
Year-Round Christmas Tree? These Trees May Inspire You to Try It!


Most of us have accepted that Christmas is officially over. We’ve found new homes for the toys, we’ve stopped baking Christmas-themed treats and we’ve put away our Christmas garb, including the tree, boxed back into the closet to be forgotten about for the next 11 months. 

Unless you’re Nadia Colucci who has decided to keep her Christmas tree up year-round.

The Christmas decorations go and, instead, she adds different themes to celebrate the various events throughout the year. 

A tree-mendous collection!

As Nadia writes on her website North Compass Realty.

When January rolled around, I went to take my beautiful Christmas tree down and I was immediately sad. I couldn’t imagine that corner without my tree.

I thought to myself, “Maybe I’ll just decorate it for every holiday throughout the year!” So I did, and it turned out to be such a fun and creative outlet for me… and so started my “Holi-Trees”. 

In a way, Christmas never ended… it just changed colours! And I think that’s what counts, the spirit of Christmas and its meaning year-round. Peace, Love and Joy.”

Amen sista! 

Have a look at her amazing year-round Christmas tree creations, which are now all over social media, inspiring thousands of people to spread the merry year-round. Love them ALL! 

Valentine’s Day Tree

You’re nearly in February now. If you haven’t taken the tree down yet, might as well give this a go! Love is in the air and in your living room. 

Valentine's Day tree
Source: Nadia Colucci

Mardi Gras Tree

Trees out, beads out! Love this idea! 

Mardi Gras tree
Source: Nadia Colucci

St. Patrick’s Day Tree 

As we move into March, it’s time to take down the red and pink and/or party favour and bring on the green! The Irish totally approve!

St Patrick's Day tree
Source: Nadia Colucci

Easter Tree

Next, stop on the tree train is Easter, which falls in April this year. Hop to it!

Easter tree - year-round Christmas tree ideas
Source: Nadia Colucci

4th of July Tree

Clearly not something we celebrate but it would be pretty easy to put an Aussie spin on something like this. No cowboy boots needed. Yee haw. We like the idea of an Australia Day tree in January! 

Fourth of July tree
Source: Nadia Colucci

Back to School Tree 

Our American counterparts head back to school in either August or September and how adorable is this tree to mark the occasion? The tree of learning! My fave for sure! 

back to school tree - year-round Christmas tree ideas
Source: Nadia Colucci

Halloween Tree


Halloween Tree
Source: Nadia Colucci

Thanksgiving Tree

So much to be thankful for, especially this masterpiece! We love the use of the different leaves – a cute idea to use to mark the start of autumn too. 

mum central
Source: Nadia Colucci

Even more month by month tree ideas

We’ve got a few more cute tree ideas to ensure you have a tree for every month of the year.

May – May the Fourth be With You

Okay, so technically there isn’t a big holiday in May but we thought a Star Wars-themed tree would suit. 

Star Wars tree
Source: DIY Candy

Nightmare before Christmas tree

A cute idea for November! 

mum central
Source: Kmart Inspired Homes

Summer tree

Sunflowers work a treat to gear you up for summer.  

mum central
Source: Traveler’s Market Events and Teresa Mary

Winter tree

Think cold hues – blues, purples, maybe even a Frozen theme tree?

Disney Christmas tree
Source: Facebook / Walt Disney World – Disney Dave

Looking for more treespiration?

Check out:


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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