Labour & Delivery

Father’s Days – The Animated Memoir of a First Time Dad


One first time dad has put together this moving animation about becoming a first-time father and the  journey it took him on, far different from that which he’d expected.

Bob Moran, Political Cartoonist for the Sunday Telegraph, illustrates his helplessness as he spends time in neo-natal intensive care before his newborn daughter is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Here is his honest, beautiful animation of his family’s story.

Bob talks about his feelings prior to becoming a father:

“I don’t remember being anxious or scared about becoming a dad, but I think that was because I was so sure nothing would go wrong.”

From the first moment his daughter was born, he was thrown into a situation where he felt both helpless and out of control.

This amazing cartoon details his experience so clearly, and helps us to understand the heartache and braveness he and so many others just like him face.



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