
How Pineapple Can Hold the Key in Helping Your Weight Loss


Is pineapple a weight loss miracle? No. But, it may help you in your quest to reduce. Size, that is.

You want to drop a kilogram or two. Will going on a pineapple diet do the trick? Maybe. 

Okay, so pineapple isn’t going to take away that extra baby weight you’ve been carrying around on its own. Um, since your 7-year-old was born. It might help though. How? Well, there are several different ways that pineapple has weight loss benefits.

Girl with pineapple and centimeter tape at light room

To start with, it’s high in vitamin C. Hmm. Will vitamin C lead to a smaller size? Nope. But, it is an awesome antioxidant. If you don’t get enough C the lack of the vitamin can lead to an increase in body fat. Adding more C to your diet can up the total content of the vitamin in your body and help to make sure that you have enough to keep yourself from gaining more weight. This doesn’t mean that pineapple’s vitamin C content technically helps you drop a dress size. But, it might mean that it won’t make you gain more.

Along with the vitamin C content, pineapple is also high in fibre (it’s got two grams per cup). Insoluble fibre that is. And, this is important because it takes longer to digest than other foods. This keeps you feeling full and may make you less likely to reach for a chocolatey snack immediately after eating. And yes, some of us mums have been known to eat chocolate as part of our breakfasts.

Then there’s the bromelain. Err, broma-what? That’s bromelain, and it’s known to treat inflammation. Even though everyone who swells won’t suddenly gain weight (unless you’re counting the swelling weight), it has been linked to obesity. Anything that naturally reduces the risk of swelling may help to prevent gaining excess weight.

Pineapples are mostly water. At least, more water than not. They’re 86% water and only 13% carbs. If you’re wondering just how low-cal they are – they only have 83 calories per cup. Not bad. Not bad at all.

So, will a pineapple turn you into Kate Moss by next week? No. But it may have more in the way of preventing weight gain than not. It’s a low-cal food that’s also nutrient-rich. Go ahead and indulge. You want a little something sweet and that red velvet cupcake will definitely add to your waistline…. But, the pineapple definitely won’t.

Pineapple Smoothie

Bottom Line (or should that be waist line!?) Pineapple Facts

  • Pineapple contains vitamin C. Low vitamin C can lead to an increase in body fat. Keeping a healthy level of vitamin C assists in preventing this.
  • Pineapple is high in fibre. Fibre makes you feel full. Feeling full means you’re less likely to want to snack. High fibre also prevents sluggish bowels. Being ‘regular’ means you’ll reduce bloating and feelings of lethargy associated with toileting problems.
  • Pineapples are high in antioxidants and bromelain.
  • Pineapples contain thiamin, a B vitamin, which is great for natural energy. It won’t do the jogging for you but it might make you feel more like getting off the couch and pulling on your sneakers!
  • Pineapples are low calorie and low carb. They are a good choice for a sweet fix over processed choices.
  • Pineapples are fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in sodium. Tick, tick, tick.


So, if you’re looking for a healthy, delicious choice packed with health benefits grab a pineapple today. This winter, they are in bumper crop and great value in your local supermarket. Don’t forget pineapples are Australian grown so you’re supporting our Aussie farmers (winning!) and you can freeze cut pineapple for use in smoothies like this immune boosting Hulk juice and this constipation fighting pineapple cocktail.

Reality is, no fruit is going to make you miraculously thin. But good choices, fresh produce and moderate exercise will all come together to improve your health. And pineapple can be part of that formula! It’s just a bonus it’s actually delicious!

If you’re looking for further information on the health benefits of pineapples be sure to explore the Link Between Fresh Pineapple and Your Health as well as 16 Reasons Pineapple Will Improve Your Health.

Be sure to look for the Pure Gold variety (that’s the ones without the crown) as they’re sweet eating all year round! They’re super yummy and super good-value in your local grocery store right now. 


References: Live Science, World Health Net, Self Nutrition Data.


Erica Loop is a mum, parenting writer and educator with an MS in child development. Along with writing for websites such as PBS Parents, care.com, Scary Mommy, mom.me, Modern Mom, education.com and others, she also is the creator of a kids' activities and art blog.

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