
The Birth Video That’ll Make You Wanna Have Another Baby Right Now–Or Not!


If the thought of being filmed while giving birth compares to being eaten alive by zombies—we get it. Or maybe you’re someone who rates binge-watching birthing videos pretty darn high up on your list of ‘To Dos’. Either way, this birth video is a beaut.  (Hand me the tissues!)

It’s the best day of their lives and quite possibly one of the best birth videos we’ve watched in a while. Raw, honest, laugh-out-loud. It’ll bring tears, smiles and a few chuckles. My, what a miracle birth is…

Cheat sheet for dads-to-be

Aside from pulling at our heartstrings, this birth video brings back beautiful (we only remember the good bits) memories of our own kids’ births and leaves us feeling that we want a new baby…now. Not the pregnancy – just the newborn baby handed to us looking all cute and cuddly. Plus a clause, stating we can give the baby back when it all gets too hard.

It also makes a good cheat-sheet for dads-to-be on what not to do when your wife’s in labour. Like, ask if she’s sure she’s in labour, go fix yourself a coffee while she endures the pain of labour upstairs and wonder why she’s not running to the car…in the middle of a contraction!

Congratulations on the birth of your baby (Thanks for sharing)

“It’s a boy” Dear Helen, prepare yourself for the rollercoaster ride that comes with having a boy. From pushing boundaries, always seeking adventure – yes, in the most unlikely of places, and much to mums’ distress, to constant bouts of ‘willy talk’ at the dinner table. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty more surprises await you now that you’re a boy mum.

But after seeing how you handled the birth, we just know you’ll take it in your stride.

We wish you the very best of luck. Enjoy the newborn stage. And if you need some tips on how to survive with a new baby, without faking insanity or injecting yourself with caffeine, just ask.

Much love,

The MC Team



A former Sydneysider, she turned her ideas of a sea change into reality and now lives with her family in beautiful South-West WA. A lover of yoga and travel, like most mums, she’s on a quest to create a better work-life balance. When she’s not pulling socks out from behind the sofa or sponging little hand prints off the walls, she’s in the kitchen trying to dream up exciting lunch box ideas for her three cheeky monkeys.

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