Sleep & Settling

WIN 1 of 5 Love To Dream Summer Sleep Suits For Your Little Sleepyhead


Attention new mums: We’ve got some BIG news in the world of baby sleep. Love To Dream  are about to launch their all new 0.2 TOG range of sleep suits, swaddles and sleep bags.

That’s right – new Love to Dream summer sleep solutions are coming. And just in time for the warmer weather.

Not only do we have your first look at the new range, but we are also giving five lucky readers the chance to WIN their very own sleep garment for their infant or toddler.

Can we get a collective WHOO-HOOO?

Sweet dreams are made of these… 

Most new mums have trouble getting a decent night’s sleep. Sure, there’s the whole “baby needs boobie all night long” problem, but another issue that can cause interrupted sleep (night after night) is baby’s inability to stay covered and warm.

Enter the Love To Dream summer sleep suits and swaddles. These adorable sleepers are designed to keep your little Houdini sleeping soundly during the warmer summer months.

With cool colours (like grey, coral, aqua and mint) and breathable fabrics, their range of sleep suits, sleep bags and swaddles are a must for any wriggly wee one. Not only can these sleepers help reduce overheating and wake ups, but they also foster a safer, better, longer sleep.

Love to Dream summer sleep range for babies and toddlers

Ready for the best part?

Mum Central are giving five mums the greatest gift of all – a better night’s sleep, thanks to Love To Dream.  We’ve got five adorable sleep garments, valued between $41.95 and $54.95 each, to give away. Hooray for free stuff! Hooray for sleep!

The only question is, which one will you choose for your sleeping sweetie?

Which Love to Dream will your little dreamer love? 

Let us help you decide!

Bub loves to swaddle?

Love to Dream Swaddle Up

The cool, classic and cosy Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG is probably your best choice, especially if your little one enjoys sucking on his or her hands at night (you know, for self soothing purposes). The unique arms-up design enables your baby access to their hands. So they can suck, sleep and self-sooth. All. Night. Long.

Bub needs to transition from swaddle to sleeping bag?

Love to Dream summer sleep suits and baby swaddles

If you are looking to transition your wee one from a swaddle to a sleeping bag, then the best option is the Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG transition swaddle. Simply zip off the wings and the swaddle converts into a snug sleep bag. Magic!

Bub moves and grooves all night long?

Love to Dream summer sleep suit for toddlers

The all new Love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG may be his new best friend. This premium all-in-one style Sleep Suit comes with legs and convertible ‘2 in 1’ feet, making it the perfect choice for active babies and toddlers who are always on the go.

 Bub likes to sleep with a blankie?

Love to Dream summer 0.2 tog sleep bag

There’s a sleep solution for that too. Meet the all new Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG , which is perfect for kiddies who love a blanket. These summer-weight sleep bags offer a safer alternative to loose blankets and sheets. And no risk of kicking the blankets off either!


So which will it be? The Swaddle UP Lite , The Swaddle UP 50/50, the Love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG or the Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG?

To enter, simply complete the entry form below in full. Then comment underneath telling us which style and colour of sleep garment you like best (and why!) and you could be one of our lucky winners!

Win 1 of 5 Love To Dream 0.2 TOG Lite Sleep Garments

Good luck mums! And sweet dreams!


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.


  1. Joanna Lau Reply

    Would definitely choose the cool, classic and cosy Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in blue or grey!! Great for newborns especially if they are relentless at night! Hoping to win this and help makes life easier, especially for first time parents like me!! 🙂

    • I would love the grey sleeping bag as I have a boy and girl and would like to use it for both! They can’t sleep without their sleeping bags!

      • 1st time mum and love all togs.
        Best things ever created, they make life sooo much easier
        Cant fault then.
        Happy to receive anything from love to dream cause good gifts to give to new mums to be.
        Thank you

        • Barbara Fehmel Reply

          Sleep bag 0.2 TOG as this would be perfect for my Great Grandson in Blue please

    • Samantha Torres Reply

      I would love the Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG , blue as it is a safer opition for my son to sleep with as he loves to move around in his sleep and it also has taught my son to know that once he puts his bag on it’s bed time.

    • The love to dream sleep suit would be perfect for my little guy. Living in QLD I’ve always been concerned about the kids being too hot in sleep suits. However the sleep suit has the perfect weight for our climate. I would love to try one!

    • Renae jones Reply

      We woul love a 50/50 in grey ! Little babe cannot sleep without her dreamer ! Best inve tion everrr

    • I would love a grey love to dream sleep bag (size 12 to 18 months) I have used love to dream since my baby was born and I swear it has helped him become a great sleeper. He loves his sleep bags!

    • I love the 0.2. Tog sleeping bag for my four months old, I got one of them years ago for my first baby but lost it. So I probably would love to have another one for my second one.

    • We love the swaddle up in blue as my boys have always liked to sleep with their hands up.

    • Courtney Nutter Reply

      Swaddle UP 50/50 in aqua summer dots would be perfect for Beatrix. My little darling has started to roll and I’m keen to transition her from Love to Dream Original into 50/50. Thank you for considering us in your give away promotion.

    • I’d choose the swaddle up 50/50 in coral (in a medium) for my daughter’s comfort during the Summer weather

    • Tiffany Hockey Reply

      I would love the 50/50 lite 0.2 transition suit in coral. Bub is 5 months old and has just started rolling so it would be great!

    • Rachelle Crilly Reply

      I would choose the swaddle up 50/50 0.2 tog in the aqua, grey or even mint. They are all great for my little boy and just in time for his transition. Love your products and was the only way my first boy would sleep. My draws are full of love to dream swaddles and this would be a new one to add to my collection for summer.

    • Jessie Hay Reply

      My little one has just come out of a swaddle so I’d love a 0.2 tog sleeping bag in grey to keep him cool but covered this summer

  2. Nicola Childs Reply

    A 50/50 swaddle in any colour would be amazing for my bubs due in Dec!

  3. I would choose the swaddle up 50/50 as my bubs is nearly ready to transition. He loves these suits and sleeps so well. I would love a blue or grey one.

  4. I would love the pink sleep suit as my 17 month old miss E refuses to keep her blankets on and I’m always stressing she’s cold in her bed.

  5. Sarah Ashburn Reply

    Would love to win the 50/50 swaddle to help convert my little girl who loves to be swaddled but has started rolling, into a sleeping bag. Love the way you can do one arm at a time

  6. I would love to ein the summer sleep suit in pink for my 8 month old daughter. She is crawling and on the move so this would be amazing for us..

  7. Would love the 50/50 in grey or aqua as bubby is growing so quickly I want to make sure we can change quickly with him.

  8. Would love to win the Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG transition swaddle.

  9. Alexandramp Reply

    Sleep suit in pink for my 2 year old as she is about to transition out of a cot into a big girls bed and I feel the suit would make her feel that little bit more safe and secure.

  10. Id love to won the small lite in any of the cute boy designs.. my little man is due end od January.. i used your suits for my other two kids and tgey are simply amazing.. and to win one would be amazing

  11. I would love to have the Swaddle Up 50/50 in aqua or gray for a baby boy!

  12. I would love to have the Swaddle Up 50/50 in aqua or gray for a baby boy! Swaddle/sleeping blankets are new for us and would really love to try it! Reading about it, i’m optimistic that it will help the baby sleep better and us too! 🙂

  13. Felicity S Reply

    My 6 month old would love a sleep suit in grey or mint/green – perfect for the warmer weather with no need to pop him into a sleeping bag. 🙂

  14. Katie Gibbons Reply

    50/50 in aqua please. We are just transitioning out of the swaddle now that Bub can roll.

  15. The swaddle up 50/50 lite would be wonderful for my little girl

  16. Kristen Walter Reply

    A blue love to dream sleep suit! My son would love to have his feet out so he can suck on his toes!!

  17. I would love to win the Swaddle Up Lite as my little one is still swaddled the sleep. We have the original LTD but need something lighter for the summer months

  18. Tisa Dartora Reply

    Sleep suit any colour would be amazing for my 16 month old girl

  19. I would love the swaddle up lite for my 10 week old baby girl. I love these swaddles and have used them on all 3 children

  20. Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG in Grey or mint … I don’t know if I’m having a boy or a girl yet so these colours could suit either : )

  21. I would love to win the sleep suit for my 1yr old grandson in grey or aqua

  22. Michelle Yarrow Reply

    I would love to win the Love to Dream sleep bag in grey or aqua.

  23. I would love to win the grey or aqua sleep suit for my 9 month old baby boy Archie! He’s a summer baby and the swaddles were what got us through this long hot summer nights.

