Love it or loathe it, another Book Week is nearly here. This year’s theme is Dreaming with Eyes Open which opens up a lot of great book week costume ideas.
While it’s not mandatory to stick to the theme, or even take part in Book Week, it can be fun for the kids and a challenge for us parents who get to put the costumes together.Â

Remember, Book Week is all about celebrating the love of books and characters, so any costume, whether elaborate or last-minute, with be perfectly fine! Your child can dress up as pretty much ANYTHING they want – it’s bound to be in a book somewhere.Â

But if you are looking for some book week ideas that go with this year’s theme of Dreaming with Eyes Open, here are a few suggestions:Â
Basic Book Week Dreaming with Eyes Open ideas:
- Anything sleep-relatedÂ
- Stories that turn out to be dreams
- Stories where the character has a dream or a goal and goes for itÂ
- Tales that involve wild imaginations and crazy adventuresÂ
- Alice in Wonderland – this is a great one for the theme “Dreaming with Eyes Open” and comes with plenty of costume ideas too
- Anything Dr. Seuss, The Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, Roald Dahl, Disney (we predict a few Sleeping Beauties this year)Â

Mum Central picks: 15 Book Week ideas for Dreaming with Eyes Open
1. Where is the Green SleepÂ
Spoiler alert – he’s fast asleep.Â

2. Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Another sleepy tale.Â

3. Peter PanÂ
Escape to the dream world of Neverland. Fun fact about this pic: This is actually twin boys – Peter Pan and his shadow!Â

4. The Wizard of Oz
Another truly fantastical story full of dream-like situations!Â

5. Alice in WonderlandÂ
We predict this will be a big one for book week 2022 – there are so many fun characters to go as and it’s a great ‘dream’ book.Â

6. The Chronicles of NarniaÂ
Another dreamy world.Â

7. Where the Wild Things Are
Get those onesies and crowns out for this one!Â

8. The Magic School BusÂ
Miss Frizzle is the ultimate dreamer!Â

9. The BFG
Sophie in her pajamas – a great fit for this year’s theme!Â
10. Frida Kahlo and Marie CurieÂ
This idea is a little out of the box but we like it – why not go as someone in history who achieved their dreams? This idea opens a lot of costume windows too – sporting players, famous performers, anyone your little one admires – there’s bound to be a book written about them!Â

11. The Cat in the Hat
A Bookweek favourite and one that fits pretty much every theme – there’s nothing more ‘dreamlike’ than this wacky tale!Â

12. Oh the Places You’ll Go
Dream big!Â

13. Sleeping Beauty or Snow White
The original Disney dreamers!Â

14. Paddington
The big dreaming bear.Â

15. The Princess and the Pea
Complete with a bed. LOL!

Even more book week costume ideasÂ
We’ve got dozens more book week costume ideas from our previous Mum Central book week parades.
Check them out here: