
A Day in the Life of a Kmart Toy Tester. Enter to WIN!


How do you find out which toys kids are going to go absolutely ga-ga over?  You gather a bunch of children in a room with a bunch of toys – that’s how.

And that’s what Kmart just did, inviting Mum Central to a special event that combines three of our very favourite things – Kmart, toys and kids! What’s not to love?!

mum central

Earlier this month, Kmart invited children from around Australia to come to Melbourne for the day and put its new toy range through its paces. From wooden toys to cuddly softies, from craft kits to building blocks, no toy was left untouched. Or unplayed with.

Putting the fun into play

We at Mum Central are already suckers for the Kmart toy range.  In fact, we recently hand-picked our own faves from the Kmart toy aisles to show you. The toys are educational, affordable and durable – win win win!

My six-year-old son, Alex, feels pretty much the same way about Kmart’s toy collection.  So you can imagine his excitement to be one of the lucky kiddies invited to the toy test party.

mum central

We were both grinning ear to ear when we arrived at Chadstone Shopping Centre to discover table upon table of toys. They had every aisle covered -modelling dough, colouring in, craft kits, puppets, soft toys, toy kitchens, dolls houses, wooden toy sets and dress up costumes.

PLUS, they gave all the kids official “toy tester” lab coats, which Alex thought was the coolest thing ever. He’s officially changed his career occupation of choice from a police officer to a Kmart toy tester.

It’s Kmart toy testing time!

So which toys made the grade, according to my son?

mum central

For Alex, it was all about the wooden toys collection. He’s the king of imaginative play, and it didn’t take long before he nestled into the toy cash register ($19) and shop set.

I have to say I love that Alex is a fan of wooden toys. I was too, and still am. They are great for setting their imagination on fire and of course, building and improving on their dexterity. Plus, you can’t really get past that whole nostalgic element attached to them.

Pretty soon we were whisked away to play shopkeepers. I am not too sure about Alex’s suggested $1 million price tag for the wooden school bus ($15) though?! Alex clearly didn’t want to let it go for cheap. In fact, he didn’t want to let it go at all.

mum central

Luckily he didn’t have to. Alex was invited to choose his favourite toy to take home and, of course, he chose the wooden school bus. (Top pick, Alex!) It comes with its own wooden crew, but Alex tells us his Spiderman and Batman toys aren’t shy about hitching a ride.

Going above and beyond, in the name of toys

Toys aside, the best thing about the whole experience was watching the team at Kmart interact with the kids. It showed they truly care about what children want and what toys our little ones want to see on the shelves (and in their toy boxes at home).

mum central

After getting this behind-the-toy-shelf experience, it makes perfect sense why Kmart is an industry leader in the toy category and why they continue to surprise up with their innovative toy range.

We can’t wait to see what they come up with next! And I’m sure our kids can’t either. Want more Kmart love? Then don’t miss our article about brilliant Kmart hacks to make mum life easier.



To celebrate all things toys, toys, toys, we’ve got a $100 Kmart Gift Card up for grabs to one of our lucky readers!

To enter, simply complete the entry form below and tell us in the comments what toys your kids would have played with most to be in the running!


Win a $100 Kmart Gift Card

Avatar of Belinda Jennings

Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.


  1. Avatar of Sarahd

    My kids would have been putting on a puppet show, they love to entertain and make up stories!

    • Avatar of Debbie white
      Debbie white Reply

      My grangson is nearly 5
      He would love to help out with all the toys

      • Avatar of Lily

        Mine love the cash register and pretend to hold a supermarket. Everything is 50$ in her shop . She s 2 and half years old

    • Avatar of Corinne Pepper
      Corinne Pepper Reply

      My son would of loved anything that had wheels or any sort of “experiment” toys.

    • Avatar of sandy

      The school bus would be my grandsons favorite as he always loves to see it in store and loves buses.

    • Avatar of Melissa M

      The puppets! My boys have active imaginations and can entertain all of us for hours on end with their creative play. Which is absolutely fantastic except for bed time when you actually want them to go to sleep!

    • Avatar of Danielle Bailey
      Danielle Bailey Reply

      My twin girls would have been getting messy with the arts and crafts etc. They love to write, draw and make things

      • Avatar of Angela

        My boys would love the craft packs too! Nothing better than creating.

    • Avatar of ALLISON

      WOW would be the word of the day – Just to be different my son would try out all the girls toys and my daughter would head straight to the boys toys.

    • Avatar of Julika Maritz
      Julika Maritz Reply

      my son loves anything dress up like or lego and science stuff.

    • Avatar of Debbie Kinmonth
      Debbie Kinmonth Reply

      Definitely the toy cash register as they always loved playing shops.

    • Avatar of Dana

      My darling girl would have loved the toy cash register, she loves to play shopkeeper.

    • Avatar of Kylie Mackay
      Kylie Mackay Reply

      My son would have loved the wooden bus and anything crafty!!

    • Avatar of Emma Ross

      For my boys it would be the dress ups. The three year old would be Spider-Man and my six year old would be the blue pj mask character. My girls would be using the cash register for my boys to pay for them lol

  2. Avatar of Tracey

    My youngest son would love the wooden school bus, he is obsessed with buses

  3. Avatar of Tanya Elston
    Tanya Elston Reply

    My kids would love the kitchen. They love making food and cooking in the oven.

  4. Avatar of Karen scott
    Karen scott Reply

    My little man would of loved the bus and puppets
    He actually would of walked in and thought oh my where to 1st lol i think he loves kmart more than me sometimes

  5. Avatar of Jessica m

    My kids would love the wooden toys. The school bus would be a favourite my daughter loves pushing cars and buses around and the wooden one is sturdy enough to handle a very active 1 year old

  6. Avatar of Melissa Grazules
    Melissa Grazules Reply

    My boys would love the school bus especially my 2 year old he’d be singing ‘the wheels on the bus’ all day long while playing with it and stopping to pick up and drop off passengers

  7. Avatar of Jiana Sumner
    Jiana Sumner Reply

    My little would love the wooden toys especially the bus and cash register

  8. Avatar of NikkiH

    Definitely the school boy loves school and yep thats all he asked for when shown.

  9. Avatar of Kristen. W
    Kristen. W Reply

    My kids would go nuts with the dino and unicorn dress up! They love creating their own little worlds, and theyre one of the few Kmart toys we dont have.

  10. Avatar of Kerry

    The fish/turtle catching game for sure! My daughter LOVES these kind of games.

  11. Avatar of Tmeeka Henricks
    Tmeeka Henricks Reply

    definitely the school bus! My kids have never caught the bus to school and when they see it driving around it fascinates them to the point they ask me to send them on it!

  12. Avatar of Cassie

    My kids would’ve played with everything!
    Looking at the toys particularly the toys that make noise and can be seen clearly in their packaging is their reward for behaving evertime we go to kmart which if often!

  13. Avatar of SarahB

    Olli would have spent most of his time playing with the wooden kitchen – he LOVES helping me cook at home 🙂

  14. Avatar of Kristina T
    Kristina T Reply

    My little girl would love to have tested the wooden kitchen! She loves to try different foods and enjoys watching myself and her dad cook so, without a doubt, she would have loved having her very own kitchen like mummy and daddy ☺

  15. Avatar of Stephanie Veljanovski
    Stephanie Veljanovski Reply

    Puppets , my kids are so into imaginative play at the moment and constantly want me to make funny voices and act silly with soft toys that we own. They would absolutely love some puppets to join in the fun.

  16. Avatar of Kim Turner
    Kim Turner Reply

    My 4 year old one and only loves imiganitive play andnwould LOVE the hand puppet dolls.. i really likethem.also as they remind me of my childhood toy a rigadoom doll.

  17. Avatar of Ana

    My 6 year old son would loved to have tested the puppets and art section. He loves pretend and imaginative play and jokes!

    For my 3 year old son I believe he would have tested the kitchen and play dough! He loves cooking and when combined play dough and kitchen, it’s a couple of hours play for sure!

  18. Avatar of brittany quinn
    brittany quinn Reply

    my son would love the school bus and daughter would love the kitchen 🙂

  19. Avatar of Johanne Stone
    Johanne Stone Reply

    So hard to choose – My daughter would absolutely love playing with play Dough – she would probably make some “cookies” and bung them in the wooden kitchen oven.
    Get the picnic blanket out because after those “cookies are cooked”, it will be munch and crunch time.!
    What an amazing day this would be….

  20. Avatar of Georgia

    My daughter would have played with the playdough as she loves creating all kinds of monsters, animals and colourful towers.

  21. Avatar of Lisa u

    My daughter loves the wooden toys especially the kitchen. They are the best toys I have seen out in a long time that promotes learning and play

  22. Avatar of Sharni

    My children love the craft kits and the playdough. It brings out their imagination and creativity skills. It amazes me and them what they come up with.

  23. Avatar of Rebecca T

    My daughter is all about cooking currently and the cash register and shop set would be right down her alley! She loves her purse full of money (business cards!).

  24. Avatar of Richard Harrison
    Richard Harrison Reply

    My son Stanley would be all over the wooden school bus. Cars are his life, he’ll happily stare out the window at cars for ages

  25. Avatar of Sarah brownlee
    Sarah brownlee Reply

    Our 14 month old son would love to try out the wooden toy bus as he loves anything that he push around

  26. Avatar of Tiffany

    My little girl loves the wooden toys. We have such a great time together. I build them up, she knocks them down and then giggles her little head off. It’s the best!!!!

  27. Avatar of melinda roche
    melinda roche Reply

    Little +Luigi (14m) would love to have tested the wooden toy bus. His friend has one and he loves playing with it when he goes to Lucas’ place.

  28. Avatar of Sara

    My twin boys would love the kitchen or the puppet show as they playing together.

  29. Avatar of FionaL

    The cash register , I know would be the favorite to play shops with and play with money – . hopefully learn about money and spending while playing!

  30. Avatar of Terri Arthurs
    Terri Arthurs Reply

    The wooden toy bus, it’s strong sturdy and would hold up to every day play by my toddler

  31. Avatar of Angela

    My daughter would love the kitchen, she is always ‘making’ me lunches when I’m working at home ❤️

  32. Avatar of Christine Butler
    Christine Butler Reply

    Definitely the Play Doh. She loves creating things and modelling, and she’s loved Play Doh for years.

  33. Avatar of Jade Philp
    Jade Philp Reply

    We have just bought the deluxe wooden kitchen for Christmas so my 3 year old would die over all of the wooden food accessories!

  34. Avatar of Fiona Charlton
    Fiona Charlton Reply

    The fish catching game for sure for my little fisherman!

  35. Avatar of Jamie Crowe
    Jamie Crowe Reply

    My boys would LOVE the fishing game, the play kitchen and the school bus!! Oh and of course the play dough!! 🙂

  36. Avatar of Michelle Budge
    Michelle Budge Reply

    I would definitely be the Wooden school bus. Having a boy and a girl, they can both play with this toy. The detail looks great.

  37. Avatar of Joanna Lau
    Joanna Lau Reply

    Definitely the wooden bus… it’s entertaining plus he can put his favorite characters on it! 🙂

  38. Avatar of Kimbo

    My children love wooden toys. The bus and cash register would be very well used & loved!

  39. Avatar of Leah Taylor
    Leah Taylor Reply

    My son would love the kitchen/ cash register , he loves playing resturaunts

  40. Avatar of Janine McNaughton
    Janine McNaughton Reply

    My girls would love the play dough with the cool kitchen accessories. At least they won’t make a mess unlike conventional cooking and it’s great for gross motor skills!

  41. Avatar of Vanessa Brown
    Vanessa Brown Reply

    Wow! That experience sounds incredible! Your son made brilliant choices! My twins would likely have gone straight for the cash register too. There is one at the playgroup they sometimes go to and they love to play with it and also have tea parties with teddies

  42. Avatar of Nadien Lavell
    Nadien Lavell Reply

    Little Gray would be ALL OVER the kitchen play. He thinks he’s the next Heston Blumenthal. He even has the black glasses.

  43. Avatar of Jodie Dorricott
    Jodie Dorricott Reply

    Mr 5 year old with the biggest imagination, would not have known where to start with all those awesome toys. He would be a ball of excitement going from one table to another, playing, imagining and I’m sure wishing so hard he could have them all. The wooden toy bus would be a huge hit as he would be able to let his amazing little mind run wild with all that he could do with it.

  44. Avatar of Patricia

    My children would have loved it all! My daughter would have especially loved the play dough, kitchen and the threading animals. My son would have loved anything with wheels, so the bus would be a winner for him!!

  45. Avatar of Cecilia Warrick
    Cecilia Warrick Reply

    The cash register, he has loved to play with my old expired plastic cards from my wallet and foreign coins, pretending to play shop.

  46. Avatar of Kathryn

    My daughter would love the kitchen to prepare giant feasts for us !!

  47. Avatar of Kate

    My son would love the school bus and would spend hours pushing the children around the house in the bus

  48. Avatar of Kylie Reid
    Kylie Reid Reply

    My boys would love the school bus so much!! They love buses and would have so much fun playing together 🙂

  49. Avatar of Sarah Spalding
    Sarah Spalding Reply

    All of my three youngest girls would love to try out the school bus! Not only can their imagination be used for conversations with the little wooden crew, and there are plenty of characters so they can play together, what do they talk about? where is the school and what class are they in? But also I have fallen into the gender stereotype as a mum (which is ridiculous when you think about it!) and we don’t have any car toys in the house! Something I need to work on. ASAP!

