
WIN: BIBO Water Bar is the Kitchen Must-Have for Busy Mums


Who wants a water bar? I do! I do!

And if you have a baby, a toddler (or a child of any age, really) then you will too. Ditto for mammas who like to enjoy a quick cuppa at nap time.

What is a water bar, you ask?  Well, it’s pretty much the next best thing after a wine bar, made with busy mums in mind. If you have a bottle fed bub or a thirsty toddler, you’re really going to love what this kitchen gadget can do.

BIBO Water Bar is your own personal water station that provides your family access to healthy, pure, fresh water whenever you need it. No need to boil water or spend a fortune on store-bought water. And no need to worry about nasties in the tap water!

The sleek and stylish system is a welcome addition to any kitchen bench. With ten colours to choose from, you can select a BIBO system that complements your decor.

The brilliance that is BIBO

BIBO water filter

Let’s face it – it gets hot here. And Aussies get thirsty, especially little ones. With BIBO Water Bar you can stop stressing about whether the water is purified and eliminate the need to constantly boil water (and wait for it to cool down).

Featuring the latest technology to filter and purify your tap water to the highest standards, BIBO offers a simple and safe water solution with the push of a button.

Why we want it

BIBO water bar close up

There are a slew of different reasons why BIBO is a must-have, especially for new mums, but let us walk you through our favourite things about this clever device:

BIBO makes night feeds a breeze

No, BIBO won’t wake you up, feed the baby and rock her back to sleep. But it can allow you to fill baby’s bottle at the ideal pre-set temperature and perfect measure, especially handy in the middle of the night.

No more late night water boiling sessions. Winning!

BIBO eliminates harmful bacteria

Water is water, right? Not quite. Tap water contains chlorine, other chemicals and even unwanted contaminants and micro-organisms. These can include cysts such as cryptosporidium and giardia, and impurities such as lead and copper, which are potentially harmful to babies and toddlers.

BIBO replaces the 27 half-empty water bottles currently living in the backseat of your car

Nope. Won’t be missing those. Think of the space in your car, kitchen counter and fridge, not to mention the positive impact on the environment.

mum central

BIBO is especially designed for sleep-deprived parents suffering from baby brain

In other words, it’s super easy to use. The touch screen technology makes it easy to set it in advance, plus the built in UV lamp technology along with the continuous boiling cycle, ensures water is well-sterilised without having to constantly check it.

Oh, and it comes with a built-in child lock, just in case the mini ninjas manage to climb onto the kitchen counter… because that happens, okay.

BIBO allows you to easily fill water bottles for the whole family

Baby bottles, sippy cups, water bottles, thermoses – BIBO can provide the entire family with their daily H2O in a matter of seconds.

BIBO can save you a small fortune on bottled water

Let’s say you’re buying two bottles of water a day. Over the course of two years, this is going to add up to close to $4000. BIBO Water Bar retails for $1495 including installation (but you can WIN one for FREE below), which means the system pays for itself in less than a year! Winning!

Plus there are no more plastic water bottles floating around your house.  In fact, one glass of water from a BIBO is one less plastic bottle polluting our beaches, rivers, and oceans.

BIBO makes hot beverages too

Goodbye kettle. Hellooooo BIBO. And HELLO hot coffee and tea made from purified water. BIBO can also supply you with hot water on demand which means you might actually have time to make a cup of coffee before attempting to usher your tribe out of the house on time.  

Now, if only BIBO could figure out how to turn water into wine…


Want one? Here’s your chance to take home your very own BIBO Water Bar. We have one system (valued at $1495 including installation) to give away to one lucky reader.

To enter, simply complete the entry form below in full and tell us in the comments at the bottom of page what your favourite feature is of the BIBO Water Bar.

a BIBO Water Bar, valued at $1,495!

Good luck to all our mums! And make sure you check out BIBO Water System to find out more about this incredible device. Plus, for a limited time, Mum Central readers can use the code MUMCENTRAL at checkout and pay only $995 for a BIBO Water System (that’s a $300 saving off the usual $1295 RRP!)


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.


  1. Hot water on demand I always forget I’ve boiled the kettle because of little distractions I end up doing it several times. Yes to instant cuppas.

    • Safe water free from bacteria and impurities for the family without the expense and environmental impact of shop bought water

      • MARY WHITTA Reply


      • Julie Mason Reply

        Yah clean water and no more carting water bottles home from the supermarket

    • Nini Watkins Reply

      Removing harmful bacteria, ensures the health and safety of my family. Drinking pure, clean water, to be enjoyed by all.

    • Yourpalsal Reply

      So many awesome features! I’ve fallen in love. Instant hot water for tea trumps others. Each time it’s two minutes of my life I get back!

    • Barbara Fehmel Reply

      Th avings that I would make by not buying bottled water.

    • Jasmin Inglis Reply

      Being remote is hard to have clean drinking water this would be a life saver and help save on buying bottled water

    • Kim Cassidy Reply

      Hot QLD days + instant cold water = super chilled out family !

    • Instant hot water for that cup of tea and not waiting for the kettle to boil

    • Definitely the water purifier ! Makes life easier for me and bub plus My sister went to the dr and got told she was sick because of a parasite from the tap water so I’ve been boiling my water ever since ! ><

    • Safe, clean drinking water!! I live in Cooranbong and it’s always rusty!

    • wow i was just thinking about looking into one of these … what an amazing gift to make life so much easier – thank you for the opportunity to win one

    • Natasha Collisson Reply

      I love that it’s instant hot water and removes chemicals/purifies the water.

    • Rhyannon Delaney Reply

      This would allow me to clear the 23000 empty plastic bottles from my car, save on buying bottles of water every second day, in a town where I don’t even give the dog tap water and ensure that my recycling bin isn’t over flowing.

    • Jade Hannigan Reply

      That fact it has no nasties would make me feel really good ❤️

    • Definately getting all the nasty bacteria out of our water and also being able to eliminate excess plastic bottles.

    • Katrina Stanton Reply

      Just Awesome. Great for good Health and clean pure water. Just what the Doctor ordered for me on my Prescription.

    • Renee Eccles Reply

      About to be a first time mum this will be one less thing to think about and a great help with all the visitors!

    • I like how it filters the tap water and boils water like a kettle

    • I love the Bibo because it gives you continuous hot or cold purified water which means I would no longer here to purchase bottled water and anything that’s good for the environment is good with me,thank you.

  2. I love the fact I can get safe water at the right temperature without having to think!! I’ll be a solo mother (by choice) so anything to help me at 3am would be amazing.

  3. My favourite feature is that BIBO removes bacteria and chemicals from the water, a convenient and healthy feature.

  4. I live in a remote town with hard water and the Bibo’s ability to eliminate all the nasties from the tap water would give me peace of mind knowing that my bubba (and myself!) will only be drinking fresh, clean, healthy water at the touch of a button!!

  5. The ability to set the water to the exact temperature and measurement for night time feeds. Godsend for a bottle fed 7 week old baby

  6. Kathie Stoker Reply

    Hot water may mean finally get a hot coffee as we rush out the door in the morning!!

  7. Janelle Milios Reply

    Dear God how freakin amazing is this technology. Holy moley to not wait 3 mins for the bottle warmer to heat up a bottle 4 times through the night Amen Sisters…. do you know how long 3 mins is? It’s over 100 seconds, try counting to 180 slowly with a screaming baby Best thing is this machine will ensure a peasceful sleep for the rest of the household..!!

  8. My favourite feature is that I can have purified water at the touch of a button! That would have been perfect for my first 2 boys who were both formula fed, saves so much time!

  9. Megan Marot Reply

    Bibo eliminating harmful bacteria as well as hot water on demand,
    That makes for a healthy and happy family, Bibo does whatever we command!

    I am really impressed by all the features, it’s just the appliance our family need,
    I can see it would change our lives so it is for a Bibo Water Bar we plead!

  10. I love the idea of not having to boil water for my baby’s drinks.

  11. The best thing about the BIBO for our family would be having filtered water on tap, being on tank water is a bit of a worry sometimes!

  12. A fantastic innovation, fresh, filtered water with the touch of a button. I love the UV feature which steralizes whatever vessel you are filling!

  13. I don’t want one.. I NEED one of these. 3 boys to keep hydrated during the day.. this isn’t a luxury item this is a “must have” in my house!

  14. having purified water on tap without having to buy water all the time for my family and to make those middle of the night feeds for my toddler who will only have warm milk and not cold so much easier

  15. Courtney Lummis Reply

    Impressed that the BIBO water system does hot water as well! I would love a BIBO water system so that I can save money on bottled water and feel confident that my family is drinking purified and filtered water!

  16. I love that it can make hot beverages as well as keep me hydrated. I love a double espresso with a dash of milk and sugar – rough, guarded and unapproachable at first but becoming beautiful, sweet and smooth with each sip – purified heaven!

  17. The ability to set the water temperature for night time feeds would be amazing! I am going to be a solo mum by choice so this would be so helpful!

  18. Although im keen as for one, where my dad lives, the water quality is shocking. He has filters from town water to house connection just to use for everyday stuff. He needs one…bad

  19. Joanna Lau Reply

    Best feature for me is the help to eliminate those plastic bottles! Help the world save energy…Another plus fact is that it has a water temperature great for making hot water /tea/coffee whatever you need for the adults and at the same time, make night feeding for the kids, babies easier! Amazing!! It will be a very helpful and reliable tool/ friend for all mums!!

  20. That it delivers perfectly temperate water for night feeds! My first born had to be fed three hourly round the clock, oh how I wish I’d had one of these back then! Fingers crossed I can get one in time for bubba 2!

  21. With a new baby at home (Miss Georgia is three weeks old) who is bottle feeding the availability of clean filtered water on tap would be a new mummy’s dream.

  22. I’m a water boiler! All our drinking water is firstly boiled. Just think of all the time that could be saved in my household! Yes please.

  23. I love the fact that it purifies the water so you have clean drinking water free from bacteria available without having to buy water bottles or boil the kettle. So environmentally friendly.

  24. I’m just loving that the Bibo has the clever feature that will allow me to be able to fill baby’s bottles at the ideal pre-set temperature and perfectly measured. especially handy for in the middle of the night. A real Mumma’s little genie machine.

  25. Amanda Giffard Reply

    I love that I can choose the temperature that’s just right for me! Fingers crossed for no more stone cold tea and no more teeth shattering iciness, I like my water at room temperature!

  26. Bronwyn Howard Reply

    Perfectly measured water at the correct temperature at the touch of a button!

  27. Fiona Charlton Reply

    I like how it removes bacteria and chemicals from the water!

  28. Sterilised water at a preset temp and the exact measurement you need…perfect for those night time feeds

  29. Susannah D Reply

    That looks amazing. I’d love one of these as my son has lung disease and has to do water therapy twice a day, with sterilised water. If we go out for the day and forget to turn the kettle on before we go then we have to wait for a litre of water to cool down when we get home (same at night before we go to bed). Having sterilised water on demand would be one less stress.
    We also moved into a house a year ago with no water filter and have been drinking bottled and boxed water ever since. We use it for everything as the tap water tastes awful.

  30. I love the fact that BIBO provides water at its best & in its purest state.

  31. Jacqueline f Reply

    don’t like the tap water in roxby so having a filter water system with hot water as well would be amazing

  32. Jiana Sumner Reply

    I would love one of these. My hubby and I are avid coffee drinkers so constantly boiling the kettle and with a newborn and toddler this would make life much better with drinking water and bottle feeds.


