One mum has shared her sensational quick-sticks sandwich maker dessert hack and our minds are officially BLOWN.
If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that there’s not much Kmart can’t do. And when clever mum Kelly, took her Kmart sandwich maker to task with a packet of cake mix, it took the internet by storm.
I mean, let’s be honest who would think to cook perfectly portioned cake in a sandwich maker? Not many of us, but by crikey are we glad you did Kelly!
Take one $7.50 sandwich maker and a 75¢ cake mix
Kelly of Kmart Mums Australia Facebook group says she simply made up a 75¢ Coles brand cake mix and poured it in the Kmart sandwich maker. It couldn’t get much easier than that, surely? Kelly’s Facebook post immediately lit up with comments and we’re pretty sure there was a nation-wide scurrying of people digging sandwich makers out of the back of kitchen cupboards, whipping up late-night cake snacks. Predicted to be closely followed by a national shortage of bargain Kmart sandwich makers.

Cake in a sandwich maker? But how?
Be warned, it’s pretty much instant cake. Kelly comments that all that was required was a spritz of oil to the warmed sandwich maker, pour the cake mix into both sandwich cavities, close the lid and give it between 3 and 5 minutes to cook.
Be prepared though – the Coles cake mix apparently makes around 12 portions which could test anyone’s dessert stomach. Good news though folks, cake freezes extremely well. Leftovers can be saved for another night or an interesting albeit completely delicious lunch box addition.
Let them eat ALL THE KINDS of cake!
The dessert options are endless. Once the cake ‘baking’ is done, all that’s left to do is add a splash of cream, ice cream or do as Kelly did (see below), adding mini marshmallows, ice cream and a chocolate sauce. Dessert craving be gone.
Many a Facebook commenter made comment on trying different cake mixes in the appliance, a brownie mix was suggested and then conversation took a Masterchef-like turn with mentions of shorter cooking times for a molten-lava like cake centre and, wait for it, ROLO CENTRES!
Seriously, start the car, we’re going to Kmart straight afterschool drop-off because I need IN on this cake action.
It’s not the first time we’ve been wowed by your ingenious Kmart hacks. Check out these amazing Kmart serving tray hacks and let’s not forget the instant hit that was the Kmart beach trolley hack!