  50. Avatar of sue perry

    The toy kitchen my little chef loves whipping up yummy slices & scrumptious desserts
    Its a great toy for imaginative play

  51. Avatar of Dani

    The kitchen set & the cash register. My 3yo lives pretnding to play shop & my 14mo loves to make cups of tea.

  52. Avatar of Elizabeth

    My little guy would love to play with the bus. He is only just off enough to start picking up things to look at but he would then get years and years out of it

  53. Avatar of Magda

    definitely dough – anything to get messy, the more mess the more fun 🙂

  54. Avatar of Sam

    My son would love the playdough, the kitchen and the cash register he loves to make “food” for mum and dad to eat

  55. Avatar of Jessica Ashbrooke
    Jessica Ashbrooke Reply

    My two would love to wooden bus my boy loves any vehicles he plays with them for hours

  56. Avatar of Kate w

    My LO would love the wooden school bus he has a plastic one ATM but the wooden range from Kmart is amazing and so durable

  57. Avatar of Christina

    My kids love cash registers and the kitchen set as they are into playing restaurants at the moment

  58. Avatar of Luize

    The fishing game for fish and turtles. Both my boys love fishing and they could practice with success with tjis game@

  59. Avatar of Shenan

    Oh that little fishing set is so cute, looks like it would make a great travel toy

  60. Avatar of Michelle fay
    Michelle fay Reply

    The modelling doh would’ve been a winner for my kids but the costume dressing up would’ve been a close tie as they love both equally

  61. Avatar of Shannon Ryan
    Shannon Ryan Reply

    My 4 year old son would have loved the kitchen, he loves to pretend to cook me things!

  62. Avatar of Shayna T

    My son would love the wooden bus. He has the wooden pirate ship from Kmart and adores it, so would love to add it to the collection!!!

  63. Avatar of J Sass

    My son would love cash register. He loves numbers at the moment.
    There’s something so special and tacile about wooden toys.

  64. Avatar of Tracy

    My 3 girls would love the wooden toys expecially the cash register they love using there imagination and play shops together all the time!

  65. Avatar of Tracy Campbell
    Tracy Campbell Reply

    The hand puppets – great for kids to imagine with and also great fro mum and dad to use if teaching a life story about stranger danger etc.

  66. Avatar of Sarah-Joe Williams
    Sarah-Joe Williams Reply

    My son loves interactive toys that are bright or makes noises

  67. Avatar of Emma Flanagan
    Emma Flanagan Reply

    My daughters first birthday is comming up and this would really help to get her some really cool gifts!

  68. Avatar of Nicole Strachan
    Nicole Strachan Reply

    My 3yo son would love the wooden bus as he is obsessed with all vehicles.

  69. Avatar of Jo

    My son would love the playdoh! Bonus that it’s good for his fine motor skills@@

  70. Avatar of ValerieW

    My kids would’ve loved playing with the kitchen. They really into pretending to do the things Mum does.

  71. Avatar of sammy minshull
    sammy minshull Reply

    My girls have friends next door and they play House or Shops all the time. They would love the kitchen & the cash register also. this would give them hours of play, let their imaginations run wild while not being on any screens. WIN = WIN!

  72. Avatar of Elke

    My kids would definitely play with the toys which allow them to replicate real life situations. Playing school, playing shops anything that allows role play using their tiny little imaginations. Cutest thing ever to watch!

  73. Avatar of Alicia T

    My kids would’ve loved to check out the puppets! They’re always making puppets & props to put on little shows for us at home.

  74. Avatar of Donna B

    The School Bus set – wooden toys are the best and so kid proof!

  75. Avatar of Michelle s
    Michelle s Reply

    With Christmas and my sons birthday coming up the kids have a list as long as my arm! Of course new bikes are on the list and everything that goes with it!!

  76. Avatar of Holly Crossin
    Holly Crossin Reply

    My daughter would love the dressing up and the kitchen best

  77. Avatar of Katherine

    My two imaginative pretend players would have loved the boy and girl hand puppets. They play for hours creating their own world.

  78. Avatar of Sally

    We absolutely love the wooden toy range at Kmart. It takes me back to my childhood and gets me excited to watch my son grow and have similar toys to what we grew up with. They’re fun, innovative and bright which is fantastic for my sons developement.

  79. Avatar of Mary Preston
    Mary Preston Reply

    The kitchen for sure. Little Miss is always cooking up something.

  80. Avatar of Alan Parratt
    Alan Parratt Reply

    Puppets talk so funny,
    Especially to mummy,
    We love the puppet king,
    That’s Dad, he also has a puppet thing.

  81. Avatar of Alexandra

    Definitely the kitchen,, everyone can get involved in cooking games

  82. Avatar of Sarah

    We have the cash register so I know that’s a winner! Also anything kitchen-related she would absolutely go to town with (and maybe I would too ). We LOVE Kmart!!

  83. Avatar of Catrina

    The kitchen, my son is really getting into imaginative play lately.

  84. Avatar of Natalie M

    Her buses are lined up from biggest to smallest. Biggest is the mum bus which has 3 babies.. I think she would love a yellow dad bus to transport her zoo around.

  85. Avatar of Lee kennedy
    Lee kennedy Reply

    That wooden school bus would be a hit for both my kids! The 3yo would definitely boss the 1yo around!!!

  86. Avatar of Asenath Lynch
    Asenath Lynch Reply

    My daughter would love everything and probably woupdnt know where to start haha but would probably spend the most time with the playdough and the kitchen, possibly combining the 2.

  87. Avatar of Laura Power
    Laura Power Reply

    Both my boys love anything with wheels so the yellow bus would be their first pick

  88. Avatar of Angela S.

    My kids would love the cash register! They love playing shops.

  89. Avatar of Donna Leysley
    Donna Leysley Reply

    Playdoh, wooden school bus, wooden kitchen, soft/fluffy toys – ALL OF THEM! Honestly Miss 6 would love all of them.

  90. Avatar of Ruth Hanham
    Ruth Hanham Reply

    My daughter loves all the wooden toys but now also just adores anything to dress up. Basically anything at Kmart is a winner!

  91. Avatar of Sara

    My daughter would have loved the dress ups! It’s something we don’t have much of at home, so they are always a hit when she gets to play with some.

  92. Avatar of Shane

    I am not sure whether my son’s head would explode…the very thought of getting to spend $100 in Kmart on toys would test that theory. He would most studiously walk the whole toys section scrutinising all before him. This process would take about 3 hours before he would choose his bounty. I would most definitely need a coffee afterwards…..

  93. Avatar of Maria Gillies
    Maria Gillies Reply

    Definitely the wooden toys!! The school bus, the cash register, anything wooden, they promote imaginative play which is very important for a child’s development. They are very robust, don’t need a constant supply of batteries and usually don’t fall apart! I have a new Great Nephew, Charlie and he will be receiving wooden toys for his Birthdays and Xmas’s just like my Son did too!

  94. Avatar of Pavlova

    My daughter is a wiz with her hands and loves keeping them busy so I’d have to say the craft kits but then I’d have to say Our Generation Dolls are her favourite due to all the amazing accessories available.

  95. Avatar of Joanne Cardamone
    Joanne Cardamone Reply

    My daughter would have loved to test the toy kitchen, she’s always forever pretending to cook a feast

  96. Avatar of Esta

    The cash register so he can be like Daddy at work (hubby owns a shop with a register).

  97. Avatar of Kylie Baker
    Kylie Baker Reply

    My youngest boy would love the play-doh sets didn’t see anything for my older boy on video but remote control cars etc would be his go to.

  98. Avatar of Lisao

    My teething 5 month old would love anything he can fit in his mouth! 🙂

  99. Avatar of Kayla V

    To be honest she would much prefer the packaging the toys came in. However im all for the wooden toys. I love the durability of them and you can not go wrong with wooden toys they are great for the imagination.

  100. Avatar of Kell

    We are a Family of cooks and bakers so I know that all the kids in our Clan would love and appreciate the kitchen.

  101. Avatar of Kaila

    I have Kmart toy bbq etc at home so 100% My boys would have been with the table top kitchen, all the kitchen appliances and food ! They love helping me , whenever I pick them up from daycare they are cooking/ feeding others in the wooden kitchen ! This would help me with completeing their home kitchen #kmartmum

  102. Avatar of C.McCarthy
    C.McCarthy Reply

    I think I spotted a little wooden kitchen in the video… daughter would absolutely love playing with that. It even had little salt and pepper shakers – CUTE!!!!

  103. Avatar of Nicole

    the play doh, my little boys has just been introduced to this at kinder. He must really want to play with it badly as we found it all in his bag to take home from kinder lol

  104. Avatar of Melissa Turner
    Melissa Turner Reply

    My little munchkin would have set up house with all those adorable wooden kitchenware toys!

  105. Avatar of Donna Cadogan
    Donna Cadogan Reply

    My son (5) probably would have LOVED the playdoh sets, me not so much. lol
    He loves to create and get his hands dirty but i have nightmares about playdoh mushed into the carpet.

  106. Avatar of Jade O'Shea
    Jade O'Shea Reply

    The dinosaur and unicorn dress up are perfect for school holiday fun!

  107. Avatar of talia

    Well my almost 2 yo daughter would love the wooden bus she’s obsessed with wheels on the bus but my son would love the kitchen he loves playing with his cousins

  108. Avatar of Kim

    All of them – but the Play Dough would have to be favourite for both my kids

  109. Avatar of Louise Baida
    Louise Baida Reply

    My son, and daughter, would love the school bus set. My son is obsessed with buses and trucks and my daughter keeps telling me she is going to take the school bus to school next year.

  110. Avatar of Tameca

    My son’s love Art craft, my 3 boys love sitting down painting n drawing and to be able to hang up when completed.

  111. Avatar of Kimberley Borg
    Kimberley Borg Reply

    My 2 babes would head straight for the wooden toy collection and dress ups. They too love imaginative play and would without a doubt cook me up storm and then charge me a fortune for it 🙂

  112. Avatar of Bronwyn Evans
    Bronwyn Evans Reply

    My daughters are always playing together and making up characters and games so i think they would love the puppets the most. With their imaginations the possibilities are endless.

  113. Avatar of Jade

    Our kids love play dough, dolls, prams, accessories and anything kitchen (role play/ imagination based) related.

  114. Avatar of Vicka Sugandhi
    Vicka Sugandhi Reply

    My son would definetely love the wooden school bus!!! He would enjoy imagining he’s driving the bus and would observe for its tyres and exhaust.

  115. Avatar of Carol p

    My daughter would love dressing up as a Unicorn and putting on a puppet show anything she can use her imagination

  116. Avatar of Tyla Fitch
    Tyla Fitch Reply

    My daughter is obsessed with Mr maker so the art and craft supplies would be a massive hit in our house

  117. Avatar of Veronica Christensen
    Veronica Christensen Reply

    Definitely the play doh they love squishing it through their fingers

  118. Avatar of Jodez

    Definitely the craft kits and play dough… my girls love to create things, they’re always sneaking into my art supplies so they can make things.

  119. Avatar of Mel

    My son would love the wooden school bus, he’s obsessed with vehicles at the moment!

  120. Avatar of Isabeau jane
    Isabeau jane Reply

    My kids still love wooden toys just like their Mum! They never go out of trend and cover a broad spectrums of ages from 0 to 100. I love that Kmart stock affordable, fun wooden toys!

  121. Avatar of Aimee Slattery
    Aimee Slattery Reply

    My little girl would adore the wooden kitchen set- she just loves playing house with all our real kitchen equipment so both her and I would love some of her own!!

  122. Avatar of Kasey S

    My boys would love the play doh to use in the kitchen. They love playing MasterChef.

  123. Avatar of Alice

    My 23 month old son would love the lego tape for his increasing pile of lego! I’d love it as well – keeps it all in one secure spot!

  124. Avatar of Jessie Chibber
    Jessie Chibber Reply

    The wooden toys, they love the wooden trains and the wooden buses. A classic toy that lasts generations.

  125. Avatar of Aldo

    Wooden school bus ‘wood’ be a hit, as the kids normally get dropped by car (being in a rural ‘out of the way’ area), and they could sing the song all day!

  126. Avatar of Jessica Morris
    Jessica Morris Reply

    My daughter would love the toy cash register and shop set…. she is always asking us to “come to her shop”

  127. Avatar of Kate

    My kids would love playing with anything new that wasn’t theirs! But my 3yo would especially have loved the cash register as he is obsessed with shopping at the moment!!

  128. Avatar of Stacey M

    Both my boys would have been making things in the wooden kitchen and then using the wooden cash register to sell us the stuff haha

  129. Avatar of Michelle Black
    Michelle Black Reply

    The school bus would be a hit in our household. My son loves toys with wheels!

  130. Avatar of Belle

    Anything to do with the kitchen my 2yr old son loves cooking up a storm

  131. Avatar of Ra Jakobasch
    Ra Jakobasch Reply

    My Kids would be so happy with any of these amazing toys – All the wooden toys look awesome.

  132. Avatar of Logan

    The play kitchen would have been a big hit as we’ve never had one of those!

  133. Avatar of Alexandram
    Alexandram Reply

    My daughter would have loved to have tested the table top kitchen. We are always having cups of tea and she always pretends to cook cakes and biscuits

  134. Avatar of christie

    My nearly 3 year old son would love the wooden school bus and kitchen toys to test he already loves to try out the toys in kmart.

