Priding themselves on safety first, Fisher-Price has been dealt a huge hit with the terrible news that one of their products has been linked to more than 30 infant fatalities in the USA.
Mattel has confirmed that it will perform a voluntary global recall of the popular Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play baby sleeper. Many Australian retail stores, including Target, have removed the item from store shelves as they await the official announcement from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). In the meantime, the recall statement has been published on the Fisher-Price Australia & NZ Facebook page.
The announcement for Australian consumers follows that from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission. It claims Fisher Price will be recalling a staggering 4.7 million Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play sleepers, advising parents to stop using the product immediately amid safety fears.
The spokesperson for the ACCC said they were not aware of any injuries or deaths in Australia associated with the product. That’s a relief for Aussie consumers.
Of the fatal American cases, the Fisher-Price recall statement said
“Infant fatalities have occurred in Rock ‘n Play Sleepers, after the infants rolled from their back to their stomach or side while unrestrained, or under other circumstances”.

We will continue to update you with official word of Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play baby sleeper recall as it happens.
For information, please visit the Fisher-Price website.
We can’t stress enough how important it is to use a product properly, no matter how insignificant it seems at the time. One mother lost her precious little girl in tragic circumstances after napping in her car seat. Feel you need a reminder of the do’s and don’t? See our safe sleeping post for a refresher!