
Would You Help This Lost Girl Before the Unthinkable Happened?

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Picture this. You’re walking down the street minding your own business.  You notice a little girl all alone … maybe 8 or 9 years of age.

She approaches you and asks you for help…she’s lost her mother.  What would you do?  Would you try to help or would you keep walking?

Following on from our video showing an Online Predator Grooming a Teenage Girl this week, which clearly is going viral, this exact thing happened in another social experiment below.

The responses? Some were downright rude, but then right at the end, the unthinkable happens.

Let’s hope this will open your eyes and make you realise that not everyone is trustworthy – what a truly scary outcome this could have been.

If this touched you in any way, please share and help us to spread the message using the Facebook button below so we can protect our kids from the evil predators out there.

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1 Comment

  1. Nicole Tate Reply

    Oh my goodness. That was very scarey. Yes if it was me I would help her

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