  135. Avatar of Lizz

    My girls would love to test out the wooden kitchen set ..We do need a new one in our home soon .Hopefully santa brings one at Christmas

  136. Avatar of Amber

    My 3 boys love Kmart toys 🙂 my kids love all interactive toys and my middle child has quite an imagination so he would love puppets . The others cars, buses you name it

  137. Avatar of Lindsey Ritchie
    Lindsey Ritchie Reply

    I have a 12 and 2 year old girls. Even though the age difference they love playing kitchen, tea parties and restaurants. We have a wooden kitchen bought 10yrs ago from Kmart. They love playing with it and the wooden food. My 2yr old absolutely loves the wooden food you can cut! Brilliant idea Kmart and sooo reasonably priced! At the moment my eldest also loves playing with the stuffed food from Kmart, we have a donut, ice cream and French fries! My son (9) still loves playing with anything with wheels. The bus would of been a hit. He also loves all the science kits that Kmart has brought out. The Skylab is already on his Santa list! The $100 would definitely help for Christmas.

    • Avatar of Kelso Simone
      Kelso Simone Reply

      My kids love toys for all ages! Even though they are older they will still happily play with kitchens and blocks. I love the Kmart wooden toys and I have started collecting them for child number 3- due any day now. My children and I would definitely love to get involved any time Kmart wants kids testers

  138. Avatar of Heidi O'Day
    Heidi O'Day Reply

    PuPpeTs are amazing, My nephew would love to try these and put on a show for everyone. Actually, I would love to.

  139. Avatar of Lisa Jane Eskinazi
    Lisa Jane Eskinazi Reply

    The puppets. They inspire creativity and fun! Something to distract them from the iPad

  140. Avatar of Shannon

    The cash register is on the Christmas list it’s so cute and looks like great fun and the dough mine are crazy for play dough they would love this

  141. Avatar of Milly

    My youngest son loves anything role play, so a dolls house or any other miniature version of real life

  142. Avatar of Sharee Ussher
    Sharee Ussher Reply

    Our boys would love the kitchen as they have great young imaginations & would help them unite & play nicely together.

  143. Avatar of Erin

    Definitely the wooden school bus! Anything that goes vroom vroom! There’s so much to choose from at Target!

  144. Avatar of Tammerly

    Congratulations Alex, what a GREAT job. I’ll bet he had the BEST time. Such a great opportunity. My son would love to play with the fishing set because his dad is a budding fisherman … but like Alex he would especially love the school bus because he is soooo obsessed with buses and trucks. $15? Bargain! Going to buy one today.

  145. Avatar of Stefanie

    My daughter would love the cash register because she’s currently learning to how to count money so she would love to buy her soft toys and use her coins along with the cash register.

  146. Avatar of Bek Dominy
    Bek Dominy Reply

    My daughter would definitely love the cash register. She’d definitely try and swindle some money out of us for her shop!

  147. Avatar of Tegan vlahos
    Tegan vlahos Reply

    First it was the magnetic fishing set , but then it was the play doh kits, both my boys can play with dough for hours!

  148. Avatar of Jenandnick
    Jenandnick Reply

    Totally love the wooden toys! My daughter loves imaginative play and currently has the Kmart kitchen with plastic toys which aren’t the best as they break easy! These wooden toys would last forever, possibly even for her children, my grandchildren, to play with!

  149. Avatar of Jaime Garland
    Jaime Garland Reply

    My boys would love the cash register. They love playing with money and pretending to be rich. My youngest loves to pretend to buy a Porsche. He wants to be a mechanic and own lots of awesome cars. Lol.

  150. Avatar of Justeen Fisher
    Justeen Fisher Reply

    My youngest son loves using the cooking toys and dinosaurs and my other 2 boys love their cars and lego.

  151. Avatar of Catherine

    Out of everything in the video my 6yr old would play with the kitchen.

  152. Avatar of Chantal

    Definitely the toy cash register. My kids love doing pretend shopping play!

  153. Avatar of Danielle Marie
    Danielle Marie Reply

    This would be amazing for our toddler to give her a very special Xmas this year!

  154. Avatar of Sharon Mcnair
    Sharon Mcnair Reply

    My 3 girls would love playing with the cash register and kitchen set or play dough hey love pretending and making up games they have great imaginations

  155. Avatar of Lyn Cohn

    My daughter loves playing shops; she and her friends would spend hours with that cash register.

  156. Avatar of Sarah

    My kids would definitely love the wooden cash register and play food. They are obsessed with playing shops together .

  157. Avatar of Tashana purkis
    Tashana purkis Reply

    My kids would play with everything lol but I think the bigges item they would run straight for were the puppets (secretly I would too lol)

  158. Avatar of Cleo

    Oscar would have fun with the cash register as he loves counting the money.

  159. Avatar of Nikie

    My 6 year old daughter would love the puppets so she could put on shows and use her imagination

  160. Avatar of Tanya C

    My little guy would love the fishing game so that he can be just like Daddy!

  161. Avatar of Kylea

    My sons eould have loved the cash register they are loving anything to do with money ( tickets in their words). And the bus boys and their transport!

  162. Avatar of Paige Yang
    Paige Yang Reply

    My kids would love to try the fishing set, which looks so much fun.

  163. Avatar of Naomi C

    My son loves the kmart brand lego and would love the wooden trucks/buses

  164. Avatar of chers

    my daughter is obsessed about frozen / my little pony and unicorns

  165. Avatar of Christine

    My son would have been in toy heaven with LEGO Kmart have the best range and price on LEGO in case you didn’t know!

  166. Avatar of Amanda Bayley
    Amanda Bayley Reply

    My kids would love the puppets, they love immersing themselves into other peoples lives and role playing, my daughter is fabulous at different accents, they would have hours of fun.

  167. Avatar of Angela M

    The playdough. It’s always so much fun. For kids and adults too!!

  168. Avatar of Tania Pyers
    Tania Pyers Reply

    I have a two day old and 4 year old. Would be great to win.

  169. Avatar of Mel Eaves

    My girls would love the wooden kitchen and the cash register

  170. Avatar of Kerri B

    Definitely the play-doh! My kids love it and I swear it’s the only time they play together nicely without fighting 😛

  171. Avatar of Amy Camilleri
    Amy Camilleri Reply

    My kids would have played with the kitchen and register and run around the shop with the costumes on for sure.

    • Avatar of pfaftle

      …only after they’ve played with the box it came in for hours, would they move on to the fishing game or till.

  172. Avatar of Amanda Evans
    Amanda Evans Reply

    My girls would have loved to have played with the wooden kitchen! My eldest is autistic and loves food/kitchen play as this was the first toys she played with when she started therapy

  173. Avatar of Colette

    My 20 month old boy is all about the “broooms”. Anything with wheels that moves is an instant winner! The Kmart wooden toy range is fantastic! He loves what he’s got so far.

  174. Avatar of Julia Pearse
    Julia Pearse Reply

    The magnetic tiles are an absolute hit in our house. Our 2.5 yr old loves the colours and shapes.

  175. Avatar of Amanda

    My 4yo daughter loves checking out all the toys when we visit Kmart. She is always telling me all about what they do and what cool features they have. I just know she’d have a ball trying and testing them all given half a chance.

  176. Avatar of Rowan Barber
    Rowan Barber Reply

    Paw Patrol. Are there any other toys anymore apart from Paw Patrol? I just don’t know anymore. 🙂

  177. Avatar of kathy clark
    kathy clark Reply

    Lego is always at the top of all of our presents when we go the kids

  178. Avatar of Kasey Evans
    Kasey Evans Reply

    My kids would have definitely loved playing with the play doh set as they love creating a goey mess with the crap….I mean play doh!

  179. Avatar of Ingrid Hirvonen-Burgess
    Ingrid Hirvonen-Burgess Reply

    my daughter would combine the play dough with the kitchen as she loves to create and cook. Why use just when when high are so great.

  180. Avatar of Audrey

    The school bus, as my kids will enjoy hours of fun rolling this bus around in and out of the sun!

  181. Avatar of Catherine Whyte
    Catherine Whyte Reply

    My kids would love the school bus as its creative and good to push around. Plus they haven’t got any toys like it!

  182. Avatar of Nicole Woods
    Nicole Woods Reply

    The modelling dough for sure! They love creating colourful and fantastical creatures and such.

  183. Avatar of MelissaZ

    Definetly the playdough! My son has a huge collction of playdough for his sensory needs.

  184. Avatar of Mary

    My girl would love the puppets she is constantly putting on puppet shows for us!!
    The best thing about Kmart is the affordability the quality is brilliant from homewares to toys to clothing. It’s out number one shop

  185. Avatar of christin

    My son loves play with lego, monsters truck and all sort of car racing.

  186. Avatar of JenJen

    My son would love the wooden school bus; he’s crazy about anything with wheels…cars, trucks, buses.

  187. Avatar of Maree Gray
    Maree Gray Reply

    The wooden kitchen for sure. The kids just love their wooden toys.

  188. Avatar of Kelley Durie
    Kelley Durie Reply

    All the wooden toys are amazing but definietly love the kitchen set ❤️

  189. Avatar of Brooke

    My daughter would love the toy kitchen. Her favourite thing is to cook.

  190. Avatar of Happy_Jack
    Happy_Jack Reply

    The wooden toys….trying to get back to nature given the tech world we live in

  191. Avatar of leanne mills
    leanne mills Reply

    My granddaughter loves her wooden food play sets from Kmart and has pointed out the cash register on shopping visits.

  192. Avatar of Rebecca Figgins
    Rebecca Figgins Reply

    My child is currently playing with her umbilical cord but a $100 Kmart voucher will allow us to buy plenty of toys to keep her occupied once she no longer has that.
    Bath toys, pretty dangly things to go over a play mat, the car seat, the pram and bassinet, toys that make fun noises, things to chew on come teething time and something soft and snuggly that she will be able to treasure well into her adult years

  193. Avatar of Annette

    My daughter loves the wooden kitchen and foods. She would spend hours playing with it. Her current toy kitchen is second hand so i would love to get her a now one

  194. Avatar of Liss

    My almost 3 year old would play with the toy cash register and the play kitchen set. He just loves all role play toys. These toys are so good for their imagination and provide hours of fun.

  195. Avatar of Marina

    My children love the lego, and any board games it great to see such a variety of toys that always keep them entertained.

  196. Avatar of Alana W

    Hands down Play Doh and all the accessories
    The wooden Cash register
    The kitchen

  197. Avatar of Carlin

    The kitchen would have been a huge hit for our household, as both our kids love a home corner. The fact that it is wooden is an added bonus!

  198. Avatar of Laurina Ainscough
    Laurina Ainscough Reply

    Definitely the play doh! It’s always great to refresh to lot with new ones.

  199. Avatar of Melanie O

    But definitely the puppet show, she loves making up plays and performing for us over the couch

  200. Avatar of JENNY LEARMOND

    My 6 & 7 year old granddaughters would have loved the dolls and puppets and my 3 & 5 year old grandsons would have loved the DINOSAURS. They all would love to get their hands on the PLAY DOH 🙂

  201. Avatar of Jocy

    My daughter is into cooking so she would have loved playing with the kitchen when she was younger.

  202. Avatar of Melissa

    My little girl is only 3 weeks old but I know my Prep/Grade 1 students would love to play with the puppets. I love watching their imaginations run wild!

  203. Avatar of Shu-Ching Chang
    Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Wooden Toys are my favorite Kmart toys collection because they have vibrant of color and the finest quality stimulating kids motivation. I am sure that most kids would live to play these beautiful wooden toys.

  204. Avatar of Fiona

    My 3yr old would love the wooden toys as he uses my wooden spoon and hammers his block into his plane puzzle all day.

  205. Avatar of stephen elsworthy
    stephen elsworthy Reply

    My kids love making a mess in my kitchen so to have their own would be great for them and…ME!

  206. Avatar of gail davies
    gail davies Reply

    My gorgeous granddaughter would love the kitchen ,,, she loves to help her Mum prepare dinner

  207. Avatar of Rachel K

    Definitely the puppets. They’s be used as props in their creative world of improvisation of weird little nursery rhyme themes that would become timeless classic in our home forever!

  208. Avatar of Melonie

    My daughter, who will be 2 Christmas Eve, loves All the Kmart toys, but her favourites are the big rubber duck and any baby doll.

  209. Avatar of Rita

    The wooden kitchen, as my girls love to use their imagination in the kitchen and pretend the are on Masterchef!

  210. Avatar of jocelyn Bartczak

    Cash register cause really what girl doesn’t like shopping. Especially using someone elses money. lol But all the toys would be a hit.

  211. Avatar of Lauren Hunt
    Lauren Hunt Reply

    The school bus as it’s yellow and bright. See my son talks about buses from morning to night. He loves to sing “the wheels on the bus go round and round”. This wooden version is even perfect for me as it has no sound.

  212. Avatar of Hue

    Lego is what’s hot right now. Anything ball related for my eldest.

  213. Avatar of Sallystavrou
    Sallystavrou Reply

    The kitchen— my kids love making scones with jam and cream, a small weak latte with one sugar and ham and cheese toasties for us daily!!

  214. Avatar of tracy wedding
    tracy wedding Reply

    My grand kids would love the blocks the puppets and the school bus but honestly they would love them all

  215. Avatar of Jo

    My daughter would’ve loved the toy cash register and shop set.. Although I wouldn’t get any change ever! Lol

  216. Avatar of Ellie

    My daughter would play with everything that’s in Kmart!! In fact we just been to a Kmart yesterday and spent our lunch time exploring every toys there is.

