NSW Schools to Teach Kids Minecraft in Class


Hey kids, what did you learn in school today? 

How to shoot zombies and throw snowballs at bricks filled with TNT. 

That’s right kiddies – school is about to get SOOOO much more fun! And we have Minecraft (yep, the video game), to thank.

Minecraft comes to the classroom

Starting in 2018, 10,000 students in New South Wales will be introduced to Minecraft, the Education Edition, as part of the official secondary school geography and design curriculum. The education version is similar to the original in outlay, but a lot more design-focused, with support for studies in language, arts, history and even maths.

Minecraft in NSW schools

Kids love it. Teachers love it. Principals love it. Even Education Minister Rob Stokes loves it.

Stokes admits that at first he was hesitant to bring Minecraft into the classroom. But, after watching the program in action, he can see the potential behind the bricks.

“We’re not seeing kids locked in the room by themselves in front of a computer screen,” Stokes explains. “We’re demystifying the use of technology.”

Virtual schools via Minecraft

Year seven students at Campbelltown Preforming Arts, for example, are using Minecraft to design their own virtual school. They are even using the blueprints from Minecraft to bring their designs to life. No zombies. Or TNT. No Steve, even.

Minecraft in NSW schools

The Minecraft Education Edition is actually quite a popular little program overseas with thousands of classrooms integrating it into their lesson plans. We wouldn’t be surprised if more schools across Australia get on board with the Minecraft craze in the near future.

For more innovative ideas in the classroom, have a look at this primary school using meditation instead of detention. 


Avatar of Jenna Galley

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar of Nicola

    Love they way this takes into no consideration regarding the rise in allergies and intollerances. Dieticians are not good at giving a balanced diet for a low salicalyte diet even. Apparently more and more children are diagnosed with salicalyte intollerance. Yet everywhere is all about healthy eatting, bring on someone with common sence and goes a bit softer on Parents regards it. We have had issues getting our 2 year old in daycare as morning tea is fruit only, except my son then gets severe diarehea (more that 2 loose bowel movements he needs to be collected) they have no leniency regarding it and are even a nut free centre. They have no advice other than me staying at home with him because of it all. Fabulous new for all parents theyy are only going to push more fruits and vegetables now that will end up with my son having to be home schooled by the looks of it. Great news for all not.

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