  24. Swaddle up 50/50 as my little one will need to start to transition as he’s rolling

  25. I’d love the sleep suit for my toddler who constantly kicks off his blankets then wakes up because he’s cold!

  26. Would love to win the Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG as my little boy has grown out of his love to dream swaddle and his 50/50.

  27. If I am lucky enough to win, I would choose the Love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in white or blue. This would be so great for Mr 2 who loves sneaking into mum and dad’s room during the night

  28. I would love a sleep bag in grey for my son. He loves these and has always slept in the love to dream slowly graduating up at each stage.

  29. Trinitie Wilson Reply

    Would love to try the 0.2 tog sleep suit for my very active 8 month old boy. He has started trying to stand up in his cot at the moment and trips on his current sleeping bag. I think the sleep suit will reduce the amount of accidents as his feet will be free.

  30. Love to dream sleep suit in grey, for my wriggly little toddler, who fortunately still loves sleeping in a sleeping bag.

  31. The 50/50 in aqua would be great as bub transitions over the warmer months

  32. Would love the 50/50 swaddle in blue/grey as he is ready to transition…this is the only way he will sleep through the night we love The Love to Dream range its a life saver.

  33. I would love the pink Love to Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 tog please. It would be great to keep my little girl cool through our hot Queensland weather. She also tends to crawl in her sleep, so the sleep suit would give her freedom to move so that her sleep isn’t disturbed ☺

  34. Love to dream 0.2 sleep bag in any colour would be amazing! We don’t know what our little one will be yet – due early November 🙂

    • Hey Lover of love to dream and the love to Dream team

      I have always being such a fun of all of your products and i have being waiting for the 0.2 tog suit in grey for my son i already have the 1.0 and the 2.5 tog in the suit and sleeping bag. This would be a perfect edition for the hotter days and nights.

      P.s i have already stocked up for my baby due in 2 weeks!! A girl have all the pinks hahahah

  35. MarloJames Reply

    Definitely sleep suit & colour wouldn’t matter though he looks gorgeous in mint! He’s never liked being swaddled or sleeping bags & at 17 months we’re having some really big probs getting our little cosleeper into his own bed, own room, sleeping through the night & down before 10:30pm…..having a sleep suit help at least 1 of these issues would be amazing!!

  36. Would love the Sleep Suit 0.2 tog (in any colour) for my little guy

  37. Would love to win the love to dream sleepsuit in the blue for my little boy!

  38. Would love the grey 50/50 as our bub is using the swaddle up original at the moment and it would be awesome to be able to transition him using the flexibility that the 50/50 provides

  39. I am currently using the full love to dream swaddle for my 12 week old and I am in love. First time I used these swaddles and now I wi t use anything else. Would love to win a 50/50 swaddle so I can transistion her to a sleeping bag when she learns to roll.

  40. Hello 🙂 I am the Mum of a 13month old ex premmie (10.5 months corrected) he is still a restless sleeper but when he does sleep in his current sleeping bag which is not love to dream (I discovered the brand after we had gone home from hospital) he does have a better sleep. I am also 6 months pregnant with baby number 2 so this wild do me double good I would especially love to try and review The love to dream sleep suit or the love to dream sleep bag in grey please or aqua. Thank you

  41. Debora Birbeck Reply

    Would love to try the sleep suit in mint pls! We have just outgrown our last 50/50 bag

  42. Megan Williams Reply

    Sleeping bag would be awesome as we are transitioning out of ltd swaddles

  43. the sleep suit looks innovative, and comfortable! i have two under two and would love to try

  44. Rebecca Nicole Reply

    Swaddle up 50/50. My little bub loves to hold her own bottle when she goes to bed. Then i can easily zip her arms in the swaddle so she can suck away at her hands to self soothe through the night. Life saver

  45. I would love the swaddle up 50/50 in blue. This would be perfect for my little boy over summer.

  46. Anna Kathleen Reply

    I would love to win the gorgeous aqua or grey .2 TOG swaddle for my newborn this summer! Thanks for the opportunity.

  47. I would like to try the swaddle up 50/50 lite 0.2 tog.. my little newborn pulls his arms out of his swaddle no matter how tight we swaddle him (i did that when I was a baby), so having the option of swaddle or bag would be great.. we might even be able to manage a nights sleep for everyone, lol

  48. The Love To Dream Sleep Suit would be amazing for us with a little one who’s all over her cot at night! It would be fantastic for those transfer moments too. Easier to get a sleeping baby from the car or pram to the cot.

  49. I would love a 50/50 in the mint green color. Absolutely gorgeous!! My littlest man is starting to roll in his sleep so need to get his arms out

  50. Would love any of them but the summer lite would be perfect for our feb baby. Our 20 month old would love a sleep suit too! Both boys so blue blue blue xxx

  51. I’d love the transitional swaddle to sleeping bag in coral please!!!! It may be my third baby but she is my first that loves to be swaddled for sleep and what a discovery love to dream was!! We are already onto our second winter wing swaddle and will definitely but buying more!!

  52. We would love the pink 50/50 as we are in hot Queensland and little miss will be ready to transition to arms out when the heat really starts to kick in.

  53. The swaddle up Lite in grey will be perfect for my summer baby who is due in November. Best swaddles ever!

  54. Bubba loves the Love To Dream products! Would love the 50/50 in mint!

  55. I would love a gender neutral 50/50 for my bub who’s due in January. I already have 2 swaddle up’s (arms up) ready to go, so would love to have the 50/50 ready to transition to!

  56. Would love the Love To Dream Sleep Suit, my little one current sleeps in a sleep suit with blanket but I’ve been thinking that will be too warm in summer

  57. Bronwyn Howard Reply

    Would love to win the Love To Dream Sleep Bag in grey and white!

  58. Ying Ying Tan Reply

    My son would love the Love to Dream Sleep Suit – he hates being covered in blankets. These 2-in-1 blanket with feet would suit him perfectly!

  59. Roziana Nordin Reply

    My son love his swaddle and getting too big for the one his in right now. And yes a new swaddle would be awesome!

  60. I would love a sleep suit or 50/50 as my youngest is now rolling and we need to transition from the swaddle up

  61. Amanda Webb Reply

    The love to dream sleep bag 0.2 Tog in the pink/purple would be perfect for my little one, she loves having a blanket but ends up kicking it off during the night

  62. Bianca Zhong Reply

    A small grey Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG would be perfect for our Nov bub this Summer.

  63. Emma Corbett Reply

    I would love to win a sleep suit for my new baby. My daughter never liked them so would love to try one for this time thanks

  64. A Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG in any colour would be nice. My daughter is 2.5 years old.

  65. Kim Campbell Reply

    The Sleepsuit would be more comfortable that than little pj’s I’m currently using, I’m always worried how twisted they get.

  66. Makes bed times so much easier and great for when out and about and don’t want hassle of swaddling.

  67. Rhiannon Donaldson Reply

    My little puddin’ would feel snug and secure whilst munching on her teeny tiny hand in a coral Swaddle Up Lite.

  68. Charlotte O'Hara Reply

    We would love a 0.2 Tog sleep bag or suit in the pink/purple/grey please. My little one hates blankets and sheets so a light weight sleep bag/suit in our hot house over summer will answer all our problems 🙂

  69. Meaghan Mack Reply

    Would love to win a Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG in either the Blue Chevron or Grey Stripe 🙂

  70. Claire Watt Reply

    I would love the Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in grey, or any colour really. I’m due in 1 week and I’m doing a great job of looking after it while it’s inside. But once it is out, I haven’t got a clue. These Love to Dream swaddles sound excellent!

  71. I’d love to win the LTD sleeping bag please in pink.
    As a lover of quality sleeping bags and a user of Ergopouch, I’d love the opportunity to try our daughter in one of these for the summer.

  72. The sleep bag in grey please. My beautiful almost 2 year old knows sleeping bag means sleepy Time and without o e we don’t get any sleep… He’s growing out of his current bags and we’ve been using g love to dream since birth

  73. Would love a 50/50, preferably pink – my mover and grover is ready for Stage 2

  74. The summer sleep suit in mint would be amazing for my little mover and shaker. She is trying to be on the move and I love the idea of this not restricting her movement, while enabling good sleep I

  75. DefInetely would love to win the sleep suit for my 19month old son. Summer is just around the corner and be loves sleeping in sleeping bags

  76. Would love to win a sleep bag .2 tog for one of my twinnies so they can sleep comfortably in the qld heat!
    I love the product range have used with my singleton and twins and will continue to buy as baby shower gifts!

  77. I would love the Love to Dream Sleep Bag in grey for my son as he loves to fully explore his cot in his sleep so sheets/blankets don’t work anymore 🙂

  78. Sarah Miegel Reply

    Coral sleep suit please!!! My 10 month old is loving her winter suit but she’s already grown out of it!

