
OMG, This Mum Accidentally Sent a Photo of Her Nude Bum to Carpet Fitters


What would you do if you pressed ‘Send’ on a text message to a tradie and then realised you accidentally attached a photo of your burnt bare bottom? Eek!

That’s exactly what happened to this UK mum and apparently, it’s “very embarrassing”.

Danielle Cain, from Wigan in the UK, got in touch with Carpets At Home for a quote to lay some carpet in her house.

In order to quote her, they asked that she send them some pictures of her stairs and hallway. Nothing unusual about this, right? But wait …

Danielle did so, but she accidentally attached a photo of her sunburnt bum too, which was also on her camera roll.

I realised instantly that I’d sent that picture when they all came up on my screen” — says Danielle.

“I looked and messaged them, ‘Oh my god, I didn’t mean to send that! I’m so so sorry, I’ve burned my bum on a sunbed.'”

Danielle Cain text message to carpet fitters

A red face to match her bottom

Danielle quickly apologised saying, “Omg, omg, omg, wtf. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean [to] click that last pic.” We hear you Danielle and we feel your pain!

Luckily for Danielle, her text message went to a very understanding woman at Carpets At Home who quickly brushed aside the embarrassing incident and got back to the all-important topic of flooring and underlay.

She replied to Danielle, “Don’t worry about it. Luckily I’m a girl so I can make sure the lads don’t see the pictures.”

What an absolute legend and a life saver for Danielle.

Danielle Cain text message to Carpets at home

According to UK media reports, Danielle was almost more concerned at the state of her house than the picture of her naked bum, which has now gone viral.

What makes it worse is those pictures that I sent in was of my stairs and landing before I decorated and it looks so scruffy on the pictures — says Danielle.

It’s all over the internet now and everybody’s going to be thinking “what a scrubber”. ‘I don’t know now if I could use the company now because they’ve all seen my bum.

Danielle went on to her Facebook page to share her mistake and warn others not to do the same.

“I’ve messaged a company for a price for a carpet on my stairs and landing, he’s asked me to send pics. I’m absolutely mortified. Make sure u check what u click.”

Don’t worry Danielle, we will absolutely be checking what images we’re sending.

Got a funny text-gone-wrong story? We’d love to hear it. Simply share it, using the comment box below.

If you’re not put off texting, check out the secret teen text codes that every parent ought to know.


A former Sydneysider, she turned her ideas of a sea change into reality and now lives with her family in beautiful South-West WA. A lover of yoga and travel, like most mums, she’s on a quest to create a better work-life balance. When she’s not pulling socks out from behind the sofa or sponging little hand prints off the walls, she’s in the kitchen trying to dream up exciting lunch box ideas for her three cheeky monkeys.

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