Being Pregnant

Let’s All Take a Moment to Admire this Mum’s Amazing Triplet Baby Bump


Michella Meier-Morsi is well aware of the strain that a multiple birth pregnancy can have on your body. She already gave birth to twin girls three years ago and just this week welcomed triplets to the family.

Michella carried and grew her three babies until a ripe ol’ age of 36 weeks gestation which is pretty amazing for a triplet birth! And check out that triplet baby bump!

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This is what a triplet baby bump looks like – go mumma! Source: Instagram

She shared several triplet baby bump snaps along the way and they are absolutely beautiful. Seriously, give this mum ALL the applause! 

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Source: Instagram

Our bodies can do some pretty crazy stuff, ladies and gents, and Michella is living proof of this. 

Take a look at some of her pregnancy snaps and insane video as she prepares for the incredible birth of her triplets – three boys! 

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Three healthy heartbeats

In June 2021 Michella and her husband Mark got the shock of their lives when they went for an ultrasound and discovered three healthy heartbeats. Michella had already mastered the fine art of being a twin mum, but she was also well aware of the strain this can take, both during pregnancy and post-partum. 

Twins are tricky. But triplets? As expected, Michella and Mark were over the moon, but also terrified. 

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Michella 11 weeks pregnant with her boys, Source: Instagram

A tricky decision

One of the hardest things that Michella and Mark faced was the question of fetal reduction. This is a surgery performed to lower the number of fetuses but increase the chance of a healthy pregnancy.

In other words – Michella and Mark needed to decide if they wanted to reduce the pregnancy from a triplet pregnancy to a twin pregnancy. In Copenhagen, where the family lives, this was the recommended avenue.

But, for Michella and Mark, it wasn’t right. 

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19 weeks pregnant with triplet boys and glowing! Source: Instagram

After weeks of indecision, research, statistics suggesting it was in their ‘best interest’ to go through with the reduction, Michella and Mark denied the reduction. 

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Michella recently gave birth to 3 baby boys at 36 weeks gestation. Source: Instagram

In addition to this difficult decision to make, Michelle admits her body has felt the pressure of pregnancy x 3!

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Source: Instagram

By the end she admits she could barely roll out of bed and was constantly battling pins and needles anytime she sat up simply because her tummy would stop the blood flow to her legs and feet. 

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But through it all, she remained positive and grateful. 

As she writes in one update, 

I’m so proud that we’ve come here.⁣ I’m proud that my body has been able to carry our trio for so long, that they’ve grown so beautiful, AND that Mark has been able to carry our whole family… and still smile.

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⁣ It gives me a belief that our soon very large family can do everything – as long as we have each other. I’m simply so lucky.”

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Triplet babies born at 36 weeks!

Michella’s last update on her Instagram confirmed the happy news that all three babies were born healthy, although the C-section was a bit bumpy.

Her three boys were born at impressive weights – 2.278kg, 2.626 kg and 2.775 kg – amazing for triplets! 

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Six little feet … oh so cute! Source: Instagram

Michella writes, 

Right now, time flies by feeding an incredible number of babies, trying to put the boys to both individually and tandem, and pumping to see if we can get the milk production started.⁣ Sometimes we try to eat, sleep a little and I struggle to get up and down and go to the toilet.⁣ It’s not beautiful, but how happy and grateful I am!”

Congrats to this beautiful family on the birth of three amazing baby boys! And sending massive healing vibes for a smooth postpartum recovery! 

What to read next


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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