I expected a lot of my body parts to swell when pregnant. Breasts. Sure. Belly. Of course. Even ankles, I was prepared for. But my nose??
What in the actual?
Turn out, pregnancy nose, or the phenomenon when your nose swells into a bulbous muzzle during pregnancy, is actually a common and relatable thing. Several mums have jumped on TikTok to share their pregnancy noses before and after and, holy heck, I feel seen.

@aliandelivstheworld shared her before and after shot with the caption, “Pregnancy did a number on me.”
Here’s @Kimber98‘s own montage of before and after. “Not my finest hour,” she admits.

@cailaaustina also showcases her noticeable nose changes.

@anumrubec also joined in on the snozzle shenozzle.

But the winner of the pregnancy nose award has to go to @heyosata who isn’t ashamed to admit she was quite possibly allergic to pregnancy. She captions her before and after with, “Pregnancy is ghetto.”

I’m dead.
Okay, but what’s going on?
Is pregnancy nose an actual scientific thing that can happen?
Yes. It is.
Basically, it’s due to the extra estrogen and increase in blood flow pretty much everywhere. The increased blood flow to mucus membranes of the body can cause swelling and puffiness in those areas.
Our noses contain mucus membranes so that’s why they often appear larger and flatter.
There is also something called ‘pregnancy rhinitis’ which causes inflammation in the same mucus membranes. This can cause even more swelling and nasal congestion so you not have a huge honker, but one you can barely breathe out of.
It’s easy to feel like a big piece of elephant turd when you’re pregnant so kudos to these women who are sharing their #pregnancynose moments. It’s nice to know the pregnancy glow isn’t for everyone.
Here are a few more unexpected things to expect when pregnant:
- Gorilla Syndrome (not its official scientific name). Oh hello, armpit hair that you shaved just a couple of hours ago.
- Super vivid dreams. Super vivid birth dreams are especially common. And creepy.
- Restless legs that won’t stop moving!
- The need to pee every 17 minutes.
- Bleeding nose and gums (of fun!).
- Metallic sensation in your mouth.
- The desire to either have ALL the sex or head butt your husband for even attempting to hold your hand. Sometimes both.
- Excessive farting and burping. Made especially more prominent at night or anytime you are around people.
- Snoring like a chainsaw.
- Accentuated/darker veins, plus, if you’re extra lucky, varicose veins.
- Boatloads of sweat.
- Swollen ankles and feet.
- Excess saliva and drooling.
- Mega dinner-plated sized nips. Most likely darker too.
- Patchy Skin/ Melasma (or “the mask of pregnancy”), which causes brown coloured patches to appear around the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin.
There are also a few symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore. These include:
Itchy, really itchy, mainly on the hands and feet. This could be a sign of Cholestasis, a form of liver disease that only happens during pregnancy, thanks again to those pesky pregnancy hormones, which can affect liver function. Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing excessive itching or if your wee is very dark.
Bleeding at any stage, especially bright red blood. This could be nothing but it could also be a sign that something is amiss. It may indicate a miscarriage or it could have something to do with the location of the placenta. Speak to your doctor.
Intense pain in the pubic area. This isn’t dangerous but it is incredibly painful and known as Symphis Pubis Dysfunction or SPD. It causes inflammation and pain in the symphysis pubis joint, which connects the two halves of your pelvis. If you are experiencing intense pain (especially after sitting), then a chiropractor or physiotherapist can help.