
Dad Thinks Outside the Box with this Hilarious Nap Hack


Sometimes you have to get creative when you have kids, especially when you have infants who don’t like nap time. One dad has shared his out-of-the-box idea for putting his baby to sleep and, well, it’s certainly one way to things nap time moving!

Dad Austin Miles Geter shared his nap hack on Facebook, showcasing his creative thinking. Dad takes a cardboard box and adds some pillows and blankets as well as a rope. And viola – an epic little bed that also glides across the floor.

Next-level nap hack

The super simple idea works perfectly to lull his little one to sleep. In fact, Bub is fully asleep within seconds of being whisked around. The reason makes perfect sense too. Not only is the space secure and cosy, but the gentle movement is exactly what babies enjoy.

Dad's nap hack using cardboard box
The powers of the all-mighty cardboard box. Source: Facebook reels

Rocking, driving in a car, bouncing relentlessly around the house – babies love this stuff! The cardboard box nap hack is next level though – no need to get in the car (and transfer) and no sore arms either.

Combine the gentle movement with that very light scrapping sound as the box glides on the floor and you’ve got a winner. White noise is a powerful tool and the scrapping sound is the perfect homemade white noise!

Austin often shares his parenting antics online and has garnered a huge following but it’s his nap time hack video that people are especially loving with over 5.2 million views in the past few days.

One commenter stated:

This made me sleepy watching it. The sound on the floor and the slight rocking of the box. Ima make my husband drag me around in a box at night.”

Another shared:

“Sometimes you gotta do strange things to keep your sanity with the littlies”.

Another mum shared another smart idea if you happen to live somewhere cold and have sleds in the garage:

“My kids pull my toddler around the house in a toboggan sled at nap time. Lol. It was their own idea, and it works wonders!”

Another option for those who don’t have cardboard boxes in the house is a laundry basket. Add blankets and a rope and you’re ready to roll into nap time.

More nap time hacks to try

There are so many ways to get your baby to sleep but sometimes the tried and trusted tactics don’t work. Check out a few of these other nap hacks that have worked for desperate parents in the past.

The Fish Tail 

Now, this one needs a bit of a disclaimer. Using a slapping fish to put your baby to sleep is only okay IF you are watching them. It should also be noted that the baby should be turned onto her back for all sleep as this is the SIDS-approved way to sleep. However, if you are desperate for sleep and your baby loves a good pat on the back to go to sleep, then this fish-slapping toy is a winner. 

dancing fish toy kmart
Source: TikTok

Okay, now that we have settled that, let’s move on to how this works. You see, this dancing fish is a pet toy, designed to make your cat giddy with cat joy. But it also happens to make a very rhythmic slapping, similar to a pat, pat, pat, that all new parents are used to.

Ear Power

According to a viral TikTok, rolling your fingers inside a baby’s ears is a surefire way to get them to sleep. A mum showed us how it’s done as she does a gentle massage-like motion inside the baby’s ears and magically puts her to sleep in moments. Earmazing!

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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