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Can This Special Salad Bring on Labour? Hilary Duff Thought So!


In case you weren’t aware, Hilary Duff was up the duff, and was well and truly over it (as we all get to be!)

The 31-year-old Younger star shared with her Instagram followers that she had officially served her baby girl an eviction letter.

To help speed things along, she’s getting her fix of takeaway food at pizza joint Caioti Pizza. So what’s on the menu?

A salad.

Um…Hils… a salad? WTF??? You’re 40 weeks preggos. Put the salad down and have a freakin’ pizza, lady!

Hilary Duff labour salad
Image source: Instagram

The secret is in the salad

According to Ms Duff, who is already mum to six-year-old Luca, this special salad is supposed to induce labour.

Hilary Duff and son
Image source: Instagram

A Caioti Pizza employee confirmed this, stating, “We do have a salad that supposedly makes people go into labour. They say it’s in the dressing, which is just a balsamic and there are special herbs that make women have contractions and go into labor.

“None of the servers know what exactly is in the ‘special herbs’ mix, only the kitchen knows.”

Their Instagram page is loaded with pregnant mummas sharing their salad experience and one of the employees claims they serve an average of 8-10 heavily pregnant mummas every day! That’s a hella lot of salad!

labour induce salad
Image source: Instagram

Up the duff no more? 

Hilary and her partner, singer Matthew Koma, announced their pregnancy back in June and it appears baby’s due date has come and gone. But is a salad the thing to bring on baby?

Hilary Duff and sister
Image source: Instagram

Bring on the labour inducing meals! 

Hils, we do love you dearly, but we’re pretty sure that for a ‘last’ supper, you could have gone with something a little less healthy. You know, like a curry. Or a truckload of pineapple.

This pizza (below) looks like a much more satisfying option and is also meant to induce labour.

Induce labour pizza
Image source: Instagram

Hell, you can even try to squat over a pot of coffee which, apparently can also trigger labour. We’ve got a whole slew of interesting ways to induce labour that might just work. After all, when you’re overdue and over it, you’ll try ANYTHING.

Even salad. Good luck, Hilary!


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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