
This Hidden Use for Plastic Container Lids is #MumGoals


Forget EVERYTHING you thought you knew about the wonderful world of Tupperware.

One woman has discovered there is more to those plastic container lids than meets the eye.

And our minds are officially blown.

Turns out, you can have your salad…and salad dressing too, thanks to this ingenious lid kitchen hack (also known as GLAD’s best kept secret).

Facebook user Sarah Rose recently decided to think outside the container lid and shared her mind-blowing discovery that the circle of those plastic container lids are actually lids for tiny containers.

A lid for a lid? Say what? Have a look at this photo which explains it all:

kitchen hack

Yep.. the circular indentation isn’t just for easy stacking. They can actually hold smaller plastic containers, perfect for sauces, salad dressings and other messy liquids that usually ruin lunches when mixed too early.

What this means for parents is that you can now send the kids to school with a side serving of their favourite sauce. Like salsa, or sour cream, or guacamole. Seriously…  the possibilities are endless. My brain cannot handle it.

How are we JUST finding out about this brilliant lunch box trick now?

Of course, social media is going batsh*t crazy over this amazing little kitchen hack discovery and many share our complete and utter shock that we are only learning about this now.

“My whole life has been a lie,” one reader wrote. Our sentiments exactly.

One thing is for sure – lunches will never be the same. And they will CERTAINLY never be sauce-free again.

Looking for more brilliant tricks to make life easier? Check out these Kmart hacks that we all need in our lives. 


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

1 Comment

  1. Emily Burrows Reply

    I’d love this Westinghouse Fridge/Freezer! What a great reminder to drink more water!

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