Competitions - Closed

VOTE NOW: Pick Your Favourite Yakult Moments to WIN a $200 Prize Pack!


Our recent Yakult moments competition has come to an end and one thing we know for sure is you guys sure do love your Yakult! Probiotics have never been more fun! The good times keep on rolling though folks, it’s time to vote on our top 10 finalists!

We loved seeing your Yakult moments competition entries through the #YakultMoments hashtag across Facebook and Instagram. From puppies to playmates, EVERYONE loves their Yakult and Yakult LIGHT. We’ve picked our favourite 10 #YakultMoments photos and now we need YOU to vote.

Yakult competition

If you’re not familiar, Yakult is a tasty Probiotic fermented milk drink containing a very high concentration of the unique bacterium Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain (LcS).  In a nutshell, this strain is scientifically proven to survive the journey through the gastric juices to reach the small intestine alive, and each of the 65ml bottles contains 6.5 billion of these highly acid-resistant bacteria. Best of all, it’s readily available at the supermarket!

That’s why Australians love Yakult as part of their daily diet. Not only will it help you to support your digestive system, it’ll also help to restore the good flora in your gut, especially after antibiotics.

But did you know that Yakult LIGHT offers the same probiotic benefits as Yakult original (red label) but with 40% less calories and less than 3g of sugar per bottle! #winning.

Want to know more about Yakult and all of its digestive balancing goodness?  You can find out the benefits of Yakult and Yakult LIGHT below.

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VOTE for your favourite Yakult Moments and WIN!

By simply being part of the voting fun you too can win! Yep, just for participating in the voting, you could take home a Yakult Prize Pack and a Coles Myer Gift Card, a prize haul valued at $200!

How it all works

Casting your vote is easy, here’s what to do:

  1. Have a look at the 10 entries below.
  2. Vote for your favourite through the entry form at the bottom of the page.
  3. If your chosen ‘Yakult Moments’ photo gets the most votes, you could WIN a Yakult Prize Pack, valued at $50 and a $150 Coles Myer Gift Card, just for voting! How cool is that?
  4. The person who submitted the winning ‘Yakult Moments’ photo will also take home an epic prize – a Yakult Prize Pack, valued at $50 and a $250 Coles Myer Gift Card
  5. ALSO, the remaining 9 finalists will also each take home a Yakult Prize Pack, valued at $50. SCORE!

Drum roll please, it’s time to choose a Yakult-loving winner. Take a look below at our 10 finalist photos. You are all so cute with your Yakults moments!

Finalist 1: Merry Yakult Christmas!

Yakult moments competition
Source: @gotta_b_mint

Finalist 2: Ready to Lick When You Are!

Yakult moments competition
Source: cyclingfunmum

Finalist 3:  Lockdown Homeschool Lunch

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Source: kidseventsmum

Finalist 4: Sibling Yakult stackers

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Source: @Shanika.perera81

Finalist 5: Puppy and Piggy Want to Share!

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Source: noodle.jumbochu

Finalist 6: Thumbs up for Yakult!

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Source: @stephanie1810

Finalist 7: Yakult straw sipper

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Source: @Sammiefarrell

Finalist 8: Plank with Yakult!

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Source: @balt.raven.87

Finalist 9: A Yakult for the drive!

Yakult moments competition
Source: @Leighroyw

Finalist 10: Tabletop Yakult!

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Source: Ruby Davis

Time to vote for your favourite Yakult Moments photo!

Don’t forget the number of your favourite Yakult Moments photo and scroll down below to officially enter your vote.

Don’t forget, you too could WIN a cool Yakult Prize Pack, just for participating in the voting! Good luck and thanks for voting.

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You could be the lucky winner of a $150 Coles Gift Card and a Yakult Prize Pack. Source: Supplied

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Cast your vote for your favourite Yakult Moments below to be in the draw to WIN!

This is a sponsored post for Yakult


South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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