  79. Shannon Frasa Reply

    Would love a Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG transition swaddle in pink for my almost 7 month old daughter. She currently sleeps in her LTD with one arm out, a summer version would be amazing!

  80. I would love to win a 0.2 tog sleep bag in pink as my daughter loves to be tucked in with blankets. It would be a safer option without overhearing her. This also helps her to feel secure and settle to sleep without moving around too much. She loved sleeping in the swaddle up when she was a younger baby so I would also love to keep with the same brand throughout her growth.

  81. Would love the 50/50 as we use the LTD swaddle at the moment, but shew has just discovered her left hand (apparently the right doesn’t taste as good) and has now decided she needs to suck on it to sleep. The 50/50 would save us some sanity through this 4 month sleep regression!

  82. Michelle Cunningham Reply

    Would love the Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG in grey for my little man over Summer. It means he hopefully won’t wriggle around so much in his cot either!

  83. Kathryn Perkins Reply

    Swaddle 50/50 is what I NEED! Bub just can’t seem to settle without that sleeve!
    I need to teach her to transition very soon or before I know it she’ll be 18 and on the goon!

  84. Jenna Fletcher Reply

    I would love to win a 0.2 tog grey sleeping bag for my nearly 2 year old Miles. We have been huge fans of the Love To Dream products since he was 1 day old… we popped him right into his blue swaddle UP and off he went into dreamland. We have been using all LTD products since, and are so excited for the launch of the new 0.2 tog sleeping bag, sleep suit, and the recently released 1.0 tog sleep suit and sleeping bag. Since our guy is a climber and still in a cot, we would LOVE to win a grey 0.2 tog sleeping bag to help us get through the hot Queensland summer!

  85. Kristen Napier Reply

    I would love to win the new Love to Dream Sleeping Bag 0.2 tog in grey for my 5.5 month old son. He’s been using the range since he was a few weeks old & absolutely loves it! We’ve just transitioned out of the 50/50, and would love for him to have the new sleep bag for Summer. The grey is just a gorgeous print

  86. Would love the Love to Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in grey or mint! We use our swaddles every night for our 6 week old as they worked wonders with our 2 year old as a baby. Now Mr 2 uses his sleep bag every night. Lately he has decided that he can be Alfred the hot water bottle look alike from my childhood tv show, walking around in his bag before bed. SOOO cute but a sleep suit would be MUCH safer!

  87. Angelique Baxter Reply

    I would love to win the grey 2.0 tog for my new bundle that will be arriving in November. I love the quality of your products and I have no doubt my newborn will feel snug as a bug if she won this! X

  88. I would love a swaddle UP 50/50 lite in pink for my bub girl who has just learnt to roll in her cot and has started to sleep on her tummy. Would make the transition so much easier from her current swaddle UP.

  89. Would love to have a mint 2.0 tog for my 4 week old little girl. She loves her swaddles but vomits a lot so we need many of them as she goes through 2-3 a day!

  90. Would love the swaddle up lite…… Our little man has been in them since birth and he LOVES them

  91. Meagan Carmichael Reply

    Love to Dream Sleeping bag in any colour for my chunky boy 🙂

  92. The love to dream sleepsuit would be great for my little 7 month old wiggle wort

  93. Michelle wright Reply

    I would love to win one of these 0.2 tog I think they look amazing and comfortable. We have the 1 tog that we used for winter and my daughter loved them.

  94. Leanne knapp Reply

    My bub would love the swaddle up lite in green to send him off to sleep while self soothing without scratching up his face – cause honestly, cutting baby fingernails will be the death of me

  95. Natalie Fox Reply

    I would absolutely love the Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG transition swaddle, my little one is currently in the swaddle lite. This honestly saved my sanity. She was not sleeping more then 40 mins for the first three weeks of her life. Put her in this swaddle an bam, she slept. She is almost due to move up an would love it in pink

  96. Emily Pither Reply

    My toddler would love a sleep suit in mint or grey. Thanks!!

  97. Jodie Muller Reply

    Swaddle UP 50/50 would be the best for our little boy as he loves having one hand free for his midnight raves.

  98. Amy Oliver Reply

    LOVE this new lightweight collection. I would seriously love the spotted aqua 50/50 sleeping bag for my little man. He has just started to learn what rolling is all about, but only enjoys his slumber in a swaddle – this would allow him the best of both worlds. And it’s too cute to boot

  99. Sarah Bunn Reply

    Georgia would love a Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG she loves to suck on her hands at times but also loves having them wrapped up in her current swaddling!

  100. Michelle Black Reply

    James would love a Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG in the blue. It has made such a difference to his sleep overnight!

  101. Nicole Tilbrook Reply

    I would love the The Swaddle UP 50/50 for my son. I used this with my first son to transition him and I would love to do the same with my new Bub.

  102. Heather Windram Reply

    I would love to win a swaddle up lite in mint for our baby that’s due tomorrow

  103. Paul Napier Reply

    I would love to win the Sleep Suit 0.2 tog for my son in grey. It’s a great new style and would love to transition my son from his sleep bag into a sleep suit for winter as he’s becoming a lot more mobile now. He loves his Love to Dream products

  104. My little one would love the Love to Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in mint, please.
    The Love to Dream Swaddle Up & 50/50 have been the best purchases for our little one.
    Current we are using the sleeping bags and would love to try the new Sleep Suit.

  105. My daughter is 4 months old. Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in Aqua color I would like to win for her with a pretty please. She cant sleep without swaddling. This would be like a bug relief for me. Thanks in advance.

  106. I’d love a Love to Dream Sleep Bag in blue. It will be perfect for those warm summer days we’ve got coming!

  107. 50/50 swaddle, any colour. My 7 month old has been using a newborn one since the hospital and can barely fit anymore. These swaddles are the best, wish I had them with my older two. She is my best sleeper out of 3 kids

  108. Carly Weav Reply

    I would love a grey love to dream sleep bag (size 12 to 18 months). We have used LTD I since my baby was born and have upgraded from originals, to 50/50 to sleep bags. They are a life saver for hubby and I and our little man loves them!

  109. Swaddle up lite size medium pink. My 11 week old loves her original one and coming into warmer weather (in Wagga gets to over 40) we will need some lite swaddles

  110. Rebecca Stretton Reply

    I’d love to win the sleep suit in mint please for our 2 year old monkey. With a move to Townsville in November, the sleep suit will be a god send during the FNQ summer!


    I would love to win the pink 0.2tog love to dream sleep suit. We have 3 beautiful princesses so only pink will do! Living in north Queensland the new 0.2 tog products will be absolutely perfect.

  112. I would love to win the swaddle up 50/50 in the pink. I’ve just had my second baby and both will ONLY sleep in the love to dream swaddles! This will be prefect for our hot Queensland weather come summer.

  113. Letitia Simpson Reply

    Definitely the blue sleep suit for my wriggly little boy!

  114. Lori Kitson-Currie Reply

    My daughter Addy would love the Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 Tog in pink 6-18 month. Since birth she’s been in Love To Dream swaddle up’s, then the 50/50 in both 1.0 & 2.5 and during winter loved the 2.5 tog sleep bag. Great work to the team at Love To Dream, we’d be lost without you.

  115. I would love the Sleep bag in grey for my son. We have used the Love to Dream bags since my son was born and love them. The grey would be good for if we have another child.

  116. Courtney Smith Reply

    The Love to Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 tog in Grey/Blue would be my golden ticket to a full nights sleep this Summer. Please, I’m desperate!

  117. Natasha Nathan Reply

    Would love the chance to win the sleep bag in grey, for my 18 month old son. He is still sleeping in his cot but kicks all blankets off. Looking after a 7 week old also, This would be a life saver from getting up every hour to make sure he is covered. Thank you

  118. Would love either the grey or aqua for our little boy. He just loves being snuggled up in a sleeping bag and need a new summer one with this hot weather

  119. We would love a sleep bag as my little girl has just successfully transitioned to arms out!

  120. I would love the summer Love to Dream Sleep Bag (0.2 tog) bag in grey for my 20 month old son Ollie. He slept so well in the winter version! I love how he can move around and the “blanket” moves with him.

  121. Renee Ballantyne Reply

    Love to dream sleep bag 6 to 18mths would be perfect for my little one

  122. Kylie Humphreys Reply

    The sleep bag in Aqua for my 6 month old daughter would be perfect. She is currently transitioning from her 50/50

  123. I would love the Swaddle Up 50/50 Light in the coloured stripes. My 3m/o currently sleeps in the original swaddle up but it is getting a bit tight so it’s time to move up to a large (big boy!)

  124. Isobel Cunningham Reply

    My little boy hates blankets, but I know he would definitely love the 0.2 tog sleep bag! Perfect for those hot summer nights!

