
Benefits of Babywearing: 5 Reasons to Wear Your Baby


Pram-free, hands-free and free to give kisses to baby’s adorable little head whenever you want – these are only a few of the reasons why babywearing is the bee’s knees for busy parents. 

Babywearing, the simple and beautiful act of wearing or carrying baby on your body, has been around for hundreds of years.

It’s a tried and tested way of lovingly holding your baby close to you while keeping your hands free. Babywearing can also help calm your unsettled baby, make errand-running easier and it allows you to go about your daily business, baby and all. All of these are big ticks in our books!

Still unsure if babywearing is for you? Consider these five babywearing benefits.

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1. Witching Hour is Easier – Carrying Baby Can Reduce Crying

We’ve all experienced witching, or arsenic hour. Call it what you like, but there will nearly always be that one time of the day (or night!) when your baby is crying, can’t be consoled and won’t let you put them down. Invariably this is the time you need to make dinner or help your other children with their homework!

Babywearing can help calm that fractious, unhappy baby who just won’t be put down. In fact, research published in the Journal of Paediatrics found that babywearing reduces crying and fussiness by up to 51%, with parents feeling more competent and nurturing toward their children. Wearing your baby during witching hour or whenever they are finding it difficult to settle can help your baby stay calm and hopefully cry less.

baby in Moby Move baby carrier

2. Babywearing Helps Develop a Strong Bond

Holding your baby close to your body is an amazing bonding opportunity for you and your baby. It is also great for dads to babywear. Particularly if Mum is breastfeeding, it can be hard for Dad to get quality one-on-one time with bub. But not forgetting, sometimes Mum needs a break too!

Even when baby gets older, babywearing is still an awesome way to enjoy cuddles with your child when they start to spend more and more of their time running away from you!

babywearing, dad wearing moby baby carrier

3. The Freedom of Being Hands-Free 

Sure, snuggling your baby is one of the best parts of being a parent, but unfortunately, there are many other things that need your attention – particularly if you have other children. Babywearing means you can have your hands free to get on with your day. Even when your baby insists on being held.

Being able to play with and help your older children can help reduce sibling jealousy, which is beneficial for the whole family. Being hands-free means you can get on with household chores with relative ease. And when you’re out and about, foregoing the pram for babywearing can leave your hands free to hold your toddler’s hand (or even your husband’s). HINT: you can even pour yourself a glass of vino at the end of the day.

mum babywearing while shopping

4. You Can Get Out and About With Ease

I don’t know about you, but when I had my baby getting the pram in and out of the car was a massive inconvenience, particularly after having a C-section! Getting out of the house, exercising, walking the dog, or dropping older children off at school can all be made easier, thanks to babywearing.

baby in Moby Move baby carrier with parents

5. Babywearing is a Great Way to Find Your Tribe

One of the less obvious benefits of babywearing is the way it can bring people together. Having a baby can be an isolating experience for some new parents, and babywearing can be a way to meet new people who are in the same stage of life and share your values and interests.

Most cities in Australia, and some regional areas, have babywearing groups where you can meet and learn from other parents about the different ways to carry your baby, as well as make new friends. Wearing your baby while walking down the street or at your local shopping centre can often elicit friendly smiles from other babywearing parents, and can be an ice-breaker to start a conversation with that mum you see every week at the coffee shop.

Baby in Moby Move baby carrier

Why We’re Loving the Moby Move Baby Carrier

When you’re wearing your baby you want comfort and ease and the Moby Move All-Position Baby Carrier delivers. The lightweight, breathable fabric makes it super comfortable to wear, plus the no-fuss adjustments make is easy as pie to put on.

It’s designed to be newborn ready, so there’s no need for extra inserts. Yet with a simple single adjustment, it can accommodate your growing baby. The sleek, ergonomic design is great for you and comfortable for baby.

Available in two colours (Glacier Grey and Twilight Black), the Moby Move baby carrier helps keep parents hands-free and on the move as their baby grows from newborn to toddler. It retails for $239.95 and is exclusive to Baby Bunting and available from The Amazing Baby Company. 

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This is a sponsored post for The Amazing Baby Company


Do you babywear? What benefits has it had for you and your family?


Alison is a freelance writer and communication strategist whose experience as a mother to her six-year-old son and four-year-old daughter inspires her to share stories with other parents, to hopefully help everyone make it out the other side with their sanity intact! Alison lives in Sydney with her husband and kids in a half-finished dream house she hopes will be completed before the kids move out, and spends her spare time scouring Pinterest for design ideas, searching Gumtree for second-hand furniture and sweeping the never ending dust off the floor.


  1. I don’t like the idea of using one while eating or drinking hot substances.

  2. Please share some instructions on how to wrap with material. Thanx!

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