
There’s a New $5 ‘Hangover Cure’ on the Market So We Decided to Test It!


Sure a night out can be fun.  Maybe a dance.  Sometimes two drinks lead to three, or four.  Sounds like a good night out, right?

…Until the kids wake you at 6am the morning after and reality hits!  Been there, done that and promised myself “I’M NEVER DRINKING AGAIN!”, only to do it all again a few weeks later.

Now in my mid-40s, the shenanigans might be a bit further between, however, the day after is becoming increasingly more difficult to bounce back from. Add kids, well, they just add to the pain of a sore head.

But now you can take hangovers off the menu for good (or drastically reduce them at the very least) thanks to this revolutionary hangover prevention product. Believe me, it’s a major game changer, especially if you like to enjoy a drink or two of my favourite drop!

Drink Responsibly. Recover Right.

I’ll be the first to admit that I do enjoy a cheeky drink every now and again. I’m not guzzling wine every night or anything like that. But anyone that knows me knows I love a glass of champagne, or three, when the occasion fits.  And as I get older, the thought of the morning after can often be a deterrent to even get started!

Contrary to my mid-20s, when I used to bounce out of bed on a few hours sleep and a night of solid partying, these days I feel the effects after just a couple of drinks.  It’s not always a full-blown hangover, sometimes it’s just that mild lethargy, a bit of a headache and a general feeling of blah.

Add in two young kids, who have 8 million questions that NEED to be answered at 6am and, well, you know where I’m going with this!

So you can imagine my scepticism / curiosity / disbelief (pick any or all) to be told there’s a new product on the market that ‘claims to help manage your hangover symptoms in one easy step’.  My response: “let’s put this baby through its paces and really see what it’s all about!”

Goodbye hangover. Hello Recoverthol

Allow us to introduce you to Recoverthol. It’s a new hangover remedy that is added to your first alcoholic drink of the day (or night). It can be added in to any alcoholic drink and doesn’t change the taste or smell.  

Developed by a Brisbane-pharmacist, the hangover treatment is easier, and a much better option than relying on coffee, Nurofen or street kebabs at midnight to try and soak up the alcohol.

recoverthol hangover remedy

Recoverthol is super easy to use

Simply snap a vial of Recoverthol into your first drink and let it do its magic. The innovative formula contains cofactors which absorb faster than tablets, keep you replenished while you drink and promote the more efficient metabolism of alcohol.  Sounds wonderful, right? 

They even have a free app (for Apple and Android) which tracks your drinks and predicts the effect of an alcoholic beverage on your body, prior to drinking. It’s easy to use and will calculate the time to sober up so you know how long you need to process the alcohol in your system to go about your business. Immensely helpful to be at Saturday morning soccer bright as a penny, cook the kids breakfast at the break of dawn (ha!) or any other motherly duties. Genius!

recoverthol hangover treatment app

It all sounds good in theory, right? But does this magical potion actually work as a hangover treatment? Can it reduce post-wine pain? Will it help ensure you can keep up with your crazy kids’ schedule even after a few drinks the night before?

WATCH what happened when we put Recoverthol to the test 

We have a duty to all the mums out there to see if this product really does what it claims to do. So it was only fair to grab a few besties and head to the gorgeous McLaren Vale wine region for a day of tasting.

I know, we took one for the team. And trust me, you can thank us later! 😉

So back to the wine tasting.  I don’t know about you but wine can give me the absolute worst hangover. And so what better way to put this new product to the test than to drink some wine.

To set the scene … 7 ladies, one tour driver, 5 wineries, no kids, no husbands.  BLISS!

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THE BEFORE SHOT … taken at the Cube at D’Arenberg Winery, McLaren Vale. How responsible do we look?

Some of the group were seasoned wine drinkers, others not so much. One thing that stood out is that we all really wanted to see if this was going to help us recover from our day at the wineries so we could pick up our mum duties pain-free.

All up we planned out 5 wineries to visit – D’Arenberg, Samuel’s Gorge, Wirra Wirra, Alpha Box and Dice and Maxwell Wines. That should keep us amused!

After our first stop, we’d found a few pretty epic wines and of course, it goes without saying we needed a few souvenirs of our fab day out. TICK!

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One thing I love is the scenery through the wine regions, any time of year, and this was no exception!

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The view from Samuel’s Gorge Winery … simply stunning!

We made sure we had a hearty lunch, water in between (yes!) and even a cheese platter at our final winery. See, responsible mums on tour!  😉


All in all it was a brilliant day, such a great opportunity to unwind and kick our heels up. Even better, we were secretly hoping this Recoverthol product had our back so we could all party like we were 21 again!

Of course, it goes without saying that Mum Central always encourages the responsible use of alcohol and sensible behaviour.


This quick one minute video tells the story well  … we’re sure you’ll agree!

And here’s what my fellow drinkers had to say:

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Recoverthol Hangover Treatment

9.4 Recoverthol Hangover Treatment


  • Super affordable
  • Australian made
  • It really works
  • Scientifically-proven
  • Doesn't ruin your drink
Ease of Use 
Value for Money

Wine-o-clock with a dash of Recoverthol … because seriously, who has time for a hangover?

Not me, and I’m guessing not you either. Pop a vial of Recoverthol into your first drink

next time you’re having a drink and you’re good to go. Even if you’re only having one or two, Recoverthol does the trick to keep you refreshed.

So indulge at a special lunch out with friends without the need for a nanna nap before picking the kids up at school. Have a few day drinks when camping without the 3pm lethargy. Enjoy a boozy day at the races with the gals without feeling like a bus ran you over by dinner time, and wake up feeling refreshed after an evening out rather than with a massive headache and a killer craving for greasy Maccas.

You can pick Recoverthol up at all major chemists or shop online. One pack of Recoverthol (with four vials) costs $19.95 and will keep you hangover-free on four occasions. So that’s $5 per drink. Less than the cost of your usual cup of recovery coffee!

Try Recoverthol today!
SAVE 30% with the Mum Central discount code MUMCENTRAL30%OFF at checkout.

(Plus, free express shipping on all orders.)
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THE AFTER SHOT: Can you tell we had a good day?  

Mum's Choice Thumbs Up Award

Honestly, I LOVE it. My friends LOVED it and I know you’re gonna LOVE it too.

After all, anything that makes this 24/7 parenting gig a little easier is a win in my books. Especially parenting after a few drinks!

Because you can’t take a sick day from your kids. I’ve tried. The questions keep coming, even when you’re too hungover to answer them.

That’s why we’ve given Recoverthol our Mum’s Thumbs Up Award – APPROVED!

This is sponsored post for Recoverthol. All opinions are my own and yes, it really DID work!!



Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.

1 Comment

  1. Before I start a big night I take Recoverthol and don’t wake up with a massive hangover the next day

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