
How Many Kids Will You Have? Here’s Your Answer, According to Astrology


How many kids will you have based on your star sign? Will you have a soccer team full of them or will you be a one-and-done type mum? We’ve got your answer, according to astrology

Astrologer Skye Alexander, author of “Magickal Astrology,” shared her thoughts on how many kids you will have based on your zodiac sign. The predictions are based on zodiac personalities and motivations and are meant to be for fun. We’d love to know how accurate the predictions are though so please share with us in the comments if we got it right (or wrong).

Are you ready to find out how many kids you will have based on your zodiac sign? Let’s go!

mum centralAries (March 21 – April 19) 

Our prediction: 5 kids

Playful and fiery, Aries are known for their childlike energy so it makes sense Aries mums will want to procreate a whole team of kiddies to play with. We are going with lucky #5 but Aries mums may be happy with even more players to add to their team.


mum central

Taurus  (20 April to 20 May) 

Our prediction: 2 kids

Taurean parents are affectionate, nurturing, generous and caring. Parenting comes naturally to them but they also love a calm and composed environment so too many kids may become overwhelmed and chaotic.

Astrology - how many kids will you have
Source: Bigstock

mum central

Gemini (21 May to 21 June)

Our prediction: 4 kids (potentially twins)

Gemini’s require a challenge and constant social stimulation so it makes sense to load the house with kids. Geminis are also natural teachers and communicators and love sharing the stage with their children. “These imaginative people are the Mary Poppins of the zodiac, and they’d want at least two children to guide through life,” Alexander says.

mum centralCancer (22 June to 22 July)

Our prediction: 5 kids

Home is where the heart is for Cancer mums and a house full of children is definitely in the cards! Cancer parents are natural at motherhood and place great emphasis on family life and heritage. We are predicting 5 babies for Cancer mums, all born at least a few years apart,

mum centralLeo (22 July to 22 August)

Our prediction: 6 kids

Leo mums are busy bees with a hive full of kids, all destined for greatness. Leos love to show off their star power and will be their children’s biggest fans in life. “Leos are very proud of their offspring,” Alexander says. “As the sign of creativity and self-expression, Leos will probably want a creative, expressive family with big, bold personalities with whom they can share in activities.”

mum centralVirgo (23 August to 23 September)

Our prediction: 1 kid

Earthy Virgo loves order and neatness and is an incredibly dedicated parent. We predict Virgo mums will thrive with one child – an absolute angel too!

mum centralLibra (23 September to 22 October)

Our prediction: 2 kids

Libras are known for their fairness so 2 kids seems like the perfect balance for their busy household. If a surprise third bub arrives, we predict baby #4 will also be in the works, simply because Libras love everything even. Libras are also known to thrive on order so any more than 4 may be a bit too intense.

mum centralScorpio 

Our prediction: 5 kids

Scorpio is a tricky one to predict. On the one hand, Scorpios value their privacy so they may decide against children. However, once a baby arrives, we predict Scorpios will be ALL IN and love the new dynamic children bring to the table and thus, keep breeding and breeding and breeding.

mum centralSagittarius (22 November to 21 December)

Our prediction: 3 kids

“Astrologers describe Sagittarius as a sign of expansion, and these people tend to do things in a big way — which includes having a big family,” Alexander says. But while Sagittarius parents may have a traditional household full of kids, you can expect anything but a traditional upbringing.  Expect lots of travel, lots of adventures, and lots of experiences from a very young age.

mum centralCapricorn (22 December to 20 January) 

Our prediction: 3 kids

The lucky number for Capricorns is 3. Capricorns are known to be grounded and hard-working and take things pretty seriously, including family. Capricorns will easily be able to rein in 3 kids on a daily basis and make it look like child’s play.

mum centralAquarius (21 January to 18 February)

Our prediction: 1 or 0 kids

Aquarians are the independent spirits of the bunch and love their freedom which is why having children may be a pretty scary notion. We predict Aquarians will have 1 little mini-me to take under their wing and watch soar!

mum centralPisces (19 February to 20 March)

Our prediction: 2 kids

Gentle and kind, Pisces are born to be mums and dads but too many kids can be a bit overwhelming for these emotional souls. We guess 2 little fishes for Pisces parents.

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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