  217. Avatar of Michelle Burger
    Michelle Burger Reply

    My 2yo son would love the wooden fishing game, he loves games that challenge his hand/eye co-ordination. My 4yo son’s favourite would be the playdoh because he’s really into all things messy and loves to make and create things

  218. Avatar of Lizzy

    Love the school bus with passengers but my kid would be all about the hand puppets, as that’s what he is really into these days.

  219. Avatar of Lena

    My daughters would have both loved the dress up costumes (and probably everything else as well!!)

  220. Avatar of Kim Campbell
    Kim Campbell Reply

    The Puppets once on their hands it would have been a challenge to get them off, soft cuddly toys that they can tell stories with.

  221. Avatar of Angela McCully
    Angela McCully Reply

    My youngest would have absolutely loved to play with that wooden bus. I think Santa may actually now have to bring one for Christmas

  222. Avatar of Adriana Miller
    Adriana Miller Reply

    Both my son 4 years old and my daugther almost 3 would have played with the Woden cash register and all the kitchen toys. They love playing together that they cook and they make a picnic they are so sweet when they play together!!

  223. Avatar of Wendy Paulsen
    Wendy Paulsen Reply

    Cars, cars, cars!
    Big cars, little cars, remote controls cars, model cars, monster trucks, Lego cars, cars, cars, cars!

  224. Avatar of Amelia

    My daughters would have been straight into the wooden kitchenette and the assorted wooden food/kitchen items. They would have loved to have tested it, probably would have had to drag them away. They are right into their imaginative role play and mimicking adult behaviours. To be able to create their own ‘pretend’ meals would be right up their alley!!

  225. Avatar of Jason Kimpton
    Jason Kimpton Reply

    My youngest daughter would love that yellow school bus and those soft dolls

  226. Avatar of Jason Kimpton
    Jason Kimpton Reply

    My youngest would love that yellow school bus and those soft dolls

  227. Avatar of Tamara Juliet
    Tamara Juliet Reply

    My 5 year old and 2 year old daughters would love this, they’d be found playing with anything craft or DIY, like the kids science experiments, clay modelling, absolutely anything D. I. Y

  228. Avatar of mickey

    My son would love the school bus set. Anything to do with vehicles he loves

  229. Avatar of Sameera Zahid
    Sameera Zahid Reply

    wow… What a wonderful experience for your kid… 🙂 My kids would like to play with the wooden kitchenette…. and for my 7 months old any soft toy will be great as he likes to snuggle up with them 🙂

  230. Avatar of Alison Hunble
    Alison Hunble Reply

    School Bus. My toddler is obsessed with Wheels on the Bus and sings it allll the time

  231. Avatar of Hanne Brunes
    Hanne Brunes Reply

    My 2 year old son, Thomas, would absolutely loooooove to play with the wooden cash register ans the pretend play veggie patch. Thomas love pushing bottoms on cause and effect toys, and he love to play pretend play going shopping. So many great toys at kmart.

  232. Avatar of Megan M

    My 5 year old son would love to play with the cash register
    he loves selling things and thinking of ways to make money!
    My 2 year old son would love the school bus,
    he loves anything on wheels!
    I love Kmarts wooden toys, they are so sturdy and timeless.
    Always shop at kmart for toys, they are such value and great quality!

  233. Avatar of Kirsten

    She would just adore those puppets! There is nothing she likes more than preparing a performance for the family and those things are just too cute!

  234. Avatar of FoodieK

    She would just adore those puppets! There is nothing she likes more than preparing a performance for the family and those things are just too cute!

  235. Avatar of Indy

    My son would love the wooden yellow bus. He is 2, and the first song that he can sing is ‘The wheels on the bus’

  236. Avatar of Bronwyn D

    I think my children would find the magnetic fishing game irresistible. Fish it out, put it back; fish it our, put it back. Great ongoing play.

  237. Avatar of Kris

    My sons would love to have tested the toy kitchen and cash register. They both love to cook and play “shops” 🙂

  238. Avatar of Lisa P

    My boys would have loved the wooden toys too, especially the cash register. We often play shops but don’t actually have a cash register so that would have caught their eye for sure.

  239. Avatar of helen c

    The fishing game would be so cool to play,
    I might just have to head to k-Mart again today!

  240. Avatar of Trudy M

    My kids would have loved testing the wooden kitchen and cooking up breakfast and cups of teas for everyone, it would occupy them for hours.

  241. Avatar of Vanessa Ahern
    Vanessa Ahern Reply

    My daughter would have loved to have tested the Kmart Unicorn Costume as she and her friends currently love dressing up.

  242. Avatar of Beth Streten
    Beth Streten Reply

    My daughter would love the wooden fishing game! What a wonderful toy!

    My so would be obsessed with the wooden school bus! He’d be driving it everywhere!

    I’m similarly glad my children share my love of wooden toys.

  243. Avatar of sapna

    My son would love to try “wooden school bus ” because he loves to sing “the wheels on the bus go round and round” and loves to play with cars.

  244. Avatar of Ben

    The kitchen set. My nephew likes nothing more than to cook up an imaginary storm. The dividends will come when can operate a real stove.

  245. Avatar of Charl

    The Playdoh and Art sets my daughter would be interested in the most.

  246. Avatar of Adele Smith
    Adele Smith Reply

    My grandson would love the Wooden School Bus as it combines his favourite things, a moving vehicle and character figures. He is always play acting with his favourite character figures from PJ Mask and with his cars and construction vehicles so I’m sure his PJ Mask characters will go for a ride on the school bus plus its a great learning tool, teaching him without him knowing that school is going to be a fun place to be.

  247. Avatar of Troy99

    My 4 year old son loves to play bakeries so he would love the cash register. Also the wooden bus for all his little people!

  248. Avatar of Helen S

    Our four love art and building things. They love dolls and board games. They just love to play.

  249. Avatar of Viny Vabriany
    Viny Vabriany Reply

    The craft kit because my kids love being creative with art making

  250. Avatar of Kate

    As a grandmother of many, this prize would allow great Christmas presents.

  251. Avatar of Nicola James
    Nicola James Reply

    My grandkids would love the craft kits, they so enjoy creating – especially a mess!

  252. Avatar of james pizzey
    james pizzey Reply

    My grand children love to make me a cup of tea and cakes a kitchen set

  253. Avatar of Michelle D
    Michelle D Reply

    The wooden school bus would have been the favourite with my kids. They’ve just started school so anything to do with going to school is still very exciting for them.

  254. Avatar of Louise P

    My daughters would have loved to test the play dough. This is one toy that has held their interest for years. They always come back to it.1

  255. Avatar of David

    My 6 yr old daughter is also a major fan of wooden toys like Alex in the story and knowing her she would have gravitated to the cash register straight away (despite her already owning 3 cash registers). And again like Alex in the story, my daughter loves to put extraordinary price tags on items she ‘sells’. I can just imagine her saying “thats 5 million dollars and twenty cents please” ……

  256. Avatar of Leo W'ski

    He would have loved ANYTHING wooden – its funny but lately he cannot get enough wooden toys!

  257. Avatar of Jamie angus
    Jamie angus Reply

    the puppets my daughter is obsessed with puppets they help with every situation from being sick to just playing she loves them that would be the coolest toy to test

  258. Avatar of Nikki

    My little boy would have loved the fire truck that makes noises, as he goes straight to it whenever we go to K-Mart

  259. Avatar of Kim Kilgour
    Kim Kilgour Reply

    My children would have loved to play with all of the toys, but the kitchen & the school bus would have been the favourites I think

  260. Avatar of Rebecca Zierach
    Rebecca Zierach Reply

    My son would love the wooden school bus. He loves driving vehicles around the floor. He’d love placing all the little wooden people in the bus.

  261. Avatar of Maryam Naeem
    Maryam Naeem Reply

    Wooden school bus for my son . But he would live anything from Kmart because thats his favorite place to shop for toys.

  262. Avatar of Girlie Eyre
    Girlie Eyre Reply

    My son loves all the musical toys. Also loves the woden block toys

  263. Avatar of Anna

    My kids would have loved the puppets – they already make all their socks into puppets!

  264. Avatar of Naomi

    My eldest would have loved the colourings, my younger 2 would have played with everything else, especially the playdoh and the puppets.

  265. Avatar of rebecca yangzon

    The kids would love all of this most of all the kitchen and puppets as they love using there imagination and creating fun role play activities .

  266. Avatar of Brooke

    She would love to play with the WWE toys! She adores Becky Lynch so I can definitely picture my daughter playing with a Becky figurine!!!

  267. Avatar of Karlie

    Our girls love the wooden dramatic play props. The wooden rainbow and wooden food sets such as the sushi are favourite at the moment.

  268. Avatar of Tricia Horwood
    Tricia Horwood Reply

    all things dolls and animals, she would love all of them all if she ha chance that is lol.

  269. Avatar of Amber Baines
    Amber Baines Reply

    Definitely the wooden toys! They are so different from most available today!

  270. Avatar of Kartya

    My son would love the wooden toy bus because it goes Brrrm Brrrm and the Dalmatian plush as he has such a soft spot for dogs and my daughter would love the kitchen to cook the family breakfast with!

  271. Avatar of Kara A

    My son would love the wooden yellow bus he has autism and loves to organise his characters the added interaction of the opening door and stop sign make it a fantastic toy and one you dont see around these days

  272. Avatar of Viki

    All of the soft toys are amazing! Big fan of the classic plush toys so they would make an amazing addition to our ever growing collection!

  273. Avatar of Michelle Ward
    Michelle Ward Reply

    I eat a lot of wooden cakes and empty cups of tea so I know my kids would love experimenting with the play kitchen.

  274. Avatar of NicoleF

    My daughter would love the kitchen set. She loves pretending to cook and serve food and being just like mummy.

  275. Avatar of Karen Power
    Karen Power Reply

    My little people would love the fishing game and the puppets they are always putting on shows.

  276. Avatar of Juliette Gibb
    Juliette Gibb Reply

    My girls would have played with the modelling dough or any of the crafty type of things.

  277. Avatar of Chelsea Hurring
    Chelsea Hurring Reply

    My son, Jaron would love to try the electric scooter and my son Charlie would love to try the scout talking puppy

  278. Avatar of Sarah Blockley
    Sarah Blockley Reply

    My daughter would have loved everything lol! I loved the look of the wooden play food and I know that my daughter just loves imaginative play in the kitchen, but I think she also would have adored the puppets too.

  279. Avatar of Sarah Turnbull
    Sarah Turnbull Reply

    My kids would love the bus and the kitchen. They h
    Ave awesome imaginations.

  280. Avatar of Christine

    As a mum of 4 (10yr, 5yr, and 3yr twins) we are into alot of different things. Its hard to try and select one item to test hahaha . We would love to test it al hahah.

  281. Avatar of Tanya

    My girls would love the playdough toys. They love being able to create things and use their imagination

  282. Avatar of Suzanne W

    My daughter loves any kind of art and craft items that she can be creative and imaginative in making things. She would have had a ball doing what your son did. How lucky was he!!

  283. Avatar of Paula Lawrence
    Paula Lawrence Reply

    My boys would love the wooden toys. Especially the kitchen stuff.

  284. Avatar of Leanne Moran
    Leanne Moran Reply

    Our youngest two kids would love the cash register. Always playing shopping or restaurant/cooking games.

  285. Avatar of Alison O

    My kids love to role play with puppets all those puppets look amazing and will be loved by both my girls

  286. Avatar of Kylie S

    Any of the wooden toys look fabulou but my kids would love the wooden cssh register as they are into playing shops and pretending to be the shop keeper or the shopper. This would definitely be their favourite!

  287. Avatar of Kerrie Tullipan
    Kerrie Tullipan Reply

    Hands down the play dough. My 2 kids (10 and 5 years) love Play Dough. K Mart offer 2 different brands of Play Dough, the original and the best Play Doh brand and when i was in my local K Mart store last month i noticed a significantly cheaper brand of play dough. Great! Or so i thought. Because of it’s ridiculously cheaper price i bought a tub of each colour. Big mistake. As soon as my children got their hands on it and tried to roll, pat, mould and squish this ‘other brand’ play dough, their faces were full of disappointment. It was dry and just crumbled away. They may not be very old and may not know very much yet but what they do know is their Play Dough. Heck, they are play dough connoisseurs. They were not impressed.

  288. Avatar of K_H

    Our 5 yr old would like the arts and crafts, wooden toys and the dress-ups.

  289. Avatar of Shan

    My girls would die for the playdough and beautiful wooden kitchen. I prefer to give my kids toys they need to use their imagination for. What a fun day that looked like! ❤️

  290. Avatar of Emma

    Both my 5 yr old and my 2yr old boys would probably go for the arts and craft. They both love being their own kind of artist and y eldest loves creating, inventing and building new things. My youngest would probably also go for the wooden toys (kitchen and cash register) he loves playing cafe and cooking me things.

  291. Avatar of Beckles

    My daughter loves playing shops every time we go to the park so she would live the wooden cash register I’m sure

  292. Avatar of Cat helbig
    Cat helbig Reply

    The cash register would of been his first choice but would of moved to the kitchen pretty damn quickly he just loves cooking and mixing and making all sorts of things

  293. Avatar of Jen Rizk

    My kids would love the kitchen and the play doh they have great imagination and they love using the play doh and cooking up inventions in The kitchen

  294. Avatar of anna mitchell
    anna mitchell Reply

    My 4 year old would love all the shop and food toys, she would have been making up stories and playing for hours 🙂

  295. Avatar of PaulaW

    Both my daughter’s would be there playing with the toy kitchen (even though we have the exact same one at home!) And cash register to make sure they charge their Mum for all the ‘coffee’s’ she drinks 🙂

  296. Avatar of Lin

    My daughter would love the cash register. She’s decided she wants to run her own art gallery with ice cream shop attached when she grows up so has been using a cardboard box with numbers drawn on it as the register (when we buy cardboard cone/ cotton-wool ice creams from her.)