    How I wouldn’t have to pay for store bought water any more.

  34. Nikki Rossi Reply

    I love the pre set function so you can get the bottles ready to go

  35. Kate Slack Reply

    The continuous boiling cycle how amazing is that no more waiting for the kettle to boil to have a cup of tea!

  36. My favorite feature is how BIBO eliminates harmful bacteria, which is an incredibly beneficial function to my childrens’ health.
    With my youngest toddler suffering from a serious condition called pulmonary atresia, which is a birth defect of the pulmonary valve, he endures continuous visits to the Royal Childrens hospital, has had, and will have multiple operations and serious health battles.
    This is where clean sterilized water comes into play.
    Simple needs like purified water are a very important part of everyday life to us. Impurities like lead and copper can be potentially harmful to my sons health, and this would provide reassurance that Bebo is providing clean, well-sterilised water for the whole family.
    Filling my boys bottle at an ideal pre-set temperature and perfect measure would make feeding and bottle preparation so much easier, which would be fabulous for parents of our very special little man and his older siblings.
    Bebo would be advantageous to our household for so many reasons, and we would be confident that we are using the best!!

  37. Katy Dingwall Reply

    The convenience of always have fresh water for the older kids, perfect clean water for bubs formula and of course coffee for me

  38. Safe drinking water for my kids and pre set mesurment systems for them night time feeds

  39. We have 17 grandchildren and we are on Bore Water here. We spend a fortune on bottled water. A BIBO water bar would be a very welcome addition and an awesome money saver!

  40. Roziana Nordin Reply

    It would be great to have that convenient around the house knowing that the water we drink is fresh especially for my newborn baby.

  41. sharon mclean Reply

    I always boil our drinking water… This would be awesome to have excellent healthy drinking water on tap any hour of the day

  42. This sounds just the thing for my daughter to use for her gorgeous 7 month old ! Clean fresh water at the right temp ready to go !

  43. Adelaide water makes me feel sick, with a new bub on the way I don’t want them getting an upset tum from all the nasties. Fresh water on tap instead of buying bottled water would be a God send!

  44. Oh My Gosh, what’s not to looove. You my friends are PURE water geniuses. My family would be forever grateful!!

  45. I love that it removes all the nasties from tap water and that it is a multifunction unit. Cold and hot water on demand. I might actually get a hot cuppa now.

  46. It would be an absolute lifesaver in the wee hours of the morning when I’m putting on the kettle to make up formula, having it on tap 24/7 would make my life so much easier!

  47. Renaye Hodges Reply

    I have a son with ASD and heavy minerals in the water concerns me as water is the bulk of what my children drink.
    I love this product for that reason

  48. This sounds amazing! My favourite features instantaneous hot water (which is purified as an added bonus!) as well as the ability to measure out your desired amount of water. This would be the perfect product for measuring out those bottles for my 5m old!!

  49. Jess'ca Murray Reply

    Definately the coffee in a heartbeat. Swear the kettle takes 5hrs when your in a rush and just trying to sneak one in between putting the baby down and the 5secs before the devil wakes again. This would be a lifesaver and really what an awesome solution to nasty tap water.

  50. Russell Mills Reply

    What a fantastic product! I would love to win it for my pregnant wife.

  51. Instant hot water wow be amazing to not have screaming Bub in middle of the night while I wait for kettle to boil

  52. I love that it will make night time feeding so much easier… would be perfect for a first time mum 🙂

  53. Love that it’s quick easy fresh clean water that can be used for lots of things.

  54. Complete control over the amount and temperature of your water at the touch of a button! Convenience at its finest. Yes please!

  55. My toddler recently contracted giardia so the fact that the Bibo can kill harmful bacteria is a big factor to help protect my 2 year old and newborn.

  56. Rebekah Rade Reply

    What could be better than sterilised water at the push of a button when you’ve got an armful of baby at 2 in the morning, this is a must have!

  57. Sonia Manoukian Reply

    With twins on the way this will save me so much time during night feeds and nothing is better than purified water

  58. Stephanie B B Reply

    This contraption sounds amazing, I love the fact you can get the temperature you want every time and so many different colours to choose from.

  59. coming into summer, and having a 6 mth old on solids, this will be the perfect way to keep my baby hydrated and well fed with out waiting out the boiling water to cool, which with baby brain always gets forgotten about. It would also look great to have babies water machine next to daddy’s coffee machine

  60. Great tasting filtered chilled and boiling water on tap 24/7. I’d feel like royalty.

  61. Ginabowman Reply

    The temperature control would be amazing! My partner and I both have different ideas of what the correct temperature for our little boys bottles are. This would end a lot of disagreements

  62. Pure water for the whole family, and it’s better for the environment than bottled water too! Win-win 🙂

  63. I love the fact that it can make hot drinks as well. A money saving, time saving system that can make me a hot drink. Well done. I want one.

  64. We love the water on demand and the hot water fearure. With an active 15 months old who doesnt like to sleep and constantly hungry, having the ability to have the right temperature water, without having to wait for it to cool down, enables us to make milk for her and normal drinking water for her on demand. She loves her water more than her milk so we constantly have water stored in Tupperware drink bottle for her and in the car. And since she doesnt like to sleep, mummy needs her coffee to keep her sane. Please choose us!

  65. Perfect purified water for the whole family whether for cool refreshing drink for the toddlers, warm comforting bottle for the newborn to be or hot coffee for mummy and daddy to get through the day … ITS PERFECT!

  66. My husband would love not to have empty plastic bottles every where

  67. Kristie Wright Reply

    Water that’s preset for bottles during the middle of the night – does it get any better?

  68. Would save so much time and money buying bottled water love that it can measure and get the temp right every time brilliant would love a bibo at home

  69. Tracy Rock Reply

    Hot water for dads coffee, chilled water for mum, and filtered water for the kids! Win win win! Love this idea!!!

  70. I love that it eliminates bacteria from your water with its constant boiling cycle! I had no idea tap water could be so harmful!

  71. Would love this as my kids ALWAYS forget to fill the water jugs after they have empited them. This would be amazing when getting up through the night to make bub a bottle or quickly make a coffee when having to stay up all night with a sick or teething bub

  72. Dawn Taylor Reply

    The water is purified, different water temperatures, would be filling my own bottles with filtered water so the chance to save there, the benefits go on and on, an amazing prize.

  73. Sheer genius this product is….
    I would love to win one because it purifiers water, heats the water to the right temp for bubbas bottles & I can make a cup of coffee quickly on the run. It also is environmental friendly can refill bottles instead of buying them from the supermarket. Really the list is endless as to why I want one.

  74. Renee Spiteri-Elturk Reply

    My favourite thing would be that this fantastic machine eliminates any nasties out of the water which is paramount when it comes to my baby and his health.

  75. I love that you can preset the water temperature for your baby’s bottle, I have a 1 yr old grandson and this would make my daughter’s life so much easier !!

  76. Sharee Ussher Reply

    No more boiling the kettle over & over!
    My fav feature is that I can get clean, safe water at the perfect temperature for anything & everything! Especially bottle feeds!

  77. Im expecting a newborn tomorrow so having water ready at the right temp would be so handy and also for it to be pure water and not having to buy boxed water would save us a lot of money! We haven’t been able to drink the nasty tasting water from our taps for years now

  78. Purified safe water at the touch of a button elimanting and nasty bacteria!

  79. Viny Vabriany Reply

    My favourite thing would be the ability to eliminate harmful bacteria. Most important for our health.

  80. I love that it provides clean water at the desired temperature at the touch of a button. Thus would make feeding bubs such a walk in the park!

  81. My favourite feature is the filter. We live off tank and bore water which can have all sorts of nasties in there. We have to buy cases of bottles of water to drink which is quite costly.

  82. I love that fact this provides cold or warm filtered water and that it has a child lock!

  83. Pure water anytime, who wouldn’t want this
    Being able to know that not only are my kids missing all the nasties but so are we in our daily coffee

  84. I love the fact it makes clean fresh water as my family love our water.

  85. I love the hot water feature as I won’t have to wait for a kettle to boil when I’m getting ready to leave for work at 4am

  86. LOVE the fact that it has more than one use and I can double my kitchen bench space by getting rid of my other applicances!

  87. Purified water on the push of a button. Would love this for my little girl as the summer in Brisbane is HOT!

  88. Everything take care of for you. Just touch the button and voila!

  89. Jess Blythe Reply

    The convenience! This machine would get a serious work out in this house hold, we buy so much bottled water and I feel like I’m forever standing around the kettle waiting for it to boil for my little ones bottles! With another baby on the way this would be the best time saver ever!

  90. My five year old only drinks water … no milk, juice, flavoured milk .. since day dot she has loved water .. I’d love this in my kitchen so I can access the best and cleanest water possible

  91. I love the pre-set temperature and amount feature for preparing the formula milk at night which means fuss-free night time feedings for new mums like me

  92. Naomi Ruddlesden Reply

    This is amazing! How have I not heard of this before! Save me and my family from my baby brain. So many features great for the whole family.

  93. Petrina Griffiths Byth Reply

    Would be fantastic to provide clean safe drinking from our rainwater tank and the preset temp to ensure daddy doesn’t over heat the bottle.

  94. To be able to select the water temperature is fantastic! I love to have my water at a slightly warm temperature so this feature is great!

  95. Melissa Milne Reply

    Purified water at the right temperature at any time. Perfect for master 16 months’ drink bottle not to mention mine and great for new baby on the way if we need a bottle in the middle of the night! (Not to mention the adults in the house) plus that blue machine is amazing and would look great in my scullery

  96. Anita Lang Reply

    Nice fresh chemical free water at the touch of a button. Also very handy in preparing bottles for our micro premmie twins as the temperature is pre set.

  97. Alexandram Reply

    No more cold cups of coffee. I would be able to have a nice cuppa with my feet up whilst my daughters sleep without worrying I’ll wake the up boiling the kettle.
    Hello warm cuppa. Good bye cold tea.

  98. karena turner Reply

    woild love this, this is something our family really need.

  99. Pure, fresh, tasty and safe water on demand! Perfect for making up baby’s formula!

  100. Love the preset temperature and all the different colours available!

  101. I love that it provides clean water for the whole family by removing harmful bacteria.

  102. How amazing to be able to provide the best safe water for my growing family as well as making myself a much needed and deserving coffee at the same time! Would love one 🙂

  103. Purified water on hand at a preset temperature! How amazing is that. There are so many nasties in our water so to have this piece of mind would be perfect for our soon-to-be expanding family!

  104. I’d love to have clean, fresh water for all my kids in seconds!!

  105. Lisa summerell Reply

    I love the fact that i can use a baby bottle, a water bottle, a coffee cup all in the same machine and have that wayer at the perfect temperature. Plus the bonus of not having to buy bottles water (the carrying of these heavy 24 packs of water really drains and makes difficult carrying when pregnant).
    To know i am not drinking the dirty old tap water from our town (where i am positive the water is not doing any of our citizens any good- too much disease.).
    Then there is the addedbonus of a cool looking machine which will make my kids want to drink more so they can refill their drink bottle. It sounds like a win win machine

  106. Taegan Stevens Reply

    I love the hot and cold water on demand. With the 3 kids i am always needing cold water for the middle one (cause she robs me of my cold bottles from the fridge and hides them places), warm water for little ones bottles and due to my eldest sons severe disabilities he is tube fed and requires a special milk mixed with hot water then the addition of cold water. And knowing the water is free of any nasties is a win win! And on top of all that im constantly boiling kettles for my own drinks and forgetting about it due to kids needing something or destroying the short lived cleanliness. Save us from our disgusting tap water.

