Pregnant women who want to save a bundle on setting up a nursery for baby already know to head to IKEA. And now they can save even more. But there’s a catch!
To get the discount on one of the company’s top-selling cots, mamas-to-be have to pee on an IKEA advert. No, this is not a joke!
Who doesn’t love an IKEA shop? No need to think about what you need or where you’re going, just follow that innovative little circuit and voila! You’re coming home with a flat-pack table, some fake plants and 25 tealights you didn’t need.
Wee, it’s a discount!
You have to admit it, the IKEA marketing team are clever little bods and now they’re at it again. Their Swedish ad agency Ã…kestam Holst has come up with a magazine ad that pregnant woman can pee on to reveal a discount code for their Sundvik cot. Honestly, I’m serious!
OK, so it does sound a bit gross. But let’s face it, you’re pregnant. You need to pee 24/7 and you’d really like a new cot, so you might as well make the most of it!

All you have to do is drop a little pee on the test strip of the advert page and if you are pregnant, then a discount code for the crib will appear. Maybe not the best way to actually find out you’re pregnant, but if you’re already expecting then it’s just a bit of good wholesome fun (kinda).
Sadly the ad – which uses the same technology found in home pregnancy tests – is only being published in Swedish magazine, Amelia, for now. But who knows, if enough mums-to-be go for a pee, it could be here soon.
Just in case you’re into weird ways of finding out you’re pregnant, did you know toothpaste works as a pregnancy test?!