
‘My Year Without Sex’: Pink Tells All On Being Married With Kids


Raising babies and keeping your marriage together isn’t easy. Many fight. And cry. Many give up. And many go months and months without sex. 

Even pop stars, like Pink.

Pink’s never been one to sugarcoat life. Whether sharing the woes of expressing at work or inspiring us all with her empowering message to her daughter, she always keeps it real. And this is one (of the many) reasons we love her!

Her latest confession, which she shared during an interview with The Guardian, about her marriage and sex life is as real as it gets. In fact, nothing, not even her sex life, is off-limits.

“Monogamy is work”

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Through their 11 year marriage, Pink and husband, Carey Hart, have welcomed two gorgeous children and experienced two lengthy break-ups (in 2003, pre-marriage and in 2008, pre-kids).

Pink is the first to openly admit that her relationship doesn’t come without its fair share of drama.

Take, for example, her completely relatable, albeit also crazy, ability to love and HATE her husband at the same time.

“There are moments where I look at [Hart] and he is the most thoughtful, logical, constant … he’s like a rock, he’s a good man, he’s a good dad,” Pink says.

“And then I’ll look at him and go ‘I’ve never liked you. There’s nothing I like about you. We have nothing in common. I don’t like any of the shit you like. I don’t ever wanna see you again.’ Then two weeks later I’m like, things are going so good, you guys.”

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A year without sexy time

For many years, Pink’s world was all about partying – you know, the sex, drugs and rock n’ roll lifestyle that is synonymous with celebrities. Now, Pink’s world revolves around her kids and her husband. And, if that means going a whole year without sex, then so be it.

“You’ll go through times when you haven’t had sex in a year,” Pink says. “Is this bed death? Is this the end of it? Do I want him? Does he want me?” She takes a breath. “Monogamy is work! But you do the work and it’s good again.”


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Not many celebrities are game to open up about their bedroom antics, or lack thereof. And not many are willing to admit that their marriage isn’t perfect.

Her honest (and relatable) confessions are more refreshing than a glass of champagne. On ice. Served while watching Netflix. And NOT chilling (because sometimes it’s nice to watch a non-animated movie without your husband trying to get into your pants).

Right, Pink?

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For more Pink action, don’t miss her coming Australian tour dates.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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