  107. Not having to boil water and wait for it to cool! Having perfect temp and measurement at the touch of a button would be amazing.
    My baby is sensitive to tap water and even after boiling if I’ve used tap water instead of filtered water it upsets his tummy. This BIBO would ensure its perfect every time.
    Of course being able to make a coffee without having to wait for the kettle would be a bonus for me

  108. james pizzey Reply

    knowing that my grand-children are drinking fresh filtered water we all know that water is a gift we all should drink our quota per day

  109. Melinda Grant Reply

    The temperature control! Also knowing my family would be drinking the best quality water i could provide is wonderful

  110. After suffering through a giardia and cryptosporidium outbreak in Sydney’s water and being sick for months, the fact that it is purified, clean water with no nasties appeals to me. I am paranoid that my kids especially my 4 month old are exposed to these nasties unnecessarily! I also love the awesome colour choice, it would make me so happy every morning with a cheery yellow sitting on my bench!

  111. Gianna Seuati Reply

    WATER can be soo underrated! When you think of kitchen appliances, you dont straight away think of a BIBO!? You think of a fridge, or microwave, stove..
    But water is used sooo frequently!
    I love the fact that BIBO can be used by everyone in the family. Perfect temperatue bottles in the middle of the night, when it’s too cold to get out of bed, or soo hot at night its hard to go back to sleep.
    No chemicals in my toddler’s water bottles – when he wants ‘Water’ I need to be quick before tantrums hit. Having a BIBO will give me peace of mind that I dont have to just shove his water bottle under the tap at full blast.
    Even when hubby and I get home after work, we can even enjoy the BIBO too, for fresh water. I love that its a tool the whole family can use! AWESOME 🙂

  112. Isobelle Carlton Reply

    I love that you can set the temperature as a formula mum this makes life so easy

  113. Chelsea Hurring Reply

    I love how it comes with a built in child’s lock, it’s an important feature that I look for especially with it having boiling water. Safety is my top priority with having children

  114. Hot water on demand combined with safe filtered water for the family!

  115. Would love to win one of these I have two stepsons,a 3 year old daughter and due in nov it would make it so much easier when Bub is born of I had one of these

  116. To have hot OR cold water on demand would be a coffee lovers dream come true!! No more boiling and reboiling the kettle because the kids have distracted you from your morning, mid morning, afternoon and mid afternoon coffee!! Seriously EVERY parents dream come true!!

  117. The instant access to hot and cold water on demand! Would be helpful when you have your hands full with an active household!

  118. Kimberley Pollard Reply

    The health benefits of havinf filtered and clean water. Instant hot and cold water at temperatures we like. No more reboiling the kettle over and over again.

  119. Trinitie Wilson Reply

    Purified water in demand to fill my bubs bottles as needed rather than having to wait for it to boil then cool

  120. The baby brain safe controls are so smart, making me realise i must have this gorgeous, user friendly BIBO in my homes heart!

  121. Sheridan Miles Reply

    I love the fact the water can be used for ANYTHING.. Baby bottles, coffee, etc.
    It simplifies life.

  122. I would love the beautiful yellow biboi fresh filtered water at the touch of a button . So many uses in the kitchen and So stylish. Please pick me.

  123. I like that it eliminates any bacteria and makes the water to temp!! Saving time making bottles for hungry babies

  124. Carmen Park Reply

    I just love that it can multitask, making hit beverages as well is such a bonus!

  125. To have boiled water on demand would be amazing I’m forever buying bottled water or boiling the water in my kettle as it’s the only way I’ll have water.. plus with a newborn on the way this would cut my time in half in boiling water for bottles ect

  126. That the BIBO is especially designed for parents suffering from baby brain being super easy to use. with touch screen technology and that it comes with a built-in child lock.

  127. I LOVE that it removes all impurities, like chlorine. I hate that my tap water always tastes like it. And the fact that i could make a cuppa without having to fill and boil the kettle.. BRILLIANT!!

  128. Love the hot & cold SAFE water at the touch of your fingertips. Living on rainwater alone at home, getting rid of yuckies in the water is a never ending saga! This would just be the bomb sitting on my kitchen counter!

  129. This will help me drink and make the kids drink their 2 litres a day.

  130. Water with no nasties is such a big win, but hot as well!?! With a third boy on the way and studying this would make a busy noisy life a lot easier.

  131. Definitely the hot water! No more boiling the kettle twenty times before making my coffee!

  132. Amanda Kelly Reply

    There is so much to love about this!

    I’m about to go back into my full time job as a Store Manager after my 6 months maternity leave and this sounds like it would be my sanity saver! No more waiting for boiled water to cool or overheating it when you are half asleep at night and having to try cool it in the freezer whilst bub cries away impatiently. And it has a light! I wouldn’t have to be blinded by turning on the kitchen light at 2am.

    Our town doesn’t have a drinkable water supply and our rainwater tanks are dry from this drought. We have to boil all our water before drinking and I honestly struggle enough trying to remember to keep enough boiled water on hand for my 4mo and my water loving 4yro so I tend to go without. This beauty would cure my dehydration headaches and help with my journey to becoming healthier.

    I need this in my life. There is no way my partner would ever agree for us to spend 1K on one though! Instead I’ll just have to keep working towards replacing our overworked leaky kettle!

  133. Paula Lawrence Reply

    I love that you get filtered water on tap & it also allows me to make my toddlers bottle at the touch of a finger at the perfect temperature. Easy.

  134. Heather Hopley Reply

    We only have tank water and I always worry that it may not be safe for my grandchildren. I boil the water twice. To have a ready supply of guaranteed safe water would be amazing and so reassuring.

  135. Michelle Budge Reply

    I just love having fresh bacteria free water on tap. It’s so much healthier to get rid of all the nasties. Because it’s so convenient the family will drink more water and less soft drink.

  136. I am extremely fussy when it comes to drinking water and to know. BIBO Water Bar comes with the latest technology to filter and purify the tap water is a pure joy to my ears.

  137. Michelle Budge Reply

    I just love having fresh bacteria free water on tap. It’s so much healthier to get rid of all the nasties. Because it’s so convenient the family will drink more water and less soft drink.

  138. I love that you have instant hot water and dont need a kettle, yay!!!

  139. I love that you can preset the temperature and always have it ready for when you need it! Its also great because you have filtered water all the time so its much healthier for the whole family!

  140. What’s not to love!! I drink nothing but water so this would be an amazing addition to my home It would also ensure my 5 month old son is introduced to clean, pure water that is ready to drink at any time of the day!

  141. Everything about the BIBO machine looks ‘AMAZING…’
    Really? fresh, clean water without the worry!!!
    Wow, what else can I say!?!

  142. Bibo has thought of everything, caring not only for our environment but caring for the health of our families and the sanity of us busy Mum’s. No more boiling the kettle 5 times before I finally get a coffee.

  143. Vanessa Calleja Reply

    Love that you can have instant boiling water in hand for a quick cuppa

  144. Purified water on tap, amazing for the environment preventing the easy but unnecessary bottled water.

  145. I love the purified water and the fact that my young son can help himself rather than thirstily wait for me to get him a drink. But the ready to roll hot cuppa would be total luxury!

  146. melanie otto Reply

    Hot water on demand, perfect for them rush out the door to meet school bus mornings, plus it cant freeze over like has happened this year to our pipes

  147. Kodie McMullen Reply

    That’s it’s the ideal temperature and that the water is clean ! Anything that makes being a mum easier is fantastic !

  148. Sleep deprived first time mum of a newborn here, I need this so much… to think this amazing Bibo could supply us with purified hot AND cold water makes me think I’m dreaming. Is it real? No more running out of cold water because someone forgot to refill the bottle. No more staring at the kettle (and trying to keep my eyelids off the floor) waiting for a cup of coffee. And my young son will grow up drinking cold water copiously, instead of hating it like I did (tap water!), giving him a healthy start. I couldn’t ask for more!

  149. Alisa De Silva Reply

    Bibo eliminating harmful bacteria as well as hot water on demand! Love it for our healthy and happy family!! My husband and I are expecting our first child and this would be an amazing addition to our household!

    I am really impressed by all the features, it’s just the appliance our family needs!!!

  150. This would be such a lifesaver in our house hold. Were we live tge tap water is terrible and usually tastes like chlorine. So we but 10L tubs of water from coles every second day. This product is so good for the environment and would make life cleaner and easier

  151. Having a 7 month old waking up at night.. getting the kettle nice n hot then waiting for it to cool down to get the correct temperature to make a bottle… BIBO MACHINE will be god sent for me.
    To be able to fill baby’s bottle at the ideal pre-set temperature and perfect measure.

  152. As our house is on tank water I am forever boiling our water to ensure its safe to drink. When we have guests over, and the weather is particularly hot, we often run out of ‘drinking water’ as we hate to buy bottled water. This would save us so much time and money 🙂

  153. I love the idea not to spend hours boiling the water for my baby’s bottle

  154. Sann Watts Reply

    Safety and Hygiene.
    As soon as you have a bub, your safety awareness levels hit the roof, and you are always on the lookout for products that help you step it up a few levels!

  155. BIBO would save me a small fortune on bottled water and water filters for my jug. We like to drink water over any other drinks in this house so it would be a blessing to have BIBO.

  156. Cindy Nickels Reply

    I LOVE that BIBO filters and purifies your tap water to the highest standards. We never know what we are drinking and rely heavily on standards being up to scratch with our town water supply. This would be most reassuring to me

  157. Hot water anytime you need it! and cold for the kids. A fantastic all in one machine!

  158. You mean i won’t have to buy those huge 24 x 600ml bottles & the 8 x 1.5l bottles
    Wrestle them into the trolley out of the trolley into the car out of the car up the stairs & then load them into the fridge
    Omg i need this right now

  159. Being able to fill up my coffee cup and the kids drink bottles from the one place before we run out the door. Instead of filling the kettle with filtered water, waiting for that to boil, filling drink bottles then topping up water purifier…and always ending up with cold coffee!

  160. Hot water on demand as I often boil the jug and then get sidetracked or otherwise wait to have my morn green tea until the kids are awake as the jug is so loud.

  161. Not having to worry about filling bottles and waiting for the kettle to boil that’s for me!!

  162. There aren’t any features about the BIBO that I don’t love, it even looks cool! I’m due to have our second baby in January, so of course having clean water at any temperature would be extremely helpful at feed time. Also, my toddler and I have a bit of a morning “coffee” ritual, and he gets very impatient waiting for the kettle to boil, haha!

  163. Having bacteria free water readily available to make up bubs milk would be a god send. No more waiting for the kettle to boil & cool down & knowing she’s always getting healthy water.

  164. With a growing family, now 6! Our water consumption is through the roof (kids water, mum & dads coffee!). This would be worth its weight in gold!!
    Perfect temperature for cool drink on a hot summers day, hot coffee or anywhere in between

  165. Hot water on demand! As a mum who can’t breastfeed because of medical issues, access to hot water instantly and quickly is very important for bubs feeds.