  297. Avatar of LizB

    My daughter would absolutely have a ball trying toys. She always wants to be in the toy isle to see what’s new

  298. Avatar of Su Lim

    The kitchen set, puppets, wooden bus and any wooden toys. They love playing make belief and it’s great to see their use of imagination with improvisation.

  299. Avatar of Tia

    My daughter would have loved the puppets as she loves to entertain us at the moment!

  300. Avatar of Vicki

    I love the school bus, perfect for my youngest granddaughter to play with when her older sister goes off to school on the bus

  301. Avatar of J

    My kids are a little too old for those toys but Kmart has hreat toys for the older ones too

  302. Avatar of Louise

    My son would have played with everything! He loves wooden toys, cash register and the puppets. He recently made up his own puppet show and presented to the class.

  303. Avatar of Emma

    My kids would love the puppets , they remind me of rigodoons from when I was a kid .

  304. Avatar of Lisa

    My daughter loves cash registers- keeps her busy for hours in her shop!

  305. Avatar of Sarah J

    My eldest daughter (5) loves play dough,
    Lets her creativity show,
    It can make so much mess,
    But I love squishing and rolling it too I confess.
    My youngest daughter (2) loves puppet shows,
    Mesmerised by the moving mouth and nose.

  306. Avatar of Lorna M

    My God daughter would have loved the puppets, she would have hours of imaginative play with her brother and these gorgeous puppets.

  307. Avatar of Courtney

    My girls would have loved the play dough, just have to keep them from eating it

  308. Avatar of Kyles

    The puppets. My girls love their imaginative play. A puppet show by them would be great to watch!

  309. Avatar of Alicia Bardsley
    Alicia Bardsley Reply

    The puppets – I can see many a puppet show performance if we had those

  310. Avatar of Shontel

    Cash register – she loves playing shops. But to tell you the truth it would’ve been all of them- she simply loves to use her imagination and play.

  311. Avatar of Kylie Clayton
    Kylie Clayton Reply

    Playdoh is always a winner in our house (even with our big 16 year old boy) as it’s so creative; one minute we have Star Wars characters, the next Mr Potato-head stringy hair! And the mess factor seems to be fun too. 😉

  312. Avatar of Christina E
    Christina E Reply

    My kids would love the plush toys because there entertainable and kids would be creative and imagineable with them. Making up their own stories and games

  313. Avatar of Lisa Brooker
    Lisa Brooker Reply

    My son would love the toy kitchen. I think he might be a chef with how much he loves to pretend to make food for everyone. And helping me in the real kitchen too 😉

  314. Avatar of Sally Forrest
    Sally Forrest Reply

    The wheels on the bus, hop aboard, ready for school, Kaching $, attention Kmart shoppers, four year old Maisy is in charge of the wooden bus and cash register today. This is the noise in our play room from a happy Kmart Toy Lover!

  315. Avatar of Rachel Faint
    Rachel Faint Reply

    My daughter would love the cashe register she’s all about saving which for an 8year old is great and my little man play doh is his favourite he’s always making me food mmm .

  316. Avatar of Julia Todd
    Julia Todd Reply

    My boys would love the puppets and would put on a great puppet show every day!

  317. Avatar of LeaC

    My eldest 2 daughters would love the great playdoh set and the beautiful hand puppets. My youngest daughter would love the kitchen playset.

  318. Avatar of sonya

    The puppets, because my kids are really creative and love using their ‘acting voices’ on when we get the puppets out!

  319. Avatar of Felicity

    My children would love the playdough they are very creative with what they make. They would love the puppets too.

  320. Avatar of andie harrie
    andie harrie Reply

    wooden toys would suit them best
    especially when they said try to break the toys, what a test
    I can see them running into other wooden cars and walls
    Having fun to see if anything breaks or falls

  321. Avatar of Nicole Williams
    Nicole Williams Reply

    Wooden bus set would be a huge hit in my house. Love the puppets too.

  322. Avatar of Narelle Walker Duffill
    Narelle Walker Duffill Reply

    The puppets playdoh and the kitchen but they would just be trying absolutely everything whilst carrying the cushions as well my daughter has a kmart donut pillow and it goes on so many adventures!

  323. Avatar of Heidi D

    When my daughter was younger she would have headed straight to the craft stuff. My little nieces all ask for craft stuff every Christmas too.

  324. Avatar of FRANKIE MS
    FRANKIE MS Reply

    All of them! She’d size up the room and make her way through the ones that haveth least amount of kiddies playing with them. She has all types of toys, wooden, little kitchens, and boys toys. We love doing the craft kits with her. She loves the fairy house kits.

  325. Avatar of LindaJ

    My son would be been all over the craft kit,
    Anything creative with him is a great fit!

  326. Avatar of Samantha broadrick
    Samantha broadrick Reply

    My daughter would of loved to test the school bus as she loves bus as her poppy used to drive them.

  327. Avatar of Natalie

    My twin girls are learning to play
    So dont let anything get in their way
    The wooden ones are their fave
    So lots of cash i need to save
    They need to explore and dream
    But always making sure their room is clean,

  328. Avatar of Felicity

    My son would love the wooden bus as he loves anything with wheels and all 3 kids would love the art and craft things as they love to be creative and messy.

  329. Avatar of Valerie Wee
    Valerie Wee Reply

    Fishing Set is the best game ever for the kids. Interactive and fun!

  330. Avatar of Alyce

    The school bus, kitchenette and playdough would be favourites for my daughters! Plus my youngest is obsessed with dolls and babies, so that ragdoll would be coming home with us for sure!!


    The wooden toys – takes away technology and back to basics

  332. Avatar of Margot Farquharson
    Margot Farquharson Reply

    My 8yr old daughter would love to play with the wooden kitchen and bits and pieces. Imaginative play is her thing. Barbie and various soft toys have a great time having all sorts of adventures thanks to her wild imagination.

  333. Avatar of Amanda Traval
    Amanda Traval Reply

    Mr 6 would go for the playdough or building blocks…, lego, lego obsessed he is 🙂

  334. Avatar of Michelle Scully
    Michelle Scully Reply

    My kids would love the wooden play kitchen, they love making pretend meals and cups of tea!

  335. Avatar of Emma Pitchford
    Emma Pitchford Reply

    My 4 boys would have loved all of this. Mr 4 loves playing “shopping” and any role play, so the shopping toys and cash register etc as well as the toy cooking things. Mr 6 loves drawing so any stationary, as well as anything super-hero/wrestler related. Mr 7 loves anything outdoors. Mr 11 loves anything lego/building related. They all love science-type toys too, and water guns etc.

  336. Avatar of Adeline Liew
    Adeline Liew Reply

    Wooden school bus, to the tunes of ‘The Wheels of the Bus’

  337. Avatar of Kayla Sibley
    Kayla Sibley Reply

    We have a little newborn bub so she probably wouldn’t necessarily play with the toys featured but she would love soft toys made for newborns that you can also get from Kmart!

  338. Avatar of Heidi

    My 7yr old son would love the kitchen. He loves cooking and he has an amazing imagination. It is the toy he goes to at friends houses if they have one. My 6mth old would love the puppet. I think she would absolutely crack up with us making them talk to her.

  339. Avatar of Kimberley P
    Kimberley P Reply

    My little terror would love the toy kitchen as he loves to help (or hinder) his daddy while he is cooking. Already great at mixing and banging everything together. We already have the bus…which he is obsessed with!

  340. Avatar of Caroline Gunnulson
    Caroline Gunnulson Reply

    I have a 4 year old that would love the cash register, as she loves shopping and loves to pretend that everything in her bedroom is for sale.

  341. Avatar of Tacey White
    Tacey White Reply

    I adore the wooden toys, my favourite is the little kitchen, my son packs it up and takes it everywhere! I know he’d looove the bus!

  342. Avatar of Rachel Morrissey
    Rachel Morrissey Reply

    My children love puppets and imaginary play. They would have loved the kitchen and puppets.

  343. Avatar of Phillip Cunningham
    Phillip Cunningham Reply

    The bus as the wheels on the bus do go round and round. He’d love it.

  344. Avatar of Lou Street
    Lou Street Reply

    My kids would have loved the wooden toys especially my nearly 3yo. Would have been great to see her try some out so we knew what to choose for her for christmas!

  345. Avatar of Trudy Spreadborough
    Trudy Spreadborough Reply

    My daughter would love the Play Doh for sure! She loves to get in and make a huge mess with it and quite enjoys watching poor mum have to clean it up!

  346. Avatar of Kathy Bowdlert
    Kathy Bowdlert Reply

    My young lady would love the wooden bus. She goes to school by car and has a huge desire to go by bus. Younger brother would enjoy the arts and craft.

  347. Avatar of Amy Swalwell
    Amy Swalwell Reply

    My 4 year old is obsessed with kmart. He loves all the toys there

  348. Avatar of Bobbie Stewart
    Bobbie Stewart Reply

    The Playdough table would have drawn my children like Poohbear to the honey jar. Playdough is timeless, ageless and limitless in it’s ability to provide fun and entertainment. Mummy would have run to the puppets 🙂 They looked like something we could all get our silly on with. It was definitely a hard choice!

  349. Avatar of Christie Majorek
    Christie Majorek Reply

    I just loved seeing the wonder in the kids faces! I also love the change towards wooden toys as opposed to plastic toys- so much better for kids and the environment!!
    Kmart has such a wide range of toys, it really is a one-stop-shop for anything and everything!

  350. Avatar of Ellen Robbins
    Ellen Robbins Reply

    I adore the wooden kitchen – my son is obsessed with watching me cook already and I think that would allow him lots of imaginative role-play (with the hope he grows up with a love of preparing his own healthy meals).

  351. Avatar of Justine Drake
    Justine Drake Reply

    My daughter loves imaginative play and would love the cash register to sell me all her toys!

  352. Avatar of Danielle

    As Kmart wants input from all children and toys for all children, l would LOVE to see you open this up for Autistic children who play differently and often harder on toys. My 9 yo with autism would have loved the fishing game and Playdoh especially due to sensory issues…pleaseeeee help all mums even those of us with special kids! Thank you so much

  353. Avatar of Rae

    We would love the bench top kitchen set. We don’t have space for a full kitchen so it’s perfect for us.

  354. Avatar of Holly Sansalone
    Holly Sansalone Reply

    My daughter just loves playing shops, so the cash register would have been a hit with her. She loves collceting the groceries, counting out the money and bagging all the items, I do wonder where she gets the astronomical price tags though!! 🙂

  355. Avatar of Emma B

    My daughter would love playing with the wooden toys, especially the cash register as she loves helping mum with the grocery shopping.
    She would really love playing with all the toys though as she has a wild imagination!!

  356. Avatar of Lindsay

    The school bus looks brilliant! My sons favourite song is Wheels in the bus so he would just love to watch this drive about as we sing together ❤️

  357. Avatar of shrekluck

    Lego, Pokemon, board games and any superhero characters. He loves all of them!!

  358. Avatar of Ryan H

    The Play Doh as my kids love being creative and making up pieces to show us all.

  359. Avatar of Abigail B

    The wooden kitchen playset as my girls love playing cooking and preparing each other fancy meals to devour.

  360. Avatar of Laureneve

    My daughter loves a soft toy. She would give it a cuddle, a stroke and more cuddles to see if it passes the softness test!

  361. Avatar of Sally

    My son would have loved to have tested the gorgeous wooden bus, he just loves cars!

  362. Avatar of Becwarren

    My girls would have loved to have tested the puppets!
    They can spend hours together planing puppet shows, setting up seating and creating tickets for everyone.

  363. Avatar of Kylie Marks
    Kylie Marks Reply

    My 3 year old daughter would loves to play with the wooden toys as she loves to include her 8month old sister and she always says that the wooden ones are safe enough for her to play with them too.

  364. Avatar of Sarah Jeffs
    Sarah Jeffs Reply

    I’ve got three very different boys one likes trains and horses the other is imaginative and crafty and the other one loves mess

  365. Avatar of Amanda P

    My two year old would love the toy cash register she is always pretend playing that she’s going to the “chops” 🙂

  366. Avatar of Bethany Allen
    Bethany Allen Reply

    The kitchen set! My girls set up their own little kitchen set with stove burners drawn on paper and little paper knives in the living room and copy what I do when I cook dinner every night, they’d feel so special having all the right equipment!

  367. Avatar of Lolo W

    My 7 year old is a budding entrepreneur. Last Christmas he started a business ‘manufacturing’ and selling his own “high quality, hand made” Christmas decorations. He wrote out a business plan, made prototypes, even tested his market and ultimately made enough profit to buy Christmas presents for all his family and friends!

    Throughout this year, he’s been experimenting with new products for this Christmas, so I’m quite sure that if he were lucky enough to be a K Mart toy tester, he’d be making a beeline for the fantastic arts and crafts section to continue his ‘research’ with a much better variety of choices than he has at home!

  368. Avatar of Harry Cornish
    Harry Cornish Reply

    My grandson would love the school bus to play with and mimic the song ‘the wheels on a bus go round and round’ .

  369. Avatar of G Kemp

    My check would love some board games, because they love family night and games night.

