
Baby Name Tribes Revealed. Which of These 13 Tribes Does Your Baby Name Fit into?


Finally settled on a much-loved name for your new bundle of joy? Come see which baby name tribe you’ve picked from!

Nup, we’re not talking TV series Survivor, we’re talking baby name tribes. Yep – according to research, they’re a thing. But don’t panic, there’s no tribal council — just adorable names galore!

Because we know you’ll be chomping at the bit, we’ve listed all 13 (yes, there are THIRTEEN!) baby name tribes below. Are you loyal to the one name tribe or do you tend to camp all over?

top baby names

13 Baby Name Tribes Revealed

UK parenting community powerhouse Mumsnet recently analysed over 170,000 user posts, unearthing intriguing trends and connections between all the baby names carefully considered by new (and soon-to-be) parents and grouping them into 13 tribes. Move over von Trapp family, that’s A LOT of names to plug into a database!

So if you’ve got an Archie, a Primrose or maybe even a Harrison or Betty, why not find out which tribe they fall into? Check out all 13 baby name tribes below.

1. Flower Power

A list pretty much reserved for little ladies! The sweet names landing in this camp are beautiful botanical-themed names. Most popular flower power tribe baby names include Rose, Violet, Lily, Ivy and Daisy.

baby name tribe
Source: Mumsnet

2. Divinely Inspired

This baby name tribe is full of religion-inspired names, most often originating from the Bible. Popular name choices include Mary, Joseph, Isaac and Noah. All beautiful names, so listen up in that Sunday sermon!

3. Grandparent Chic

There’s something really adorable about giving your sweet fresh bub an age-old name straight from the grandparents. For the grandparent chic baby name tribe, it’s all about Dorothy, Wilfred, Ava, Alfie and Evelyn.

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Source: Mumsnet

4. Shortened and Sweet

Many of us love to take a name and make it short and sweet. Hello to all the babies named Ben, Katie, Charlie, Theo and Teddie!

5. Royal Babies

As expected, the growth of the UK’s royal family has many of us falling in love with these names all over again. Fit for a Queen, a King, a Prince or Princess, names including George, William, Elizabeth and Victoria belong here.

baby name tribe
Source: Mumsnet

6. Tried, Trusted Traditionalists

Here you’ll find the names which tend to be the top of the pops (or not straying far from it) year after year. Think Olivia, John, Jack, James and Oliver.

7. Cautious Celts

A good solid name or a tongue twister that leaves you scratching your head – it can go either way with a Celtic name! Most popular Celtic names include Rory, Angus, Siobhan and Caoimhe. (Good luck pronouncing that last one correctly!)

sleeping newborn baby

8. Disney Divas

These baby names tend to come to life when you let the older siblings have some input in naming the baby or perhaps you’ve just watched all of the latest Disney films A LOT and fallen in love with the cast. Most popular Disney-inspired names include Elsa, Aurora and Belle.

9. Hidden Gems

Beautiful names with a lifetime of jewellery to match. Popular gem-inspired names include Ruby and Jade.

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10. Old Schoolers

This baby name tribe, the old schoolers, I’m sure is an ode to our own parents. Bless them, they’d be chuffed for sure. Most popular names include Sharon, Sarah, Claire, Paul and Keith.

11. Last Names First

A list dominated by the lads. It’s handshakes all round to the babes named Hunter, Tyler and Taylor. Though to be fair, many of these names have become unisex over the years.

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12. Super Moderns

Is something more modern more your style? Most popular names falling into the super modern baby name tribe include Bear, Jaxon, Leilani and Canary. Nawww sweet.

13. Classy Classicists

Think back to all those classic novels we were made to read when we were younger, philosophers and the like. You’ll find names such as Ptolemy, Persephone, Aristotle and Atlas here.

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Fluttering Between Tribes

Just like in Survivor, you can get away with swapping tribes! After all, naming a baby is TOUGH. It’s super interesting to see what names we’re partial to more than others – and there’s no reason to stick to one name tribe – go with your heart and pick names from all over – Betty, Jack, Prim or Stella – whatever they may be!

Stuck on picking the perfect name for your bundle of joy? You’ll find a whole lot of naming inspo in 100 Beautiful Baby Names for Your Bub and let’s not forget to check out the Most Popular Australian Baby Names. There are LOTS of sweet options to choose from there!

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South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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