  166. The pre-set water temperature and measure sounds wonderful and saves time

  167. Emilie Jones Reply


    We all know that baby brain is REAL! When running a business, working full time as a high school special education teacher, keeping the house clean, making sure all bills are paid and being a Mum, baby brain can take over! Especially trying to remember to buy the bottled water or to find the 3 minutes to boil the kettle, or go the the screaming whilst preparing the bottle!

    This would be of excellent use in my super busy household!

  168. Richard Harrison Reply

    Love the idea of clean, bacteria-free water on demand

  169. The fact that BIBO does more than one thing is amazing. I’m over kitchen gadgets that have one purpose. And one that provides ME with hot water for tea and coffee … that’s a win all round!

  170. I love to drink water, the problem is that after my recent pregnancy, tap water doesn’t taste as good as it used to and my hubbie is tired of water bottles all over the house! I would love a BIBO so I can enjoy water again!

  171. Jess Gaudry Reply

    Partner is obsessed with drinking filtered water and our filtered faucet is current out of service

  172. Megan Hannigan Reply

    Compact, convenient and stylish. Definitely wouldn’t hide this away from the kitchen bench. Great way to ensure our little ones develop healthy habits with filtered and cold water on demand with no fuss.

  173. My husband and I have been talking about getting a water filter – this one looks so stylish and ticks so many boxes! As a mum of 2 small kids though, the bonus of coffee is a feature too good to ignore!

  174. Kirby Mulhern Reply

    Filtered water and at the right temperature for midnight bottle runs…im in love…neeeedddd this in my life

  175. Coffee and tea is essential for survival when your a mum and apparently toddler life is the need for water in a rainbow of cups during the day. This would be lifesaving!

  176. Living in Darwin we go through a lot of water, this would save us so much money over the years. Also perfect for when friends & family come over and I can makes cupas nice and quick (whilst putting on a little show at first)

  177. What a great system with so many fabulous features. Hard to choose a favourite, but filtered water on demand would have to be right up there, and having hot OR cold water at the press of a button – awesome!!
    Thanks for the chance!

  178. I love having fresh, clean water for my baby without having to boil the kettle and wait for it to cool. Also the convineince and simple design for the rare occasion baby’s father needs to make him a bottle.

  179. I love having fresh, clean water for my baby without having to boil the kettle and wait for it to cool. Also the convineince and simple design for the rare occasion baby’s father needs to make him a bottle.

  180. Sarah O'Brien Reply

    I love that you get fresh filtered water for the whole family and instant hot water for a hot drink. I forget how many times I boil the kettle for a cuppa because I have other things come up or need to be taken care of.
    Thanks for the chance to win this awesome system! 🙂

  181. Love the ability to have hot water on demand. No more tears while waiting for the kettle to boil. And those tears are from a very tired Mumma who needs a coffee stat!!!

  182. jordana hodgetts Reply

    Hot pure water availible instantly on demand would be perfect for busy mums like me! I rarely get the chance for a hot cuppa during the day as by the time I’ve boiled the jug I’ve had to move onto another job, ain’t nobody got time to wait for the kettle to boil!

  183. Rhiannon Bedola Reply

    Being able to fill baby bottles straight from the BIBO at the correct temperature. This will be such a lifesaver!

  184. the filter which in itself is awesome, but the hot water option too is fantastic!

  185. What a fantastic product! I love that it not only filters water but gives you full control over the temperature. A must have all year round!

  186. The fact it can also supply you with hot water is a plus as it means we can get rid of the kettle meaning one less appliance on the kitchen side.

  187. BIBO eliminates harmful bacteria which means there is a peace of mind that my baby won’t get ill through bacteria from his feeds.

  188. Adele Smith Reply

    Allows you to fill baby’s bottle at the ideal pre-set temperature and perfect measure, especially handy in the middle of the night.
    This would be ideal for my daughter who is currently expecting her second child. With an active toddler also in the home, a partner who is in the army and is away until after the baby is born, juggling all things on her own, the Bibo Water Bar is sure to be a very appreciative set of helping hands.

  189. The best feature in this day and age is the protection of filtered clean water. Paramount in my eyes with all the chemicals around.

  190. I love how simple it seems to have filtered, clean water on tap! With 2 young boys and another on the way we are constantly filtering jugs of water from the Tap. This will make it so much easier for everyone.
    HOT coffee?! What even is that??

  191. This is the perfect adittion for my busy Mummy Life. No more heating water on the settle and waiting it to cool down. It will save me so much time.

  192. What a great idea! Wish this was around when my kids were babies.

  193. Kate Lawrence Reply

    I love the positive impact on the environment the Bibo will have; saving me numerous bottles of water.

  194. Jade bennett Reply

    Filtered water on demand…. Amazing!! We had a hot and cold water system with our first and that was pretty good but still had to wait for the water to cool down which could be a disaster if you forgot to put some aside in zombie mode.
    This would not only be a time saver but a life saver.

  195. The preset temperatures makes filling my daughters water bottle and sons bottle a breeze with no harmful bacteria

  196. I love how I can have hot water on tap that is healthy and good for you!

  197. The BIBO water bar would give my kids the freedom to get their own cups of water, which encourages independence and regular drinking. I also currently heat water on the stove so the BIBO water bar sounds like a godsend to my tea breaks!

  198. I love that you can pre-set the temperature. I’m a herbal tea drinking and water from the kettle is too hot, and aside from burning the tea, I have to either wait for the tea to cool down – and then it’s too cold by the time I remember it – or I have to add tap water to it anyway.

  199. I love that you don’t have to boil the water its all purified for you ready to go no more plastic bottles piling up everywhere. This would be such a quick and easy tool to have around especially once baby arrives ill need it even more.

  200. I love the fact that you get clean filtered hot water right away a great time saver

  201. tabatha voss Reply

    Who knows what lies beneath the water we drink? no more worries with this little ripper purifying your H20

  202. What a great idea – no chance of overheating, and it’s clean EVERY time.

  203. Ying Ying Tan Reply

    The filter function and instant hot water top my favourite feature list of this machine….how convenient!!!

  204. I love how it fills baby’s bottle at the ideal pre-set temperature and perfect measure that would save me a lot of precious sleeping time!

  205. This would be a god send, I am finding it difficult to lift the kettle (chronic illness that causes muscle weakness) and don’t get me started on trying to undo caps off bottled water. Plus side is the filtering and temp control

  206. Sara Johnston Reply

    I absolutely love the entire concept of the BIBO! Particularly the money it saves with regards to bottle water and the UV lighting feature. Thanks very much for the chance to win one for my family: it would be very much appreciated in our home (our 3 boys are 12 weeks, 3 years & 5 years). 🙂

  207. Safe water free from bacteria would be a godsend to us as we live on tank water and back on to a rainforest, so there is all kinds of nasties getting into our tank on a regular basis.

  208. Instant hot water would be so useful and helpful. I totally would love that.

    Also the colour range is great!

  209. As a mother, I cannot recall the last time I had a hot cup of coffee…family’s always first and my coffee’s last. BIBO will always have hot or cold filtered water on demand.

  210. Susan Mitterman Reply

    Fresh, cool water – without having the kids in and out of the fridge! Then nice hot water for cups of teas, without the kettle – a real energy saver!

  211. Wow! Hot and cold PURIFIED water at mine and my family’s fingertips for instant drinks is such a brilliant concept!

  212. Filtered water with just a touch of a button! love that is can be set in advance and the continuous boiling cycle means I have hot water whenever I need it!

  213. Goodbye boiling and boiling and boiling, cooling & re-filling water bottles over and over…..what a heavenly time saver!

  214. Sheree Cornell Reply

    Wow – I didn’t realise I was spending Approx $2000 or more a year on bottle water for the family & myself.
    This is a amazing saving..
    Intant Chilled Filtered Water

  215. graham buckingham Reply

    Filtered water on tap is very important for my six kids because I’m paranoid about what comes out of the tap

  216. I have two kids at home. One is 1-year-old and the bigger one is 5. We always buy bottles of water for my infant to drink at home but now the water filter & purifier System of bibo water bar solve all the problems. No more plastic bottles and everybody at home can enjoy their drinking in a very safe mind.

  217. Rebekah Ballingall Reply

    Perfect for everyone in the family at the perfect temperature, I like my coffee boiling, my husband likes his Luke warm, my toddler his baby chino cold

  218. With baby front of mind I am looking forward to not double guessing/checking if dad boiled the water and no excuses either when it is bottle time…. simple and easy to use makes mum happy, calm and that’s cause she will have a hot bevy in hand too.

  219. There are so many impurities in water these days. Knowing that my family is drinking an amazing quality of water would be very comforting.

  220. Kellie Turvey-Gutterson Reply

    Everything this little machine can do! Plus the colour range is amazing.

  221. Wendy Hatton Reply

    Fresh clean water without having plastic bottles floating about is a plus for me. I hate the waste and love the idea that the kids can help themselves safely.

    • Wendy Hatton Reply

      PS. I’m a grandma and know my daughter with the new baby would welcome this Bibo

  222. Kerry-Anne Hinds Reply

    I love that with Bibo you don’t have to buy bottled water anymore. And that water can come out at a safe temp to make a babies bottle which if I win this I would get this installed at my mums and my sister could use it to make bottles for her twin boys.

  223. Harry Cornish Reply

    The built in child lock is impressive but mostly like the hot water on demand so no more kettles.

  224. Renee Ballantyne Reply

    I love that it has multiple uses which are essential for all households

  225. Bonnie Gemmell Reply

    Instant not water! This would mean I don’t have to boil the kettle 5 times before i am interrupted and actually get to have a cuppa

  226. Gina Decapia Reply

    Night feeding 10mo twins and living off cold tea/ coffee because of other 3 kids (agreed 6/4/3)…. No more too say haha

  227. Laura Power Reply

    We have tank water so I love that it eliminates harmful bacteria

  228. Ashley Beech Reply

    I love that it removes
    the harmful stuff
    that makes the family sick.
    With one of these beauties
    mum and dad can rest with ease,
    with clean and great water
    that gets the tick.

  229. andie harrie Reply

    Push of a button and what do I see
    the latest water filter technology
    Tap water fresh and clean ready to drink
    The perfect accessory for my home, I think

  230. Georgie Mason Reply

    I just love the fact that everyone in the house can easily help themselves to cold water and hot water for cups of tea, without bothering me!

  231. Nadia Pasqua Reply

    I can use it to for my coffee in the morning so I can function

  232. Fiona Mazzei Reply

    Bibi Water Bar would save me time and money on bottled water. I can make an amazing cup of tea and coffee efficiently and to the perfect temperature whilst also eliminating bacteria. Feel healthy and happy

  233. Oh my gosh, what a wonderful idea, hot water on demand. Surely would sit proudly on my kitchen bench.

  234. I personally love the fact that not only it delivers purified water, but it has a gorgeous and stylish design. It would fit perfectly in any kitchen.

  235. The fact I wouldn’t have to buy. Titled water again and not have to worry about what is I. The water my kids are drinking what an amazing product!

  236. Love that I can get purified drinking water I would love to drink more water than I do as I am not one for buying water & tap water your never know what your drinking & with 4 kids I would love them to drink clean chemical free water also hot water on demand just what I need for that quick coffee

  237. This is great as I like it due to the fact that it gives water with preset temperature for baby bottles.this means I don’t have to wait for boiling and iffcourse clean water.sinetimes I had to let the water run off for few minutes due to taste of chlorine from tap.this saves my water

  238. I love that it automatically heats up your baby’s bottles to the right temperature. This will be perfect to know that the milk is always just right, not too hot or hold and you don’t have to burn the inside of your wrist trying to guess if it’s the right temperature. I can’t believe that this exists!