  125. Martha Austin Reply

    I would love the sleep bag for my 8 month old little girl, Veda. Any colour would be fabulous, but maybe a blue or grey?

  126. Jayne Thompson Reply

    My baby girl is growing up WAY too fast so I’d love to win the Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG to make it easier for this mummy to watch her baby transition from newborn to grown up baby!!

  127. I would love to win the swaddle up 50/50 lite. My daughter is 10 weeks old and has always worn her love to dream swaddle original. She is learning to roll and needs to transition to learn how to sleep with her arms out! We love the coral colour ❤️❤️

  128. Kimberley Andreassen Reply

    IN LOVE WITH the love to dream sleep suit 0.2 TOG!!

  129. My youngest would love to try an Pink Love To Dream Sleep Suit. She doesn’t like the sleeping bags we have, preferring to have her legs out so she can move around more freely.

  130. Thanks for the chance. I’d like to win the 0.2 tog sleep suit. I’ve always used sleeping bags on my daughter as I love not having to stress about her kicking blankets off. I have the 2.5 tog sleep suit for winter and I love it. Having the legs is great as she can walk around in it. I would probably go grey so it’s unisex for this next bub that I’m having in March.

  131. I use Love to Dream swaddles now in the newborn size BUT bub is showing signs of beginning to roll so I need the 50/50 swaddles for the warmer months and to keep bub safe. Im a bit nervous about the freeing of the arms!

  132. I would love to win the 0.2 tog sleep bag for my baby boy. He is currently in 50/50 which has had the wings removed and I would love another bag for him once he grows out of this one. He loves the feel of a blanket on him as security so this suit would be perfect!

  133. I would love to win the Love to Dream 50/50 Size Medium in grey (or any colour) Please, as bub is growing out of her 2 Small Original Love to dream swaddles.

  134. Rafaela Lambrou Reply

    Would love to win the love to dream sleep suit for my 15month daughter she is a groovy baby and loves to be able to move freely

  135. I would love the 50/50 swaddle for my little babe, he’s been in love to dream swaddle ups since he was born, and hasn’t slept a night without them!
    Would love this!

  136. A 50/50 would be great. I have used love to dream swaddles for both my kids. Size for a 6-8kg baby would be great, any colour. Thanks.

  137. Kate Green Reply

    I would love a toddler sleep bag for my daughter for this summer. We’ve loved all of our LTD bags in the last 18months!

  138. A 50/50 would be great thanks. My two have used your swaddles since they were born. Size to fit a 6-8kg baby would be lovely in any colour. Thanks.

  139. Victoria Govers Reply

    Would love the sleep bag. My daughter can’t go to sleep without her Love to Dream sleeping bag and we really need another one. She finds them so comforting and comfortable. Every parent needs these.

  140. The love to dream sleep bag 12-18mth in grey would be amazing for my little man this summer! We have a really hot house so it would be great knowing he’s safe in his bag without getting too hot or cold!

  141. Olivia Harvey Reply

    I have loved using the Love to Dream swaddle bags!! Getting ready soon to transition using the 50/50. So would just love a 50/50 in blue!

  142. I would love a sleep suit in any colour for my wiggle worm of a daughter!

  143. Would love love love a sleep suit in any neutral colour for my son who likes to party in his cot of a night.

  144. I would love to win the beautiful blue 50/50 swaddle For my handsome boy , he’s on the verge of rolling over so this would be great to transition him whilst still keeping him at the right temperature as the warmer weather appears

  145. Ellena Oakes Reply

    I’ve used the swaddle up (lite, original) and the 50/50 original and winter weight with my son. Such a great system and so easy to transition out of a swaddle, He is nearly 8 months and I can’t keep anything on him,
    Would love sleep suit blue size 1 (12months)

  146. Alice Perini Reply

    I would love a sleep suit in pink. This would be perfect transition from the winter sleeping bag to summer nights for my little 11 month old who loves to sleep dance in her cot. I recommend love to dream to literally everyone. They are an amazing product!

  147. Julie Anne Collins Reply

    Would love to win the love to dream sleeping bag 0.2tog in the stars and moons.

  148. Cathy Gibson Reply

    We would love the Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG for our newborn and would be happy with any colour 😀

  149. Would love the Love to Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in size 3years, with the grey colour.

  150. It’s really hard to decide which love to dream is the best because they’re all fantastic in your own way but I have to say I love the Swaddle for when my son was in that size and I’m now living the 50-50 as he can roll

  151. Awesome! I would love the sleep suit for my 9 months old daughter. Any colour! They are really beautiful. ❤

  152. We would love to win the 50/50 swaddle. We currently have the swaddle lite which gets used all the time and as bub gets bigger I would like to keep him feeling secure. A green or grey one would be cute

  153. Being a first time mum to be Ive asked everyone and they all recommend the Love To Dream. As I have no idea what my little man will like I think the Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG transition swaddle would be purfect!!! I doubt he will really care about the colour but I am a fan of the aqua! Thank you for taking the stress out of wrapping a baby! One less thing on this crazy rollercoaster to worry about!!

  154. We would love the Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG for our newborn grandchild and would be happy with any colour

  155. Would love to try the Swaddle Up Bamboo Lite, small in Ocean. I really have no idea what I’m doing at the moment and these swaddles sound fantastic.

  156. I would choose the Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG, My daughter hates being swaddle up and moves around a lot. This would be perfect in QLD’s weather.

  157. Leah wiggs Reply

    The classic Swaddle Up Lite 0.2 TOG would be amazing for my currently 1 week old. My little man isn’t fussy about colour, he just loves his LTDs!

  158. I would love the LTD 0.2 tog sleep bag in grey & white. My son is 15months & can’t sleep without a sleep bag. He loves his Love To Dreams

  159. I would choose the Love to Dream grey 0.2 sleep suit. I have always used love to dream products with my 2.5yr old, although we have just moved to a warmer climate and all the ones i own are too hot so he has just been using a sheet and blanket and waking up during the night.

  160. Sleep suit 0.2 tog in blue please!! But would also be happy with the sleep bag- they’re all so amazing!

  161. The love to dream sleep bag please, and colour is no problem.
    Our little girl loves to cuddle up in bed in her sleeping bags it would be great to continue all year.
    I think the sleeping bags are but far the best idea ever for new mum or a mum of many. I never knew about this till I was gifted one when pregnant with our first and I’ll never look back. I feel safe putting my kids to bed in them and know they are warm and comfortable.

  162. I would love to win a 0.2 tog Sleep Suit for my active toddler. These look like such fantastic products and we would love any colour.

  163. I’ve been a huge fan of love to Dream products for years! I’d love to win a Swaddle Up. They’re one of the must have newborn items I recommend and gift to all my new Mum friends! I even packed them in my hospital bag to use right from birth with my last child and all the nurses were raving about how great they were!

  164. My bub loves to be swaddled but he will be transitioning to a sleep bag soon. We would love either the 50/50 swaddle up to make the transition easier or the sleep bag in any colour. Thanks!!

  165. I would love the 50/50 swaddle up lite in blue. My bubba loves his love to dream swaddles. His body relaxes as soon as his arms are in and he’s zipped up. I can already tell I’m going to have a difficult till transitioning his to a sleeping bag, especially over the summer months, and the 50/50 swaddle up lite might just be my answer!

  166. Hi with a 7 week old who loves her current Love to dream winter warm we would love a Love to dream cool, classic and cosy Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG.

  167. Nicole Kent Reply

    Love to Dream Sleeping Bag it must be
    Its the perfect bag for my number 3
    Loving the grey for warm summer nights
    Breathable fabric thats soft and light!

  168. Love love love the pink Love to Dream Sleepsuit for my very active and wriggly 2 year old!

  169. The Love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in aqua is just what my son needs now winter is over.

  170. Rosalie Bernacki Reply

    Would love the sleeping bag in a wonderful grey pattern for our little man xxx

  171. I love the moon & stars print!! I would choose a 50/50 swaddle as we are nearly ready to transition out of our full Love to Dream lite swaddle .

  172. I would love to try the Love to Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 Tog for my little one in pink as she still needs a bag to sleep.

  173. Tabatha McCarthy Reply

    Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG in pink please. Thanks for the chance

  174. I would absolutely love a Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG in a Large Aqua please. My almost 4 month old is ready to transition from the regular Love To Dream swaddle. He’s such a wriggly bub and ends up sideways in the cot so blankets are a no go. The swaddles are awesome for him!

  175. The swaddle up bamboo lite because it is going to get pretty warm soon and I love the mint green

  176. Nikita Zammit Reply

    My 6 month old is ready to transition to the 50/50 lite in blue or grey. His loveto dream sleeping bag was a life saver and he’s just about out grown it.

