General Health

Kangatraining: See Why it’s the Best Fitness Activity for Babywearing Mums


What do you do with a baby all day? I mean, after the initial fourth trimester. Once your little sidekick is kind of settled, perhaps even in some sort of sleep/feed routine and when you are ready to venture out of the house? Kangatraining!

I struggled immensely with feeling stuck inside with a new baby. As an active person, I wanted to get out and get back into shape but I also wanted to involve my youngest daughter. I did a lot of walking with her but it was kind of lonely. I wanted something that involved other mums and babies too. Something that involved a bit of adult conversation, not just me pointing at flowers and asking my baby if she likes them too.

Kangatraining – carry your baby and workout  at the same time

Then I discovered Kangatraining. This was something I had never heard of but essentially, it was a fitness class for babywearing mums.

mum and bub exercise - Kangatraining
Kangatraining combines connection and closeness with fitness and fun while babywearing. Source: Supplied

Perfect for clingy infants

Unlike traditional gyms, there isn’t a creche. Instead, you work out WITH your baby. You carry them, you play with them, you interact with them WHILE also getting your heart rate going.

It’s stimulating for them and beneficial for you, plus there is no separation anxiety to worry about. Now, what’s what we call a win/win, don’t you think?

This was a big one for me. My youngest was very clingy and I hated the idea of going to the gym and worrying that she was in creche crying the whole time.

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A clingy infant’s exercise dream come true! Source: Supplied

I also wanted to do something during the day, outside the house that involved her, where she could interact with other babies and I could feel like part of a circle.

Kangatraining - babywearing exercise class
Find your circle. Source: Supplied

Lunges for two

I also really wanted to get back into shape. Kangatraining isn’t dreadfully strenuous (like you’re not going to want to puke after a workout or anything) but it does target core areas and leaves your muscles feeling the burn the next day.

Kangatraining exercise for mum and baby
Bub up. Bub down. Source: Supplied

A lot of the exercises are all geared towards restrengthening the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles as well as correct posture too … all super important postpartum!

There was nothing better than going to one of their hour-long classes, meeting other mums there, and then getting into a workout. We would squat. And lunge. And get those muscles working.

Then we’d do a little bit of a babywearing boogie (which I would do VERY, VERY poorly).

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Kangatraining is designed for both front and back-wearing bubs. Source: Supplied

My daughter would usually giggle, smile, and crawl around during the mat routines.

Crying babies and hungry booby monsters welcome! 

Other times she would cry too much and I would whip out the boob and feed her mid-workout.

There was never any judgment or concern because the other mums get it. They’ve been there, they’ve whipped out a boob mid-workout too and this inclusivity was so welcoming, especially when I did have some nerves about entering a social environment with a very clingy baby.

postpartum exercise - babywearing Kangatraining
Source: Supplied

But, most of the time, my daughter would love it and would fall asleep in her carrier while I attempted to not screw up the dance steps in the back row. There wasn’t ever the issue of ‘timing’ her sleep – if she fell asleep, great. If not, the car ride home was sure to do it!

Kangatraining fitness
The “snooze and groove” move. Source: Supplied

Even though I was terrible at the dancing part, it was a lot of fun.

Afterwards, we’d all head out for coffee and then I’d head home for some lunch and bub’s afternoon nap. I’d feel accomplished, energised, and slightly sore from all the squats. I honestly loved having that Kangatraining as part of my weekly routine when I was on maternity leave.

Kangatraining classes
Source: Supplied

Find your Kangatrainer! 

This unique mum and bub exercise has made its way all around Australia now. It started nearly 10 years ago and has grown from one instructor in Melbourne to 92 instructors around the country. Chances are, there is a Kangatraining trainer near you!

Furthermore, it’s not just Kangatraining anymore – there are heaps of other classes now available too.

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KangaKid is ideal for active little ones. Source: Supplied

The Kanga Class List

  • PreKanga for pregnant mums
  • Kanga Burn which is a high-impact class for the extra-keen fit mums
  • KangaKids is a movement class for kids
  • Powerhouse is focused on your pelvic floor
  • Kanga Mix is the popular outdoor program that focuses on movement outdoors, including pram-related activities (KangaonWheel) and speed hiking (Kangatrail)
Kangatraining classes near me
KangaonWheel in motion: Source: Supplied

Every class is a little bit different so if you are interested in joining one, check out their website for a more in-depth account of each program.

You can also check your local trainer and class timetable to see what classes are available that work with your current routine.

Kangatraining near me
Find your Kanga Crew. Source: Supplied

Kangatraining is not only loved by mums but it’s also endorsed by midwives, physiotherapists and babywearing consultants as a safe and effective workout designed specifically for postpartum and babywearing.

Register for a class near you today!

If this is something that interests you, we highly recommend giving it a go. Indoors, outdoors, pram, carrier – there is a Kangatraining program to suit you and your preferences!

kangatraining outdoors
Indoors, outdoors – there’s a Kangatraining to suit! Source: Supplied

It’s such a beautiful way to bond with your baby but also to do something social that’s for you, and makes you feel accomplished and energised.

Out of all the classes I did with my daughter during maternity leave, this was one of the things I most looked forward to.

Search your suburb on the Kangatraining website to find the class closest to you using the link below.

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Become a Kangatrainer

There are also opportunities for mums to become Kangatraining trainers and start their own businesses.

The only prerequisite is a passion for connecting with mums in your area and bringing them a fun, rewarding and safe workout with their baby!

The Kangatraining instructors teach you everything you need to know and the course is only three days too. The next one starts October 28th to 30th. If you’re interested in learning more, email Brooke at in**@ka***********.au to register your interest! She’d love to hear from you!

This is a sponsored post for Kangatraining


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

1 Comment

  1. I love Kangatraining! Such a great way to meet new mums, exercise, have fun and spend time with your child.

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