  239. We are a family that only drinks water and this would be such a treat for the kids to have a purified water station that’s easy to use and looks cool.

  240. Charisse C Reply

    B – oiled water for my tea
    I – ce cold water for my kids
    B – ottles filled for my dear,
    O – h I’ll be glad of chemicals it rids.

  241. Currently we’re feeding our bub at night, but sometimes I forget to cool the boiled water. It makes me feel frustrated when the baby is crying for the feed but the water is still so hot. BIBO can pre-set the temperature, that will give my peace of mind.

  242. Rebecca McKenna Reply

    This would be fantastic for streamlining making up formula bottles – especially at 3am!

  243. Hayley Chapman Reply

    Love these chic, ‘keep mama sane devices’! I’d be pretty chuffed and a little hipster to showcase one of these stunning water bars on my kitchen bench.

  244. BIBO Water Bar, my favourite feature?
    It’s ability to measure safe water for me,
    when I’m a night creature.

  245. Clean water at any desired temperature to drink on demand-this is gold!

  246. Heidi O'Day Reply

    I need one of these! I love that you can set in advance and be assured you will ALWAYS have sterilized water for not only bubs but the whole family!

  247. Kayla Sibley Reply

    I love the fact that our old second hand water steriliser can finally go into storage. Having to boil water and then sterilise separately for Bub will finally be a thing of the past

  248. Tara sparrow Reply

    How convenient!! We go through so many water bottles from the supermarket in our home. It is all we drink! This would be so handy. Love the idea.

  249. Ellen Kara Reply

    It’s the ridding of bacteria which has the most appeal. particularly as these can be so damaging to little ones.

  250. Tina Hopkinson Reply

    I love that it’s hot water on demand that I know is safe and doesn’t have any harmful bacteria,I also love that I can have hot coffee on demand.

  251. My favorite feature is the high tech carbon filtration and ultraviolet lamp purification system.
    With 8 of us living in an old house with old pipes on a 14 acre property with only tank water that gets pretty low this feature becomes the number one priority. Bibo is the whole package in one – it’s easy to use and gives access to SAFE instant hot or cold water AND it’s look is timeless and would fit into any household! One can be confident using Bibo. And why not? …it’s the best there is and I look forward to owning one. Thank you.

  252. Anthea Cornish Reply

    Not having to boil the kettle to get sterilized water, and instant hot water for a quick cuppa!

  253. Loz Jordan Reply

    Wow! Not needing to boil water for bottles would be amazing!! I’m just about ready for my Bub to start bottle feeds so it would be fabulous timing!

  254. Making life easier and providing nothing but the best for my family, what more could a busy mum want!!

  255. Sonya Cerny Reply

    No more need for a kettle means more bench space and one less appliance.

  256. I love that it eliminates harmful bacteria and saves me having to buy bottled water.

  257. the feature i love most is the ability to set the temperature. So often Bubs bottle is either too hot or too cold and this is a perfect solution. Also it perfect for the whole family having fresh water in QLD’s hot summer.

  258. Kahlia Barker Reply

    I love that it eliminates harmful chemicals! I currently live off bottled water whilst breastfeeding my newborn and at an estimate have already consumed over 400 bottles in his short life! This gorgeous machine would save me a fortune.

  259. I love that hot water is available 24/7 as it’s extremely handy for when I want tea/coffee, getting bubs bottle ready on the go and those late night instant noodle cravings.

  260. Adelaide water has never tasted good,
    With Bibo, we’ll drink water just as we should.
    No more soft drinks or cordial in their cup,
    My kids will love water, they’ll drink it up.

    Supper time will be an absolute breeze,
    As we enjoy a hot chocolate with ease.
    And when the littlest of all comes along,
    With pre-set temperature, I can’t go wrong.

    Oh how much easier my busy life will be,
    If for this great prize, Mum Central chooses me.

  261. joanne parkinson Reply

    the continuous boiling perfect for and Italian family like ours and the quick fill of thermos as work in the morning will be quicker to get out the door

  262. Has to be a tie between having instant hot water so that I could actually have a warm cuppa for once when the kids distract me… and knowing the water my family is drinking is safe and clean.

  263. Jacinta Nimmo Reply

    being able to make a hot drink early in the morning with out kids screaming at me or getting distracted, and reboiling the kettle a dozen times, and to have nice cold water for just a glass of water, will make life so much simpler.

  264. Living in the country, we are on tank water which suits the adults fine but isnt suitable for our young kids. BIBO would give me peace of mind that the kids have access to sterilised water instantly!

  265. Chau Bao Nguyen Phan Reply

    I love BIBO’s ability to eliminates harmful bacteria, so I don’t have to decide whether I should drink water from the taps or boil it.

  266. Favourite feature of the brilliant Bibo Water Bar is its replacement of plastic water bottles therefore protecting our beautiful beaches, rivers, oceans, environment and precious creatures from pollution, allowing ourselves, children, grandchildren and all generations to follow to enjoy all of natures wonders.

  267. Jessica Ashbrooke Reply

    Removing harmful bacteria would be amazing and so needed in my family

  268. Melinda Davies Reply

    OMG – this sounds divine! I love a good cuppa and have to filter water then transfer it to the jug to boil before I can begin to enjoy my fist cuppa of the day. No more mess on the bench when the lid comes off the filter jug when the kids are getting a drink of water, no more empty filter jugs when I am thirsty (because no one ever fills it besides me). Sounds like bliss 🙂

  269. BIBO – So many excellent features to encourage ALL the family to increase hydration, especially with sizzling Summery days fast approaching. Wonderful that BIBO eliminates harmful bacteria and that ghastly chlorine taste from tap water. … and as a sleep deprived Mum I’d adore being able to have hot or cold drinks as needed, day or night!

  270. Susan Lucre Reply

    The environmental impact of bottle water is huge – this eliminates that!! Well done team!! (and just quietly, I love the variety of colours!)

  271. Sonja Henderson Reply

    Hot and cold water on demand :D, water filtration and purification 😀 this sounds amazing, i need this in my life, we are massive water drinkers in my household, would save a ton of money

  272. Finally water that won’t taste like its been through a pool filter #ADELAIDE

  273. Kylie Rogers Reply

    OMG……. I LOVE that BIBO eliminates harmful bacteria…. my hubbie has been complaining for years about how he can smell the chlorine in the water!! Having BIBO would stop the whining… effectively saving our marriage… joking, love my husband.. he just hates the kids drinking Chlorine…….. #comeATmeBIBO

  274. I love how it kills harmful bacteria and keeps water warm!! My mum always has cold hands, so having hot water all the time is fantastic! The fact that it also kills bacteria is an added bonus!

  275. Tracy pavlovich Reply

    The amazing clean filtered water that may be hot or cold…..yeah baby!!!!!

  276. Marg Chafer Reply

    I love knowing that the water is fresh, pure and uncontaminated in the Bibo, which is better for our whole family.

  277. How easy is that I win ,you install we all enjoy pure fresh water goodbye plastic bottles in the fridge welcome back fridge space whoop whoop !

  278. Natasha Penfold Reply

    Pretty awesome, i like the idea of temperature control settings

  279. Xzavia green Reply

    Baby brain saviour!!! To get a hot cuppa and drink it too would be nearly as amazing as not have to worry about the milk temperature when half asleep or in a rush.

  280. hayley shaw Reply

    Quick and easy access to fresh water for my children. I love that i dont have to worry about what they are drinking because this make it safe

  281. Kacie Mogyoross Reply

    Would love one for the house. What a brilliant idea! We all need access to fresh drinking water.

  282. Nicole Eyles Reply

    I have a pet hate and that is buy bottled water! Not only is it a financial pain but an environmentally damaging product. BIBO is the way of the future. What a great product, it’s about time we start evolving and changing they way we do things. BIBO will be a great addition to our home and save a lot of precious time.

  283. Ashleigh Hewson Reply

    BIBO gives you pure clean water. Growing up on tank water, you can taste the chemicals in the water straight away. The fact that BIBO eradicates these is absolutely awesome. No more ugly water filter..winning!

  284. Best feature is removing the bacteria (and horrid taste of the local water.) We spend so much on bottled water because the children can’t bear the tap water in our area.

  285. Julie Jinks Reply

    Nanna’s helper what a wonder it would be to have a Bibo.

  286. My favourite feature is the child lock, because my ninja would love to push all those amazingly functional buttons!

  287. Definitely like the pre selected water temperature feature along with the removal of harmful bacteria and chlorine from the water. It also just looks really cool, the touch screen is super modern and the colour range is nice! We rent and don’t trust the water from the old pipes in our house and getting tired of buying bottled water. We are having our first child soon and are definitely need to provide filtered water for our baby.

  288. The Word EASY to fill won me over! Anything to make life smoother.
    No more late night water boiling sessions. Winning!

  289. Rhonda MacLennan Reply

    I love this it is so stylish compared to other water filters. Makes a nice accessory in the kitchen. Fingers crossed

  290. That the temperature of the water can be adjusted to make bottles for babies.

  291. Shannon Lucas Reply

    my son (5) only likes ‘fresh water’ not out of the fridge, this means that we have an ugly water container on our bench as we live in SA with undrinkable tap water. This would be stylish enough not to have to cover with a colourful teatowel when guests come over

  292. keeps the family healthy on the inside, while it looks good on the outside.

  293. Nerys Lewis Reply

    I always forget and re-boil the kettle before filling our water bottles to put in the fridge so that we can have cold water. So this nifty little machine would make my life a whole lot easier and help my fog brain remember.

  294. Jessica webster Reply

    We live on bore water. Not suitable for drinking so buy in water. Would be fantastic to have some water the kids could get to drink.

  295. Jasmine McGee Reply

    Living in the contamination area of Salt Ash, the feature of purification would provide peace of mind when my children ask for a drink.

  296. cheerie Murnane Reply

    A nice up of tea without the wait, is always welcolm at busy times, no fuss, no bother, and if it also is good for the babys bottle, its a double bonus

  297. No more throwing away water bottles good for my wallet good for the environment

  298. Raeleen Phelps Reply

    I just love the fresh water at hand and to be able to fill our water bottles is great. With a house hold of 5 and we all drink bottled water several times a day.

  299. Rosalie Bernacki Reply

    I love that it provides a family clear, clean hot or cold water all year long – hassle free. So helping a first time mummy to be a little more stress free

  300. Barbara Arscott Reply

    Good clean fresh water, you should see our contraption at home to get good clean water, from a ceramic urn to a drip water filter, to boiling…then its drinkable…….would love a Bibo, one unit, one touch compared to 4 units on the kitchen bench

  301. Tegan Blayden Reply

    I love the fact it is well filtered, i myself and my little girl poppy love drinking water everyday, and would love to always have fresh clean water on hand. Especially in summer.

  302. The fact it will help me reduce my carbon footprint on the environment by not having to buy water anymore.

  303. Joanne scannell Reply

    As we are not on mains water we buy all our drinking water in bottles as our rainwater tanks are old and we do not trust the quality of the water. This. Oils save us some money and be drinking healthy purified water.

