
Video: Grandpa Teaches Son How to Bathe a Baby Using the Cat


If ever you needed a tutorial on how to bathe a wriggly, wet, newborn baby, this tutorial from a soon-to-be grandfather to his son must be it. Spoiler – the cat acting as the newborn baby absolutely steals the show.

Here’s how to bathe a baby, featuring the family cat. #notawkward

It sounds like an unlikely cast but folks, you won’t believe your eyes at just how at ease this cat is in the baby bath. Sure, the lack of water does help in this particular instance, but you CAN actually see how to bathe a baby. You just have to pretend that the cat IS the baby.

Life lessons passed on through the generations

It’s important to pass knowledge on from parent to child, especially if you’re a first-time parent and that’s exactly what this grandpa was doing.

Here in these TikTok videos, he shows exactly how to bathe a baby, using the world’s most relaxed cat.

@meolaclacTự nhiên Ông Nội lại lôi mình ra làm ví dụ cho đậu đậu…. meo meo♬ nhạc nền – Lạc Lạc

Support the baby’s head and neck with your whole hand, second hand on the baby’s bottom and lift gently into the tub just like so…

Not yet done, in the ‘Part 2’ TikTok video, grandpa goes on to show baby burrito towel wrap actions and how to hold baby securely as you wash their neck folds and hair – all on the cat. #asyoudo

@meolaclacPart 2 😂♬ nhạc nền – Lạc Lạc

Unconventional, maybe. Crystal clear? MOST DEFINITELY. There really is nothing lost in translation here – bathing a newborn baby is universal – we all pretty much do it the same way regardless of which language we speak or where we live. It’s a beautiful thing.

I think we can all agree that this grandpa is not only the sweetest but has nailed exactly how to bathe a baby AND has the MOST patient pet cat ever!

mum central
Wrap the towel like this and wash baby’s head like THAT. Whiskers are optional. Source: TikTok

Of course, if you want to know how to bathe a baby with an ACTUAL baby along with loads of awesomely helpful hints and tips, check out this post on How to Bathe a Baby: Step by Step Guide to Bathing a Newborn Baby. It’s a brilliant resource to have and I promise, there’s no cat.

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South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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