Baby Showers

Scrap the Baby Shower – Postpartum Parties are Taking Over


Move over baby showers. Postpartum parties are what every mum-to-be should want instead.

Seriously, does a newborn need a dozen teddy bears? And is the memory of fancy canapés going to come in handy when you’re too tired to cook and haven’t showered for a week? Hell no!

If you’re expecting and haven’t heard about postpartum parties yet then listen up and take notes! This relatively new trend is totally replacing the baby shower and frankly it’s not hard to see why.

What is a postpartum party?

Usually the word postpartum is attached to the word depression. Or it’s used to reference a woman’s post-baby body which might have a long recovery ahead. But a postpartum party is something quite different altogether. And it’s also a hell of a lot more exciting!

The word party is a bit misleading though, because technically there isn’t one main event. Instead, a postpartum party is when a bunch of your friends and family (usually women) band together to help you out for a period of six weeks when you need it most. This would be AFTER the baby is born.

They do things like set up a roster for your visitors, drop off meals, help with house chores, take turns babysitting other children you might have and look after your newborn while you nip out for a massage. They can also arrange things like baby supplies you need, club together to pay for experts such as a lactation consultant and be on call to drop round with wine when you need a laugh. Basically whatever you need the most, your postpartum party village will provide.

postpartum parties

Why postpartum parties are better than baby showers

Not sure if it’s for you? Here are just four reasons why a postpartum party is a way better idea than having a baby shower:

  • It doesn’t cost a thingBaby showers can end up being really expensive, especially when we’re trying to replicate the vibe that the likes of the Kardashian klan do for their pending arrivals.
  • You can booze – It’s not much fun sitting around at your own baby shower like a bloated whale while your friends and old female rellies scoff down sushi, brie and champagne. Save the good times for later when you can actually enjoy them!
  • You don’t get stuff you don’t need – While it’s lovely to receive gifts before your baby arrives, often they’re all gender neutral or you get lots of the same thing. (We’re looking at you knitted beanies, socks and muslin wraps). With a postpartum party though, friends can give more ideal presents based on what you need.
  • You get much-needed support – For some reason, us women are great at pretending we don’t need help when we really do. So a pre-planned postpartum party ensures you have a team on hand ready to keep you company and help in whatever way will make your life a bit easier with a newborn. This is especially important given the rise in new mums who experience postnatal depression. 

postpartum party

How do I organise my own postpartum party? 

Sold on the idea yet? We thought so! Okay, so how you organise a postpartum party is basically like this:

  • Make a list of all the people that you want around to support you after giving birth.
  • Contact them while you’re pregnant and let them know you’re skipping a baby shower in favour of a postpartum party. You may have to explain what one is.
  • Ask one person (like your bestie) to take the lead in running the show.
  • Let them know exactly what kind of help or things you need – e.g. cooked meals, a list of what people you’re okay with visiting you, babysitting, etc. They can then set up a roster with your postpartum party attendees to cover all the bases.
  • Sit back and relax with your newborn and let the help roll in.

No village of your own?

If you’re new to the area or don’t have any close friends or family, don’t despair. You can always join a local mother’s group and ask for help from the other mums there. I’m sure many of them would be happy to mind your bub while you take a nap or do an exercise class. They might even cook an extra portion of spaghetti bolognese if you let it be known you’re struggling and need help.

There are also lots of local Facebook mother community groups where you can get ‘village’ type support from other mums near you. Many are more than willing to do babysitting swaps, organise playdates, give others second-hand clothes and baby products, and more.

mum central

Scrap the shower – get on trend with a postpartum party! 

So, while you might like the idea for having a pretty baby shower, it’s actually a postpartum party that you really need. You never know though! If you’re really lucky you might have a friend or family member help organise BOTH for you.

Now how nice would that be?!

Is your male partner feeling left out of all the pre-baby celebrations? Maybe you can get their mates to throw them a dad-chelor party! It’s basically a baby shower for men, but with a lot more booze.


Susan is a Sydney based writer and mum of three highly energetic boys who keep her firmly on her toes (and slightly bonkers). When she’s not writing or trying to keep it all together she’s probably reading, watching Netflix or having a sneaky massage.

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