  304. Cherie Maywald Reply

    Definitely love the hot water feature the most. I love my coffee and to not have a kettle as well as my water jug on the counter and just have the one appliance would be amazing due to having such a small kitchen.

  305. Kate Langmaid Reply

    I love the sleek designs and the fact it uses uv light to sterilise. This is such a healthy and efficient way to drink water!

  306. The child lock, because we all know with kids that wandering eyes soon turn into wandering hands

  307. Kristina S Reply

    Getting rid of the tap water nasties. Part of the reason I buy bottled which this also solves. I have also heard bottle water isn’t good for you because it stagnant and ” dead water ” water that moving has life.

  308. Currently pregnant with my 2nd and living in a 2 storey townhouse makes me think that all new houses need to install BIBO. It eliminates so many troubles and accident of going up and down while pregnant or with a newborn. Literally mums new gadget.

  309. Anne Maureen Scarff Reply

    Instant hot or cold pure water, no more plastic bottles, great for the family as well as the environment.

  310. Having clean water on demand! I am constantly filling the water purifier jug, the water jug in the fridge, the kettle, the mountains of reusable water bottles our family uses. With this i can have a cup of tea and water all at once, so much time saved, what every mum craves to have

  311. I’m currently pregnant, dur on Valentine’s Day. I would absolutely love to have access to fresh, cold water every day to keep me hydrated throughout a summer pregnancy! I would be so ecstatic and grateful to win this prize 🙂

  312. Not having the kids open the fridge 38 times per day to get a drink of cool water? Love this product!

  313. Having hot boiled or cold water on tap would be amazing especially when we’re going to have lots of family around to visit our baby girl when she arrives! No need to worry about keeping enough in the fridge or having the kettle constantly on!

  314. The feature that impresses me most is BIBO’s energy and water efficiency, including the clever sleep mode. I admire and seek out creative products that are more beneficial to the environment while still offering practical day-to-day utility. Each time anyone in my family enjoys or warm or cold glass of BIBO H2O (or another drink mixed in!), will be a reminder to us that we can and must all play a part in ensuring the sustainability of our planet and our most vital natural resource – fresh water!

  315. Instant purified boiling (also cold) water, perfect for the guy who is so bad at cooking…he can burn water.

  316. Aside from the sexy colours it comes in, having the BIBO means having instant fresh water at the push of the button!

  317. Karen Stevens Reply

    My favorite feature is the elimination of bacteria. I am a germ-phobic and this would put my mind at ease. Love everything about this.

  318. Nicola James Reply

    The purified water that I can drink safely! I live in a small country town with town water that makes me ill, so I have to buy all my drinking water – really irritating.

  319. I have a daughter and a Granddaughter in the very near future, and with me on Disability, saving money is the biggest priority in my life. I only drink water, and buy bottles of water as the water out of my tap is gross. Having the BIBO and the ability to access clean, fresh, pure water every second of the day without paying money for it ….would be life changing for me.

  320. With two tea drinkers and 2 coffee drinkers , I am constantly boiling water , and we pre
    Filter it atm also , this would be so amazing ! Filtered and hot already !!! Winning

  321. I’m a Sydney girl living in Adelaide. Have you ever tried Adelaide water? It’s to only port in Australia that ships will not fill up with fresh water at! This would be a life saver! The amount of money, and time I would save would be fantastic!

  322. As one of many poor mummies out there, the instant hot water is an absolute winner. I can’t remember the last time I’ve enjoyed a hot cup of tea so this incredible Bibo Water Bar would be an amazing new addition to the family!

  323. My go too anytime of the day…can’t ask for anything better!

  324. The fact that having purified water on demand would save me heaps yearly as my husband only drinks purified water. On the plus side it also makes my coffee and my children would love the ease of use functions also with being able to help themselves to water for drinks.

  325. Love the sterilisation and purifying features, perfect for making newborn baby bottles up at any time of the day.

  326. I love that you can make baby bottles on demand at the right temperature as well as purifying the water. I thought the item we bought to heat bottles up would be the best thing since sliced bread but it’s really not doing the job properly.

  327. Tracey Dickinson Reply

    OMGEEEEEEEE!!!!! No more tap water brilliant, and no more filling my horrid office type water fountain that lives in my dining room, how bright and colourful is BIBO, this machine becomes everything all in one, a glass of water, cup of tea and the water is all at the right temperature. BRILLIANT BIBO Water Bar would make a wonderful accompaniment in my kitchen.

  328. Wow!!I would so Love a BIBO especially with all that it does.
    Hot water on demand Awesome!!
    What I Love the most is how the BIBO elimates all the nasties out of tap water.

  329. Lisa Devlin Reply

    I love that BIBO can make hot beverages. BIBO, where have you been all my life? You are me would make a great cupple……………………………… of coffee that is!

  330. Amy WilliamS Reply

    It would have to be the COLD water. Every weekend I wake up and repeat the same words to my children “where is your water bottle, how much water have you drank?” The answer is usually “I don’t know and none”!!!!!! drives me mental!
    So if I won a BIBO the children could drink cold water to their hearts content and knowing it’s nasties free is a SUPER added bonus!!!

  331. I’ve ‘bean’ desperate for hot water on tap to add to my coffee beans, every hour, because I have ‘bean’ suffering from No Sleeeeeeep.

  332. Amy WilliamS Reply

    It would have to be the COLD water. Every weekend I wake up and repeat the same words to my children “where is your water bottle, how much water have you drank?” The answer is usually “I don’t know and none”!!!!!! drives me mental! But last weekend I discovered they love COLD water!
    So if I won a BIBO the children could drink cold water to their hearts content and knowing it’s nasties free is a SUPER added bonus!!!

  333. Easy access to water for my kids and a cup of tea for me sounds amazing! We use lots of Brita water filter cartridges each year, and use up space on the counter, in the pantry and fridge storing separate jugs AND the kettle. It would be great to have one filter option that offers all these options!!

  334. After my 9 year old burning herself and spending 8 days in hospital after a skin graft I want to eliminate any hazzadeds in my house.

  335. I love the fact that it would provide my family and our guests with clean, fresh and bacteria free water. It’s so much better for everyone’s health.

  336. Wow, it would not only look awesome sitting on the kitchen bench my children could help themselves to cold water and my husband could easily fix himself a cup of tea! It is definitely going on my list of big-ticket purchases.

  337. christine morris Reply

    This would be great for the Grandkids, always thirsty and this system would be perfect for everyone.

  338. angela Charles Reply

    I love the fact that there is hot and cold water ready to go. In summer both taps issue hot water and we have to chill water in the fridge. This would save so much space In the fridge and the bench!

  339. Mark Agapiou Reply

    Hot water when i need kids always wants things at weird times this will help out with that issue.

  340. MarloJames Reply

    Clean, safe water!! My little man has been great at drinking water from the moment we’ve started but I worry about what he’s getting. A purifying system hasn’t been a viable financial option yet so just try not to think on it too much, trusting that if it’s available it mustn’t be too bad right? To have peace of mind on tap (pun intended) would be amazing.

  341. Love that you save money on bottled water and is easy to use when you are sleep deprived

  342. Stephanie Roberts Reply

    Removing harmful bacteria and the convince of fresh, clean water ‘on tap’

  343. Lauren Tennant Reply

    Apart from the awesome colours I love that the BIBO removes bacteria from the water.

  344. Zoe Deignan Reply

    I have a large family that love their water. Also not having to re boil the kettle a million times would be a life saver!

  345. Safe drinking water free from bacteria and impurities for the whole family

  346. I love the idea of being able to constantly fill up water bottles and the hot setting and not to have to constantly boil water for my babies bottles.

  347. Alise Headlam Reply

    Clean and safe water. I live on a cattle station and have to put all pur water through filter jugs and then boiled. It is time consuming and exhausting. This machine looks like a life saver!!

  348. Lauren Johnston Reply

    My goodness what an amazing machine. What don’t I love about it! Pure water without the yucky filters! No hot steaming kettle for little fingers to get burnt on. Pre selected water temperatures perfect for those cups of tea! A life changing machine!

  349. Nadien Lavell Reply

    There’s no denying that the endless bottles of water we buy are causing a huge environmental impact, albeit expensive! As a busy mum and one who is very health couscous it’s important for our family to have access to clean and pure drinking water, preferably without the added bulk of a plastic bottle world.

  350. Monique Hamilton Reply

    With fingers up noses and dirt in mouths, I cant always control the nasties that gets consumed. Its enough to make a mum shut up shop, tie the tubes or take the manhood off her hubby. But at least with the Bibo Water Bar, i’ll be able to control what nasties are in the water. With the water sterilisation on tap I can also be confident if anything happens, it wasnt in the water. Or doesn’t it work that way?

  351. Tracy Mackay Reply

    Love this cool, sylish appliance and love that we would have pure, clean water on tap for the whole family, whilst saving money , leaving less of a environmental footprint and being healthier.

  352. Jenny Watson Reply

    You can get hot and cold water from the same machine. No more stumbling bleary eyed to get a cup of tea to find that I have to turn on the tap to fill my jug, use the jug to fill the Water Filter, then pour the water from the Filter Jug into the Kettle, wait till it boils then finally fill my mug.

  353. Just the ease of use. Makes it so easy for baby-brained parents!

  354. This would be so great early in the morning, no having to wait for the water to heat up then it getting too hot then having to cool it down all the while with a crying baby in arms

  355. I love that it caters for everyone in the family…tea and coffee for mum and dad, cold water on a hot summers day for the kids and perfect temperature water for baby’s bottles!

  356. What an amazing machine. What’s not to love about it! Safe and easy machine, Pre selected water temperatures that are perfect for those Baby bottles and perhaps a coffee or tea. It’s a life changing machine!

  357. Being rural the water is gross. Purified water would be amazing for our big family and im sure they would love it too.

  358. Melissa Zammit Reply

    I love that it kills bacteria and means the whole family can have clean drinking water and I love that it can make her beverages too

  359. Sarah Blockley Reply

    I love that it gives pure filtered water- at my last home we paid $1000 to install a tap for this same thing and half the time it would come out warm! This gives both hot and boiled water so I can easily have a cuppa too and I love my hot chocolates, especially now that I live in Tassie. I also love the cool colours!

  360. The safe from bacteria and bottle temperature for my newborn. Also the quickness of a cuppa 😉

  361. Susan Banyard Reply

    bacteria and impuritieE removed giving everyone clean healthier water and just the right temp when needed

  362. With my son being born 11 weeks early, having immediate access to water without harmful bacteria in it would be so helpful, as I current spend so much time boiling and cooling water for him to drink, put in his food, and to sterilize equipment he requires every day. BIBO you are too clever!

  363. Katie Dalla Santa Reply

    I must say every single feature I love, but if I had to pick one it would be that it can allow me to fill my baby’s bottle at the ideal pre-set temperature and perfect measure, especially handy in the middle of the night for feeds.

  364. Michelle Black Reply

    Having the water at a preset temperature and not needing to boil water again for bottles would be great. When my baby was 8 weeks old, I spilled boiling water on us both. Talk about mummy guilt! Thankfully the bulk of it missed him and he was fine after recovering from the shock of a cold shower. I though have a nice scar as a daily reminder of how dangerous boiling water can be!

  365. Matej Pribelsky Reply

    The water filtering! I’ve been looking at ways to do this but this machine is hands down a winner.