  177. Swaddle up lte in grey – baby loves to swaddle, he’s wrapped up tighter than a kebab.

  178. Kirsten Rowe Reply

    I’d love to win the Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG for my little mover groover who loves the cosiness of a soft blanket to help him sleep but who also drives his mummy and daddy mad from all his tosses, turns, wriggles and blanket fixing throughout the night. The grey colour would be great because it’s a neutral colour and can be reused for any future siblings.

  179. Belinda Smith Reply

    Would love a Swaddle Up Lite for our 4 week old. We’ve had a few hot days already and she gets so hot in her swaddle. .

  180. I’d love to win the Swaddle Up Lite in aqua for my granddaughter who gave birth to her first baby – a little boy named Loki – this afternoon.

  181. I’d love to win the Love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG for the hot summer coming very soon

  182. I would love the spotty blue 50/50 swaddle in medium. I bought the large but it doesn’t fit as she’s not yet big enough, but she starting to roll on her side. My little lady is 4 months old and we have used Love to Dream from day 1.

  183. I’d love to win the love to dream swaddle up lite .2 tog in mint or aqua for my little man due in November for this warm summer !

  184. I would love to win the Swaddle Up Lite in a unisex colour, probably grey, for my little bundle due in 6 days.

  185. Love to Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in Mint or Blue would look gorgeous on my little Man. He loves to grab his feet and move his legs so this will be perfect for us…. and for our sleep! Love the funky design too

  186. Lynette Smith Reply

    Would love a swaddle up lite in mint for my new grandson due in January. His mum loves pastel colours so the mint is a great selection.

  187. Laura Scriven Reply

    The Swaddle UP™ Organic would be my pick,
    Unisex is fantastic.
    With number one coming along,
    I couldn’t go wrong.

  188. Lauren Johnston Reply

    We would love to win a 50/50 please. We are due end of Jan

  189. Would love the 50/50 0.2 tog for the warmer weather and to transition to a sleeping bag!

  190. Rosanna Cooke Reply

    We would love a 50/50 swaddle in blue for my 4 month old son. living on NSW mid north coast means we’ll need the lighter summer swaddle to make sure he has a peaceful nights sleep and won’t overheat.

  191. We would love and appreciate the opportunity to receive a blue or grey Love to Dream sleep bag for our one year old boy.

  192. I’d love the Love To Dream Sleep Suit™ 1.0 TOG in White. It would provide uninterrupted peace and relaxation thus transforming their bedtime into an oasis of rest and sweet dreams.

  193. Samantha Ward Reply

    My 5 month old has just mastered rolling! Would love the new sleeping bag in grey! He seems to like having his arms out much more which thankfully made transitioning easy

  194. Love a sleep bag in blue. Love to see his arms waving at me as he has his morning in depth chat.

  195. I would love the chance to win any LTD product for my son, who currently sleeps in the LTD Up Swaddle

  196. Lauren Tennant Reply

    Swaddle up Lite 0.2 in grey please! First time Mum due in three weeks and we don’t know the gender of our babe.

  197. Sophie Miller Reply

    Swaddle up 50/50 lite is perfect for my little one as it allows the swaddle to transfer from a swaddle to a sleeping bag perfect for summer time.

  198. Sleep suit 0.2 tog would be handy for me, because my little one moves a lot when he is sleeping and the sleeping bag can’t hold him at all. Love blue.

  199. Millicent Stewart Reply

    Love to dream sleep suit. I find my son in all positions in his cot every night

  200. We have grown with LTD, from the XS & S Swaddle UP lite/original, to the M 50/50 Swaddle UP warm, and now as we enter the next size and season, and are on the move! we would love to win the 0.2 tog sleepsuit! Love to Dream has been an absolute life changer for us!

  201. Erin Evans Reply

    I would love the sleep suit! Love sleeping bags but as little missy gets more mobile- a suit with legs would be great!

  202. 50/50 in an aqua, love the aqua colour its one of my favourite colour.

  203. Would love to win a Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG in grey
    Love love love it

  204. Chris Sheppard Reply

    I would love to win the Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG in grey or blue for my littlest man. He is wriggly worm when he sleeps but finds sleeping in a sleeping bag very comforting. Safe, happy, warm, sleeping baby = happy, rested mummy 😀

  205. Skye Danaher Reply

    I would love to win the Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG for my son Cooper who is due in 4 months 🙂

  206. I will love the new Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 tog sleeping bag which will be perfect for my 2 months old who is transitioning out of swaddles.

  207. Jami-Marie Haddington Reply

    I would love the Love To Dream Sleep Suit for my toddler who is shortly going to be out of her cot and into her big girl bed! She’s currently in a bag but I think the suit will be easier for her to manage climbing in and out of bed.

  208. Tricia Hayley Reply

    We would love the 50/50 Lite in aqua as we are currently trying to transition from swaddle to sleeping bag.
    It is also the “build-up” up here in the NT and the 0.2 tog would be perfect to keep baby cool!

  209. Sammi Hall Reply

    My smart little cookie is rolling so a swaddle up 50/50 would be great for him to transition! Love the aqua!

  210. rachel sinclair Reply

    i would love the Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG in grey! would be amazing for when bub arrives

  211. Sacha Pech Reply

    Swaddle UP Organic; I’d love to win to give to my sister-in-law who just had her first child. I used with out bubba and it was AMAZING.

  212. Jocelyn Jns Reply

    Would love to win the grey Love to dream sleep suit for my 8 and a half month old son his used love to dream swaddle the transition 50/50 now he needs a suit they are the best love to dream is a life saver

  213. Sleep suit in grey for 18-36 months. I love it because once they find their feet they just want to use them! This means full body coverage and no risk of a fall as little feet are free.

  214. Would love the Swaddle Up 50/50 in blue. Bub currently uses the Swaddle Ups and absolutely brilliant such a massive difference with not waking herself up yet being able to self sooth with her winged hands.

  215. Zacchandra Reply

    I would love the 50/50 in blue. Because I love the colour of the blue and girls can wear blue too

  216. I would love the grey swaddle up for my little boy that is due to arrive in the next few weeks.
    We swaddled my first little boy but this would just make life so much easier as I think my husband may have lost the knack..

  217. I would love to win a love to dream sleep bag in grey for my 5 month old who loves to wiggle all night long!

  218. Jessica Fox Reply

    I would love the Sleep Suit for my daughter in Aqua. She moves like Houdini at night and would love to keep extra warm!

  219. Would love one with the removable arm bits and anything in a neutral colour such as grey or white etc.

  220. We already have some classic love to dream sleep suits which both our kids have used, but I’d love to try the 50/50 in aqua – or any colour!!

  221. Tina Hobbes Reply

    My daughter would love the love to dream sleep suit 0.2 tog! All her sleepbags/suits are LTD ones and we have been using them since birth so this will be an awesome addition to her collection ❤️

  222. The Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in Grey for my first time bub due in the middle of summer. Hoping, we’ll both be able to beat the heat and have decent night sleeps

  223. Michelle D Reply

    My little boy loves to snuggle a blanket but he manages to twist himself into difficult positions through the night which finds him distressed when he wakes up, so I’d love a Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG in Grey, for his comfort and safety.

  224. Swaddle up 50/50 in grey. It’s classic and gender neutral. And easy to clean

  225. We are about to have a gorgeous little girl in Qld so the adorable swaddle up lite would be a gorgeous and comforting outfit to sleep in. Choosing which colour is so tricky, purple and aqua are both beautiful!

  226. We would love to win the 0.2 tog sleep suit. Out little girl sleep so well in her 2.5 tog sleep suit in winter amd we hope this one will do the trick in summer in our hot house. We love the fact that she can get up and cruise aroumd without being bound to her sleeping bag.

  227. Megan Marot Reply

    Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in grey,
    will change our lives in every way!
    Little baby boy is due to arrive in the heat of summer,
    This beautiful light swaddle will give peace of mind to Mama!
    It will keep bubba comfy and minimise interupted sleep,
    This precious baby safe it will keep.
    May we have a Swaddle UP Lite pretty please,
    For sweet dreams are truly made of these…!

  228. My son is a big time mover in his sleep so the new Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG would be ideal to keep him comfortable.

  229. The swaddle up lite will be absolutely perfect for my new bub. So easy for hubby to use.

  230. Lite swaddle in mint or aqua for my 2 week old. We couldn’t live without our love to dream swaddles at night!

  231. Amy Petersen Reply

    I’d love the Swaddle up lite in grey for my sisters new baby!

  232. Kerrie O'B Reply

    I would love the swaddle up lite for my 2 week old niece who would then pass it on to my bub who’s due in 3 months.

