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Family Seek $63,000 Nanny: Must Not Be Afraid of Working in Haunted House


It seems like a dream job. A great salary of over $60,000 and 28-days holidays per year. 

But there’s one, small, ghostly catch. Your place of employment is haunted…

Yep. There’s a family seeking a nanny for their haunted house.

The Scottish family posted an ad for a nanny on The job description states the couple have two children, aged five and seven. They reside in a “lovely, spacious, historic property in a remote spot with spectacular views.”

The requirements for the role continue, as you would typically expect; “preparing breakfast, getting children ready for school, dropping off and picking up from school. You will also be assisting after school, including helping with homework and getting them ready for bed.”

The salary for the role is $63,000 with 28 days annual leave as part of the offering. The successful applicant will also have fully self-contained accommodation described as “a comfortable room with en-suite bathroom and private kitchen.”

As far as nanny gigs go, this seems to be the trifecta. High salary, your own private space and a full month’s annual leave. But, then, there’s the catch.

Firstly, both parents travel for work so the prospective nanny would be alone in the house with the children up to four nights per week. Oh – and make that a haunted house.

At the end of the job listing, it is revealed that the family’s house, which they have lived in for nearly 10 years, is inhabited by ghosts.

“We were told it was ‘haunted’ when we bought it, but kept our minds open and decided to buy the house regardless,” the mother wrote.

If you’re not scared as the homeowners, no big deal, right? Until you’re trying to find a child-carer brave enough to stick around. “Five nannies have left the role in the last year, each citing supernatural incidents as the reason, including strange noises, broken glass and furniture moving,” the ad says.

“This has obviously been a period of great upheaval for our children. We haven’t personally experienced any supernatural happenings, as they have been reported only while we’ve been out of the house, but we’re happy to pay above the asking rate, and feel it’s important to be as up-front as possible to find the right person.”

The advert has received over 2,000 responses, including messages of general curiosity, advice and applications for the job.

Speaking to The Telegraph, CEO Richard Conway described the family’s plight as “the most interesting story we’ve heard.”

“When we saw the advert we were stunned,” Conway said. “Some of the guys at HQ were sceptical but after talking to the family and their previous employees we realized it was a genuine position. The family has assured us that no harm has come to anyone living in the house, however the nanny will have to have a strong disposition.”

Are you a believer? What would you do (or not do) for money?

Love off-the-wall employment stories? Check out the rates being a ‘Naked House Cleaner‘ pays, 11 Weird Jobs that Actually Exist and Pay Crazy Well or the tale of the Topless Barbers Shop!

Sources:, The Telegraph.


Mother-of-two. Tea lover. Lego Ninja. Expert in carpet Play Dough extraction. Victoria Louis is a 30-something writer based in Sydney, NSW. A former marketing manager who loves to laugh there’s no topic she won’t explore. Victoria is full of opinion, big on kindness and believes the day is always better with a dash of lipstick.

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