  366. johanna rees Reply

    Not having to endlessly boil water because we don’t have town water and have to rely on tanks.

  367. Filtered water at hand – as we have heavy minerals in our town water.

  368. Charlene Marchan Reply

    I am going to have my baby very soon and this is very good because it purifies the water.

  369. That it would help improve my environmental footprint, and save money whilst doing it.

  370. Lynette Smith Reply

    Love that the BIBO water system runs hot AND cold. It’s the ultimate way to ensure that all the family are well hydrated all year round!

  371. hahahollipop Reply

    Magical super water for baby and hot tea for me?! Hellooooo BIBO! YES PLEASE!

  372. Being able to have a bottle at the correct temperature for when my newborn wakes up will be a lifesaver especially for those 2am feeds. Also having a cuppa that is warm and hasn’t gone cold – enjoying the little things in life.

  373. Gillian Streeter Reply

    My kids are constantly asking me to fill their cups with water. A system like this would be unbelievable!!

  374. Being able to be environmentally friendly by avoiding plastic bottles while still protecting my family from the chemicals within tap water

  375. Safe, bacteria free cold water, is what my family require on a daily basis.

  376. Love that it kills harmful bugs and then filters out all the nasties.

  377. The Bibo Water Bat will make filling my baby’s bottles a doddle, it will also encourage me to keep up my fluid intake throughout the day, essential as I mix feed and also I can give my baby water without having to boil a kettle and wait for it to cool every time. In a nutshell it will save me time and effort

  378. I love that this kills bacteria and filters the water. The instant hot water is also a huge bonus!

  379. I love the hot AND cold water features that can produce clean filtered water 🙂

  380. Toyah Purdie Reply

    I love it does cold purified water too. No more running out of filtered water for drink bottles or the kettle.

  381. Hot water on demand is fantastic. Not having to wait for a kettle to boil would be such a time saver

  382. I love that fact that you can choose the temperature of the water.

  383. Purified water for bubs, and a hot cuppa for me. What else is there?

  384. It’s fresh, Clear and Safe! I love the varieties of colour and the super easy modules/instructions that make up the BIBO water bar!

  385. The ability of not having to boil water & waiting for it to cool in the middle of the night is awesome. Especially when you have twins and need to feed quickly.

  386. You had me at “Pre Set Temperature” … no more beep beep beep of the microwave waking up the entire house in the middle of the night.

  387. No more have empty bottles around the house and I will get more space in the fridge for my wine

  388. We buy loads of bottled water, as our tap water tastes like chlorine. Bibo would save us hundreds of dollars per year!

  389. Michelle Leach Reply

    I love that it has the latest technology to filter and purify tap water to the highest standards

  390. Aliesha Schoeler Reply

    This would be great cause i am always forgetting that I boil the kettle and then i have to reboil it and when my little one comes along i will most likely forget more alot more so this would be great having hot water right then and there.

  391. Knowing we are drinking the purest safest water with no nasties in it and just LOVE the color choices to brighten up the kitchen also

  392. Heather weir Reply

    If it eliminates clutter, gives me extra space in my fridge work tops then that’s my favourite feature, I can’t see the top of my kitchen counter as it is, I’m still looking for my cup of tea from this morning, I bet it’s gone cold now

  393. Phoebe Phillips Reply

    Access to clean drinking water ast the touch of a button!

  394. Such a fantastic product offering so many great functions to no your giving your family the best quality water straight from the tap is great my favorite feature would be instant hot water to enjoy a hot coffee anytime quick and easy sounds great to me

  395. Anthea Georges Reply

    The Vivo has so many convient features especially for sleep deprrived parents like myself. The instant hot water is godsent i always feel like a tea when everyone is in bed but too scared to boil the kettle incase it wakes the kids as its just so noisy.

    • Anthea Georges Reply

      The Bibo has so many convient features especially for sleep deprrived parents like myself. The instant hot water is godsent i always feel like a tea when everyone is in bed but too scared to boil the kettle incase it wakes the kids as its just so noisy.

  396. HOT COFFEE!!!!! With 4 kids born in 5 years and one with ASD hot coffee is a lifeline. Not having to reboil the kettle 25 times would be the stuff of dreams. Definitely the hot water feature for me.

  397. Claire Thrower Reply

    OMG would love this big tea and coffee drinker this would be amazing and so quick, the whole family would drink so much more water if it was quick, easy and filtered.

  398. I love that the BIBO eliminates all the harmful bacteria from the water and I definitely wouldn’t have to buy bottled water anymore. I would throw out all the bottles I have in the fridge. The BIBO would be so convenient to have. My 11 year old daughter would absolutely love it.

  399. Really amazed at reading how this product works and the best feature for me would be everyone in the family will benefit from BIBO: cold or hot or lukewarm drinks free flowing! Why not.

  400. How it cleans the water as we are stuck with tap water and you can literally smell the chlorine in it up here in far North Queensland. 🙁

  401. Kylie Bracken Reply

    Will replace my 10L bottle sat in my kitchen and love that it boils water as well

  402. Nichole McKee Reply

    Loving that BIBO removes harmful bacteria. Such a wonderful feature.

  403. Cassie Marrie Reply

    I love the fact that it instantly has safe water for my children to use when I need to refill water bottles. Especially when feeding my bub through the night.

  404. Ivonne Whitehouse Reply

    I love that it eliminates bacteria and that you can get hot water, too.

  405. What isn’t there to love!!! But for me simply the clean cold water on demand for my kids is such a must!!! Everything you need in the one!!

  406. Love that you can child lock it, no burnt children. Amazing colours and it heats water too!! Wow!

  407. Kerry Mason Reply

    WOW instant clean cold water as fresh as you can get,, I’m thirsty

  408. Elimination bacteria. We’re on creek water so this would be fantastic.

  409. Definitely that it will save buying 5-10 bottles of water per week. Will be a huge change in the right direction for our household and 100% better for the environment. Love that it can help change the way we live.

  410. Carol Koster Reply

    I would like one for my daughter who is having a baby in 8 weeks. Would be very good for her baby.

  411. Jess leoni Reply

    This would be perfect!! I have two young toddlers and the only water we all drink is boiled water. I don’t think I’ve been this excited over water before! Not to mention I love my teas!

  412. There’s already not enough time in the day so I love that it is ready to go any time I need it.

  413. A BIBO would be like having your very own Butler and waterboy!

  414. Yes please to clean water at your finger tips!! I love the idea of doing my bit to help save the environment from plastic, I also love the idea of not consuming lead, copper or chlorine! This system appears quite stylish too!

  415. I love the idea of boiling water at your fingertips. Also BIBO itgreat for the environment, everyshould have one in their house.

  416. Helga Grenkowitz Reply

    Having instantly hot water would be a dream come true. No more waiting for the water kettle to heat up.

  417. Having clean water for my bub is a big deal for me and with another on the way this would be such a big help as I currently boil the water and put in a jug in the fridge and runout so quickly. But for this machine to be for everyone it is also great because it saves space on the counter!

  418. This is a dream machine for anyhouse and I’d love to have won in my house

  419. “Hey Hun, can you put the jug on?”
    “Oh… look at this cute video of a cat playing the piano…”
    *27 cat videos later “Hey Hun… can you put the jug on again?!”
    BIBO will solve the old ‘pro-cats-tination before tea’ issue!

  420. Hana Brown Reply

    lol Ve that I don’t have to buy bottled water anymore, that I can have a cup of coffee at short notice, and can set the temperature of the water.

  421. I will love throwing my kettle out!!! This will look so much better on my kitchen bench!! 🙂

  422. Anneke Dekker Reply

    CONVIENCE – No more boiling water, carting big supermarket bottles of water home, or running out of water when you have a screaming baby!

  423. Jill Howard Reply

    Healthy, purified water at any temperature instantly on demand. What a dream

  424. Filtered Water ,no boiling the kettle hundred times a day(that costs lots money)no constantly filling up water bottles from our laundry tap that has a filter on it kids can actually help me make tea,coffee,hot chocolates!

  425. The fact that it purifies the water and stops me from having to keep on boiling water and waiting for it to cool!

  426. Kimberly Brittain Reply

    I am a new mum to a 2 month old and I love that it’s instant hot water and removes all harmful bacteria from the water. Sounds perfect!!

  427. Christina Gooden Reply

    Love the idea of a water filtration system, kettle and water cooler all in one neat device. Our town’s water quality has a questionable reputation and this would be the perfect solution!!

  428. Would love not to have to buy bottled water anymore. Having 5 kids we sure go through a lot

  429. Marg Millar Reply

    Love it for sleep deprived mums. Always fresh clean water ready all the time.

  430. Hot water ready to go would be fantastic but clean water for my kids would have to be the best as its what everybody wants for their children

  431. To know that I am giving my family safe drinking water free of impurities. Bonus that with my lack of sleep it makes coffees. If it cleaned the house I would marry it!!!!

  432. Love the fact this mama can have hot water at a touch of a button without stressing in boiling!!! Life saver!

  433. No nasties, the right temp for any job it’s need for, room in the fridge once all the water jugs and disposable plastic bottles gone. Quick and easy after long night with the kids or a Long day at work. What more Can I say, it seems this baby does it all and speaks for itself.

  434. Indria Purnamasari Reply

    I love the instant hot water. I can make tea instantly without having to wait!

  435. It would be amazing to have fresh water available to myself and my children and not have tap water that tastes like chlorine. Thank you so much for the chance.

  436. Cynthia Hudson Reply

    seems like lovely idea the Bibo Water bar.
    Would make midnight bottle feeding my daughter a lot easier!

  437. Cherry Maidment Reply

    Love the Bibo Water bar! Beautiful clean safe water at your fingertips without all of the plastic bottle bedlam!

  438. I’m continually filling up my water filter jug to fill my water bottles and the jug and for cooking. To have hot or cold filtered water at the push of a button would be an absolute time saver! It would encourage me to drink more water to !

  439. Not only would this little beauty would let me reclaim valuable bench space it is actually amazing to have something that dies everything I need.

  440. I’m always a big fan of filtering my tap water but being able to grab a hot cuppa with the touch of a button is a definite bonus.

  441. Kim Campbell Reply

    The simplicity of having water hot and cold at the press of a button, saving money not having to buy bottled water and no more microwaving.

  442. Having a safe, steady and reliable supply of H2O to power my children’s play and discovery.

  443. I love that you would be able to prepare a bottle for my baby with one simple device providing safe to drink water at the right temperature.

  444. I love the quick easy convenience of clean water. And it will save time in the mornings for my cup of tea while keeping my bub occupied.

  445. We won’t have to buy bottled water anymore. I always for get to boil the jug as well and end running out of fresh water for my Bub. The Bibo water bar would eliminate all these hassles.

  446. fresh clean trustworthy pure water on tap and on demands, drink with confidence

  447. How awesome is this machine! A compact pocket rocket on your counter. Love that it does both hot & cold and also purifies the water…that alone would say me boiling drinking water everyday.

  448. Water as it should taste, clean and pure. Mine tastes ghastly. Supposedly it comes from a filtration plant located at the reservoir. It will eliminate the necessity to boil water several times during the day, including what is boiled then cooled to mix our 13 month old’s formula. I can use it to fill thermos flasks to take on picnics and to special events. No queueing up to get a hot drink or bottle of drinking water. When I have forgotten and given visitors tap water even the most conservative of them have commented about the taste of it. I have been buying bottled water in bulk packs to use when we go out.