  233. The sleep suits have been fantastic for my daughter who has hip dysplasia. They fit perfect with her Hippo Brace on and I am happy knowing she is comfortable. We currently have the 2 tog sleep suit but would love the 0.2 tog for summer please. I don’t mind what colour. Thank you.

  234. Summer is finally coming, and I am not at all prepared. Last year the swaddle up lite got us though. This year I would love the sleeping bag in any colour for my little girl to ensure she stays cool and sleeps well.

  235. Katherine F Reply

    I’d love to win the Love To Dream Sleep Bag in grey, it would be the perfect sleep aid for my toddler this summer!

  236. I’d love to win the Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG for my little love, he’s just turned 12 months and this would be the ideal solution for him overnight.

  237. nicole larsen Reply

    Id love to give this to my niece who is due any day. As Im not sure whats shes havng grey would be ideal

  238. A “must-have” for this summer (for my darling soon arriving peanut) is The cool, classic and cosy Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in the gorgeous grey.

  239. Miss 4 months is currently in a Love to Dream Warm, so the 50/50 would be perfect for her transition to arms out! And pink would match her bedroom 🙂

  240. I’d love a pink or aqua sleeping bag for my sleep hating 5 month old, surely she’ll have a big sleep just to try it out?
    We had to come out of the swaddles as rolling is way to fun, so this would be perfect for summer!

  241. Gina bowman Reply

    Baby boy would love the classic swaddle up lite in blue or grey. He loves sleeping with his arms up and always wriggles out of his swaddle to do so.

  242. Ashleigh Emerson Reply

    Love the grey swaddle UP lite 0.2 TOG, so practical and so cute

  243. Edwina Fletcher Reply

    Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG In coral, looks perfect for my little girl.

  244. Love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in any colour would be awesome

  245. lynne lillington Reply

    The Swaddle UP 50/50 in pink for Miss maddie 4 months, i think it will help her settle at night. She is a night mare at the moment

  246. Catherine Howard Reply

    The coral Love To Dream Sleep Bag to keep my blanket loving 1 year old

  247. Sarah Aspi Reply

    My 2 year old son still loves sleeping in a sleep bag, I reckon he would love to snuggle up in a Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG. He loves every colour there is, but maybe grey, as it could be for a brother or sister down the track.

  248. I’d love to win the transitional sleeping bag, with the zip off arms. My little 3 month old is meant to be out of swaddles by now but we are struggling so hard with sleeping arms out. I love that it can help him make the transition and still be functional as a sleeping bag for the long term, and it will hopefully be perfect for those very hot summer nights.

    • and I forgot to add which colour we would love for the Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG – blue please 🙂

  249. Hayley Tattersfield Reply

    My 12mth old would love a Love To Dream Sleep Bag 0.2 TOG in coral! She is a wriggler and living in a 2 storey house in Queensland her room is often close to 30 degrees especially during her day sleeps. One of these sleep bags would make my life much much easier ❤️

  250. My son loves to be swaddled but I would love to try the 50/50 lite 2.0 swaddle to start the transition during the warmer months

  251. My first baby had to be swaddled otherwise it was nightmare on Elm St, so these would come in handy for baby No2 who is on his way!! I never had these with my first child but I have heard raving reviews

  252. I would be extremely excited to win the Swaddle Up LITE in Grey! We have a baby due smack in the middle of Australian Summer, mid-January, so the 0.2 TOG would be completely ideal!

  253. If I won I’d be happy with any of the love to dream swaddles to fit my 6month old boy Darcy. He loves his 50/50 winter swaddle that he currently wears every night. Love love love these products. So glad I found them

  254. The Love to Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 tog in the classic soft grey. I just have to accept that no sleeping bag is ever going to keep my boy down, so we may as well embrace the fact and enjoy having him traipse around until lights go out!

  255. Oh my gosh I would love a Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG! We own a few Swaddle up original and it is the only Swaddle my baby likes – he sleeps like a dream! But as he’s close to rolling, the 50/50 would be perfect.

  256. Oh my gosh I would love a Swaddle UP 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG! We own a few Swaddle up original and it is the only Swaddle my baby likes – he sleeps like a dream! But as he’s close to rolling, the 50/50 would be perfect. The blue colour with white spots is adorable.

  257. Jordana Hodgetts Reply

    I’d love the last option, the 0.2tog sleeping bag for my little wriggler! He loves a blanket but can’t stay under it as he is a very active sleeper!

  258. Sue Hawthorne Reply

    We LOVE Love To Dream and have used them from birth for our now 10mth old. We’d love a Love To Dream Sleep Bag 6-18mths in grey please.

  259. The Love to Dream sleep bag is such a good way of keeping the little one covered. Would love it in grey.

  260. What a wonderful product. Keep baby covered without overheating this summer. No more worrying about sheets and blankets overheating or being thrown off.

  261. I would love the Swaddle UP™ Original in grey or pink. My first was a houdini who would wriggle out of wraps, but then I never used swaddle bags, to which I think was the worst decision as he was a horrible sleeper! Now currently 31 weeks pregnant with my second, I would love to give the Swaddle UP™ Original a go, and hopefully get better sleep this second time round!

  262. I LOVE the LOVE TO DREAM sleep suit 0.2 TOG in blue, for my little man who’s on the move!

  263. The grey sleep suit would be the one we would want as she started with a grey one and would like her last one to be a grey one too! I’m weird like that, she couldn’t care what colour as long as I wrap it so she can open it!

  264. Jessica Williams Reply

    Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in coral or grey. My baby girl loves to be swaddled but also wants to be able to get to her hands. These swaddles are perfect for her!

  265. Rebecca Scully Reply

    I would looooove a Swaddle up 50/50 lite 0.2 TOG in either the blue or pink! My little one is not far off being able to roll over and I would love to upgrade to the next size in time for the cooler months! She already loves sleeping in her Swaddle UPs as she’s a hand-sucker but little chubby girl is getting a bit too big for them. It’s perfect timing!

  266. The swaddle up 50/50 in any colour would be Fantastic thanks.

  267. blake haugen Reply

    A 50/50 swaddle would be perfect thankyou. Blue would be the best colour.

  268. I would love to win a Love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in blue or grey! Both kids are forever kicking blankets off but hate to be restricted by a sleeping bag so this would solve so many problems!

  269. Kylie Reid Reply

    I’d love to win the Love to Dream grey 0.2 tog sleep suit please!!!! My little boy desperately needs a summer sleep suit!

  270. Would love the 50/50 summer lite swaddle. My baby is looking like he’s about to roll so we’re using the 50/50 swaddles, but with the warmer weather we really need the summer one.

  271. The love to dream sleep suit 2.0 tog! In grey for my lil man would be amazing!

  272. I would love to win the 0.2 sleep suit in grey for my little escape monkey, then I will know he is warm

  273. Hi, I would like the swaddle up 50/50 0.2tog in gray
    I feel this will help my little one transition from being swaddled to a sleeping bag as he seems to bust out of the wraps at the moment! It will help keep him at a good tempature in summer

  274. Love to try out the new version as my 3 month old uses one and is starting to outgrow hers. Love to try the new one is a grey or pink. She loves to kick her feet, if not swaddled. She would be uncovered.

  275. Kimberley P Reply

    I would love to win 0.2 sleep suit in pink if possible. Thankyou

  276. Amanda Kelly Reply

    I’d love the Swaddle Up 50/50 Lite 0.2 TOG in Aqua for my little man. Our LTD swaddled have been a saviour as we battled with his eczema. He went from a free spirit sleeping, to having to be swaddled so he wouldn’t scratch all night and LTD are the only swaddled that he likes. His eczema has finally settled down with treatment and we are ready to start transitioning him to arms free!

  277. Sophie Ord Reply

    I would love love to dream suit in a grey not fussed size to fit 12-18month

  278. My little boy has been in LTD swaddles for every sleep since he met the weight limit for them and has not slept one night or day with out it!
    He would appreciate any colour in a sleeping bag or sleepsuit please.

  279. Haley Hanley Reply

    I would love to win the Aqua 50/50!!
    My 4.5 month old loves the wings on his LTD swaddle but he is growing up and needs to start transitioning and this would be the opportunity for us!
    Haley and Hudson x

    • I would love the swaddle up lite 0.2tog in the green. Our new bubba is due in 2 weeks and this would be perfect for the hot climate in Townsville!!

  280. Would loooove to win the Love to Dream sleeping bag 0.2TOG for my littlest guy

  281. Definitely 50/50 in mint. My 5 month old has always been in a LTD swaddle. Shes currently getting too big for the medium size so it would be awesome to win this for the next size up and start transitioning to the 50/50.

