Save Money and the Planet with Smash Nude Food Movers

I think I own every piece of Tupperware and plastic container known to mankind. I am one of those people who has a cupboard just for lids (much to my husband’s disgrace!) So when I was asked to trial Smash Nude Food Movers I jumped at the chance.

My two little ones aren’t in school yet so we haven’t ventured down the whole lunch box track yet but let me tell you, when my daughter starts school next year we will be using Nude Food Movers.

Smash Adult Range
Source; Supplied

How many mums give their little ones yoghurt for lunch? It’s a bit of an effort making sure it’s in a sealed container or placing the tub so it doesn’t squish in the lunch box plus you need an ice pack to make sure it stays cold.

The yoghurt mover is easily one of my favourite products in the range. It has a gel wall that easily slips out and pops in the freezer the night before, then in the morning you just add your yoghurt and it will keep it fresh and cold until lunch. Confession: I used this one more then the kids did! It also has a spoon attached and the container can also be used on its own without the freezer centre if needed.



Smash Nude Food Movers are a passionate bunch of Aussies who believe in saving the planet one lunch at time. Reduce, re-use and recycle is what they are about and it is clearly seen across their range, like these Rubbish Free Lunch boxes. These are AWESOME! They have a spot specifically for your sandwich and then two smaller containers for fruit, crackers etc. No cling wrap needed and no plastic bags!


There is a whole range of Food Movers and something for everyone. My husband and I use the water bottle as it has a built in water filter, and they have a container just to store your banana. AMAZING! Simply pop the banana inside and flip open when you want to eat it. No more mashed banana in the bottom of school bags.

The stackable containers are great for on the run, simply add some snacks to each level and pull out when needed.

Smash Nude Cracker Movers
Source: Supplied

What I love most about Smash Nude Food Movers is the fact that not only are they good for the environment they are good for your pocket too. No more cling wrap or plastic lunch bags needed. The range is really well made, super sturdy, appealing to the eye and everything has multiple functions. They are also BPA free.

To check out their full range or to find your nearest stockist click here: Nude Food Movers

What is your favourite Nude Food Mover?

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