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The Daily Dad Jokes Going Viral – They’re So Bad, They’re Good!


A Dad with a whiteboard, a joke book and a little encouragement. What could possibly go wrong? This Dad is making passersby laugh with a daily bad dad joke. And because we all know how bad these one-liners really can be, you can’t help but chuckle (or scoff and roll our eyes).

Aaaah Dad jokes. So bad, but so very good. Sigh. But boy, Tom sure does get the last laugh. His Facebook page, Tom’s Bad Dad Jokes, recently went viral across the world, which is all the encouragement he needs to continue on.

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Oh my. Source: Facebook / Toms Bad Dad Jokes

What started out as a simple act of kindness for UK Dad Tom Schruben, soon turned into a daily task when spurred on with the sounds of scoffs and laughter from the front yard of his Kensington home, he tells The Washington Post.

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I can hear the *boom-tish* from here. Source: Facebook / Toms Bad Dad Jokes

Dad jokes putting smiles on dials…

Bringing a sense of routine to the stay-at-home COVID order, now he and daughter Darcy make a point of changing the (bad) joke every morning. So you’re guaranteed a laugh at least once a day during these not-particularly-funny and trying times.

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HA. IS THIS NOT TRUE?! Source: Facebook / Toms Bad Dad Jokes

Tom even held a Father’s Day competition for the ‘best of the bad’ to raise funds for a charity, Martha’s Table. The prize – being featured on the infamous Bad Dad Jokes whiteboard. WHAT AN HONOUR! The winner, a cracking joke no less.

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Oh Lori. We feel your pain. Source: Facebook / Toms Bad Dad Jokes
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Sigh. (but LOL). Source: Facebook / Toms Bad Dad Jokes

So if you’re a Dad or your partner is looking to add to their bad Dad joke repertoire, share this post with them and let them add a few more hilariously bad jokes to their arsenal. They’re so bad that they’re good!

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Mathamachicken. You heard it first here folks. Source: Facebook / Toms Bad Dad Jokes

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South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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