Is there a ‘good’ time to be pregnant? When the stars align promising you a comfortable journey from trimester one through to labour? According to a TikToker, yes, there is.
Drumroll please… the best time of year to get pregnant and the perfect month of conception? End of July/early August.
Mum Love Frances Chie swears that this is the only perfect time of the year that not only lines up weather and holiday-wise but also astrologically if you’re into that sort of thing.
Love Frances Chie shares her reasoning on TikTok and it’s got a lot of people talking with A LOT of people agreeing with her.
Well, there was only one right answer. If you haven’t guessed already, the best time is going to be end of July or the month of August,” she says.
This would mean Bub would be born around April/May.
Here’s why:
Point 1: Holidays
First of all, an end-of-July/August conception means that you’re out of the first trimester by October and hopefully feeling pretty good by the festive season (Christmas and Thanksgiving for American mums).
Second trimester generally goes well with the festive season as it means is you can EAT all the foods and also look pregnant enough that it’s not strange that you’re not downing mimosas at noon with Great Aunt June on Christmas.

And we couldn’t agree more with this point.
Being early-pregnant during the holidays is terrible. It’s hard to have a good time at festive parties when you’re ready to throw up your bland dinner roll without anyone noticing. You can’t even eat the festive deliciousness like rum balls and soft cheese and NO wine for you. But, of course, you may not have told anyone you’re pregnant yet so you have to make up excuses for not drinking and then feel like THEY KNOW THE TRUTH and are onto your lies.
Would not recommend.
Point #2: Astronomy
Next, we have the astrological argument. If you follow the zodiac, you’ll also note that April/May gives you a Taurus baby. Potentially an Aries baby and potentially a Gemini baby.
There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ zodiac sign when it comes to children and many don’t even believe in astrology but if you do, you may know that Taurus is considered a pretty strong sign. But all star signs have their ups and downs so it’s hard to say which is the best.
Love Frances Chie reckons Taurus is the best, but I’m not sold on this.

Anyhoo, Taurus babies are smart, creative, and social, and a little bit stubborn. But they are also fearless, energetic, and active. Have a look at the attributes of April babies as well as the personalities based on your child’s birth month.
Point #3: Seasons
Her next point comes down to the seasons.
As she says,
You’ll have your baby end of April or May, so you’ll get to enjoy your baby the whole summer and it’s great for postpartum because you’ll be able to get out and get some fresh air. And if you’re lucky you might have a Taurus which is the best sign I would say.”

Now, we have to point out here that Frances is in America so her seasons are opposite to ours here in Australia. So, yes, for her, having a baby in April means she’s missing out on the hot summer months (June, July, and August). It also means the fourth trimester takes place during her spring which is absolutely a beautiful time to be outside. Think blossoming flowers, clear skies, and crisp air.
But for us, this isn’t the case. So, let’s reverse the seasons, shall we?
By her logic, the best time to get pregnant for Aussie mums would be the end of January/February.
You’re out of the holiday season, you’re pregnant for the majority of winter and you’re set to give birth around October/November – right before the warm summer and during that last bit of spring.
Do we agree?
It does seem to align, to be honest. But of course, there’s no perfect time to conceive.
But there are some pretty terrible months to be pregnant.
An Aussie mum’s POV
I’ve had three kids in three different months/seasons and I can confirm that there is nothing worse, without a doubt than being heavily pregnant in summer. Except being heavily pregnant in summer in Far North Queensland during a heat wave.
Which was also me.

My first child was born in February which meant I waddled through a hot-arse summer wanting to murder everyone who mentioned how big I was, which was made even more obvious because it was too hot to hide under jackets or jumpers. I spent the majority of my time in the air con at the shops, but I will admit the first few months of pregnancy were a breeze, so I wouldn’t totally not recommend this option. It’s an okay choice. 5/10.
My third child, however, was born two days before Christmas and I don’t recommend this to ANYONE.
Not only does it mean annoying Birthday/Christmases for life, but it was also stinking hot and meant you’re recovering from birth so NO SWIMMING for you for six weeks. This is especially challenging when it’s school holidays, you live in the tropics and your older kids are beach bums. Oh..and breastfeeding during the hottest time of the year. Not fun. Seriously, don’t even think about procreating in March. 0/10. Actually, -1/10.
My second child was born in September, like the majority of all other babies. Fun fact: September is the busiest month of the year for birthdays because it puts the date of conception around New Year’s.
What this means you can still indulge at Christmas time (as long as you’re not early pregnant) and you skip out on being heavily pregnant during summer. It also means you get to wear cute winter clothes for the majority of your pregnancy and recover from birth by the time the stinking hot season returns.
So, from my experience, conception in late December/early January was the winner. 9/10 for me.
But what about you? What do you think is the best month to conceive or give birth?
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Or throwing up half the night and hubby wakes up and can hear gurgling before you’re awake and got the bowl ready to catch it.