Congratulations mum! You’ve officially made it through the first year of your little one’s life. You survived the sleepless nights, the teething dramas, the weaning chaos.
And now you’re ready for the next stage in your wee one’s world.
Sure, winging your way through toddlerhood and watching your little one navigate through this curious stage has got to be one of the best things in the world. But it’s always nice to know what you’re in for.
Toddler development guide – tips and tricks
This is why we at Mum Central have designed our toddler development guide, an all access pass to our favourite stories specifically on raising toddlers. Some are handy, some are helpful, some are humorous. But all of them will help you along this incredible adventure ahead with raising a toddler.
- Looking for a bit of a giggle? Check out our no bullsh*t guide to being a toddler mum.
- For tongue-in-cheek advice, check out our surviving the toddler phase, in 14 super simple steps.
Toddler tantrums
What about toddler tantrums?
- Check out these tips tackling the most common tantrums.
- Take a page out of dad’s book. Watch this dad taming his daughter’s tantrum like a boss.
- Be sure to also check out these three life lessons we can all learn from toddler tantrums.
- Oh, and for those days when your toddler really cracks it, these 25 ways to totally offend your toddler may resonate well.
Toilet training
For those entering the toilet training stage, we’ve got a whole heap of hints to get you through the messy moments and days of constant mopping wee off the tiles.
- For common toilet training problems and solution, see toilet training pitfalls.
- For advice on convincing your child it’s time to use the potty, check out four surefire ways to make toilet training easy.
- For our no bs guide to toilet training, have a read of our the truths about toilet training you won’t find in the parenting books.
Snacks, snacks and more freakin’ snacks
When teaching toddlers the fine art of fine dining, you’re probably in for some serious surprises. Some tots are happy to eat anything you put on their plate. Others will probably scrunch up their noses because you cut the toast the wrong way.
- Check out our visual toddler guide on how much your toddler should be eating
- This video on how to make toast for your toddler could also be beneficial. Okay, maybe not beneficial. But funny.
- For tips on fussy eaters, check out coping with fussy eating: 9 paediatrician tips to deal with tricky kids & food.
- On ways to sneak veggies into your tot’s diet, check out how to convince your kids that veggies aren’t evil.
Sleep is for the weak, not the toddler
We’ll end with one of the trickiest toddler tasks – convincing your child that he needs to go to sleep.
- If you’re making the move from cot to big bed, these tips can make the transition easier.
- Check out our tips for a toddler taming bedtime routine.
- For something a little light-hearted check out our list on how to get your toddler to sleep (in 87 super easy steps).
- These sleep guidelines can also help ensure your little one is getting enough sleep.
- We’ve also collected a few of the most common reasons little ones wake up at night. How many can you check off?
Good luck to all the mums with toddlers – we hope our toddler guide helps get you through the good days, the crazy days and the extra crazy days! Make sure to follow Mum Central on Facebook for more useful toddler taming tips and techniques.