  282. I’m just about to transition my little guy with his 50:50 swaddle bag…he’ll then need a LOVE TO DREAM SLEEP BAG just in time for summer! The grey would suit him perfectly as he loves looking at the stars!! I’m a first time mummy, and our love to dream bags have really made sleep time a breeze! I recommend these bags to everyone!!!

  283. Hayley Smith Reply

    I would definately choose the love to dream sleep bag. I have a 14 month old who current sleeps in a similar 3.5 tog bag but will need a lighter one for the warmer nights coming up. I already have the love to dream sleep bags for younger babies but currently afford to buy any new ones for my little boy. Hes not tge best sleeper over night but your products seem to help.

    I recommend these bags to everyone and buy them but also makes for great for baby shower gifts

    Hayley Smith

  284. I would love the Swaddle up 50/50 lite 0.2 tog in the beautiful teal spots.

  285. I would love the 50/50 as I have a little boy nearly 6 months old and am just starting to try and transition him. The love to dream products are just fantastic

  286. Kylie Roberts Reply

    We need the Love to Dream Sleep Bag in mint! My beautiful bub is a terrible sleeper and sleeps a bit better if she is tucked firmly with a blanket. This means she sleeps better but I spend the whole night paranoid it will slip up over her face!
    Please help a tired household out ❤

  287. Sarah Dietzel Reply

    These are such a lifesaver! So excited for the new range!

  288. My bub is a small 5 month old who is currently in the medium size swaddle. He can not sleep with out being swaddled but we will have to transition him soon which im dreading as i dont think he’ll be able to sleep. The LTD swaddles make him feel secure and keeps his arms from waking him. I would love a transition swaddle and am not picking about colour. His bedroom colours are grey, gold, white and black.

  289. Laura Mahoney Reply

    I would love the sleep bag. My beautiful son has just transitioned out of a live to dream swaddle which he loved! They are so soft 🙂

  290. I would love the swaddle up 50/50 in grey for my 5 month old. She’s just about to come out of a Pavlik Harness for hip dysplasia, which has been a nightmare for sleep bags. It will be so amazing to get her bag into sleep bags in time for summer!

  291. I’d love to win the sleep suit in white or blue for my little guy who’s about to grow out of this 50/50 bag! Love to dream were an absolute life saver for me when Darcy was born! He’s an arms up kinda guy!

  292. Jessica marusic Reply

    Would love to win any colour of love to
    Dream Summer lite in size small (newborn)

  293. 50/50 transition please best sleeping bags ever!! In a large! As my daughter loves to sleep in your others but needing to transition 🙂

  294. The love to dream sleep bag would be great for my 10 month old. I love these products my daughter would only sleep in her swaddle at nighttime when she was a newborn

  295. 50/50 transition sleeping bag please best sleeping swaddle bags ever!! In a large! As my daughter loves to sleep in your others but is needing to transition 🙂

  296. Sarah Jane Stoi Reply

    We have sworn by the Swaddle Up’s with our little guy since day one, we call them his ‘starfish suit’. Now that he’s getting bigger and closer to rolling the Swaddle Up 50/50 would be amazing to transition him to a sleeping bag. Thank you Love to Dream for being our saving grace!

  297. I’d love a sleep suit in grey or mint for my 9 month old as he loves sleeping in his ither love to dream swaddles and he is just about on the move.

  298. Ashleigh Field Reply

    My little miss loves to be snuggled under a blanky but I worry about her getting hot in summer. With a sleep bag in grey or mint I know she will stay comfortable and we can both enjoy our sleep!

  299. We’d love a 50/50 in an X large! Yep my 6 month old is huge!

  300. Would love the love to dream 0.2 tog sleep bag. Any girly colours would do. Love a coral or love the picture of the purple one with moons and stars.

  301. I’d love a 50/50 in aqua as I need to transition bubs who has just started rolling, and it proving difficult just like my first bub was

  302. I would love the love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG for my crazy little girl! It’s the only thing I can keep her in to sleep these days!

  303. I would love to win any of your amazing products! I used everything from the swaddles to the sleeping bags for my two kids and our best friends are having a baby soon and I’d love to win her something from your range so she can see just how amazing your things are and how much of a life saver they are!
    Any neutral colour would be amazing.

  304. Hillary Kollas Reply

    The sleepbag in coral please My one year old refuses to sleep without her LTD sleepbag!

  305. Ebony Newsome Reply

    I’d love the 0.2 tog sleep bag for my Mr 13mo, he never sleeps as well as when he has a LTD swaddle or sleepbag!

  306. Emma Staff Reply

    A grey 0.2 tog sleep suit in grey would be perfect for my little sleepy acrobat. She’s been in love to dream since birth and the sleep suit will keep her covered without getting twisted while she moves around the cot in her sleep!

  307. Jaclyn Whaley Reply

    I’d love a sleep bag in pink for my darling girl, size 6-18 months.

  308. I would love to win a pink sleep suit for my little babe! We have sworn by the Love to Dream range since Willow was born and they’re such a great sleep association for her. She’s recently turned one and is acing the standing gig now so a sleep suit that lets her move and groove is going to be perfection!

  309. I would love the sleep suit 0.2 TOG for my son who would fit in the blue 24-36 month size. He has slept in variations of your swaddles since birth 🙂

  310. Merryn Smith Reply

    Has to be the 50/50 swaddle in blue! What a genius idea! Our little boy is currently in the regular LTD swaddles but the ability to transition him from arms up to arms out will be a billion times smoother with this 🙂

  311. Alyssa Hodgins Reply

    I would choose a pink Love to Dream lite 0.2 tog sleep suit! Love to Dream swaddles made our lives a heck of a lot easier and bed time runs so smoothly!

  312. Ashley batchelor Reply

    I would love to win a swaddle or transitional swaddle in any colour for my little 4 month old Primrose who loves the love to dream swaddles, they help her sleep 12-13 hrs overnight and she knows as soon as shes in her swaddles its time for nap/sleep time

  313. I would love to win a sleep suit!
    My bub has worn Love to Dream sleep bags since birth and has transitioned through the 1st and 2nd stages (wings and 50/50). He absolutely loves his sleep bags but has almost outgrown his current one (currently wearing the largest 50/50 size). He has always prefered the bags that zip up the front. Almost as soon at the zip starts going up his eyes are closing for sleep. I would now love to now try him in the next stage and move him into using a sleep suit. Looks like a perfect product for my very active toddler 🙂

  314. I would love the swaddle up lite in Aqua. It would be perfect for our bew baby boy due in February!

  315. I love the love to dream swaddles.. My 7 month old was impossible to get to sleep and would also wriggle herself out of the muslin wraps… I came across a love to dream for sale on facebook and thought what harm could it do… So off I went and bought it… I tried it that night and OMG they have been a godsend ever since… She still doesn’t sleep well but sleeps alot better with love to dream…. She’s now at the age were I would like to train her to sleep without her arms tucked in so I would love to win the 50/50 transitional love to dream… I also love the cool Mint color…give it a retro feel….. I also find it a very calming and soothing color… Thanks Amanda # lovetodream all the way

  316. Chelsea Hurring Reply

    I’d love to win the sleep suit as my sons learning to walk so this would be perfect for those cold winter mornings!

  317. I would absolutely love to win the sleep suit in aqua! My little man hates blankets and i worry that he gets too cold when he kicks them off or wriggles away – not to mention the worry of him pulling the blankets over his face! We’ve been using love to dream products since he was born and they have been so wonderful!

  318. I would love a girls swaddle up lite 0.2! I have heard rave reviews on love 2 dream to be a must have. My baby is due in December & I live in QLD so it’s a must have for me!! I can not wait to try one!

  319. I would love the sleeping bag for my little boy…he likes to have his arms free but legs toasty warm in a blankie.

  320. Christine C Reply

    I’d love to win the love to dream 0.2 tog sleep bag as my son loves sleep bags. I just don’t have any summer ones yet so would love to try love to dream before I choose which sleep bags to stock up on.

  321. I would love to win the aqua sleep suit as my little man is starting to get more mobile and this would be perfect! He has already had the swaddle up and is currently in the 50/50 and he always has the best sleep when in them. Also coming into summer this will be so handy as right now we can’t afford to go and buy him new ones just yet.

  322. Hey, i would love the love to dream sleep bag 0.2 tog for my daughter. She knows tbat as soon as she goes in her sleep bag that its bed time but she is growing out of her current ones.
    We hope to win (:

  323. We use the swaddle ups for my almost 4month old but only started a month ago, he struggles to sleep due to sever reflux but these allow him to sooth himself and let me get a few hours sleep a night. Id love either a lite in blue or a 50/50 lite in blue or green.

  324. I would love the love to dream 0.2 tog sleep bag in purple for my 13 month old Violet. She knows it’s bedtime when we put her in her sleeping bag!

