
How to Cook Eggs – 5 Easy Ways


Eggs are arguably the most versatile ingredient in your kitchen – and the easiest meal you’ll ever make from scratch. You can scramble eggs, poach eggs, boiled eggs, or fry eggs sunny side up… you can even make an omelette if you’re feeling a little extra. Read on to find out how to cook eggs in every way so that you’re nailing breakfast from now on!

Don’t crack under the pressure

Sometimes it’s the easy things that can feel like the hardest to get right but once you know how to cook eggs – there’s no stopping you. A good rule of thumb I find is to use large, room-temperature eggs when you can. Room-temperature eggs cook from the get-go, whereas eggs cold from the fridge take a little longer to get going.

EGGCELLENT TIP: To bring cold eggs to room temperature quickly, fill a bowl with warm tap water and place your eggs (still in the shell) in the bowl for 5 minutes to lose their chill factor.

How to cook eggs – 5 ways

1. How to boil eggs

Learning how to boil eggs is the gateway to mastering cooking eggs. Eat hard-boiled eggs warm with toast soldiers or eat them cold as a snack, throw them into a salad or make delicious deviled eggs or curried egg sandwiches. The boiled egg options are plentiful. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Place the eggs in a single layer in the bottom of a saucepan and cover them with cold tap water so that the water is about 5cm above the height of the eggs.
  2. Bring the pot to a rolling boil.
  3. Remove the pot from the heat and cover it with a lid. Let it stand for 10-12 minutes (less time for soft-boiled or dippy eggs)
  4. Drain and cover eggs with cold water (or plunge them into ice water) until they’re cold. Keep in the fridge once cooked.

EGGCELLENT TIP: Add a splash of vinegar to the water before boiling to prevent cracked egg shells!

how to cook eggs - boiled eggs
Learning to boil eggs just right is just the start of learning how to cook eggs. Source: Bigstock

2. How to scramble eggs

Who doesn’t love creamy scrambled eggs? NO ONE, THAT’S WHO. Use 1-2 eggs per person and see below how to scramble eggs with ease.

  1. Heat a medium size non-stick frying pan over medium heat and add a little butter to grease the pan.
  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and lightly whisk with a fork.
  3. Add a dash of cream (around a tablespoon) to the eggs and gently stir through.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and let it set for around six seconds before gently pushing the mixture edges towards the centre of the pan with a spatula.
  5. Keep on the heat until cooked to your liking, before removing. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

EGGCELLENT TIP: Don’t chop/stir/move the eggs too much while cooking them or they’ll become rubbery. Easy does it!

how to cook eggs - scrambled eggs
Scramble eggs with a gentle hand and they’ll be light and fluffy always! Source: Bigstock

3. How to poach eggs

I won’t lie, poaching eggs does take some practice – and everyone seems to have their own way of doing it.  But for the record, here is how I do it:

  1. Crack the egg into a small bowl or ramekin and set aside.
  2. Half-fill a saucepan with water and bring the water to a simmer (just below boiling point).
  3. With a spoon, gently swirl the water in the saucepan to create a gentle whirlpool effect.
  4. Bring the small bowl containing the egg to just above the swirling water surface. Gently tip the egg into the water.
  5. Cook the egg for around 2 minutes, giving it a little gentle stir to stop it from sticking to the bottom.
  6. Take the egg out with a slotted spoon to drain away the water, season and serve immediately.

EGGCELLENT TIP: Take a look at this egg poaching hack if cooking for a crowd!


4. How to fry eggs

Fried eggs, sunny side up? A classic and EASY breakfast dish or the perfect topper for Nasi Goreng. Here’s how:

  1. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat with enough olive oil to just cover the base of the pan.
  2. When the oil is hot, crack your egg into the pan and turn the heat down to medium-low to prevent oil spitting.
  3. Cook the egg until the egg for a few minutes until the egg white has turned opaque and set.
  4. Remove from the pan with an egg slide, season with salt and pepper and serve.

EGGCELLENT TIP: If using a small frying pan, you can tilt the pan while cooking or use a spoon to pour some of the hot oil onto the egg white to make it cook a little faster!

how to cook eggs - fried eggs
How to cook eggs: the classic sunny-side-up fried eggs brekkie. Source: Bigstock

5. How to make an Omelette

When it comes to cooking eggs, making and cooking an omelette is hedging on gourmet status. You can add anything you want to this delicious eggy envelope – cherry tomatoes, cheese, spinach, ham, or whatever your heart desires. Plus it’s perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Winning!

  1. For one omelette, lightly beat two eggs in a bowl using a fork.
  2. Use a small non-stick frying pan and heat over low heat. Melt a knob of butter to grease the pan and prevent eggs from sticking. We’re cooking low and slow for an even cook!
  3. Pour the eggs in and let them sit for a minute to seal. Using a silicone spatula, gently lift the edges of the egg disc and tilt the pan so the uncooked egg can run underneath to cook.
  4. When the eggs begin to set, add your omelette stuffing on top of the egg. Season with salt and pepper and leave it for a minute to further cook before folding the omelette in half using the spatula and sliding it onto a plate. Serve immediately.

EGGCELLENT TIP: For a delicious cheesy hit, add goat cheese or fetta cheese, it melts and adds some salty goodness to every filling!

how to cook eggs - make an omelette
Making an omelette is getting your egg cooking FANCY PANTS ON. #masterchef Source: Bigstock

All the egg inspiration awaits!

There you have it, five deliciously easy ways to cook eggs. For more egg recipes, take a look at these posts below:


South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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