  370. Avatar of Kathleen Donnelly
    Kathleen Donnelly Reply

    the Bus we have 3 Bus drivers in the family (Brother, Sister and Sister in law) so my son would love to have his own bus to “drive” around

  371. Avatar of Lisa

    Definelty the play doh is a winner in our home, although getting dressed up is also fun!!! And we couldn’t pass up the yellow bus either

  372. Avatar of Serena

    Our Lily would of experimented with all the toys as a Kmart Toy tester, she such a smart little girl for her age
    as a baby I use to find her in her room setting her toys up along the floor then she would pretend to be a teacher, a doctor, a shop keeper she uses her imagination so much!
    I even caught her changing her own nappy at the age of 2!
    please Pick Lily

  373. Avatar of Rachel .A

    my boys would love the wooden school bus and other wooden cars etc they would set up shop using the cash register and pretend to own their own toy shop!

  374. Avatar of Jan O'Bree
    Jan O'Bree Reply

    The girls love arts and crafts. That would be their favourite thing to try. They love to be creative and make lots of mess doing it

  375. Avatar of Christy van Heerden
    Christy van Heerden Reply

    The School Bus and the kitchen. My daughter loves anything that gives her an excuse to make car sounds, and my son is definitely a future chef as he loves anything to do with cooking!

  376. Avatar of bydesign

    My daughter would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do this!! Luckily she’d be sooo engrossed she won’t notice me also enjoying all the toys; losing myself in my own little world of imagination & play. #childhoodagain #reliveanytime #justakidatheart #nevergrowup

  377. Avatar of Katina Moulds
    Katina Moulds Reply

    my almost 2yo loves to cook like mummy so definitely the kitchen items … shame mummy doesn’t love to cook

  378. Avatar of karina l

    My daughter would love the wooden kitchen set -it’s even better than the real thing! Hours of fun for both daughter and mummy!

  379. Avatar of Sharon Markwell
    Sharon Markwell Reply

    Levi would head straight to the wooden toys and that is great because he can’t break them!

  380. Avatar of jenelle newton
    jenelle newton Reply

    The puppets would be my girls choice. they love setting up a stage and putting on a “show” for anybody around. And keeps them creatively occupied for ages!

  381. Avatar of Jess

    My girls would be engrossed in the arts and crafts! They love anything crafty! But they wouldn’t have left without having a play with everything else too

  382. Avatar of Sue

    My son would love the playdoh. It keeps him occupied for ages. My 14 month old daughter would like anything that moves or has buttons, the school bus would be driven everywhere in our house. She’d also try and eat the playdoh, not really what its intended for!!

  383. Avatar of rachelvk

    I… I mean the kids, would love the wooden BBQ set… so cute!

  384. Avatar of aleisha sullivan
    aleisha sullivan Reply

    The wooden kitchen would be her first stop,
    She would grab the till and set up a shop.
    She would ‘cook’ and sell cakes, casserole and toast,
    Pretend play is what she loves most!

  385. Avatar of Alyce

    My son loves playing with play dough! He loves making things and has a wicked imagination! He loves crafts and can already write his name (he’s 3) and loves numbers! My daughter is a total tomboy and love she cars, trucks and making up her own songs

  386. Avatar of Cassy26

    All the arts and craft supplies..
    My daughter would happily draw and “create all” day

  387. Avatar of shenae Fortanier
    shenae Fortanier Reply

    My kids would’ve loved the wooden school bus! so cute!

  388. Avatar of Anne Edyvane
    Anne Edyvane Reply

    My 3 yo daughter would of loved to play with the wooden kitchen. We are hoping to get her one for Christmas. She keeps putting stuff in the plates cupboard and saying ” now it’s going to cook for 20 minutes” then apparently she burns it!! She makes me laugh!

  389. Avatar of Darren Wallace-Smith
    Darren Wallace-Smith Reply

    My son being nine months would love any of the boxes the toys came in.

  390. Avatar of Joanne sampson
    Joanne sampson Reply

    My kids would love the wooden toy kitchen it looks fabulous

  391. Avatar of Jessica stacey
    Jessica stacey Reply

    My daughter would play with:
    K- itchen set making lots of different food
    M-arbles game to keep her busy for hours
    A-rmy construction set to save the world from baddies
    R- egister to put her $$ from playing shop
    T- otem tennis when outdoors

  392. Avatar of Dianne

    The school bus – at the moment he is in a vehicle mad craze and buses and firetrucks top the list, lol!

  393. Avatar of Kodie McMullen
    Kodie McMullen Reply

    My daughter would love to have tested all the play dough, she loves being creating and making crafty things

  394. Avatar of Megan

    My sister and I have spent many months with our mum in the Ronald McDonald House over the years and now that I’m an adult I always look for ways to give back, so I’d love to be able to drop off some toys for kids and parents in the House now. Each year however, we buy a few gifts for women, men and kids for the Kmart Wishing Tree, so either way this is a fantastic store and I’m grateful for this chance 🙂 🙂

  395. Avatar of CaraM

    My girls both said playdough. They love to mould it and use their imaginations to create many wonderful items, from people to food to letters. It is a great sensory experience too.
    7 year old said “Because it’s fun to play with and you can squish it in the machine to make icecream and things.”
    5 year old said “Because I can make all the colours into rainbow icecream and I can pretend to lick the icecream”

  396. Avatar of Leicia Mathers
    Leicia Mathers Reply

    The puppets, my grandson loves making up his own stories and to have characters would be more exciting for him and us as his audience

  397. Avatar of Christine

    My girl would love the colouring in pens and pencils as she loves to draw.

  398. Avatar of Karen Hodge
    Karen Hodge Reply

    The Playdough! The stuffed toys! The toy kitchen! So many toys would be a hit with my girls!

  399. Avatar of Jessica Gorman
    Jessica Gorman Reply

    My son would have commandeered the kitchen and set up a cafe. He loves role playing different customers or being the barista!

  400. Avatar of Jasmine Stanford
    Jasmine Stanford Reply

    My daughter lives for arts and crafts so she would have been into that playdough straight away

  401. Avatar of Carolyn

    My girls would have loved to test out the playdough/modelling clay. They love to mould all sorts of creations and pretend they are like Mum making fondant creations for my cakes.

  402. Avatar of Chantal B

    My son loves anything with wheels, so those would have been a big hit with him!!!

  403. Avatar of helen

    I spend my life picking up Lego, stepping on Lego and vacuuming up Lego so I know it would have been anything that could be constructed!

  404. Avatar of hayley shaw
    hayley shaw Reply

    My little one loves to perform so I think she would love the puppets to help with her performance

  405. Avatar of Courtney reeves
    Courtney reeves Reply

    My daughter would have loved the wool haired dolls. Living with all boy siblings, we are a house full of cars and train and while she lives them, I think it’s time to introduce some girly toys!

  406. Avatar of Linda C

    The wooden toy kitchenette because the creativity and interactive play and role modelling is great for little minds

  407. Avatar of Mia

    My son loves all things transport so the school bus or anything with wheels!

  408. Avatar of Patty

    My daughter would have played with the cute kids kitchen as she loves cooking at the moment and will help out in the kitchen any chance she can get.

  409. Avatar of Sarah F

    My 9 year old son loves playing with Playdough. Actually his 12 year old sister still plays it with him too, probably one of the only things they play together, so a winner in my eyes!

  410. Avatar of Avril

    My Twin boys go nuts over the puppets!
    It’s so much fun to make them laugh with them!

  411. Avatar of Bella Ri

    The kitchenette! My little one is too young to be playing in mum’s real kitchen, so she can feel like a real chef in her very own, mini kitchenette, with all the accessories to make it feel like hers!

  412. Avatar of Chantal

    Miss 3 would definitely love the playdoh it is her favourite toy she plays with it everyday followed closely by her baby doll

  413. Avatar of Andrea Blease

    I’m sure my son would love to play with the bus because he loves all vehicles and I’m sure both him and my 16 year old daughter would love playing with the play doh

  414. Avatar of Mirelle Freeman
    Mirelle Freeman Reply

    My daughter (10) would of loved everything from Barbies to Lego to matchbox cars. She’s girly girl and a tomboy plus she likes playing with her little brothers.
    My son (4) would love anything Paw Patrol and also anything Thomas and anything that has wheels, he is a car head lol.
    My youngest son (11 months) would love playskool toys and Playgro toys etc but he also loves whatever his old brother and sister are playing with and likes to join in playing with them. Plus he lives anything noisy with flashing lights lol 🙂

  415. Avatar of Ern

    Puppets for sure. Their cousin has one and when Dad or Granddad put it in their hand and make it come to life, they’re in absolute awe of this tiny little puppet ever so lifelike and real to them. It’s great to watch them interact with it, kissing it, looking directly into it’s eyes, for it’s really real you know.

  416. Avatar of Neva

    My littlies would love the wooden cash register and kitchen appliances. They are uber cute and look like they would evoke hours and hours of imaginary play!

  417. Avatar of Cassie koglin
    Cassie koglin Reply

    My kids would have loved anything to do with craft ponies dinosaurs and cars. Well really pretty much anything they can get there hands on

  418. Avatar of Natalie marchang
    Natalie marchang Reply

    My kids love to play with anything they appreciate what they are given. Weather its 50cent bubbles or a 5 dollar doll. My kids aren’t scared to explore any toy weather my daughter plays with cars or my son that plays with dolls.

  419. Avatar of Natalie marchant
    Natalie marchant Reply

    My kids love to play with anything they appreciate what they are given. Weather its 50cent bubbles or a 5 dollar doll. My kids aren’t scared to explore any toy weather my daughter plays with cars or my son that plays with dolls.

  420. Avatar of krystal howell
    krystal howell Reply

    My kids would have loved to test the play dough and wooden kitchen sets, they love making things and do kitchen cook offs with the play dough creations

  421. Avatar of Carissa

    My son would have enjoyed the magnetic wooden fishing game. He has loved any fishing game he’s tried so far, probably following in the footsteps of 4 generations of hobby fishermen!

  422. Avatar of Julie

    Both our kids love arts and craft and playdoh. Even our son who is 7 still loves having a go with playdoh (which is great for his fine motor skills) and he is really quite creative with his crafts. Our daughter loves making biscuits and cakes to put in her oven for us for morning tea.

  423. Avatar of Sharon Johnson
    Sharon Johnson Reply

    The cash register looks like a great way to teach maths to the preppies. So many year 7s reach highschool and need this skill about money and somehow they have missed the foundations.

  424. Avatar of claire h simmons
    claire h simmons Reply

    lets play puppets, so much fun and giggles from the puppets

  425. Avatar of Tamara Lamb
    Tamara Lamb Reply

    The wooden cash register would have been a hit with my shop mad 7 year old son! He loves using his imagination! Off to see what I can find in Kmart this week!

  426. Avatar of Jemma Hansen
    Jemma Hansen Reply

    My son would put on a dress up costume and then get stuck into the craft kits

  427. Avatar of D I A N A

    Kitchen, they’re so into putting on tea parties for their teddies and us oldies too.

  428. Avatar of Tracey crotty
    Tracey crotty Reply

    My kids would love ve the playdoh they live creating their own things

  429. Avatar of Melinda Bolitho
    Melinda Bolitho Reply

    Playdough is always a winner with my kids. Anything that they can make “food” with and make me pretend to eat it!

  430. Avatar of Shannon

    My son is a car fanatic, so the wooden bus & wooden cars would definitely have been his pick to test!

  431. Avatar of Melissa K

    It’s engaging, Fosters social interaction, Develops fine motor skills, problem solving and most of all fun and creative and brings the family together it has to be fun crafting with dough!

  432. Avatar of Belinda

    My little one would love the cars and trucks! There’s one benefit to living on a busy road so now he can bring it inside!

  433. Avatar of Renae Murcia
    Renae Murcia Reply

    My boy loves anything that has wheels, especially if it is red!

  434. Avatar of Jennifer Robertson
    Jennifer Robertson Reply

    My kids love role playing with their dolls. Those puppets were so expressive that they would bring their role plays to life.

  435. Avatar of Diana

    All the coloured pencils and markers on the table. They both LOVE drawing, even more so now their Aunt has been teaching them the basics and they’re catching on and producing spectacular results (well at least I think so).

  436. Avatar of Dee Susan

    My three children would love to review all the fantastic Kmart toys on the video especially the Art and Craft Set because they are very creative and all of them can share and play together. Thank you.

  437. Avatar of Kim

    Definately the dress ups at the moment. All 3 are enjoying dressing up together

  438. Avatar of Renee waite
    Renee waite Reply

    My girls love the LOL dolls num noms and dressups for sure

  439. Avatar of Mick G

    Coops loves his Lego and would certainly have enjoyed giving these building miracles a test run

    • Avatar of Mick G

      but the Cash Register would really have his interest piqued

      ** Posted comment before finishing sentence** oops

  440. Avatar of Sara Johnston
    Sara Johnston Reply

    My sons would have loved the fishing game as they get so excited about achieving the outcome, and also the wooden stove for role play!

  441. Avatar of Jennifer Cutler
    Jennifer Cutler Reply

    My children would have loved the puppets…,as they live recreating their favourite scenes from movies for mummy and daddy.

  442. Avatar of Kylie Embury
    Kylie Embury Reply

    My son would have loved to have tested the magnetic set! We’ve made similar at home with paper ‘fish’, paperclips and magnets and it’s lots of fun and so good for hand/eye co-ordination.