    • Sorry, realised there isnt grey. Either stripes or the blue spotty one.

  325. I would love to win a Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in mint or grey! I was gifted one of the original swaddles without zips with my son 3 years ago and it is the best thing ever! I think the arm zips are such an amazing addition and with bub #2 due in 3 weeks I think it would be super useful

  326. I would love the 0.2 tog grey sleep suit (or pink) for my almost 6 month old just in time for summer months! We love your products and have a Nuzzlin’ 2.5 tog sleeping bag as well as your winter warm swaddle which she outgrew. Time to transition to a cooler suit!

  327. I would love the sleep bag in grey for my beautiful baby girl! She’s currently onto the transition suit and loves it!

  328. Rebecca Georgiou Reply

    I would love a love to dream sleep bag in pink 6-18 months, because it is such an ingenious idea and will be a fantastic product to keep my little girl comfy, safe and snuggly through the summer nights

  329. I would love the Aqua swaddle UP lite as my 13 week old baby boy loves to be snuggled up and warm.

  330. Madelinegee Reply

    I would like the 50/50 transition swaddle up light 12-18 months for 9 month old chubby bubby 🙂

  331. Madelinegee Reply

    My chubby bubby* and he’s a boy what ever boy colour I’m not fussed 🙂

  332. I’d love to win a 50/50 swaddle 6-8kg for my baby in the stars and moon design.

  333. We LOVED the swaddle up and 50/50 when my son was younger and loved to be swaddled. Now he likes to sleep in a bag – Would love a sleep bag in grey or blue for 2 years for the summer!

  334. Sharista Fredericks Reply

    The Sleep Bag for sure, in grey 🙂 My baby hates being swaddled but loves the comfort of the bag cuddling her as she sleeps.

  335. Kahlia Barker Reply

    We have always struggled to keep my son comfortable at night as he refuses to use a blanket so the Love To Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 Tog in Grey size 2 would be amazing for him! The lightweight tog would be perfect for those hot Central Queensland nights under the fan.

  336. Tracey Tolley Reply

    I would like the 50/50 lite suit in blue or grey for when my 3 month old grows out of his 6-8kg suit. It’s the only thing that allows me and my partner any sleep at night. Love that he can self soothe with his hands without waking himself up

  337. Claire Bowley Reply

    My son never keeps his blanket on in winter in the cooler months and often wakes because he’s cold! The new love to dream sleep suit 2.5 tog in grey size 3 Years would solve all our problems and we could hand it down to his little brother later on.

  338. Victoria Coe Reply

    My little man has just grown out of his original, time to transition! 50/50 would be perfect for us this summer of learning to roll and wriggle please!

  339. Alicia Blazey Reply

    I would love the Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in grey for my newborn son! He is my second child and I had no idea about your products when my first son arrived 2.5 years ago! My newborn already loves to wiggle his arms out of the hospital swaddles.

  340. Amanda Chilcott Reply

    My bub is currently sleeping in a Love to Dream Sleeping Bag and is starting to crawl. I would love a Love to Dream Sleeping Suit for him im blue . The Love o Dream swaddle was a godsend when bub was little.

  341. Ellen Robbins Reply

    We desperately need another 50/50! Currently transitioning to arms out and its taking a lot longer than I thought. I think my handsome bub would look so cute in those blue polkadots 🙂

  342. I would love the Love to Dream 0.2 Tog Sleeping bag in aqua for my baby girl because it would bring out her beautiful blue eyes whilst she dozes off to sleep in comfort and style 🙂

  343. My 2 year old would love the aqua sleep suit so she can. I’ve around feeely in it

  344. Lauren de Vries Reply

    I’d love the 50/50 in aqua 0.2 tog. My little boy loves sleeping in his swaddle. It really helps to settle him. At 3 months old I’m dreading moving to arms out.

  345. Alicia Gibson Reply

    I would love the swaddle up 50/50 lite 0.2 tog sleep suit in pink & white for my little girl who will be transitioning to arms out soon. She has loved her original and has been sleeping like a champion in it!

  346. Ashley Beech Reply

    Any would be great for my friend’s baby shower next month…would be awesome to bring a different gift rather than the usual!

  347. Karen Stewart Reply

    Any colour would be awesome 0.2 Tog for hot weather for my 11 week old girl that will be in medium very soon.

  348. I’d love the L2D 50/50 for my new daughter who will be in need of a cool and secure sleeping bag for hot Summer nights. Any colour is finewith an older brother she’s open to all shades.

  349. I’d love a mint sleeobag 0.2 tog but all the colours look great. What a perfect weight for use in Australian summers?! My girl does laps of her cot so the sleepbag is perfect for feeling snug and having your blanky go with you!

  350. An aqua coloured cool, classic and cosy Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG would be my go-to! Living far from family and friends sadly we won’t be having a baby shower to be gifted such things, so all these gorgeous swaddles are on my “wish list”…. which we can’t afford at the moment. I’d love to give my little girl the very best swaddle when she makes her grand entrance beginning of December.

  351. Would love the sleeping bag in aqua! We are in the process of transitioning to arms out and the sleeping bag would come just at the right time for this! Love the aqua colour as perfect reflection of summer. It just screams summer!

  352. I would love the 0.2 tog sleep bag in either the grey with stars or a blue one for my daughter Isabella, these products are amazing!

  353. Omg, Love to Dream Sleep Suit needed here for Mr “I love moving so much I barely have time to sleep”. Zzzz Lord give me grace, and give me aqua. Zzzz – tired mum.

  354. The Swaddle UP Lite 0.2 TOG in Grey or Mint would be perfect for my as yet unknown-gender-but-summer-born babe!

  355. I would love the swaddle sutiable for newborn in any colour fit for a little princess 🙂

  356. I would love a sleep bag in blue or grey for my little man who cant sleep without his sleeping bag and loves his arms free!

  357. Charmaine Marshall Reply

    I’m extremely excited to enter and have the possibility to win such a lite sleeping bag, we live in Darwin NT and it is so hot here, this would be perfect!

  358. Kristie Anttilla Reply

    Would love the 0.2 TOG sleeping bag for my wriggly sleeper..

  359. Jessica Simpson Reply

    I would love the swaddle up lite 0.2 tog in mint. My boy is due in February so I want him to be comfortable sleeping in the blistering heat for his first few months of life!

  360. My little boy moves around so much so the sleep suit would be perfect

  361. I would love the 50/50 in the new lite 0.2 tog for my little man who is currently ready to start transitioning. It’s going to be a hot summer in queensland so it will be perfect! All the colours are nice but the mint is my fave

  362. My daughter would love the 50/50 Swaddle UP in pink for the next stage. Already loves the swaddles and has slept 10 hours overnight since she was 8 weeks old!

  363. Hi i have an 8 months old i used the starter one but now she is rolling crawling standingand i think shed like the new suit. Im hoping to have more too. My little lne likes a snuggle and sleeps best with mum so i hope the suits help her transition

  364. If love to win a sleep suit. It looks perfect for my girl. She’d love pink.

  365. Canaan Ridge Reply

    The sleep suit in blue! I am literally in hospital about to give birth and was thinking I need to find something light for my toddler before summer to help him sleep before summer sets in. Thanks for the distraction and now time to give birth!

  366. I would love the love to dream sleep bag in the 0.2 together for my little one who just loves kicking everything off him in the night!

  367. Tracey Morris Reply

    Would love to win your 50/50 Swaddle UP in Aqua! I always had low quality sleeping bags for my daughter, would love to win a great quality for my baby due in March!

  368. Elisabeth Martins Reply

    I am in love with the grey sleeping bag,
    it’s perfect for both boys and girls,
    can be passed down,
    and treasured forever.

  369. Tamara Williams Reply

    We would love the sleep suit 0.2 Tog in pink please, we currently used the 2.5 Tog for winter and it was fantastic.

  370. Danielle Chester Reply

    We would love the Swaddle Up Lite 50/50 in pink please for our 4.5 month old who is about to transition out of her originals

  371. Living in sunny QLD I would love to win a swaddle up lite for my newborn baby due in 3 weeks time. This would help bubba get to sleep whilst keeping cool and me settle in to life as a mum.
    A grey coloured suit would be perfect for my surprise gender arrival!

  372. I would love to win to help my girl get to sleep! She’s so sensitive to the weather changes so this would be awesome!

  373. I would love the grey Love to Dream Sleep Suit 0.2 TOG in 2 year old size, please.

  374. Aqua lite 0.2 swaddle would hopefully help a new mum get some sleep

  375. Helen Schulz Reply

    The swaddle up 50/50. I’d like to gift this to a new mum who has gone through a lot and has number 2 due next week. It will make her smile again!

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