  449. Cheryl Crumblin Reply

    I would love the BIBO Water System in my kitchen as this would save so much room in our fridge as my kids do lot’s of sports and our fridge in constantly filled with water bottles chilling!

  450. The safety aspects are my selection, for quick, convenient water perfection and healthy, purified protection!

  451. Linda Amber Reply

    What a fantastic product. I would have loved that s when I was pregnant with my twins, trying to get the bottles warm at the same time each feed was a nightmare, what a great idea this is though, especially the way you can preset the amount and temperature of the boiled water for babies bottles through the night and of course day. No more filling the fridge up with pre filled cold water baby bottles. Love love love it and so need one please.

  452. It does hot as well as cold drinks so is perfect all year round

  453. I love that the water is purified. No more waiting for the jug to boil, and no more half empty water bottles left around by the kids.

  454. jenny cavanagh Reply

    The BIBO is…
    Energy efficient, with smart touch screen,
    Producing water, refreshing & clean,
    Sophisticated, reduces waste,
    But best of all? The purest taste!

  455. Anne Edyvane Reply

    So I really have to pick just one?! I just love having boiling water or fresh cold water for myself and my babies at the touch of a button! Amazing!

  456. Tiara Allen Reply

    I love that it makes the water safe to drink!
    We currently live in a town where the water has been deemed not safe for human consumption so I also constantly boiling the kettle or buying bulk bottled water to make it safe to drink! I would love for that to be effortless and keep some money in our pockets to spend on more baby stuff

  457. Being a first time expecting Dad. I am going to love the heating feature for the bottle in the middle of the night.

  458. Bianca Wiltshire Reply

    I would love the instant filtered water. My husband does all sorts of tricks leaving bottles at room temperature for 24 hours that needs to stop.

  459. Suzanne Ware Reply

    The water purifier is a huge plus. We have a lot of calcium in our water, my new kettle isn’t so new anymore. And maybe I’ll actually finishes a whole cup of tea!!!

  460. The convenience of ‘on cue’ cold water for my boys who drink ALOT of water and getting rid if my kettle! My kettle gets used alot cause this mama needs coffee!

  461. Renee Hewlitt Reply

    I love that you can set the temperature. Perfect black tea every time!

  462. Sacha Pech Reply

    I love love LOVE the water purifier feature. Better taste and better for you. After living in the country and having rain water the kids definately noticed ‘city water’ when we moved back and it’s costing me a small fortune buying bottled water for them.

  463. Jody Rolph Reply

    Being super easy to use so sleep deprived parents can feel like genius’ using a snazzy machine with ease!

  464. Annette Fullarton Reply

    Safe, clean water and less toxic plastic bottles, I would love this Water Bar in my life, who wouldn’t?

  465. No more boiling the kettle 2 or 3 (or more!) times to make a cup of tea. Total bliss! 🙂

  466. I love everything about it; the BIBO Water Bar is utter genius. From making coffees, bottles and teas, and all that’s in-between, to filling up water bottles with fresh, cold, purified water, I’m not quite sure how I’m currently living without one!

  467. The purified water on demand is great as I need to drink more water and this feature makes it more accessible rather than having tap water which can taste rather like minerals. My husband with would love the hot water feature as he loves to have cuppas throughout the day even in Summer!

  468. Michelle Ward Reply

    I love it that it makes hot beverages too. I have a very small kitchen so I have to be very selective over the appliances I keep. With the BIBO Water Bar, I can replace two appliances, my filtered water jug and my kettle, just one of the benefits I see!

  469. The lock! Ingenious! The BIBO Water Bar will turn the next generation from Creaming Soda to pure water by the artful tactic of prohibition.

  470. Michelle D Reply

    My favourite feature is the built-in child lock. My boys will definitely insist they fill their water bottles themselves, so safety is important.

  471. No more buying slabs of water bottles! Better for the wallet and environment!

  472. Rosemarie De Bari Reply

    Chilled water my kids can get for themselves, instead of me having to fill their bottles from the tap (or having them tip water all over the floor filling their own from the large bottle in the fridge!).

  473. No more chlorine smell when drinking water! So good for our babies.

  474. like most we are a busy family with kids constantly filling up their drink bottles before school/sport with tap water. Sometimes our tap water is quite cloudy which leaves me wondering exactly what is in it and if there is any nasties. The purifier on Bibo water bar would be my number 1 so my kids could drink clean filtered chemical free water every day.

  475. Tamara Lamb Reply

    We spend a fortune on bottled water due to not having great quality tap water. This will save a bundle of $$, time, patience and my sanity knowing my kids can have access to fresh, pure water at any time!

  476. Deng Seng Ang Reply

    I can fill up both warm and cold water?
    That’s brilliant

  477. My kids would think it’s cool and use it therefore drinking more water resulting in healthier, happier kids

  478. Kelly Arnold Reply

    I continually ensure my kids are given fresh water throughout the day, carrying heavy water bottles wherever we go.. but I neglect my own hydration!
    This nifty device would remind me to quench my own thirst – thereby increasing my own wellbeing and health

  479. Kristy Walker Reply

    instant filtered chilled and boiling water – this is a absolute must in our Kitchen!

  480. Love that it eilminates all the nasties, including the germs and contaminants, so the water is cleaner and tastes great too!

  481. Hayley Chapman Reply

    Oh Bibo…
    My trusty friend of the night
    You are such a welcomed sight
    Hot or cold
    You’ve got me figured right
    No matter what you’re told
    Kind of like my libido

  482. Kelly Ryan Reply

    The perfect alternative to drinking bottled water, reducing landfill and saving money.

  483. Our tap water is sometimes not as clear as filtered water, with Bibo, we are able to have safe, CLEAN, drinking water so the little ones can put in their lunch boxes! It’s a SAFE and EASY solution, the little ones can learn how to fill up their own water bottles, which of course they’d love to do as they love to help mummy with everything else!

  484. I love so much things about the bibo but With a 4 month old baby that is bottle fed my favourite thing about this is you can set it on a certain temp it would make the night feeds so much easier!! And my next favourite thing would be fast and easy cuppas for when life is a bit crazy.

  485. Donna Battams Reply

    Hot water on demand – gosh, it’s like heaven – in a cup!

  486. *******Our family IS WATER MAD the impact on the environment must be pretty bad. No bacteria??? How good that would be, healthy for sure! Absolutely! No more plastic waste we would leave, one bottle each is all we need. Line up quick, one at time, for pure clean water, how divine. When the little ones are off to bed, a cup of tea for mommy instead. Surely this can’t be true, but BIBO has made this dream come true.

  487. Clean, fresh tasting hot or cold water that is ready to go – that would make life so much easier – yes, yes, YES!!

  488. No more plastic drink bottles- we drink lots -family of six-with warm weather here- perfect cold temperature -and hot water- for perfect hot drinks also. for heating bottles for toddler.-THANKYOU

  489. Susanna Martin Reply

    WOW what a brilliant idea….. Love that I can have chilled, boiling, purified water all in one at the touch of a button. As a single mum with a baby, this is what I definitely need in my life.

  490. My favourite thing is the reduced impact on the environment from not buying bottled water. Plus the perfect temperature for coffee on those busy mornings!

  491. Marinella Richichi Reply

    I’m constantly boiling my kettle day and night for multiple reasons. Over the years the tastes of bottled water has changed so much that I need to add a squeeze of lemon in it to taste ok. Tap water forget it, I’d never drink it and that’s one of reasons I love my kettle, but would this instead and my kettle stored away. To imagine the chemicals that’s in our water today scares me. This good looking machine that looks like a coffee machine would be on my side of the bench for me and the kids and hubby can stick to his coffee lol. I love the choices of color and knowing there’s checmicals or bacteria gives it a thumbs up

  492. Renee Waite Reply

    My favourite feature is being able to get purified water quick for an impatient 2yo wanting cool clear water.

  493. I absolutely LOVE the BIBO Water Bar! I especially love the fact that it eliminates harmful bacteria, and the positive impact that it will have on our environment! A silver BIBO Water Bar will look fantastic on my kitchen bench, and the bonus of it also making coffee is simply sensational!

  494. The3Snakes Reply

    Easy to fill bottles…the kids can finally not leave a massive pool of water from the jug.

  495. The highlight feature is the time is saves with water and waiting it for boil to be ready. Why not come prepared.

  496. Deanne Deluca Reply


  497. Rachael Ronke Reply

    I love that you can get hot water and cold water on demand, I often have to book the kettle 5 times before I find a window where I can make a coffee so this would be amazing

  498. Who knew life could be so easy with a BIBO Water Bar, clean, easy, efficient water supply . Coffee on the go yeah you know this is a winner we will all be grinners.

  499. Jess Pedler Reply

    single mum living off coffee, with a very active son who always floods the sink when he refills! this would be great for us and the design is really cool

  500. Richard Summers Reply

    This would really be great for a busy mum with 3 little ones

  501. So cool that you have a concert Kate system, less space being taken up in the kitchen and cool colours!!

  502. Bee Bowdlert Reply

    The BIBO’s boiled water minus bacteria is terrific. I live rural with tank water, it’s always a worry thinking about the bat’s, birds, frogs and even possums that go across our roof, you never know if they’ve pooped and what germs and diseases they leave behind. Then there’s the dust!

  503. Zoe Marshall Reply

    I’m big on environmentally friendly products so this fits the bill!

  504. I love all the money I’d save on bottled water costs! So convenient.

  505. I love it that I can access filtered water that is already cold (or hot)!! : )

  506. Erika Collis Reply

    No bacteria! What a relief. Who knows what nasties are hiding in the water supply

  507. Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!!!! Now that I have your attention, the fact that you can access fresh clean water whenever you want is what I love most.

  508. samiksha joshi Reply

    save water for my family is the greatest thing u can do, at the end we all want is their safety

  509. Natalie Stoute Reply

    The preset temperature feature is fantastic! I love this for making the perfect cup of tea or skinny hot chocolate. My boys would love to fill their drink bottles on their own but our kitchen tap lever is ridiculously high (bad kitchen reno design by me oops) so I always have to do it, and a gazillion times a day it seems! This would solve that problem AND they’d be drinking healthy water. Perfect.

  510. I could mention all of the cool features, the convenience of on-demand, filtered water, or the cost savings, but really I have to admit that the best part of the Bibo Water Bar is how sleek it looks – like a modern, European coffee machine but without those annoying fiddly little pods!

  511. I love the temperature options. I can fill up my large Mug with hot water without having to tilt it like other machines and not waiting for a kettle to boil delaying time. The Bilbo is an upgrade and I am sure it will be a hit with my family and my friends with babies with the instant hot and cold features with no nasties.

  512. Patricia Payne Reply

    I love that I can have the choice of temperature and that the water is safe to drink ,Which is great for us as we are on tank water!

  513. Jaimi layt Reply

    Bottle prepping…a breeze!
    Kids water bottles…done in a flash!
    And a quick purified coffee for mama…done!
    This beautiful gadget is a lifesaver for all mamas ❤️

  514. Elisabeth Martins Reply

    I love that it eliminates bacteria,
    Safety and health is the most important thing,
    and this puts me at ease.

  515. Instant hot water, because babies aren’t known for their patience!

  516. On hand at the ready for when I abandon yet another cup of team on my cleaning rounds or rounding up !

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