  443. Avatar of Jennifer B.
    Jennifer B. Reply

    Nothing would have outranked the pencils and paints… They can keep mine occupied for hours! I’m sure there’s a graphic designer or artist of some sort in the making!
    If the school bus was outlined ready to paint, it would have been their idea of heaven!!!

  444. Avatar of Tamara

    My daughter would enjoy trying out all the art and craft products.

  445. Avatar of Ashley Beech
    Ashley Beech Reply

    My youngest has been pestering me for more playdoh lately so I think all of them would love to give the new sets a test!

  446. Avatar of Hollyj

    I am a big kid myself and have lots of cousins, so getting them all involved in a christmas themed puppet show would be so fun for me, all the parents and the kids (ages 4mth-18years).

  447. Avatar of Tracy A

    Miss nearly 2 would love the doll house or anything with wheels.

  448. Avatar of Indika Wijayasekera
    Indika Wijayasekera Reply

    My son would have tested and loved the wooden school bus and the cash register. We love Kmart because it has a great variety of toys.

  449. Avatar of Anita M

    My son would love the kitchen set. He wants to be a chef when he grows up. This would teach him how to use utensils his size.

  450. Avatar of Sacha Pech
    Sacha Pech Reply

    Absolutely the toy cash register. There’s nothing more they love doing than pretend playing that they are adults doing what they think is ‘exciting’ (grocery shopping etc) – lucky their ‘babies’ (dolls) don’t squark and carry on as much as they do when I’m grocery shopping!

  451. Avatar of Matt Harrison
    Matt Harrison Reply

    my kids just love toys, they’d take anything new and play with it! pick me so I can be super dad!

  452. Avatar of Melissa

    My 2 kids would play with any of them. They would love to be able to test toys.

  453. Avatar of Rita

    The kitchen set as my kids love pretending that they are on Masterchef!

  454. Avatar of Gurpreet Kaur
    Gurpreet Kaur Reply

    I kids love crafts, play dough , lego , dressing up so literally they will play with everything . They will love all the toys

  455. Avatar of Shaylee marshall
    Shaylee marshall Reply

    This would definitely be a blessing to help get us through 3 birthdays and Christmas in December

  456. Avatar of Melissa Zammit
    Melissa Zammit Reply

    My son absolutely love playdough as he can create any thing his imagination desires

  457. Avatar of Andreanne

    My 4 year old twins would have loved to test the doll house and the play doh set!

  458. Avatar of Teresa

    My boys would have fun with the fishing puzzle and the play dough. they both like puzzles, and being creative with play dough keeps them entertained for ages.

  459. Avatar of Debora Birbeck
    Debora Birbeck Reply

    My LO would have loved the toy kitchen. He’s always sneaking off into the real kitchen to open drawers and touch stuff he shouldn’t be!!

  460. Avatar of Kim Phelan
    Kim Phelan Reply

    My little miss would just love to get her hands on all that playdoh stuff!!!

  461. Avatar of Gray

    Cars, trucks buses…anything with wheels would have my boys doing backflips, they just love these.

  462. Avatar of kirsten

    my daughter would have absolutely loved playing with the bus and trucks. She already has the dump truck and its by far her favourite toy!

  463. Avatar of AmmieA

    My son would play with any toy that has wheels and my daughter loves play kitchen items.

  464. Avatar of Annie

    That amazing red bus – it’s just so cool and he loves the song the wheels on the bus.

  465. Avatar of Maree Wood
    Maree Wood Reply

    my girls love getting their creative on! so they would love testing those out

  466. Avatar of AmyMcC

    My oldest daughter would have wanted to test out all art and craft supplies. Younger daughter would have gone straight for anything involving ponies and horses. And my son would have been playing with all cars, trucks or other moving vehicles – or on ride on toddler sized toys.

  467. Avatar of Aleisha

    The cash register! Saxon is obsessed with being a checkout attendant (he has no idea!! haha)!

  468. Avatar of Nicole Rodriquez
    Nicole Rodriquez Reply

    The cash register for sure, my daughter is a little shopaholic already….

  469. Avatar of Suzanne

    The beautiful wooden kitchen and cash register. We could have so many afternoon tea parties

  470. Avatar of Jessica Ross
    Jessica Ross Reply

    My daughter would love the puppet and anything that was interactive, makes noise and colourful. She’s a very curious 6 month old ☺

  471. Avatar of Vivian Di Biasi
    Vivian Di Biasi Reply

    The wooden school bus as it will great preparations for years to come.

  472. Avatar of BecHart

    What isn’t to love at Kmart – I am there every week because of it. A $100 voucher would certainly ease the Christmas pinch (& my husband when looking at the bank a/c :-))

    • Avatar of BecHart

      Oh and my son would love the bus. He loves ANYTHING that moves.

  473. Avatar of Gayle Vos

    My grandkids would love the Toy Cash Register as they are fascinated with them at the shops and would love to role play with their pocket money

  474. Avatar of Kim d

    My daughter would love the wooden kitchen and our son the craft kits. I go to kmart once a week so a $100 voucher would be very handy

  475. Avatar of Yen

    My kids love to play shopping so they will choose cash registers and wooden food.

  476. Avatar of Kate

    My kids also love the imaginative play. There’s not much they wouldn’t love but the kitchen would have to be a favourite.

  477. Avatar of Tans

    Definately craft kits and anything they can make a mess with and create something

  478. Avatar of Megan Harrington
    Megan Harrington Reply

    My son loves playing with the hanging sloth and monkey. I saw those hanging up at the back in the video. He sleeps with the sloth and role plays with the sloth and monkey, LOL I think the puppets would get a good workout too, His imagination is limitless. Life is never dull at our house…

  479. Avatar of ashybashx

    My son would love the cash register too, he loves playing shops!

  480. Avatar of faye hannam
    faye hannam Reply

    So many great toys. I imagine the kitchen would be a great success at this address!

  481. Avatar of Jodie Huxley
    Jodie Huxley Reply

    My 1.5 year old would have loved the school bus. He is absolutely obsessed with anything that has wheels and can be pushed around

  482. Avatar of Suz F

    My son would love playing with the yellow school bus., singing “The wheels on the bus….”

  483. Avatar of Nashwa

    My son would have played with the puppets for sure! He has a great imagination and loves to put on a good show!

  484. Avatar of rebecca carter
    rebecca carter Reply

    My youngest is all about creating! SHe would have loved to test the play doh,

  485. Avatar of Casey K

    The little magnetic fishing pond would have had a great test with my daughter, who not only is a keen fisherman but also someone who will most definitely tell you the truth!

  486. Avatar of Mischa

    I have 3 boys each with their unique tastes. one son would love anything to do with cars, wheels and trucks, second son loves anything to do with fish, and third son anything to do with gaming or water sports. Mention toy testers to them and they would of been there in a heartbeat!

  487. Avatar of Kristy Marama Dixon
    Kristy Marama Dixon Reply

    We have not had a good year this year so I would love my daughter to win. She is almost 7 and she loves Kmart for everything! My daughter doesn’t want for much so we would use it to buy gifts to put under the Kmart Wishing Tree

    • Avatar of Kristy Marama Dixon
      Kristy Marama Dixon Reply

      We have not had a good year this year so my daughter would love playing with the other kids. She would mother the younger ones of course. She loves colouring and anything that has wheels or a doll she can pretend play with

  488. Avatar of Murni

    My little girls would love the cash register and anything art and craft.

  489. Avatar of Katherine

    My little girl is wishing with all her heart for the kitchen.

  490. Avatar of Shannon

    It would be the dough and craft supplies for the win with my daughter. She loves to ‘make’ things and get messy!

  491. Avatar of Snootzy M

    Definitely the wooden toys – the school bus and the kitchen set would have been played with forever!!!!!!! We have so many wooden toys in our house and prefer them to plastic, they just seem to last and feel more authentic, looks like the kids had great fun!!! 🙂

  492. Avatar of Julie S

    My grandson would love the toy cash register as he loves to play shops and wants to own his own toy store one day!

  493. Avatar of Teena

    Tay is such a whirlwind, she would have tried everything she could have in the time she had, she especially loves making things so would probably hang in the craft section the longest 🙂

  494. Avatar of Kat Smitheram
    Kat Smitheram Reply

    My eldest son loves the wooden vehicles, especially the fire engine! My youngest is only 3 weeks old, so he is happy just chilling on a comfy blanket at the moment

  495. Avatar of Elizabeth Anderson
    Elizabeth Anderson Reply

    I would get lot’s of pretend cups of tea and baked goods out of that kitchen.

  496. Avatar of Mary Iliadis
    Mary Iliadis Reply

    My daughter would have loved to test drive the toy cash register, she is always playing shops and I am always a customer, so much fun.

  497. Avatar of Mel J B

    My eldest would go straight for all the craft stuff, my middle child would go for the wooden truck and my youngest would just love the mini kitchen

  498. Avatar of A Heiler

    The wooden tomato sauce bottle, because after seeing a McDonald’s worker putting some on a burger, that is her apparent dream job!

  499. Avatar of Tina D

    The play kitchen so they kids can play “Masterchef” to their hearts content!

  500. Avatar of AH

    The puppets – they like anything that they can use their imagination for… they just use about anything and come up with stories and plays.. once even using old toilet rolls

  501. Avatar of Mel

    The cash register! It gives them a great opportunity to use their imagination and creativity.

  502. Avatar of Fiona

    I love how interactive and educational the wooden school bus is!

  503. Avatar of willange

    That’s what my kids said when we slow mo’d the video. Anything blue just catches their attention, Did I mention that it was hanging from the tree?? I think art imitates life, as they are a couple of monkeys themselves.

  504. Avatar of Andreea Nicolescu
    Andreea Nicolescu Reply

    Looks like a fantastic time was had by all, mine would love the hand puppets, putting on his own show, telling stories (he loves talking) so this would be ideal

  505. Avatar of Kate D

    My daughter loves to play shop and go shopping! She would love the cash register!

  506. Avatar of Angie C

    My sons would love the wooden toys, especially the school bus. My 6yo is OBSESSED with wooden toys, and when he grows up he says he wants to be a bus driver!

  507. Avatar of Skye Danaher
    Skye Danaher Reply

    My kids would have played with the FurReal animals because they love cats and dogs.

  508. Avatar of Cheryl Crumblin
    Cheryl Crumblin Reply

    My daughter would love to play with the toy cash register! She loves pretend play and loves shopping!

  509. Avatar of Karen Edwards
    Karen Edwards Reply

    Oh the kitchen looks like it would be hours of fun all four of my kiddies would get hours of fun with this

  510. Avatar of Candice Milner
    Candice Milner Reply

    My kids would have loved playing with the kitchen. It would take their tea parties to another level.

  511. Avatar of Amanda S

    They would go straight for the playdoh. They know how much I hate the stuff.

  512. Avatar of Laina

    Lego girls! My daughter loves and always begs me to buy Lego girls sets for her, but I always hate to disappoint her by saying we can’t afford it 🙁

  513. Avatar of mary:)

    Kitchen and creative play, they are soo colourful and attracting and would be an excellent present for an only child

  514. Avatar of Jacqui lagaluga
    Jacqui lagaluga Reply

    Tea parties and cooking are currently in vogue at our house, so it is the stove and cooking accessories that would create excitement.

  515. Avatar of Amy Petersen
    Amy Petersen Reply

    The plush puppets would get a thumbs up from my crew, making up new scenarios and voices would bring hours of fun!

  516. Avatar of Mel Kirkwood
    Mel Kirkwood Reply

    My kids love playing shops so they would of been playing with the cash register.☺️

  517. Avatar of Rhiannon

    Dress ups! My kids are all
    About imaginative play at the moment and his would make their day!

  518. Avatar of Kristi

    my daughter would of played with everything she could get her hands on, but probably the puppets she would of stopped awhile to play with

  519. Avatar of Karen Field
    Karen Field Reply

    My son would love playing with the yellow wooden school bus. He loves playing with buses and trucks

  520. Avatar of Leanne v

    From trucks to mansions and robots too, superhero and man from the moon. Imagination runs wild Lego is loved creating magical moments for my child

  521. Avatar of Elizabeth Davey
    Elizabeth Davey Reply

    she longs to be a big kid like her cousin is, riding on the school bus is where her imagination lives

  522. Avatar of Mikaela Lambert
    Mikaela Lambert Reply

    My daughter is only 9 months old so to be completely honest she probably would of been happier playing with the box the toys came in but I do love the wooden toys range! I must say they are my favourite!

  523. Avatar of Lana Grayson
    Lana Grayson Reply

    My daughter would love to play with the Lego, anything that requires construction or problem solving she loves

  524. Avatar of Alysia sheehy
    Alysia sheehy Reply

    My daughter would love the wooden play kitchen! She loves cooking and pretending to be me lol

  525. Avatar of Vicky Bower
    Vicky Bower Reply

    Our 5yr old would play with the wooden cash register. When we get back from doing the groceries, he likes to unpack the bags. He uses a wipes container and tissue box as a scanner and till……..he absolutely loves playing supermarkets!

  526. Avatar of Jess H

    My kids would have gone straight for the wooden toys, that cash register would have been the first thing my kids would have fought over

  527. Avatar of Cass Pipe

    My kids are loving board games at the moment. They would love to test them out.

  528. Avatar of Nicole Tilbrook
    Nicole Tilbrook Reply

    The school bus would be the winner! He’s obsessed with buses at the moment!

  529. Avatar of Caite d

    My son has just started school so he loves school buses and would love to play with the different crafts

  530. Avatar of Alaina Atkin
    Alaina Atkin Reply

    My boys would have headed straight for the puppets! They love acting out little plays with their toys.

