
33 Charming Irish Baby Names and How to Pronounce Them


Irish baby names are famous for their charm and confusing spelling. While many people have a hard time pronouncing Irish baby names, choosing an Irish name for your little one is a beautiful way to pay homage to your Irish roots.

There are so many cute Irish names to choose from but we picked our top 33 faves to share with you.

Fun Fact: The most popular names in Ireland are Jack, James, Emily and Grace. Go figure!

Irish Baby Girl Names 

AoifeEE-fah  – One of our top picks for Irish baby girl names is Aoife which is super cute to say but also comes with a lovely meaning of “beauty” or “radiance”.

NiamhNEE-av or NEEV Meaning “bright” or “radiant”, your little girl will light up the world with this moniker.

Siobhanshiv-awn – Another popular Irish baby name that is both elegant and graceful, Siobhan means “God is gracious”.

AineAWN-ya (or AHN-ya)  – Okay, okay, okay, I know it sounds like the Aussie version of Good onya but it’s still pretty cute. Aine means “glow”.

AislingASH-ling  – Like ASHLEY, but LING. This pretty name with Gaelic roots means “dream” or “vision”.

Irish baby names
Source: Bigstock

MaeveMAYV – We debated sharing this one with you. It’s a cute name, but the meaning is a little bit, how do we put it…. toxic? Maeve means “Intoxicating” or “she who makes drunk”.

Ailbhe – AL-VA – Another Irish beauty, Ailbhe means “noble, bright” and, although it has a bunch of random letters in there, it’s pronounced Alva.

RoisinROH-sheen – The Irish baby girl name means “little rose” and what a bloomin’ beauty!

CaoimheKEE-va – This one always spins me for a loop and the more I hear it, the more I love it. Caoimhe means “gentle” or “kind”.

Ceilidh – Kay-Lee – Another doozy is Ceilidh which is pronounced like Kayleigh and is the name of a social event.

GrainneGRAWN-ya (or GRAWN-yah) – Grainne means “love” or “grace” and will certainly have people questioning the spelling at first. There’s something very whimsical about the name though, don’t you think?

EimearEE-mer – This Irish baby name is a very unique choice and a good option for any parents who have athleticism in their genes. Eimear means “swift” or “speedy”.

Sineadshin-AYD – One of the more common Irish names on the list, Sinead means “God’s gracious gift”.

NualaNOO-lah – Meaning “fair shoulder” or “noble”, Nuala is both sophisticated and beautiful.

EabhaAY-va (or EE-va) – Ava and Eva are both so popular in Australia but did you know Eabha is pronounced the same? Eabha means “life” or “breath”.

Eithne – EN-YA – Another stunning Irish name that is sure to trick us all, Eithne means “little fire”.

Irish baby names
What a cute little leprechaun! Source: Adobe Stock

MaireadMAW-rayd –  We had to include this vintage name, which will certainly turn heads. Mairead means “pearl”.

RionaREE-uh-na – A regal alternative to Rihanna or Fiona, Riona means “little queen”.

SaoirseSEER-sha – We’ll end our Irish baby girl names list with a very traditional Irish name. Saoirse means “freedom”.

Irish Baby Boy Names 

AlastarAL-uh-star Alastar is a variant of Alexander and means “defender of the people”.

CiarKEER (or KEER-uh) – A good choice for a little Bub born with a head full of black hair, Ciar means “dark” or “black”.

EamonAY-mon (or EE-mon) – We love this one – it rolls off the tongue so nicely and comes with a great meaning of “guardian”. A great choice for a Big Brother!

Lorcan – LOR-can – One of the only Irish baby boy names that actually sounds the way it’s spelt, Lorcan means “little fierce one”.

PhelimFAY-lim – This noble moniker means “righteous” and is another tricky one that will grow on you.

SeamusSHAY-mus – I don’t know why but this name seems so strong! The name means “supplanter” and is a great choice for a little leader.

CianKEE-an (or KEE-awn) – Another Irish baby boy name that is cute to say and spell, Cian means “enduring”.

FionnFYN (or FYUN) – You’d be forgiven for thinking this was a male version of Fiona but it’s pronounced Fyun or Fine. Fionn means “fair” or “white”.

CillianKIL-ee-an – This heroic Irish baby boy name means “warrior”, a great one for your mighty fighter.

EoinOH-in (or O-in) – Like Owen. But Irish. So cute, right? Eoin means “God is gracious”.

OisinUSH-een – A little sweetheart needs a little sweet name and Oisin is both unique and sweet and means “little deer”.

TadhgTYG (rhymes with “pig”) – Meaning “poet” or “storyteller”, Tadhg was one of the most common boy’s names in Ireland.

CiaranKEER-an (or KEER-in) – Meaning “little dark one”, Ciaran is another Irish baby boy name that brings out the charm.

DarraghDAR-uh (or DAH-rah) – Meaning “oak tree” or “oak”, this name evokes strength and steadfastness.

Not into Irish baby names? 

Check out our baby names section where you’ll find lists of all types of names, including Scottish Baby Names, Lucky Baby Names and Names for Every Letter of the Alphabet. 

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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