Labour & Delivery

Granddad Helps Deliver Grandchild in Family Home Birth


Would you let your dad in the delivery room? This first-time mum not only opened the doors to her labour, but also relied on her dad (plus many other family members) for support. And the photos of this family home birth are something else!

Just a bit of a warning though – these pics are quite graphic and show a home birth in all its crowning glory if you know what we mean.

Family home birth captured

Home births are becoming more and more popular as they provide the labouring mum with a comfortable and familiar space to give birth.

One couple who opted for a home birth was Steph Hendel and husband, Josh. They hired Lindsey Meehleis, an Orange Country midwife to assist them with the birth.

However, they also decided to open the doors to extended family, adding two grandmas and grandad to the labour guest list.

mum central
Source: Instagram

For many mums-to-be, the thought of letting your father see you in this state would be too much. But, for Steph, it was the right decision and her father, Joe, brought his A-game to the family home birth.

As Lindsey shares on her Instagram page,

[Steph’s] dad arose from the couch and became a pillar in a building of strength for her. He repeated mantras that they had made up together.

There was a natural energetic flow in the room that I can’t describe.”

family home birth - dad helps delivery grandchild
A family affair. Source: Instagram

Lindsey managed to capture a few very candid and personal pics of the birth in action, showing Joe helping his daughter deliver her son, Johnathon.

family home birth
Source: Instagram

As Steph pushes, her husband is at the receiving end, ready to catch his son while granddad Joe holds on to his daughter, helping her through the contractions and that final push.

granddad labour support
Source: Instagram

The picture really does say it all. What a powerful photo.

Daddy daughter moment

While this is certainly not something all women would be comfortable doing, the images prove that, in this instance, the more support, the merrier.

Steph shared that she was a bit worried about the negativity that might arise from allowing her dad to support her through labour. However, when she was in the moment, she couldn’t have imagined her dad not being there.

I am an only child and my dad is someone I look up to immensely. This is the most natural beautiful process in the world. This is my father, he has been so supportive of me my whole life.”

dad labour support - Steph and Josh
Source: Instagram

Labour of love

Many mums choose to surround themselves with loved ones when giving birth. Have a look at these stunning award-winning photos of women in labour.

We also love this story of a 12-year-old helping to deliver her baby brother. 


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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