood, chemical food additives, preservatives and colourings.
External factors: Irritants -tobacco smoke, chemicals, weather (hot and humid or cold and dry conditions) and air conditioning or overheating; Allergens – house dust mites, moulds, grasses, plant pollens, foods, pets and clothing, soaps, shampoos and washing powders, cosmetics and toiletries.

References: ;

Top Tips:

• Coconut oil and shea butter
• Eczema is usually an external symptom of an internal issue. In my case, food sensitivity. My daughter had a very bad case and after finding her food intolerances (gluten, dairy, treenuts) and giving them up (we did an elimination diet), she’s clear and smooth
• Oatmeal bath
• Breast milk
• Cotton clothes
• Oats in a stocking and pop the stocking in the bath, or crush oats finely and add loose to the bath
• Egyptian magic! Totally clears it up… It is olive oil, royal jelly, beeswax, honey, pollen and propolis.
• Goats milk soap
• Children’s acidophilus is also the best start as far as supplements go. I have seen babies and children whose eczema has gone after taking acidophilus (probiotic).
• Sunshine without sunscreen for 10 minutes helps to clear it up. Sometimes sunscreens can be irritants too, so find natural ones.
• Cut out soaps and shampoos for the moment. Use aloe vera plant extract to wash hair and body.
• Olive oil to help the scabbing skin not be too tight. Bicarb of soda in the bath will help fight the bacteria causing the flare-ups. You can wash clothes with bicarb and vinegar too. Any commercially prepared (natural or not) product will have preservatives and carrying agents in them so for the moment the more natural the better.

Do you have anything to add to these? It’s amazing what can happen when we share what has worked for our own families, and sometimes we can clear up the symptoms before we were even going to be able to see a doctor!

To Happy Healthy Kids,
Kristen Morrison

Author’s Disclaimer
The Author has provided information compiled from forums, including comments made by parents and health professionals over a five year period. Whilst compiling the list, the Author has not done their own research or consulted medical advice to verify the accuracy of each ‘Tip’ or piece of advice. No warranty or representation is made that any of such information or references is free from omission or suitable for your intended use. No assurance is given and no reliance should be taken that any statement contained in the information or references relating to medical matters are true, correct, precise or up-to-date.

The information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon. It is not intended that the information or references be used in place of professional medical advice from a qualified health professional. The Author recommends you exercise your own common sense and seek the advice of an appropriately qualified professional health-care practitioner depending on the severity of the circumstances and the urgency warranted by the circumstances of a person to whom this subject relates.

The Author does not accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense arising from any errors or omissions or misrepresentation contained in any information or reference on this website. It is common sense that even if a statement on this website is accurate, when made about a medical matter, it may not apply to your symptoms or those of a person to whom this subject relates. It is for this reason that the Author strongly advises you to seek your own prior medical advice about any medical matters contained in this article that you may wish to apply.



In 2005, Kristen was a fashion designer with 2 little girls. They were born at home, brimming with health and raised ‘drug free’. When her son was born in 2006, her paediatrician said not to waste money on omega 3s to help him. ‘Buy a big TV’ he said ‘because things are going to be rough’. Now he is defying the doctors by having no health issues of any kind, no mobility issues and he’s attending a mainstream school. Kristen is the author of Naturally Better and the co-founder of Grow Foundation - which helps parents access alternative therapies for their children with neurological conditions.

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