  531. Avatar of Anna de Kleyn
    Anna de Kleyn Reply

    My girls would love the kitchen play equipment and accessories. Would be perfect for their role playing and great for their imaginations to run wild.

  532. Avatar of Sally Jones
    Sally Jones Reply

    Definitely the puppets. My kids live giving me puppet shows

  533. Avatar of AshBrown

    Playdoh all the way. My 6yr old has a wicked imagination and is super creative and adores playdoh so she would have made a beeline and had a ball with it

  534. Avatar of Kate Marconi
    Kate Marconi Reply

    My daughter would have loved to have tested any of the toys in the video! She would have had so much fun!!!

  535. Avatar of Aleks Darwin
    Aleks Darwin Reply

    We love all things Kmart. My kids would have had a ball being toy testers!!! What an amazing experience!

  536. Avatar of Sharon

    My little one would have loved the cash register or the puppets as she’s always making her big brother who’s 14 and sister who’s 12 play shops which they really hate doing.

  537. Avatar of Sally kim

    My kids love the kitchen and shopping toys. But would be over the moon for getting any toys.

  538. Avatar of Marlene

    The cash register would have had a workout with my daughter, always trying to sell me something to make money….lol

  539. Avatar of Lisa Summerell
    Lisa Summerell Reply

    With my little girl and growing boy we would have had a blast testing out the dolls, prams and accessories as we have just discovered our love for dollies, and even the trucks and cars. For the growing boy it would have been testing ALL the lego and block paraphenalia. Once he tested all the lego he would move on to using his imagination with ninja turtles, ben 10, paw patrol and go jetters. Then we would check out the board games- theres a few ads on tv i have seen him crack up laughing to such as the sleeping granny one.
    I would get the added bonus of hearing chuckles of delight, squeals of excitement and pure bliss of them both having the time of their life.

  540. Avatar of Noha

    My grandkids should love anything that cause and effect and would love the toy cash register,

  541. Avatar of Amy Macdonald
    Amy Macdonald Reply

    Definitely the puppets! My 9 month old absolutely loses it when the puppets start talking to him in funny voices! Though the school bus would get a close second as he has just discovered cars and loves driving them back and forth on his mat:)

  542. Avatar of CyndiS

    My little one would be playing with the little-est toys because she can put them in her mouth. But mummy would really like for her to play with the toy kitchen set more so she can learn how things work.

  543. Avatar of Nat Kwas

    Miss almost 5 would be all over the gorgeous play kitchen which is just perfect for hours of imaginative play – happy kids = happy mum!

  544. Avatar of Amanda

    My kids would love the play dough although at school still use it in so may new ways

  545. Avatar of Jessie Rieth
    Jessie Rieth Reply

    My kids would have set up a cafe using the play food and sold their creations using the cash register

  546. Avatar of Holly-Anne
    Holly-Anne Reply

    The wooden kitchen is to just perfect. I have two little girls who would love to explore dramatic play with this!

  547. Avatar of Belinda

    Both my kids would have played with lego. They love lego and thats all they have asked Santa for.

  548. Avatar of Clare McKenna
    Clare McKenna Reply

    The fishing game would be a hit here in our house, great use of motor skills for the little ones.

  549. Avatar of AlisonH

    My boy cant go past cars or Lego and my girl loves to play shop or get messy with paint and glitter craft

  550. Avatar of Kirk

    My daughter (unlike her Mum) loves to play around in the kitchen so she would’ve been cooking up a storm in that tester kitchen!! Looks AMAZING!!!

  551. Avatar of Jocelyn

    My son would love the school bus. He loves toys with wheels on them. He’s be pushing it around the house and make some funny stories too.

  552. Avatar of Alesha copson
    Alesha copson Reply

    My little one would have loved the wooden school bus she loves to push cars along and try to sit stuff inside them too

  553. Avatar of Renee Vance
    Renee Vance Reply

    Toys that minic the home environment. So kitchens, kettles, cots and tea sets. All the fun nurturing goodies.

  554. Avatar of Tamara

    My boys are nuts over vehicles, the bus would definitely be a favorite to test in our home.

  555. Avatar of Jane Clifford
    Jane Clifford Reply

    My daughter would have loved the wooden accesaories with the wooden kitchen, she’d have run around chewing on them like no tomorrow!

  556. Avatar of Carla

    My 8 year old would love to test out any new Lego! He can’t get enough of it.

  557. Avatar of Billie Campbell
    Billie Campbell Reply

    My daughter would love the kitchen items! She’s two and adores playing and cooking for everyone with the utensils and containers in the cupboards

  558. Avatar of Bec Telek

    My girls would have loved the craft thing and the soft toys. Both have Autism and soft and cuddly is our thing!

  559. Avatar of Jean

    My kids love wooden toys lately. They’ve been wanting to look out for a school bus just like the one at kinder and a doll house for all their figurines to live in.

  560. Avatar of Jaime Hughes
    Jaime Hughes Reply

    My kids would love the wooden kitchen playsets/registers etc. They love role playing.

  561. Avatar of Kelly

    My boys would have loved the playdough and school bus, they love the sensory play with playdough and everything with wheels!!

  562. Avatar of Elizabeth Guthrie
    Elizabeth Guthrie Reply

    My 3 kids would be thrilled. They would buy lego.. crafty stuff… and anything collectablr

  563. Avatar of Sallie

    My girls would love the wooden toy bus because they love to play schools every day!

  564. Avatar of Carolyn Frances jurgens
    Carolyn Frances jurgens Reply

    My children would play with the toy kitchen and the fishing set. These are their favourite at home.

  565. Avatar of Peta

    This would be wonderful as I could use it to buy new educational toys for my family day care children to enjoy.

  566. Avatar of Jessica Ralphs
    Jessica Ralphs Reply

    My kids would go nuts with the play dough kits and wooden kitchen set. They have wild imaginations and push toys to their creative limits. The more freedom to create an imaginary world a toy has the more it will be loved.

  567. Avatar of Peta warden
    Peta warden Reply

    The 75c dough is fantastic! We also have your kitchenette! Fantastic for imaginative play!

  568. Avatar of Faith

    My girls would play with anything that is crafty. They love doing crafts or drawing or writing stories in their diaries

  569. Avatar of Brooke

    My daughter would love the kitchen, she loves helping me cook and is always pretending to cook for her dolls

  570. Avatar of Meike Bellett
    Meike Bellett Reply

    The wooden kitchen – brings back lovely memories i would love to share with the kids!

  571. Avatar of AprilDawn

    My daughter would love the kitchen and cash register so we could play Cafes.

  572. Avatar of Jusi

    My son would have gone straight to the Playdoh the wooden school bus and the magnetic wooden fishing set. He loves to play with things that stimulate his creativity and that he can manipulate with his hands

  573. Avatar of Gem

    My little girl would have loved the wooden bus too! She is really into anything with wheels at the moment!

  574. Avatar of Margaret Harwin
    Margaret Harwin Reply

    My son would have gone for any new lego sets or minecraft toys.

  575. Avatar of Melissa Cornford
    Melissa Cornford Reply

    The school bus, so much imaginative play. Plus they love the magic school bus show

  576. Avatar of Donna Leibowitz
    Donna Leibowitz Reply

    My kids would be craft, books, Lego, dressups and dolls

  577. Avatar of Mel LP

    My kids would have loved to play with the toy kitchen. They love e to whip up a creation 😛

  578. Avatar of Kate Slack
    Kate Slack Reply

    The Play dough i cannot imagine my kids ever getting bored of playing with it (i love it too).

  579. Avatar of Jemma

    My daughter would love the kitten she’s loves being creative and ‘cooking’ me meals

  580. Avatar of Emma

    Pretty sure that LEGO and NERF guns would have featured highly for my 7 year old. He loves building fantastical vehicles.

  581. Avatar of Kez

    My boots would have loved to test the cash register and the kitchen as they love role play

  582. Avatar of Amy Peters
    Amy Peters Reply

    My son is only 9 months so a lot of those toys might have been a bit advanced for him. I’d love to get some of those puppets though and the wooden school bus! I’m obsessed with wooden toys and kmart has some pretty good ones!

  583. Avatar of Kristy simms
    Kristy simms Reply

    My daughter would love the play doh but my boys would actually love the hand puppets.

  584. Avatar of Teyarna

    My eldest would have loved the puppets. She enjoys putting on shows for me and she usually uses her soft toys or her socks lol
    My youngest however would love the playdough as she loves anything creative.

  585. Avatar of LyNanette bull
    LyNanette bull Reply

    I found it a little hard to see what toys were in the video but I did see some soft toys which my youngest, Miss 6 would have loved. Why? Well, soft toys can be used for cuddles, picnics, playing, sleeping alongside you, role play and so much more. My daughter just adores soft toys and will happily add to her collection with any and all soft toys.

  586. Avatar of Peta

    My 2 girls looooove kmart for their toys, their hit list would be about slime and lol dolls not to mention all the great girls craft activities….they love it all!!

  587. Avatar of Fiona Munzenrieder
    Fiona Munzenrieder Reply

    My kids would go straight for the kitchen stuff! Especially my son who would love the cash register

  588. Avatar of Gemma

    My son loves anything with wheels.
    My daughter loves baby dolls or anything she can cuddle

  589. Avatar of Ange

    My boys would love the playdough and hand puppets! It would allow their wild imaginations to go crazy!

  590. Avatar of Andrea Kemp
    Andrea Kemp Reply

    My little girl would have loved the wooden pretend play toys!

  591. Avatar of Jeri Bee

    Crafts are my daughters passion. If she can create, paint, glue or cut… she will be in her element.

  592. Avatar of Kimberley

    My daughter would play with the wooden kitchen, opening up all the cupboards and closing them. She would also love puppets lots of giggling when mummy pretend the puppets talk.

  593. Avatar of Judith Ann Bryant

    Our Kids would have loved to test the Wooden Toys. Especially the cash register and toaster I think. They love to play house or shopkeeper, so they would fit in nicely.

  594. Avatar of Emilia Parrella
    Emilia Parrella Reply

    Anything messy! Let’s be honest, the messier, the better (and EVEN better because it wouldn’t have been at home!) My little ladies love anything fine motor or sensory, so we would have all had a blast here!

  595. Avatar of Karen

    My son would have absolutely loved the wooden selection, especially the wooden bus, which in fact needs to be added to his collection. He is wooden obsessed, cars, trucks, puzzles and instruments and out latest buy is the wooden kitchen! We would love to win!!

  596. Avatar of Jacoba Evans
    Jacoba Evans Reply

    My daughter would love the puppets. She loves making up stories and acting and dancing. She is constantly putting on concerts and plays.

  597. Avatar of Melissa Hanson
    Melissa Hanson Reply

    My daughter would love the wooden toys and anything to do with dolls as she is like a little mum and loves babies and shop/cooking type toys

  598. Avatar of Melissa

    That playdoh set, hours of fun letting the imagination run wild. Creating one single playdoh colour from many different colours.

  599. Avatar of Tom

    My little girl would have loved the cash register – i’ve had to get her two new ones already this year haha 🙂

  600. Avatar of Lisa W

    My boys would have made a beeline for the Playdoh! They can’t get enough of the stuff. My 3 year old would be giving me cups of tea with cake! 🙂

  601. Avatar of Jaime lee

    My son would love cashier , he loves home eco corner … it teaches kids the value work money and fun through learning .
    Would been amazing

  602. Avatar of casey

    play dough anything. my daughter loves getting her hands in anything messy and will spend hours with playdough

  603. Avatar of Loree

    My son loves the school bus he plays with at day care, I’ll need to get him one for Xmas

  604. Avatar of Rachael w

    My daughter is only 18 months old but she would have loved the cash register. Anything with lots of buttons to push

  605. Avatar of Nichelle Mold
    Nichelle Mold Reply

    My son would love the bus and along with his sisters the cash register as they play shops alot. But they would love any of them.

  606. Avatar of Alex

    Master 6 loves building so first and foremost on his list would be any building toys!

  607. Avatar of Sarah Powell
    Sarah Powell Reply

    My daughter would have really tested out all the pencils and textas, she absolutely loves to draw and colour in. My son would have tested probably everything, he is a busy boy and loves being occupied but can see him playing and putting the play kitchen to the test.

  608. Avatar of Nich

    For sure the wooden cooking items, but only so they could cook for their baby dolls.

  609. Avatar of Rachel Tindale
    Rachel Tindale Reply

    My son loves wooden toys. He loves the school bus and plays with this everyday at daycare.
    My son loves anything where he feels he is in control. His imagination soars!

  610. Avatar of Karen Thompson
    Karen Thompson Reply

    My daughter would love the play dough throw it with the kitchen set and she would be busy all day, crafting food and serving it up!

  611. Avatar of Harlie Foster
    Harlie Foster Reply

    My kid’s would have love the puppets because they are very much into telling stories with role play

  612. Avatar of Lisa fairbridge
    Lisa fairbridge Reply

    My son 7 and my daughter 9 would have both played with the playdiugh, the arts and crafts and the play kitchen because they both love making things for me out of craft stuff, I banned playdough from the house for a little while because they both lefts buts lying around that got stuck in the cats fur and both my kids love playing make believe with each other so the kitchens great for that

  613. Avatar of Angela

    My 2 year old would love the kitchen but my 4 year old would only want to colour in!

  614. Avatar of Abby L

    The cash register would be a hit as my kids love playing “shops’

  615. Avatar of Cherie

    My son would have loved to test out any toys with wheels so I think the school bus would have been a favourite!

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